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Author and researcher Jacob Nordangård joins James to discuss his new article, “Externalization of the Money Masters,” which provides a very different take on the rise to power of Mark Carney. From Madame Blavatsky and theosophy to Alice Bailey and The Externalisation of the Hierarchy to Nordangård and Temple of Solomon, you won’t want to miss this fascinating exploration of the occult roots of the globalist agenda.
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Externalization of the Money Masters
The Externalisation of the Hierarchy
Meet Maurice Strong: Globalist, Oiligarch, “Environmentalist”
“Ark of Hope” for storing the Earth Charter and carrying it to the UN after 9/11
A very interesting guest and a very important video Corbett.
Thanks for the intel on Carney.. seems like a real life long bankster
Sadly, I know a few people here that are warming to his propaganda speeches as they are thinking he is “the lesser of two evils” compared to Trudeau or that twitchy zombie lady that likes to freeze bank accounts.
I think these budding Mark Carney fans are gong to be in for an unpleasant surprise.
I just feel it should be mentioned that their tower project will fail, but in the process of building and falling billions of lives will be destroyed, and possibly the human genome, as well. Knowing they will fail is not enough.
Yes – how to protect the human genome. In NY state, our over-reaching government has mandated the vaccination of Amish children against their will. There are around 300 RNA-based “vaccines” in the pipeline. Add to that the genetically modified viruses, bacteria, and foods that are being developed or already deployed, and ponder how our genome is being attacked on multiple unnatural fronts.
Mandated it for school? I was not aware of any mandates for anything except school. Even in tyrannical states like California the mandate applies to school children. If people home school their kids, they don’t have to take them. I don’t think they have any ability for force vaccinate anyone (yet).
Sadly a TRUE story.
I expect the disparity in Autism rates and health of Amish Kids vs regular kids is too much of an embarrassment…..
On the other hand I also hear Amish are registering to vote more now- which could give them a lever to push back with.
The silly idea that we should jot vote grows from how your single vote gets swamped by organized forces/interests and Big blocs- that’s how foreigners have disproportionate power in the UK because they vote as tribes
AA reading article on bloc voting by ethnic minorities, UK.
“The Surprising Truth About Labour Losing Ethnic Minority Voters”
2nd link to Amish Story
You are correct – it’s for Amish school children. I should have included that fact in my comment.
The discussion in the video was talking about a spiritual battle. The externalization of the hierarchy is talking about a SPIRITUAL hierachy of demons–fallen angels. This battle is the entire theme of the Bible.
Our Creator watched as these same fallen angels corrupted human DNA before the Flood when those angels mated with women and created Nephilim and human/animal hybrids that we see in all the ancient religions reliefs and hieroglyphics.
Since this is a spiritual problem, it requires a spiritual solution.
The book of Revelation tells us that there will be two witnesses that show up and the locusts and they will plague this beast system for 3.5 years before its destroyed.
Whatever DNA is destroyed, and whatever humans have lost their lives, can be restored and resurrected to a beautiful paradise earth where God is in full control with this hierarchy out of the way.
The Tower of Babel story should be encouraging as well as the Noah flood, because it shows that he intervened in the past and will do so again.
He will not let these people ruin HIS creation.
Thank you for another great interview.
I sometimes wonder if the occult practices are expressions of actual religious beliefs or if they are yet another means of control. I suspect it depends on your station in the organization.
Recently I watched a video on the coming earth magnetic pole shift, which also warned about the periodic (circa 12,000-year cycle) sun outbursts that likely destroy everything above ground in it’s path. Instead of fear or dread about these pending geologic disasters, I felt a sense of relief, envisioning destruction of the hardware of algocracy. Meanwhile, humans must preserve their ability to reproduce and survive naturally, which we are at risk of losing if we don’t teach and practice these skills. (Shout-out to those who do.)
This was an interesting interview. Thank you very much Mr Corbett.
The Lucis/Lucifer trust sits on the UN World Council of Churches even though it’s kinda backing the opposition.
They are also soposedly behind the Occupy movement- I have seen docs online that support this, but not gone and tried to find the originals.
Here is where I heard it first
They used to do their “Triangles” prayer thing online- it was creepy as F to listen to. Chris Knowles (secret sun blog) once said iirc that they appear to be a hollow organization, full of old weirdos, and hypothesed that they are a holding device that will be filled with the actual cultists later on.
A good source of info on theosophy and Occult organization inside government of the past is Dr Richard Spence (secretagent666, Wall Street and the Russian revolution) who has appeared on many far less serious conspiracy podcasts then the Corbett Report.
Secret Agent666 really reshaped my understanding of hiw power worked in the late Victorian age …. Masonry was all over the civil service and when it got too common the high class people moved into Magic revival.
Funny thing about technology and John Dee is how he had plans to create an Occukt British Empire using “angelic” technology…stuff like having angels deliver messages securely or get info. Sad thing is that whenever people start messing with that stuff it ALWAYS ends ip in the same place. the CCRU people started off as druggie cyber punks and some went VERY off the deep end from
What I hear into Occultism.
The demons are always trying the same spiel, but at the end of the day they can only do as much as God allows them to do. I have no doubt that some people at the top of the NWO are demonized.
Good books on possession are nevius “Demon possession “ and TK Osterreich’s historical overview “ Possession Demoniacal And Other”
Constance Cumby (who was alive last time I looked) was big in breaking the news on the New Age, though it’s not new- just another damn repeat…the sad thing to realize is that EVERYONE
Has been exposed to these ideas- even much of the “truther” conspiracy people believe THE SAME things as the NWO types….i even start to wonder why we keep getting told about an “awakening” and what we are meant to awaken to.
Surprised you didn’t mention the UN’s meditation room: https://open.substack.com/pub/chemtrails/p/the-elites-meditation-room-reveals?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=17lhz3
That’s a crazy read for those interested.
I’m not really interested in these occult themes though
Axioms ! I will let Oxford explain it’s meaning.
axioms meaning https://g.co/kgs/Dh1GVXx
Are they created by reactions to lies, misdirections, deceit? Truths the PTSB have yet been unable to reconstruct, to alter the true meaning. To cement a false narrative.
Are they teflon Propaganda ? Truths that defy the PTSB attempts at desecrating meaning, understanding of a singular unaltered truth?
We find these axioms scattered around like nuggets of gold, placer truths. They are buried under a ton of overburden. Waste rock and worthless debris. I had a conversation the other day about killing as the first thought. First action, first response. I poorly presented the idea of changing that first idea of killing as overburden on ones mind. Propaganda. How do you free yourself of those layers of propaganda, of conditioning? More work to change ones mind than change the ease of a lazy resolution, the final solution. When facts fail, when logic fails you get knee jerk first thoughts , kill, fast , friendly and final? Not really, as say, what do you do when you rely on your overburden to keep you warm but spiritually poor . You of course reject the idea of an axiom.
One that comes to mind is the ten commandments. Guidelines for interactions of humanity. Number 6 is thou shalt not kill. But the lazy mind buried under tons of propaganda will find an exception to rational thinking and say that’s not what that means. It means something else . I keep looking and I’m convinced an axiom is unaffected by the magic of lies, magic words . Shy away from killing is what it has come to mean for the hard of think magician. It took a few years to become the axiom it has become. It’s like collecting a tax you do not deserve. Taking life is theft of what doesn’t belong to you.
James, I have been following your work for several years now and this was the first time I’ve ever had such cognitive dissonance with the material being presented… kind of a whack on the side of the head.
My rabbit hole explorations have been wide ranging spanning well over a decade and it has ranged from Quantum Mechanics to accelerating geopolitical directions (i.e. NWO) all the way to Spiritual and Occult themes and philosophies.
This included my involvement in the Consciousness movement, sometimes referred to as the “Shift” around the 2012 date. I participated in a program by Barbara Marx Hubbard called “Agents of Conscious Evolution (ACE)” with contributions from many people like Laszlo and other like minded thinkers. At it’s core was a shift to a unified collective consciousness in alignment with spiritual values… not getting brain chipped by Elon et. al.
IMO… there definitely is a choice point facing us all… the “unity” offered by the NWO via borg like tech hive mind )or what I refer to as a Soul trap)…. OR a unity of human consciousness thru the noosphere NOT the internet… these are polar opposite paths.
I am somewhat versed in Theosophy but more involved in the break away Anthroposophy… Rudolf Steiner’s The Wisdom of Man. His major hope for the Wisdom of Man was to reconnect with our divine potential and bring in an new kind of science he call “Spiritual Science”.
James, you have shown us many times the WEF’s complete antipathy to things spiritual… highlighting Harari’s comment… all that stuff about Jesus rising from the dead and being the Son of God… that’s fake news. And his comment about humans talking about having a Soul and Free Will…. that’s over. Doesn’t really strike me as anything divinely spiritual.
There is a battle of sorts going on… the two concurrent tracks are; the NWO trans-humanist track and the spirtualist’s track of a unified divine collective consciousness… no WiFi necessary 😉
The second group believes in God, however the individual perceives that… the first group thinks they ARE God.
I strongly urge your guest to see if he considers Mark Carney or his ilk to be more likely to think of humanity as useless eaters or as living beings just coming into their divine realization…. his digging deeper into the “occult” themes may be in order. He may want to take a quick look at Steiner’s book;
IMO the consciousness movement is the path I am subscribed to… the “innernet” not the internet.
Theosophy is the old version of the NWO religion and the AI tech Bros are the new version of the same thing.
At its heart it’s basically the elevation of Man to god hood and a rejection of God….the New Age religionous drive was well supported by HG Wells and the other NWO types of those days and. Theosophy itself is the product of a probable Gov spook.
A good (non religious) source on that is Prof Spence’s book secret agent 666 about Crowley- a lot of the background story revolves around how government types used that kind of thing. Gnosticism, New Age, magic and magick, it’s all tied into the same urge as a lot of science which is why Bacon and Dee have a lot more in common then most people think.
Canada is under probate: https://x.com/MarkJCarneyEgo/status/1901487164921458847
I’m so glad you are talking about this! I’ve been researching the Externalization of the Hierarchy for a while. Couple things to share:
1. World Brain
in order to understand this, you have to read Olaf Stapledon, one of the earliest sci-fi authors. Particularly his books Star Maker and Last and First Men. Stapledon was a favorite of early technocrats and his vision of a planetary consciousness was a big inspiration for early concepts of man+machine.
2. 2025
For in-depth info on this, check out the work of Steven Chernikeeff
book: https://twelvestar.org/2025-and-the-world-teacher-page/
3. Theosophy: best source for insights about their past and present work is Phillip Lindsay:
4. The Hierarchy
The Planned Work of the Hierarchy
The Masters are a worldwide group of executives, adept and skilled in the various fields of work in the modern world, organised into a close network of communication throughout the world, with representatives in all nations, both east and west, and working in the closest co-operation.
The overall hierarchical organisation has three major divisions: one having responsibility for world political progress, or government in its true sense; the second having responsibility for teaching in its three aspects, education, religion and healing; and a third division having responsibility for all economic progress, industry, labour and capital relations, scientific discovery, finance as it pertains to all fields, intellectual culture, and the arts. This third division is the largest of the three, with many different departments of work.
The Masters of the Wisdom are far more practical and realistic than the most efficient big business executives in our modern world. They are far more potent in affecting world events than are the most powerful leaders of any nation or government in the world. They make a constant study of human affairs, watching human trends and human planning for world betterment.
Anything that is really good for humanity as a whole is a legitimate aid to their work and fits in to the fundamental purpose of the Plan itself. For example, the establishing of right human relations between races and nations and groups of every kind; the substitution of co-operation for competition in all departments of human affairs; the growth of the recognition and use of the power of goodwill.
The work since the 15th century has been carried forward by the sending out of senior disciples, qualified and trained to work in these particular fields. A number of such disciples appeared at about the same time, sometimes in different parts of the world, working separately, but producing an effect upon human consciousness. Today, all of the work is interrelated and co-ordinated into one worldwide group effort, and the senior members of this group who are responsible for the implementing of the Plan in these various fields have been called the New Group of World Servers.
from: https://www.lucistrust.org/world_goodwill/world_goodwill_literature_on_line__2/the_work_the_spiritual_hierarchy_the_planet