The Fall of Syria: What You Need to Know

by | Dec 15, 2024 | Newsletter | 23 comments

In case you haven’t heard yet, the world has just changed irrevocably.

After 13 years of battle, the alphabet soup of foreign-financed, foreign-armed, foreign-trained terrorist insurgents in Syria have finally accomplished their goal: the overthrow of Assad.

There are many questions to ponder here. What happened? How did a years-long military stalemate turn into a government-toppling checkmate seemingly overnight? And what does this mean for the future of Syria? For the future of the Middle East? For the future of the world?

Let’s find out.


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    • What links are you referring to of james’ bias?

  1. Rurik Skywalker is a Russia-hating troll (probably Polish or from the Baltic nazi-satellites) and there is nothing “plausible” in his ludicrous ass-essments. Au contrare, citing him as a “plausible” source makes you a troll too.

    Besides that, an important detail which recently was published by military reporter Marat Khairulin revealed how the entire block of “moderate” takfiri head-choppers operating in the Middle East and elsewhere were essentially groomed and trained in the US-military operated global prison-torture-complex:

    “The US, through a special decree by President Bush Jr., allowed itself to be “animals” by calling the abuse of other people the “doctrine of containment.” Its essence is very simple. If an American soldier believes that a specific person represents any threat in the occupied territory, he can imprison and torture him. I repeat, the American president – the same one who always told us about human rights – signed such a paper…

    …What do the Americans need them for? The answer to this question is given to us by the personality of the leader of Al-Qaeda in Syria, al-Julani. As a young man, he went through all the US prisons in Iraq – Abu Ghraib, Camp Cropper, Camp Bucca, and Al-Taji. This is a full course in the American “Hate University.”

    Abu Ghraib is the primary filtration point. If we go back to the example of the Ukrainian TCC, do you think the Americans just grab people off the street? No, and the Americans tested this system in Iraq.

    All more or less suitable men were taken on the street or in suitable places (the same madrassas and mosques). The difference with the TCC is that the Ukrops pack everyone to the front. But in Abu Ghraib the Americans selected the most suitable terrorists…

    …Those who are selected at the first stage are then sent to Camp Cropper – this is primary military training. Then, the most talented killers are sent through Camp Bucca – this is a school for middle command staff. Well, the most distinguished scumbags are sent to the academy of terrorism – Camp Al-Taji.

    For example, all seven caliphs of the Islamic State that invaded Syria followed exactly this route. That is, the US stupidly prepared an army in Iraq to invade Syria. Then, when the war was unleashed, they transferred this system to Syrian Kurdistan.

    Even the smallest details are identical. In Iraq, this case was handled by a special team – the 800th and 205th US military police brigades. The torture was carried out by the 325th US military police battalion (a special unit of military executioners). It is these “valuable” specialists who are now working at bases in Kurdistan.”

    A link to Marat’s article on Substack:

    • Thank you for bringing up Rurik’s character. I still have his substack in my RSS feed, but I read what he posts with a very neutral lens.

      • Thank you ezanee! Initially I didn’t even know of the troll’s existence until James mentioned him in one of his editorials, upon which, out of curiosity based on his “Rurik” alias, I read a few of his unsubstantiated vomits on Substack.

        Corbett might have his reasons for subscribing to an insecure passive-aggressive anti-Russia troll (judging by “Rurik’s” previously closed comment section), anti-statism, voluntarism and all, but essentially all you can find in the troll’s posts is the same kind of Russia-bashing vitriol which nowadays is all-pervasive in dinosaur lamestream “western” media, alongside wild wishful-thinking speculations based on hearsay and “reports” published in those same “western” media outlets.

        Case in point, in the above quoted post he cites that “beacon of journalistic truth” Bloomberg with regards to “Russian intelligence failures” to prevent the recent coup in Syria, which couldn’t be any further from the truth. As a matter of fact, many other pundits (John Helmer, Doctorow, Martianov) have stated that both Iran and Russia had warned Assad of the imminent “Salafist jail-break” out of Idlib (with Russia even proposing to rearm and train the SAA as far back as 2018) and that the now ousted Syrian president had played down and refuted each and every warning signal, probably in an attempt to pander to the Gulf states’ duplicitous games.

        Hence, a much more ballanced assessment would be to claim that Russia might have suffered a setback (it remains to be seen how the situation will evolve regarding the military bases in Tartus and Khmeimim), but that it’s impossible to help someone who refuses to help themselves. Russia and Iran did all they could and in the end pragmatically refused to be dragged down by the “suicidal” Bashar al-Assad.

  2. >>There are so many unanswered questions about what just took place in Syria that we will likely be parsing the events of the past three weeks for years to come.>>
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    It is all pretty simple from my perspective…
    The controllers of the world, and there ARE many working in a collusive manner to take down humanity for an end goal of total human domination are running unchecked now. The Kabuki of Mr. Trump going to do anything about it is a false narrative as long as he and congress keep chanting “Our Friends….”
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    There are two supporting groups comprising all sorts of institutions and organizations.
    The group supporting the supply of war goods and services.
    And the group supporting the creation of demand for war goods and services.
    In the U.S. 40 major war corporations have annual sales of almost $600 billion.
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Here it is the “Deep State” or Neocons led by the same influencers as in the Middle East…

    “Israel controls the United States Senate.”
    – Sen. William Fulbright

    Facts, not hate…What are now called “Jew” leaders are Sabatian Frankist’s who have insinuated themselves into governments, militaries, religions, etc. for a few hundred years.

    “We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.”
    – (You Gentiles, by Jewish Author Maurice Samuels, p. 155)
    – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    “The Jewish elements provide the driving forces for communism”
- Dr. Oscar Levy, in George Pitt-Rivers,
    The World Significance of the Russian Revolution (Oxford, 1920), p. ix
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    “We don’t learn from war; we repeat it. We don’t prevent war; we perfect it.”
    – Heather Mallick
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Just step back a bit and look at the world picture of Caligary (sp) truth of breaking down nations…overwhelm a nation with illegals who will break down the nation from within with a high degree of demand on on resources, etc.
    It is no accident the same tune is being played in all the democratic nations of the world. The Sabatian’s have major influence in governments, media, health, etc. all filled with petty tyrant bureaucratic shills based in greed, power, and control from city governments to DC.
    And of course, they are just the obvious, as to who are over them, I sure don’t know.

    • I just learned about these Frankists last week, and unfortunately for this hell earth, what you write about them being in high positions sounds very likely. I think it’s time for God to intervene now

      • Two things here.
        1. Indeed the Sabtian or Sabateen Frankists do exist.

        *Hebrews (Race) 

        *Jews (Religion, not a blood line, Sammy Davis Jr. was a “Jew”) 

        *Zionists (Political movement with anyone who wants to be as 
*And finally, there’s the Sabatian Frankists (a true major evil of the 
world since before the founding of our nation.)

        Israel was created by Sabatian Frankist’s, who have insinuated 
themselves world wide into governments, military, banking, 
religions, etc. with an agenda of world domination.

        They hold no allegiance to any faith, political party, nation, etc. The 
true “hidden hand” that is talked about. They work on theme of 
”donma” (to turn) meaning they are chameleon like in their 
conquests. Pretend to be Jew, Catholic, German, American, etc. and 
get and hold positions of power and authority to push their agenda.

        2. Your answer to how to deal with them, IMO, comes from the propaganda and mind control that has people give up their sovereignty and self-determination with a belief that others will take care of their issues…Jesus, God, Political leaders, Pop Culture philosophers, popular bloggers, The Lone Ranger, whatever.

        Your life is about YOUR choices from going within and seeking counsel from yourself, not make believe religious nonsense or pop culture foolishness.
        The key phrase one should embrace about this for thought and meditation from the Bible is…

        “The Kingdom of God is within.” The clue to self determination.

        • I appreciate your reply, but I’m not expecting anyone or anything to fix things. This world is what it is, and I accept that. But I don’t like it, and as my curiosity leads me to horrifying information sometimes, it becomes a bit much. Hence the halfhearted jokingly comment about god intervening.
          The world is run by psychopaths, there’s nothing I can do about it, and most people won’t believe that these people exist. Yey

          • As you know comment box commenting needs clarity of thought. When you said:
            >>I think it’s time for God to intervene now>

            If it was…
            >>halfhearted jokingly comment>

            An emoticon would have made it much clearer. 🙂

            I run into far too many on “alt” sites that still carry those nonsense beliefs about god and sin and heaven and hell, etc. hence my reaction.

            The world condition can be fixed but it takes a co-operative pursuit by people who wake up to the madness, stay positive, and realize that one’s power to affect change is most successfully used on a local, friends, family, etc. level.

            If one can understand the population is the “body” then each person can be a “white blood cell” metaphorically and work to heal things within reach. Don’t let the bastards get you down.

            IT STARTS WITH YOU AND ME (song)

            • I’m a man of few words, and very often too few i guess 🙂, and english is not my first language.
              There should be a like-button here, because I like to show people who make good comments that they are appreciated. I’ll just write ‘hear hear’ or something from now on 😀
              I agree with what you write, but I do let things I read or see about war and oppression get to me. And that’s ok, because it should. And I do share my concern and opinions to people in my surroundings, as I think this is the only thing that I can do. I also keep hoping that some day, people will realize that these bastards will continue what they’re doing as long as we let them. Authority is just superstition, but the indoctrination goes deep and I think it’s hard to convince even my friends that we are free if we want to be. But I don’t know, I think I might be rambling a bit now and don’t know where I’m going with it.
              We’re on the same side anyhow 🙂

              • @Bioechanicov
                >>I’m a man of few words, and very often too few i guess 🙂, and english is not my first language.>>

                Good on you friend. It gives you a gift of understanding different then others.

                >>There should be a like-button here,>>

                I agree. “Hear hear” 🙂

                >>….but I do let things I read or see about war and oppression get to me.>>

                I understand. An unintended arrogance happens when one does not understand another commenter is not from the same life experience. I apologize if I have done that.

                >>…these bastards will continue what they’re doing as long as we let them.>>

                So true. The consequence of decades of lies and misdirection by the controllers has taken it’s toll.

                >>We’re on the same side anyhow>>

                Indeed we are. Stay strong and focused on what is really important in life.

                STAY CLOSE TO HOME (song)

              • There was an experiment with comments voting. It failed quite miserably.

  3. Dear James,

    Great article !

    Please correct “Sunni crescent” to Shia crescent which they want to sever.

    All the best for you and your family.


  4. Follow the money. What was generating the most foreign revenues? Captagon/fenethylline or oil, wheat ? Competition is a sin, and if Big Pharma coming off one of the biggest Treasury heists in history lends a hand ( $s) in destroying a competitor, so be it. Not much mention of that. NPR ran a story last night on Assad and his dope operation so you know it’s got to be a distraction to what’s really generating the cash.

    Excellent article Jamisan ! At least you included Skywalkers artical.

  5. Why did the Syrian army suddenly collapse..

    It appears that the commanders of the Syrian army sold out after being given enough money.

    The corruption in the army was already noticed as a problem by those who supported Syria.
    Assad did not deal with this problem (maybe could not either).
    Which is also the reason Russia and Iran did not interfere.

    Described in the first 7 minutes of this video.,-2024:c

    • That makes sense, got to admit I did not see it coming after so long just rolling along

  6. So, just to be clear: Ukraine pounced on an opportunity to help boost a military operation in Syria that they hoped would divert Russian military attention from the Ukrainian front.

    I think you are on it! This may be why there was this large Pause in the West when al-Assad vacated quickly without notice. I had noticed right away the media and governments in west seemed to be thrown off course. There was total confusion going on and even their boy, Jolani, was walking around with a Stevie Wonder look.

    They were expecting an entirely different reaction. This is really getting interesting…

    Thanks for your analysis that never disappoints.

  7. Very illuminating article, thank you. Devouring all your content on Syria.

  8. Thanks for bringing this to the forefront. My diet has been so free of news consumption that I have completely missed these seemingly pivotal events. Reminded me of the national war some 30 years back when, after many years of stalemates and artificially prolonged warfare, the war concluded very quickly after a “brief but brilliant” campaign. The speed of rolling into “enemy” controlled territory was akin to the speed by which the towers came tumbling down. I.e. zero resistance.

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