The Fall of Syria: What You Need to Know

by | Dec 15, 2024 | Newsletter | 2 comments

In case you haven’t heard yet, the world has just changed irrevocably.

After 13 years of battle, the alphabet soup of foreign-financed, foreign-armed, foreign-trained terrorist insurgents in Syria have finally accomplished their goal: the overthrow of Assad.

There are many questions to ponder here. What happened? How did a years-long military stalemate turn into a government-toppling checkmate seemingly overnight? And what does this mean for the future of Syria? For the future of the Middle East? For the future of the world?

Let’s find out.


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  1. Rurik Skywalker is a Russia-hating troll (probably Polish or from the Baltic nazi-satellites) and there is nothing “plausible” in his ludicrous ass-essments. Au contrare, citing him as a “plausible” source makes you a troll too.

    Besides that, an important detail which recently was published by military reporter Marat Khairulin revealed how the entire block of “moderate” takfiri head-choppers operating in the Middle East and elsewhere were essentially groomed and trained in the US-military operated global prison-torture-complex:

    “The US, through a special decree by President Bush Jr., allowed itself to be “animals” by calling the abuse of other people the “doctrine of containment.” Its essence is very simple. If an American soldier believes that a specific person represents any threat in the occupied territory, he can imprison and torture him. I repeat, the American president – the same one who always told us about human rights – signed such a paper…

    …What do the Americans need them for? The answer to this question is given to us by the personality of the leader of Al-Qaeda in Syria, al-Julani. As a young man, he went through all the US prisons in Iraq – Abu Ghraib, Camp Cropper, Camp Bucca, and Al-Taji. This is a full course in the American “Hate University.”

    Abu Ghraib is the primary filtration point. If we go back to the example of the Ukrainian TCC, do you think the Americans just grab people off the street? No, and the Americans tested this system in Iraq.

    All more or less suitable men were taken on the street or in suitable places (the same madrassas and mosques). The difference with the TCC is that the Ukrops pack everyone to the front. But in Abu Ghraib the Americans selected the most suitable terrorists…

    …Those who are selected at the first stage are then sent to Camp Cropper – this is primary military training. Then, the most talented killers are sent through Camp Bucca – this is a school for middle command staff. Well, the most distinguished scumbags are sent to the academy of terrorism – Camp Al-Taji.

    For example, all seven caliphs of the Islamic State that invaded Syria followed exactly this route. That is, the US stupidly prepared an army in Iraq to invade Syria. Then, when the war was unleashed, they transferred this system to Syrian Kurdistan.

    Even the smallest details are identical. In Iraq, this case was handled by a special team – the 800th and 205th US military police brigades. The torture was carried out by the 325th US military police battalion (a special unit of military executioners). It is these “valuable” specialists who are now working at bases in Kurdistan.”

    A link to Marat’s article on Substack:

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