The Lord of the Rings – FLNWO #07

by | Aug 19, 2013 | Film, Literature & The New World Order | 21 comments

The Lord of the Rings is an epic tale of good and evil, centering around a lowly hobbit’s quest to destroy the One Ring with its magical power before it falls into the hands of Sauron, the dark lord. The story is well-known by now, if not in its own right then from the popular Hollywood adaptations of the tale. But what is the deeper significance of the story? What does the ring really stand for? Is the ring a symbol of our quest for political power, and if so, then was Tolkein an anarchist? Join us this month on Film, Literature and the New World Order as we explore these issues with Andrew Hoffman, co-host of the Revelations Radio News podcast and author of “The New World Order and the Eugenics Wars.”

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  1. I too avoid cultural phenomena as much as possible, to avoid being pulled into the hive mind or group-think; to avoid being pulled into the same wavelength as everyone else; to avoid absorbing the same propaganda primers as everyone else at the same time as everyone else; to retain the ability to observe from an outside PoV.
    Once the hype, popularity & MSM focus has thoroughly died down, I’m much more willing to check it out (if it even appears to be worth checking out).

    • Darn it! Another decade til I find out what a hobbit is!

      Seriously though, I was only referring to James’ statement about being even more reluctant to wade into the Tolkien waters once the movies and associated hype began, and that particular cultural phenomena was re-energized.
      The books were required reading in school and I’ve seen all the films. I was just less interested in seeing the films while the hype was on (as opposed to being more interested, which is the norm).

    • Yeah, I didn’t mean to give the impression that I avoid all entertainment and am solely, or even especially heavily, focused on politics.
      The end result of what I outlined above typically amounts to just remaining several years behind the times when it comes to entertainment and being repelled by hyped entertainment rather than drawn to it.
      With that said, I still don’t watch most movies (hyped or not) as most of them are garbage and I can usually tell if it’s going to be garbage based on the plot summary, actors, director and the manner in which it was promoted. For the ones that I’m uncertain about, I’ll often watch the first 15 minutes or skip through the film, watching 2-minute bits here & there.
      Also, video games are my primary source of entertainment. They’re usually a more effective escape from reality for me and, as a major bonus, they improve my cognitive abilities considerably.

      I can relate completely to what you said about the propaganda. Most movies and television shows are being made with propaganda either significantly present or as the primary motivating force for the production, with things like entertainment and creative/artistic expression being afterthoughts.
      I often have to turn off movies because the propaganda is just too nauseating to ignore. On the plus side, it does allow us to glimpse what types of propaganda they’re pushing most.

  2. Peter Jackson appears to be a big supporter of the West memphis 3
    here is a pic of him with convicted child killer echols ….

    William ramsey talks and writes about that case and I’m
    pretty sure that if he is in any way linked with convicted child murderer Echols who is deep into Thelema its not a surprise that he edited out the scouring of the shire – those kind of people are all over political power and what it can do.
    But… more to the topic what happened to the taped talk Tolkien gave where he appeared to predict the NWO? Alex Jones was all over it back some years ago and then the full tape never came out AFAIK….. also on topic is the Abolition of Man by Tolkiens close pal CS Lewis which is so very much a warning against Technocratic ideas in its later chapters.
    sorry for the Youtube link 🙁 but Lewis doodle is worth it

    • 🙂 Glad you liked it…
      re weird disks plenty of times I turn off music and vids with anoying background sounds- dont know if its mind control but it dont half give me a headache

  3. In the Hobbit, the same ring has the power to become invisible.
    It belonged to Gollum, but he lost it in a cave.
    Gollum is a crazy person, who is also addicted to the ring.

    The power of invisibility can also be an allegory of
    the power behind the visible government.

    • Actually it was kinda good of gollum to keep all that power to himself- no one needs to fear a power man guy who just wants to indulge his own crapulence. HIS greed is far more limited and grasping then the zelot who wants to ‘fix’ you.
      Fear the guy who wants to just make a wonderful Regulated predictable RIGHT world… he will ‘….MAKE you be HAPPY, damit.. why wont you hold still…. you’ll LIKE IT REALLLLLLY…..’ because while greed thinks small idealist utopians think big.

  4. Manbearpig
    sharing is caring…. 😉
    sad thing about that movie was that even non-evil people can manage to create a hell because their too stupid to see what just doing their own little self interested thing will lead to.
    The US founders were way smarter knowing that all people are naturally bad and making them fight to keep their own power with each other- after all a flag pole is held up by the Pull of rope (desire), not the push of a hand (duty)

  5. The Ring has relevance only in relation to its maker, and the latter’s nature and stance vis-a-vis the entire created order.Created, as described at the beginning of “The Silmarillion”, by Eru, who first made the Ainur, the Holy Ones, one – and the most gifted in power and knowledge – of whom was Melkor. This Lucifer-like figure upsets the harmonious state of the heavenly setting in which Eru and the Ainur interact in creative endeavours by his desires for the sort of creative power native to the God. Lacking this ability, he becomes perverse in his will, which is expressed by periodic acts of destruction against the world that is subsequently created by Eru, and overseen by the Ainur.

    Sauron is a servant of Melkor, the latter, for his evil acts, the elves give the name Morgoth, “the Dark Enemy of the World.” The same spirit of destructive self-exaltation and desire for godlike supremacy possesses Sauron. It is the same spirit which he invests “The Ring” with. Apart from this fact that the Ring was invested at its creation with the spirit of Sauron,servant of Melkor the satanic figure, the Ring loses its true significance in the novel. Frodo ultimately fails in his mission to destroy the Ring. If not for Gollum, Frodo would have strode away from Mordor with the Ring.

    Of notable significance is the date which the novel gives for the destruction of the Ring and of the empire of Mordor: it takes place on March 25. In the Christian calendar, this marks the feast of the Incarnation, the day when the Eternal Logos becomes man in the womb of the Virgin Mary. In the Gospels, Satan tempts Jesus by offering him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory in exchange for Jesus bowing down to him who claimed rulership of them.

    The allusion to the Incarnation anticipates the sacrificial death on the Cross which Christ accepts in order to ransom humanity from the dominion of the “Prince of this World”. And it is this sacrificial oblation of self, starkly contrasted with the extreme egoism which the Ring tends to engender in its possessor, which spells the fall of Mordor. In contrast,no mere creature was capable of voluntarily relinquishing the Ring to destruction. In sum, it signifies a certain alien spirit, a disorder, which was introduced into the realm of created being, and which no mere creature by itself can truly overcome.

    It cannot be said to signify political power for the simple reason that it is a given in a world which is fast falling under the shadow of evil, and which MUST be carried by SOMEONE to the place of its nativity before the total subjugation of all things by its (the Ring’s) maker.

  6. Having never read the scouring of the shire, I was surprise by the lack of importance given to the cultural moral of the story being omitted by Jackson. Cultivating the good for harvest involves a lot of weeding out of the the bad. The evil always grows back, in one form or another. Having gone through the horror of the war the homecoming is the next job, not to believe its the last job, as your guest sites Sam’s statement.
    This good moral segment, cut from the movie by Jackson, the studio or the producers (TPTSB) wouldn’t ever have made it to the cinema. Too instructional, as fables often are, and that pesky moral of the story truth that usually is rejected by Hollywood for the lie of they lived happily ever after.
    Some of your best productions occur when you let you true self out of the box and have fun. Great piece a work.

    • “..Having never read the scouring of the shire, I was surprise by the lack of importance given to the cultural moral of the story being omitted by Jackson….”
      He made a movie that was rather pro Child Killer Echols of the WM3- I think its safe to assume that any idea of moral behavior and the importance of being responsible for yourself and not helpless before the government is NOT something any media, HolyWood types will every be interested in pushing- I didnt like the books so it was a revelation to me that they held such an important idea

      • What’s WM3, who’s this kid killer you’re speaking of? I assume it has nothing to do with the infamous abortionist Gosnell who even praises Nazi Death Camps like Auschwitz, & uses Pro-Abortion stuff from the Bible (yup, there’s a chunk of of Pro-Abortion stuff in the Bible, especially in the Old Testament).I need to explain that I have autism, I’m Leftwing, & I’m Pro-Life, plus I’m not even religious, but not an atheist either.

        • Robert Smith
          1) West Memphis 3- three young dudes who were convicted (after several confessions) of killing the kids in a weird ritualistic fashion- the apparent master mind ,Damien Echols, was recorded as being a batshit vampire self reporting black magician at TWO hospitals in different states. They were freed after a huge amount of money was spent pushing various counter narratives in the media… a large number of rich and famous people who dont give a toss about the majority of wrongly convicted criminals spent big bucks getting him out of jail (still convicted…) He donated some of his prison book collection to the ‘Crowley sex cult’ OTO and has been decorating his skin with weird magic tatt’s since he got out (Matching one’s with Johnny Depp)
          William Ramsey is a good source- try him on the ‘Opperman Report’ podcast for audio if you dont want to buy his books… also ‘william Ramsey investigates’
          2) ‘… I have autism, I’m Leftwing, & I’m Pro-Life, plus I’m not even religious, but not an atheist either….” Autism is only dangerous if you let your disklike for disorder and high stimulation situations lock you into an overly simplistic rules based way of thinking.
          Left and right wing are terms that arose in the french revolution and as people got killed in the terror its my understanding that the remaining folks would move over to take the empty seats…. and how can you be a non-atheist non religious person? Agnostic thinking is just fence sitting but in PRACTICE your thinking will be in one or other camp

        • Robert Smith
 found a link…edit
          1) West Memphis 3- three young dudes who were convicted (after several confessions) of killing the kids in a weird ritualistic fashion- the apparent master mind ,Damien Echols, was recorded as being a batshit vampire self reporting black magician at TWO hospitals in different states. They were freed after a huge amount of money was spent pushing various counter narratives in the media… a large number of rich and famous people who dont give a toss about the majority of wrongly convicted criminals spent big bucks getting him out of jail (still convicted…) He donated some of his prison book collection to the ‘Crowley sex cult’ OTO and has been decorating his skin with weird magic tatt’s since he got out (Matching one’s with Johnny Depp)
          William Ramsey is a good source- try him on the ‘Opperman Report’ podcast for audio if you dont want to buy his books… also ‘william Ramsey investigates’
          2) ‘… I have autism, I’m Leftwing, & I’m Pro-Life, plus I’m not even religious, but not an atheist either….” Autism is only dangerous if you let your disklike for disorder and high stimulation situations lock you into an overly simplistic rules based way of thinking.
          Left and right wing are terms that arose in the french revolution and as people got killed in the terror its my understanding that the remaining folks would move over to take the empty seats…. and how can you be a non-atheist non religious person? Agnostic thinking is just fence sitting but in PRACTICE your thinking will be in one or other camp

  7. The Ring has relevance only in relation to its maker, and the latter’s nature and stance vis-a-vis the entire created order.Created, as described at the beginning of “The Silmarillion”, by Eru, who first made the Ainur, the Holy Ones, one – and the most gifted in power and knowledge – of whom was Melkor. This Lucifer-like figure upsets the harmonious state of the heavenly setting in which Eru and the Ainur interact in creative endeavours by his desires for the sort of creative power native to the God. Lacking this ability, he becomes perverse in his will, which is expressed by periodic acts of destruction against the world that is subsequently created by Eru, and overseen by the Ainur.

    Sauron is a servant of Melkor, the latter, for his evil acts, the elves give the name Morgoth, “the Dark Enemy of the World.” The same spirit of destructive self-exaltation and desire for godlike supremacy possesses Sauron. It is the same spirit which he invests “The Ring” with. Apart from this fact that the Ring was invested at its creation with the spirit of Sauron,servant of Melkor the satanic figure, the Ring loses its true significance in the novel. Frodo ultimately fails in his mission to destroy the Ring. If not for Gollum, Frodo would have strode away from Mordor with the Ring.

    Of notable significance is the date which the novel gives for the destruction of the Ring and of the empire of Mordor: it takes place on March 25. In the Christian calendar, this marks the feast of the Incarnation, the day when the Eternal Logos becomes man in the womb of the Virgin Mary. In the Gospels, Satan tempts Jesus by offering him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory in exchange for Jesus bowing down to him who claimed rulership of them.

    The allusion to the Incarnation anticipates the sacrificial death on the Cross which Christ accepts in order to ransom humanity from the dominion of the “Prince of this World”. And this sacrificial oblation of self is starkly contrasted with the extreme egoism which the Ring tends to engender in its possessor, and which spells the demise of the bewitching power of its maker. In contrast to the journey of Christ to the hill of Calvary. As signified by the failure of the otherwise excellent fellow,Frodo, to complete his mission, the message is that no mere creature is capable of voluntarily destroying the Ring, which is to say, put an end to the power of evil in the world.

    In sum, it signifies a certain alien spirit, a disorder, which was introduced into the realm of created being, and which no mere creature by itself can truly overcome.

    It cannot be said to signify political power for the simple reason that it is a given in a world which is fast falling under the shadow of evil, and which MUST be carried by SOMEONE to the place of its nativity before the total subjugation of all things by its (the Ring’s) maker.

  8. Great interview and blast from the past!

    I just wanted to comment that I am surprised that the Eye of Mordor was not discussed as a possible metaphor for the dark force behind the NWO.

    We see the “all-seeing eye” motif in a lot of conspiracy circles and literature. While the Masons view it as the Grand Architect of the Universe or Divine Providence…other secret societies like the Illuminati viewed it as Elite whom would be elected to oversee society becoming a secularist, non-religious world with the State as the ultimate arbiter of morals and regulations on human affairs and activity.

    The latter – the original Bavarian Illuminati vision – I often see as rather sinister because of the corrupting influence of power in so few of a group of feudalist rulers.

    I kind of see the Eye of Mordor as the more sinister rendition of the all-seeing eye and its negative influence in Middle-Earth being sort of an allegory for the negative influence of the Secret Cabals of today on international affairs.

    Just a thought. Great material and look forward to more in the future.

    Ethan 🙂

  9. “The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien” – ANARCHY

    From a letter to Christopher Tolkien [from his father J.R.R. Tolkien] 29 November 1943
    [In the summer of 1943, Christopher, then aged eighteen, was called up into the Royal Air Force. When this letter was written, he was at a training camp in Manchester.]

    “My political opinions lean more and more to Anarchy (philosophically understood, meaning abolition of control not whiskered men with bombs) – or to ‘unconstitutional’ Monarchy…

    “…Government is an abstract noun meaning the art and process of governing and it should be an offence to write it with a capital G or so as to refer to people…

    …Anyway the proper study of Man is anything but Man; and the most improper job of any man, even saints (who at any rate were at least unwilling to take it on), is bossing other men. Not one in a million is fit for it, and least of all those who seek the opportunity.….

  10. “Tolkien v. Power” from an article at The Mises Institute
    (In addition, some quotes from the story are in the article.)

    EXCERPTS of Tolkien’s QUOTES
    ~~ “You can make the Ring into an allegory of our own time, if you like: and allegory of the inevitable fate that waits for all attempts to defeat evil power by power.”

    ~~ “Power is an ominous and sinister word in all these tales.”

    ~~ “The story is cast in terms of a good side, and a bad side, beauty against ruthless ugliness, tyranny against kingship, moderated freedom with consent against compulsion that has long lost any object save mere power, and so on.”

    ~~ “Of course my story is not an allegory of Atomic power, but of Power (exerted for domination).”

    ~~ “I am not a ‘democrat’ only because ‘humility’ and equality are spiritual principles corrupted by the attempt to mechanize and formalize them, with the result that we get not universal smallness and humility, but universal greatness and pride, till some Orc gets hold of a ring of power–and then we get and are getting slavery.”

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