The #SyriaStrikes: An Open Source Investigation

by | Apr 8, 2017 | Newsletter | 76 comments

The Corbett Report Subscriber
vol 7 issue 13 (April 8, 2017)
Message From James
James Corbett presents at TEDxGroningenGreetings, friends.Welcome to The Corbett Report Subscriber, the weekly newsletter for members of this website.

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Best Regards,
James Corbett

by James Corbett
April 8, 2017

As you know by now, President Trump ordered missile strikes on the Al Shayrat airfield in Syria Thursday night. Starting at 8:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time, the US guided-missile destroyers USS Ross and USS Porter launched a total of 59 Tomahawk Land Attack Missiles. This being the age of the internet, you can watch the missiles being launched (at a cost of $1.41 million a pop) in a series of YouTube videos kindly supplied by the Pentagon.

For his part, the teleprompter-in-chief handled his ceremonial role perfectly, intoning all the usual poliltical blather that we have come to expect from the Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama/Trump puppets. To wit: “Tonight, I ordered a targeted military strike blah de blah de blah vital national security interest of the United States da dee doo dee dum no dispute that Syria used banned chemical weapons etc., etc., I call on all civilized nations to join us yadda yadda.” You get the gist. (But if you really must, you can watch the whole statement here.)

And, as a man is known by the company he keeps, look at the warmongers, neocons, terrorists and other loons who are lining up to sing Trump’s praises over this glorious action:

Although the full aftermath of the strikes is still unknown as of press time, early reports from the Syrian national news service indicate that the strike killed nine civilians, including four children. Russian sources, meanwhile, claim that only 23 of the 50 Tomahawk missiles actually reached their target, the Al Shayrat airfield, destroying a material storage depot, a training facility, a canteen, six MiG-23 aircraft in repair hangars and a radar station.

Syrian armed forces command is confirming that six military personnel were killed in the attack. The Al Ekhbariya TV channel broadcast a statement from the Syrian Armed Forces detailing the six deaths and an unspecified number of injuries. “The US aggression is a violation of all international norms and an attempt to weaken the combat capability of the Syrian army in the fight against terrorist groups,” the Syrian armed forces command said. “Our response to this attack will be the determination to crush terrorists on Syrian soil wherever they are.”

But whatever damage the individual missiles may have inflicted in Syria, they have the potential to inflict even greater damage in the arena of global geopolitics. In this regard, Russia’s response has been of particular interest.

In an official statement, Moscow has labeled the attack “an act of aggression against a UN member state” and has called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council. Other reports quote a Kremlin spokesman who says that Putin believes the attack was done under a “trumped-up pretext.”

Most worryingly, Russia has suspended the flight data sharing agreement with the US that coordinates the two powers’ activity over Syrian airspace and prevents missiles or sorties being shot down by accident. This was the same communication hotline that the Pentagon used to notify Russia about the strike before it happened. The scrapping of the agreement can only be read as Russia’s signal that future attempts by the US to breach Syrian airspace will be treated as a hostile action and dealt with militarily.

Now Russia is announcing new measures to bolster Syria’s air defense system and expand its own military presence in the country.

However frayed US/Russian relations have become in this age of “Cold War 2.0,” they just got a hell of a lot worse.

In fact, it was only one week ago that everything seemed to be going in the exact opposite direction. John McCain was furious with Rex Tillerson for daring to suggest that the Syrian people should decide what happens with Assad. ISIS was on the run and the “rebels” (read: terrorist insurgency) seemed all but broken. Peace talks were about to put the final nail in the coffin of the six-year-long quest to topple the Syrian government…

…and now this. So what happened? Well, we have two stories to choose from.

The warmongers’ story is that Assad, being the most insane and suicidal leader in the history of the world, decided to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and gas some of his own citizens just as the world was contemplating leaving him alone.

The alternative story is that a Syrian government airstrike on Idlib hit a chemical weapons stockpile that the terrorists had stored there, thus releasing the material on its own population.

Points in favor of the alternative story are numerous. They include:

  • The fact that the previous chemical weapons “red line” incident turned out to be a rebel attack, not a Syrian government attack.
  • The fact that the Syrian government’s chemical weapons stockpile was confirmed destroyed in 2014.
  • The fact that Seymour Hersh has confirmed that Hillary Clinton had approved sending sarin gas to the Libyan “rebels.”
  • And the fact that all of the information about the latest attack has come from the White Helmets, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and other organizations that are funded by and in the interest of the US, UK and other belligerent governments.

So we arrive back at the key question about this series of events: cui bono?

Well, the warmongers get their Path to Persia.

The cabal that started the ball rolling in Syria and created I-CIA-SIS get to push their war through to its conclusion.

The oiligarchs get an oil boost just as an unexpected glut started to bite into their profits.

The neo-neocons are closer than ever to getting their lusted-after war with Russia.

Raytheon and the other military-industrial parasites get a nice payday.

And all those #MAGA Trump train riders get a nice welcome dose of reality.

But it’s not all bad news. At least we can laugh at the sight of CNN anchors being shocked speechless by an unscripted moment of reality.

This is obviously an unfolding, ongoing news story. Please do help continue the investigation by contributing news stories and relevant links/analysis in the comment section below.

Recommended Reading and Viewing

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Open Your Eyes: Social Democracy is Collapsing – FEE
Climate science is pseudoscience + 150 New Skeptic Papers
Swedish Company Implanting Microchips in Workers – AP

Recommended Listening

Philip Giraldi says IC-Military Doubt Assad Gas Narrative

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David Friedman “Global Warming, Population, and the Problem with Externality Arguments”
Who will control this digital space merged with our brain?

Just For Fun(?)

Morii: The Desire to Capture a Fleeting Experience


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    • Tells it all. It was for show and according to my source who is 15km from the AP in Syria, the locals say it was for retaliation for Israeli Jet shot down and has been planned since then including the False Flag gas attack.

      Putin allows Trump et al to save face, Israel gets some payback, the airport is relatively unharmed very little collateral damage considering 59 Cruise missiles were launched. Putin will replace the planes, Assad will fix the Airport, people will forget about the false flag gas attack, Trump, and the war hawks will have their “we’re in charge” moment and Raytheon will need to replace the $83mil worth of missiles spent.

      Win-win and Assad stays in while all the MSM fake news saber rattling makes it sound like Assad must go. If the USA gets into this any deeper and harder I have no doubt Putin and Iran will not let this happen. And Erdogan, well, he’s in a megalomaniacal delusional world of his own and will dow whatever he needs to feed his agenda.

      • One thing that far too often goes completely ignored: preparation for these strikes and large troop movements alike takes time. Deployment takes time. Planning takes time.

        The problem: emotional reactions and public outrage are very short lived.

      • I think you hit the nail on the head.
        I’ve been thinking about for the past couple days and come to pretty much the same conclusions that you have. It makes me wonder if Assad Is going to pretend to rebuild this airport and throw in some makeshift buildings and old planes so the war hawks can waste more money shooting up some more desert.
        It wouldn’t surprise me. Maybe that way we can confine damage to one small location and avoid hurting innocence.

        I think firing 59 cruise missiles was a little bit overkill, and a hell of a waste of money. But maybe the cruise missiles were getting close to their expiry date.

        I have no doubt that Trump new that the gas attack was a false flag. That’s why everyone was warned ahead of time.
        It might be cheaper next time though to send a Assad 5 million bucks to build a target range so the US war hawks will have something to shoot at. In that way lying corrupt fake news networks have something to report. And maybe the war hawks will shut up for a while.

        World War III is not something any sane person on earth should be looking forward to.

        The world is just a stage.

        • “a hell of a waste of money” is heart-breakingly true. I wonder how many people we could feed, how much it would help for education to have $59 million+change. And, shouldn’t we rebuild the homes that were destroyed, and pay for the funerals of the people we killed? I mean it was only 7 people. Oh, that’s right, don’t want to start a pattern of helping. Got it. All I feel about this false flag is that it was money wasted and it cost a material amount of money. I think Trump is afraid of the shadow government who have no doubt made preliminary introductions by now.

    • James, too much INTERNET for you… you said “But it’s not all bad news. At least we can laugh at the site of CNN anchors…” You see it now, right? Darned homophones, anyway!

    • James, what you do is SO important! All wars depend on lies. I believe we can avoid future wars if we can — en masse — see through the lies that are necessary to wage them.

      • I very much agree, AND I think it is happening. People are starting to wonder because it’s not supposed to be ‘this way’ whatever ‘this way’ is to them. I doubt many people had a 15-year war, and bombing the hell out of another country without even talking to Congress about it in their definition of “this way”. I think people are asking questions of each other, and the people that are aware-ish share their opinions and comments softly because a lot of people are in shock sort of (I was); the shock is because we’ve been taught to believe in the government, and many, many people do, so to lay a serious speech on ’em? It will probably alienate them at first, but this issue is so important, when they come back, be welcoming, not snide (hmmm, that last part may be more for me than you).

        The point I’m trying to make is that I agree with you heartily, and I think people are starting to consider this, and we can help them figure some things out and recommending the Corbett Report. En masse occurs one person at a time, would be my guess.

  1. Reply to Pablo de Boer

    Senator Black looks a bit jittery, hopefully he won’t get suicided and/or get a hear attack over an accidental digitalis overdose.

    • That may be a nerve disorder like Parkinsons or something. He needs to take lots of lecithin to start with, then do other stuff.

  2. UN Security Council April 7 – Russia’s statement
    Russia’s UN representative Vladimir Safronkov chides the United States at the Security Council Meeting for destroying mid-east countries and brings up that evidence of the chemical attacks by the Syrian regime is sorely lacking.

    Vladimir Safronkov twitter –

    Wed April 5th at the UN
    Speaking at the Security Council meeting on Wednesday, Russia’s deputy UN ambassador Vladimir Safronkov said that the US-drafted resolution blaming Assad for Tuesday’s “gas attack” in Idlib province was based on “falsified reports from the White Helmets“, an organization that has been “discredited long ago”.
    YouTube 4 minutes –
    Article with photos –
    RussiaInsider twitter –


    Department of State Rex Tillerson statements

  3. Thank you for this James. This is a bit of my research which I feel is relevant to the current unfolding which you may already have.

    “Gas From Israel And The Flynn Wiretapping – Behind The Deep-State Infighting Over The Trump Election” excerpt:

    The former director of the CIA under Clinton, James Woolsey, went to the Wall Street Journal and offered some information (likely some true and some false) on the retired General Flynn and the lobbying businesses he was involved in. Woolsey is an arch-neoconservative. He had worked on the transition team of Trump but got fired over “growing tensions over Trump’s vision for intelligence agencies.” Flynn is the former National Security Advisor of Trump who later also got fired. Woolsey was a board member of Flynn’s former lobbying company FIG.

    Woolsey claims: In September 2016 he took part in a meeting between Flynn and high level Turkish officials, including the Turkish foreign minister and the energy minister who is the son of the Turkish president Erdogan. During the meeting, Woolsey claims, a brainstorming took place over how the Turkish cult leader Fethullah Gülen could -probably by illegal means- be removed from the U.S. and handed over to Turkey.
    The meeting Woolsey described was under the “Turkish” Flynn contract. The Turkish business man, and owner of Inovo, Ekim Alptekin is a member of the Erdogan gang. But hidden at the very end of the WSJ story is the real key to understand the shady network:

    Inovo hired Mr. Flynn on behalf of an Israeli company seeking to export natural gas to Turkey, the filing said, and Mr. Alptekin wanted information on the U.S.-Turkey political climate to advise the gas company about its Turkish investments.

    An Israeli company (or whoever is behind it) wants a gas pipeline to Turkey. It hires Flynn and Alptekin to arrange a positive climate for the Leviathan pipeline within the Turkish government. It offers Flynn more than half a million for a little (4-month long) influence work. His job is to create a “friendly atmosphere” for the deal by using his influence in the U.S. to accommodate Erdogan. A major point that is expected from Flynn is to arrange the handover of Gülen, by whatever means, from the U.S. to Erdogan.

    More at source:

      • Please note that former CIA head and chairman of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, James Woolsey is on the board of Genie Energy along with Dick Cheney, Jacob Rothschild, Rupert Murdoch, Bill Richardson, Larry Summers and Michael Steinhardt.

        The Israeli subsidiary of Genie Energy, Afek Oil & Gas has been given permission to drill for oil on the Golan Heights. Genie Energy announced in January 2017 that it had created Atid Drilling Ltd. “an on-shore drilling services venture based in Israel to drill for oil in the Golan Heights among other places. They will expand the drilling by Genie Energy’s subsidiary Afek Oil & Gas which since the October, 2015 announcement has completed five exploratory wells in Golan Heights.”

        “The creation of Atid Drilling by Genie confirms they are convinced based on the preliminary drilling results that there is something “big” in Golan. A month later, in mid-February soon after Trump is sworn in as President, Netanyahu flies to Washington to discuss US recognition of Israel’s annexation of Golan Heights.

        “A few weeks later, Israel violates the Syrian airspace in an act of war, escalating tensions over the Golan Heights. Then on March 22, in an appearance before the US Senate Defense Appropriations Committee, Defense Secretary James Mattis called for Congress to formally authorize use of US military force against ISIS/DAESH in Syria.”

        Source article at NEO by F. William Engdahl: Golan Heights, Israel, Oil and Trump

        • The Golan Heights are Syrian and are illegally occupied by Israel | December 19, 2016

          Britain, Netherlands and Ireland condemn Israeli violations of international law in the Occupied Syrian Golan.

          MP Tobias Ellwood* the British Foreign Office Minister for the Middle East and Africa, reiterated on November 29, 2016 that the British government regards the Golan Heights as “Occupied Territory” and “[continues] to call on Israel as the Occupying Power” to “comply with its obligations under international law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention.”

          He issued the statement in response to a question asked by MP Richard Burden as to what discussions the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs has had with Israeli officials about “demolitions, settlement expansion and land appropriation in the Occupied Syrian Golan.”

          The foreign ministers of Ireland and the Netherlands also recently condemned Israeli settlement expansion, land confiscation, and oil drilling in the occupied Syrian Golan, al-Marsad: Arab Human Rights Center reports. Commenting on these developments, al-Marsad encouraged concerned parties to take action:
          International concern about the Israeli occupation over the Syrian Golan Heights has mounted since Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed in April that “the Golan Heights will always remain in Israel’s hands” and “Israel will never withdraw from the Golan Heights.” The provocative statements inspired U.S. and EU representatives to assure the world that their respective bodies still do not consider the Golan Heights a part of Israel.

          Israel forcibly transferred 130,000 Syrians from the Golan and destroyed 300 of its towns and villages in 1967 to clear the way for its illegal occupation. Estimates suggest that Israeli authorities deny the right to return to as many as half a million displaced Syrian Golan exiles today.


          *Tobias Ellwood was recently in the headlines as the British MP who is said to have provided CPR to the police officer stabbed during the recent “London Attack” which occurred on March 22, 2017.

          • Act of Revenge. Observations from Syrian political commentator Afra’a Dagher | April 7, 2017

            This is not humanitarianism, it is aggression and it is terrorism.

            It would be completely naive to accept American allegations about the supposed chemical attacks on Idlib which occurred three days ago. It was an obvious and odious lie which America then passed on as fact, without allowing a full independent investigation. Yet America believed it, or at least pretended to believe it and their response was to launch 59 American Tomahawk missiles on Syrian airfield Al- Sha’ayrat in Homs province.

            The Al-Sha’ayrat airbase was the place from which Syria fired anti-missile Sam rockets at attacking Israeli warplanes, two weeks ago. Syria downed one of the four warplanes, hit another and forced the remaining two fighter jets to quickly fly out of Syrian airspace.

            This sent a strong message to Israel, a state which continues to illegally occupy Syrian territory, in addition to the decades long occupation of Palestine.


  4. Donald Trump just proved who he works for (not that was any doubt on this), elections are as Larken Rose said, and the Rothschild’s are getting one more off the list. North Korea is next then Iran. Mean while they get richer along the way!

    Someone please tell me how I’m wrong on this if I am

  5. I’d like to see the issue of “Trump didn’t have the right info” brought into the spotlight. This theme creeps into the conversation from various alt-news sources, claiming that Trump did this because he had wrong information. I mention alt-news sources explicitly because main stream news providers won’t even go as far as claim that something’s off with this attack, obviously.

    Lets consider this matter logically for a second. While it may be certainly very plausible Trump didn’t have correct information, since covert actions or simply truth can be hidden from someone positioned as highly as POTUS, why not honor the proper legal procedure? Does Trump not know he’s supposed to bring this issue in front of congress instead of single-handedly attacking some entity?

    I submit to you that Trump knew exactly what he’s doing, going against the law, common sense and his past statements. Suggesting otherwise only serves to dilute the conversation.

  6. Two items of concern we hear little if anything about from Western media:

    1) The Golan Heights is a part of Syria occupied by Israel since the 1980’s and Condemned by a U.N. Resolution. Genie Oil Company, based in New Jersey, has recently discovered a rich oil field in the Golan Heights. The investors are the usual suspects – Jacob Rothschild, Dick Cheney among others.

    2) This attack comes on the 100th anniversary of the U.S.A. entry into World War I. It represents a major step to the Israeli realization of the Yinon plan (Greater Israel Plan).

    When shall America cease acting as Israel’s bitch?

  7. Oooh, did we miss the fact this attack happened on the 100th year anniversary of US entering WWI? How poetical.

  8. Something is strange here. I watched RT Europe this evening for 2 hours in kind of an endless-loop. The airfield runways were not damaged, no such pics shown. No damaged aircraft shown (despite claims that 6 were destroyed), no radar station damaged shown. All RT showed was a hole in an aircraft bunker, ruble in front of an aircraft bunker, a small crater and some stains on the concrete of the runway.
    Unfortunately that was all in RT-TV so no link available.
    Also on there is no real damage shown in any of the articles.

    Is that all that 23 tomahawk hits can achieve for 800.000 EUR a piece?
    Something is definitely not right here.
    Why does RT not show the real damage if there is any?

    In essence: The US military is seemingly not capable to execute a proper military strike and Russia seems not capable to do proper propaganda.

    Just puzzled …

    What is going on here?

    • The lack of real damage seems similar to the lack of victims shown before the strike on American Television. I saw the unfortunate child in a blue tarp carried by an adult and two adult males in white haz suits plastered behind the talking heads leading up to the strike. The pictures looked like a page out the Boston Marathon play book with less budget to me. Any thoughts?

  9. How can we be certain of the number of missiles that were fired and struck? USAF is known of bombing the same patch of desert over and over again. If for no other reason but to boost stock prices.

    I don’t know what kind of damage can be expected of one such missile?

    Drone footage, satellite images reveal damage to Syrian base

    I bet if you gave me 100M USD I could organize such a mob we’d have that airbase light up as if a solar flare had just hit.

  10. Useful perspectives:

    SITREP: Important update on the US attack on Syria

    Israel Gets Very worried as Russia Is Turning Syria into a Major Naval Base for Nuclear Warships


    Russia’s reaction to Trump’s missile attack on Syria

    Excellent report from Dr. Eowyn about Russia’s reaction to Trump’s Unlawful Syrian strike:

    RT: US missile strike killed people fighting terrorists – Assad’s top advisor – The US attack on Syria’s airbase is meant to “bolster terrorist morale” after the significant setbacks the jihadists have suffered at the hands of the Syrian army over past few weeks, President Assad’s political and media adviser, Bouthaina Shaaban said.

  11. Outside the look on that woman’s face which was priceless! Go congressman. Take that fake news! We know nothing–bottom line.

    Consider this–Was there a strike either direction? Are TPTsB in bed together (Russian, US and China) posing a fake story for a larger political agenda? As I was told last night when the news hit the airwaves, “It’s cheaper to make up a story than actually use the resources and who would know unless they are on the ground in Syria without a bias? No one.” The person telling me this stated, “I’ve made up some whoppers that were swallowed by the CNN listening public hook, line and sinker. No one ever knew. That’s what we did.” We do know one thing, however, it diverts attention from the on-going impeach Trump narrative, WikiLeaks releases, Pedo-Gate and possible arrests of the elites uniting the hawks of war for the profit the elites will surely make on such a move.

  12. Oh! I forgot. As the MSM weaves their narrative they will run lots of images of people running scared, weeping for little babies and generally being polarized into opposing groups in order to create the necessary fake sides scenario to divide us. Tried and true stuff. If the larger public does not buy into the new political narrative TPTsB may feel they have to start a real war to make the usual profits. Let’s hope we can avoid that one.

    I am SO impressed to read the comments herein. Few are being fooled by the MSM narrative. And YES, I’d agree. Watch the stock market in all the acting countries. See who benefits. Thanks James.

  13. VoiceFoArabia,
    Somewhere I read something about Russia doing an EMF jam on the U.S. missile strike. I will see if I can find the source.

  14. VoiceOfArabia, missiles not hitting viable targets
    I think that I heard about the jamming of the U.S. missiles via a comment on this article at “RUSSIA INSIDER”.

    One comment is here
    with links to photos and descriptions of Syrian Defense Systems

    (The comments are very telling. Many folks are aware.)

  15. Another voice to follow regarding the recent chemical release is that of Syria native Kevork Almassian on his “Syriana Analysis” channel, where he posted the below video report, “False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria?”

    Of special note are a couple of observations he makes about the event regarding two tweets which appear to reveal some extraordinary knowledge about what may have transpired. The relevant portion of the video can be found at minute 6 and 18 seconds:

    False Flag Chemical Attack in Syria?

  16. On the military industrial complex angle, let’s remember that in 2014 the Pentagon proposed halting purchases of new Tomahawk missiles, stating their inventory was full. Low and behold since then, between Libya and Syria, the Pentagon found a use for those Tomahawks. Funding for new Tomahawk purchases was restored to the tune of ~$2B.


  17. Bits and pieces ….

    This from WeAreChange …new(er) pieces of information.
    Also collaborates that a weapons stash was hit, but he does not say where he got that information.

    From AMTV – Mentions Chlorine gas… not Sarin

    Except for my laughable memory….
    I have a few thoughts…

    – Tomahawks – are they that awful a technology that only half hit their targets? Or is there a slight of hand?
    – What if US said they used ~50 tomahawks but only 26(?) actually hit. What if this was a ploy to turn around and sell them for millions on the black market?
    Hey, fast cash! Let the tax cattle pay for it!

    If they are sitting on them, they will wait until people forget the missing tomahawks… and then may use them in a another false flag. (Anyone remember the Malaysian plane just like the MH370 was spotted in Israel before flight MH17 was shot down in Ukraine?)

  18. Was this a set-up from the get go? Was this whole Presidential campaign a long end play to dupe alternative anti-system conservatives?

    * – “long end” or “long con” – a “short con”, or a one-time scam takes the mark for the money they happen to have on hand. “Con” here is a shortening of “confidence trick”, in which a dupe hands over valuables as a token of confidence or trust in a con man (or woman, as the case may be). Opposed to the short con is the long end, also known as the big con, the long con, and the long game. The long end is more complex than the short con and can take months or even years.

    James Corbett repeatedly warns about this. Examples:
    …whether James prefers Hillary or Donald?
    …Trump promises to drain the swamp

    Comment Boards
    You can see the disappointment in many Trump voters in reaction to this Syrian / Russian fiasco.
    Many folks voted for Trump, because they were afraid Hillary was going to continue her evil corrupt ways and bring us to the brink of war with Russia. Trump was seen as a choice against this warmongering corrupt agenda.
    In a way, Hillary was the short con. Trump was the long con.

    The agenda of Syria’s destruction had never changed. The agenda of rattling sabers against Russia or China had never changed.

    The long con was that Americans were duped into thinking that they had a choice on the agenda.

    (It is interesting to note, that the chemical false flag and missile strikes corresponded with the President of China’s visit.)

  19. Tomahawk Launches Practiced by U.S. Before Trump Gave Go-Ahead

    Other interesting tid-bits besides the headline…

    * There is a whole paragraph that sounds like an ad for Raytheon Missiles. Why is this included in the article?

    The U.S. used the latest-model Tactical Tomahawks, which can be redirected in mid-flight, transmit images to commanders and loiter over a potential target area, according to accounts by U.S. military officials who briefed reporters or spoke in interviews.

    * Military was chomping at the bit to make this strike. They passed along the execute order before there was even written authorization from the WH.

    Once Trump gave the go-ahead order for the Tomahawk strike, the operation moved at a rapid pace. Shortly after 4:35 p.m. New York time on Thursday, Army General Joseph Votel, the head of Central Command, received a call from Marine Corps General Joe Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, telling him to execute the attack. Votel, who was at an event on the U.S. East Coast, passed the order on via a secure video link even before the White House’s written authorization, according to one of the officials.

    * Navy is ordering its last 100 Tomahawks.

    The Navy says it’s buying the last 100 Tomahawks this year before ending production in favor of upgrades to the inventory and starting development on a successor “Next Generation Land Attack Weapon.”

  20. I am no good at geopolitics, I am merely a reader here. But I know of this french site, I am just posting the owner’s opinion here : what can be interesting, is that Thierry Meyssan repeats (in french) exactly what he writes, during the talk with the Pravda reporter : if I learned correctly how this works, this may look like a confirmation with plausible deniability from the Russian government ? The Pravda being an official outlet of the Russian governement.

    Donald Trump asserts his authority over his allies, by Thierry Meyssan

  21. I find it so encouraging that comments sections on MSM articles seem to have a greater proportion of awake people vs sheeple now. For example, channel 4 news effort on the chemical attack – have a look at the comments:

  22. Off topic…

    == Corbett Report Episode List on ==

    The Corbett Report website is wonderful. I’ve found its search function to be wanting on several occasions. I don’t believe this is James’ fault. I don’t know if what I propose is any kind of ‘solution’ or even practical beyond further Corbett Report promotion and awareness. I’ve been thinking about this for months:

    I propose to create a grand episode list (and/or several grand episode sub-sorted lists) about the Corbett Report. Not only would I like to include the topics, subject, names of people involved, interviewed, etc, but I’d also hope there’d eventually be summaries, insights, etc. Maybe transcript excerpts, but not necessarily in entirety, especially if it’s all on TCR. Of course everything would all link back to source articles, pages, videos, etc on The Corbett Report, YouTube, Global Research, NewsBud, etc. The purpose would be another searchable array, more presence on the interweb, and another redirecting channel to your, er, channel. This is potentially another internet foothold in the face of overwhelming censorship. NOT a replacement by any stretch, not even a copy, mirror, or alternative – this is ONLY organized supplemental listings and cross-listings.

    Full disclosure: I have nothing to do with Vox Day, the Alt-Right, Nazis or anything like that. (I’m an Anarcho-Marxist.) I hear Vox Day owns and funds InfoGalactic. There may be stuff that I don’t like and some that I do. On the discussion page someone is adding Rudolf Hoess cited information that is censored elsewhere. I don’t care. I do care that I got banned from Wikipedia for a year. I do care that I can finally freely publish information about Truthers, James Corbett, Lionel, etc. I have no stock in InfoGalactic other than that of freedom of and access to information, good bad and ugly.

    Is this something James Corbett can condone?

    Can James Corbett provide a Corbett Report site map (no hurry)?

    Is this something James can help with now and then (if necessary)?

    Is there any way this is not a good idea?

    Feedback, please…


    Interesting article from Global Research for 2 reasons:

    1. If Trump and all his senior staff knew this would end up being viewed as a blatant war crime, is it actually being used with Trump’s agreement as a way for him to exit office? Has he decided he can’t hack it as the Head Of the Swamp, but doesn’t want to go under the pretence of Russian hacking? So this offers a way to go out while saying “I was doing what I thought was right on humanitarian grounds”? (Plus I was acting on US Government info).

    2. It is amusing to see how it finally takes an incident like this to shatter the author’s illusions of Trump-hope-and-change: “Whatever hope I had that Donald Trump would be a new kind of President, that hope is extinguished. He is a child and a moron. He committed an act of war without justification.” – Colonel W. Patrick Lang (retired senior officer of U.S. Military Intelligence and U.S. Army Special Forces)

  24. Agreed – I’ve seen a few articles explaining that the target was insignificant and lots of warning given so valuable assets were moved anyway (GSBE outlined it well above with the MoonOfAlabama article). Perhaps this from Global Research helps explain – Russia’s fifth column still desperately trying to achieve cooperation with Washington:

  25. James,initially this looked like an open and shut case of a False Flag to escalate the war on Syria because Assad was nearer to taking control of Idlib putting him on the precipice of closing out the terrorists where they have been in control for a long time. Using CW would be highly counterproductive and would give the the Empire reason to intervene. Then I saw this from The Saker “SITREP: Important update on the US attack on Syria”: It took a lot of luster off of devastation of the attack. Then today I saw two articles that support Saker’s idea. Moon of Alabama has this today directly supporting Saker’s thesis: “The Khan Sheikoun Show Was Trump’s Production”; Then I saw Robert Parry’s article on Consortium News: “Trump’s ‘Wag the Dog’ Moment”; This seems to fit Trump’s MO, rope the dupes in then come down with the hammer and make them look foolish. The attack dogs are now eating out of his hand. Russiagate is going nowhere and when it finally ends with a big nothingburger they will look dumber than ever. Another thing, yesterday’s Gainesville Fishwrapper had a picture of USS Porter leaving Rota, Spain on the 31st so this was a pre-planned event. Here is another F/U article at The Saker on the missile failures:

  26. I did a submission and I must have closed the page w/o submitting it so here are the links:
    The Saker: “SITREP: Important update on the US attack on Syria”:

    Moon of Alabama: “The Khan Sheikoun Show Was Trump’s Production”:

    The Saker: “Syria US missile strike Naval Brief NB 05/17 April 08, 2017 by LeDahu”:

    Robert Parry at consortium News: “Trump’s ‘Wag the Dog’ Moment”:

    Yesterday’s Gainesville, Fl Fishwrapper had a picture of the USS Porter leaving Rota, Spain on the 31st, shortly before the attack meaning this was pre-planned.

    Russia Insider had this today: “Syrian Warplanes Take Off From Air Base ‘Destroyed’ by US Missile Strikes”:

  27. I just wanted to share a link that happened to be shared by one of my friends. I believe her exact wording had to do with “show that you actually care,” while the description went on to talk about the “need for hazmat suits by doctors to help the children”…needless to say, I decided to click on the link and found that it was asking for donations, obviously. I went to the tab labeled “The Conflict” and found the FIRST sentence to read “In 1971, the Assad family took power and ruled by force for 40 years, barring freedom of expression, and committing massive human rights violations.” (And so on..) Interesting….Furthermore, I noticed the bottom of the home page said “All your donations are tax exempt thanks to our fiscal sponsor: Kavod (a Jewish Organization). Considering articles such as: – this just seemed interesting and worth sharing.

    Here is the link:

  28. InfoWars Poll What Do You Think About Trump’s Syrian Strike?

    When I voted “bad”, these percentages came up.

    GOOD – 13%
    BAD – 66%
    NOT SURE YET – 10%

    Alex Jones has some characteristics which I don’t care for. (Bullying, compulsively and constantly interrupting guests, exaggerating facts, being alarmist, using generalities like “It’s everywhere!”, capitalizing on “rage type emotions”, etc.)

    Back around 2006 with the truth of 9/11 starting to ramp up, some of these characteristics might have helped rally people. But now, a decade later, these characteristics generally marginalize the alternative media.

    To Alex Jones’ credit, here is part of that famous 2006 9/11 Truth LA Conference shown on CNN. That summer, “Google Searches” for the topic “9/11” broke records.

  29. Very interesting suggestion VoiceOfArabi! Where do you track voting history for security council meetings? Would love to contribute

    • “Obama was so timorous, and post-Bush America so traumatised, that he allowed Syria to get away with gassing its citizens to death on a mass scale. Obama said that the use of chemical weapons by Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad was a “red line”, but he crossed it and there were no consequences. So he kept doing it.”

      “The very day after the Syria strike, reports emerged that the Syrian regime was using chlorine gas, in barrel bombs dropped from helicopters, on rebel-held areas.

      “If these prove true, Assad still has not learnt his lesson. Will Trump follow through?”

      Cheerleaders for more death and destruction from all sides. Thankfully James and others are telling truth, though seems the majority lap up the same lies again and again….

  30. The claims made in this article are misleading. The reports say the U.S. trained the rebels in how to “monitor and secure [chemical weapon] stockpiles and handle weapons sites and materials.”
    To me this doesn’t sound like they trained the “rebels” in how to fire these weapons but rather how to contain them so they can’t be fired. I assume the U.S. could have trained the rebels in how to do this but the evidence in this article doesn’t support that claim. Yet the author keeps purporting it without evidence. Just annoying to see.

    Politifact retracted a story it published in 2014 titled, “Kerry: We got ‘100 percent’ of chemical weapons out of Syria.” John Kerry, then Secretary of State, told NBC’s Meet The Press on July 20th, 2014, “we struck a deal where we got 100 percent of the chemical weapons out.”

    Upon learning of Kerry’s claim, Politifact investigated, even asking the State Department for more information. The department pointed Politifact to Ahmet Üzümcü, director general of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, who said in a statement, “The last of the remaining chemicals identified for removal from Syria were loaded this afternoon aboard the Danish ship Ark Futura.” Fast-forward three years, and we now know that statement cannot possibly still be true — or at least not very helpful to the official narrative. After it was alleged that Bashar al Asad’s government used chemical weapons against innocents this week, Politifact withdrew its article from its site.


  32. March 23, 2017 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov openly criticizes the U.S. “managed chaos technology” (e.g. Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan ) and how the Afghan OPIUM production has increased. Also, he discusses the elite globalists and trans-national corporations.
    Segued from


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