The Weird DARPA/Facebook “Coincidence” You Never Heard About

by | Jul 5, 2018 | Videos | 32 comments

Ever hear about “Lifelog?” You know, the DARPA project to create an automatically updated, itemized, organized, electronic list of every interaction you have, every event you attend, every place you go and everything you do? The project that was announced as canceled the very same day Facebook launched? Well, neither had I? In today’s Thought for the Day we explore the Lifelog/Facebook “coincidence” and what it tells us about our wired world.

Watch this video on BitChute / DTube / / YouTube


Ever notice how accepted it is that we are constantly being spied on?

Pentagon Kills Lifelog Project

DARPA’s original solicitation for Lifelog



  1. Bryan Lunduke had a linux fest talk (available on Youtube) “their watching you” where he shows google earth pics and works out how much Data they can store in the NSA data centre in Utah (lots and lots …. and then some)
    His “internet of things is going to destory us all” goes over the IOT devices people are putting in their homes.
    As to your TV n linux enable crock-pot if you have any smart tec (which your shouldnt)then just run it off a power strip and TURN IT OFF when not in use.
    You have ultimate control over what you allow them to know by the services you use. That said they WANT you to think they can see your nose hair growig when in fact they prob are way stupider and less efficient then that in real life… the Panopticon depends on all the prisoners self- modifying due to fear.
    Its fear of looking weird or being not liked that stops (or ‘makes’) people doing what they know they should (or shouldnt) do

  2. James, excellent video and subject matter. After all, how can people complain if they demand their servitude and surveillance? But on another note, the video you posted of this on BitChute disappeared on me. I think it was the Russians. JimBob who hopes the Russians don’t start interfering with BitChute elections.

  3. In a democracy, or representative oligarchy, all this technology looks like a good idea so long as its use is illegal re private citizens but mandatory for holders of public office. This might be a worthwhile meme to push — that public office holders should be subject to much greater scrutiny than private citizens, that the technology is available to accomplish this, and that it ought to be published on a regular basis in easily digestible formats.


    I’m thinking in terms of rational alternate directions for public discussion of surveillance topics

  4. I was searching for “current events” for a project, and found this.

    You really couldn’t make this up:

    The New York Times Summer Contest Winner: Week 1: On ‘The Rich Are Planning to Leave This Wretched Planet’

    Written by a teenager… my how things have changed…

  5. Just a few quick thoughts:

    I found a comment interesting on the reddit thread, in regards to Facebook and social media generally the redditor said, “Yep, they weaponized the ego.” I think this applies to a lot of people.

    From the DARPA proposal:

    LifeLog generates multiple layers of representation at increasing levels of abstraction. The input data streams are abstracted into sequences of events and states, which are aggregated into threads and episodes to produce a timeline that constitutes an “episodic memory” for the individual. Patterns of events in the timeline support the identification of routines, relationships, and habits.

    This struck me a bit because even Facebook itself calls the users’ data stream the “timeline” or “story”. It’s very creepy how similar Facebook’s functions are to LifeLogs’s objectives, down to similar phrasing and words.

    A couple of times while reading the LifeLog proposal I chuckled at how brazzen and audacious these DARPA weasels are in their overall mission of this project. That they set out to catalog every aspect of a human’s life without their permission just simply leaves me without words.

    • But they DO get permission every time you sign on to FB. JimBob who is always amazed at how humans will insist they need to be enslaved as it’s just so fashionable.

  6. I would love to have an open source app that I could put on my phone for tracking Kleptocrats. Perhaps KleptoTrak might be a good name for it.

    It would use facial recognition to compare people in a crowd with the faces of known documented Kleptocrats.

    Once a Kleptocrat is identified, it could alert the other subscribers to their position and have the option to bring up a Wiki page with the details of their crimes against humanity.

    It could include a time line of where your favorite Kleptocrat has been.

  7. I’ve received several emails and messages from people who have heard about the flooding in western Japan. Thank you very much for the concern. We are right in the midst of the flooding but our area has been spared. Many others are not so lucky. More rainfall is expected this weekend so wish us and all those who have been affected luck.

    Thank you all again for your concern and I will keep you updated.

  8. Just wanted to remind everyone, before it fades from our collective memory, that Facebook started as a networking site for university students.
    The site was actually regarded by the vast majority of people online (who had heard of it) as lame because of its dull name, dull site design, exclusivity and government-style demand for real identify verification.
    It was actually MySpace that introduced everyone (and got them addicted to) unwittingly building an intelligence database of personal information & real-life acquaintances.
    The users of MySpace were then later rapidly herded over to Facebook.
    I say ‘herded’ because it was completely inorganic and clearly orchestrated by higher powers using two primary tactics:

    1. They flooded MySpace with fake profiles to the point of nuisance; to the point of making users crave a site that had its roots in identification verification (something that used to be a major turn-off).

    2. They used bots & shills to give everyone the impression that Facebook, despite its dull name, dull design and virtually zero customization, was the new cool place to be; and MySpace was now yesterday’s news (like a dead fad/meme). This was the primary tactic they used – flooding MySpace with fake profiles just helped things along.

    • I’m not certain if that’s exactly how it happened, but it sounds just about right. I never was part of the myspace thing, I have maybe opened up a few links to that site, but it does represent a staging ground for something like facebook. Similarly will probably be said about the platform which will replace facebook down the line. Think about “the circle” movie.

      Way back then anonymity on the internet stood for something and it had its allure. Then these sites showed up and somehow a varying degree of your life was online, people peering in through the window you opened yourself. Along the massive data collection going on the background thing blah blah blah

      On a few occasions I’d bring up this tidbit of information to people when talking to them in person, when the subject was something broadly related to this, but I never got any meaningful comments to stating something along the lines of “you know, before facebook identifying people online wasn’t taken for granted.” I think Blizzard studios had a forum back in the day where they started requiring people to use their real life names as display handles. Of course, there was an uproar over that, today nobody would blink an eyelid.

  9. Hi James,
    Just stumbled upon a lecture fron Prof. Rainer Mausfeld. He mentioned some great articles pertaining to the topic of how social media is becoming used as a weapon.

    For example:
    British army creates team of Facebook warriors – The Guardian 2015

    Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab Partners with Facebook to Combat Disinformation in Democratic Elections – Atlantic Counsel May 2018

    And Microsoft has now its own “Special Forces”
    Announcing the Defending Democracy Program – Microsoft April 2018

    It’s all out there, and most just do not know…. or care.

  10. Hi James,
    Just stumbled upon a lecture fron Prof. Rainer Mausfeld. He mentioned some great articles pertaining to the topic of how social media is becoming used as a weapon.

    For example:
    British army creates team of Facebook warriors – The Guardian 2015

    Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab Partners with Facebook to Combat Disinformation in Democratic Elections – Atlantic Counsel May 2018

    And Microsoft has now its own “Special Forces”
    Announcing the Defending Democracy Program –

  11. Hi James,
    Just stumbled upon a lecture fron Prof. Rainer Mausfeld. He mentioned some great articles pertaining to the topic of how social media is becoming used as a weapon.

    For example:
    British army creates team of Facebook warriors – The Guardian 2015

    Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab Partners with Facebook to Combat Disinformation in Democratic Elections – Atlantic Counsel May 2018

    And Microsoft has now its own “Special Forces”
    Announcing the Defending Democracy Program –


  12. Hi James,
    Just stumbled upon a lecture fron Prof. Rainer Mausfeld. He mentioned some great articles pertaining to the topic of how social media is becoming used as a weapon.

    For example:
    British army creates team of Facebook warriors – The Guardian 2015

    Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab Partners with Facebook to Combat Disinformation in Democratic Elections – Atlantic Counsel May 2018

    And Microsoft has now its own “Special Forces”
    Announcing the Defending Democracy Program – Microsoft April 2018


  13. Thank you James for this article/video and ashley for your comment.
    I have learned a lot, not from the article/video per se, but from the information I gleaned after thinking about ashley’s comment.

    Something led me to the bottom of the comment screen where I found this:
    “This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.

    Well I started to go down the Akismet rabbit hole and low and behold this is some of the information I found:

    “Site Comments: When a visitor leaves a comment on a Site, we collect that comment, and other information that the visitor provides along with the comment, such as the visitor’s name and email address.

    “Technical Data from a Visitor’s Computer and Etcetera: We collect the information that web browsers, mobile devices, and servers typically make available about visitors to a Site, such as the IP address, browser type, unique device identifiers, language preference, referring site, the date and time of access, operating system, and mobile network information.

    “Location Information: We may determine the approximate location of a visitor’s device from the IP address. We collect and use this information to, for example, tally for our Users how many people visit their Sites from certain geographic regions. If you’d like, you can read more about our Site Stats feature for sites and Jetpack sites.”

    “Legal Requests: We may disclose Site visitor information in response to a subpoena, court order, or other governmental request. For more information on how we respond to requests for information, please see our Legal Guidelines.

    So James, given the nightmare scenarios you frequently write and talk about on your site re: privacy rights of individuals being obliterated, being tracked 24-7 etc. might you consider using another comment software provider?

    I didn’t know personally (and I’m sure most other users here didn’t either) that my e-mail address, name, comments and other personal info were being provided to Automattic.

    • Good points, Fawlty Towers. If anyone knows a spam filter plugin for WordPress that somehow doesn’t collect comments I’m all ears. Alternatively, I can just turn off the spam filter if you’d prefer.

      • “Alternatively, I can just turn off the spam filter if you’d prefer.”

        God forbid! Then, in addition to arriving late to read and navigate a conversation displayed in reverse chronological order & according to varying karma ratings, we’d also have to sift through reams of ads linking to fake Louis Vuitton bags and hormone-enhancing drugs!

          • So sorry I’m just now responding, MBP. For the last few days, I’ve not been able to attend to my usual habits, but life is back to normal now.

            Yes, I did feel something! How exciting! Just yesterday, out of the blue, I had this intense heating sensation, but as I recently turned 50, I wondered if I was experiencing my first hot flash. I prefer to believe it’s the close karma since riding the wave with you is much more fun. I’ll do my best to keep up!

      • I doubt you’ll manage to find a spam filter that doesn’t collect the IP address, there are blacklists for this kind of thing. Several times I’d run into an IP address served to me by my ISP with which I’d be denied access to certain sites. One router reboot and off the problem went.

        Probably the only reliable way is to create a filter of your own, something that would block comments following a rule list. What would this list look like, that I do not know. Multiple links, links to certain sites?

        How much spam do you get in the comments section? There are some really nifty ways of dealing with spam bots, you know. Some of which are downright stupid, but they are effective, as long as you’re dealing with an automated spambot written by a lazy person.

        Turn it off for a weak and see what happens. My guess, we’ll see a lot less of these double and quadruple posts.

      • Yes and yes, but spam still gets through. It’s literally impossible given the settings I maintain on the site, but spam still appears. If I didn’t know better I’d say WordPress deliberately writes the code in a weak form to necessitate using a spam filter. Anyway, I’m happy to turn off the spam filter if the subscribers are happy with that. Since there are thousands of subscribers it would only be fair to see if there is general interest in that.

        If you want to see the spam filter turned off, please upvote this comment.

        • I tried to down-vote this one just to get my point across, but apparently I have no karma and can’t down-vote. Really? JimBob who has no karma at 95.

          • I think telekenisis only starts at 99 karma. Hoping to get something out of all this karma one day. Don’t even have enough to downvote…..A sad day in karma history. JimBob who is not volunteering for spam patrol either as he has enough problems with his own accounts.

        • The moderation question would be simply resolved by down voting.
          And, of course, people will need to assume responsibility following various links around. But like I said, simple filters can be implemented without any data collection.

          • I tried to downvote Mr. Corbett, but I don’t have enough karma. It actually said that. Or words appeared. I think it’s a diabolical plot by the Russians, but what do I know? JimBob who has already eaten that lovely bass he got yesterday. It was delicious!

    • A while back, I read some of the stuff about “Akismet”.
      Faulty Towers has some good points, but as Corbett notes, there are dilemmas involved.

      I am game for whatever folks decide to do about this, whether try some alternative or “wait until a potential viable solution” comes into to view.

      After all, the entire system envelopes us, and often in some way affects us while undermining our volitional control.
      Piece by piece, we can find aspects which offer solutions towards regaining our volitional control in some way.

      In short, I am not bent out of shape because of “Akismet”.

    • They had FB in 95? I still didn’t have anyone to email back then. In fact, I first got on the internet in 92 (Prodigy at long distance rates and an incredibly slow speed, with a super long string of random numbers for a password assigned (and immediately hacked) and no pictures). I remember in 98, when they started getting video (and then porn launched the internet for sure!), but I never got on FB until about 09. JimBob who always gets reminded about how he has always been behind the curve no matter how much quicker he gets to it than the crowd he runs around with.

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