What Are Show Notes? – Questions For Corbett #076

by | Apr 28, 2021 | Questions For Corbett | 20 comments

So what are show notes and how do I access them? And why should I bother anyway? Join James for this important edition of Questions For Corbett where he explains one of the most important aspects of his work.

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds.com / OdyseeYouTube or Download the mp4

Interview 1632 – James Corbett on Unregistered

CIA mines ‘rich’ content from blogs

Episode 397 – Exposing Biden’s SECRET Plans!!!

How Joe Biden Plans To Make The American Empire Great Again

Interview 1631 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

Episode 210 – Hunting the Octopus

Episode 399 – Phew

“IP Freely (Screw YouTube)” by KODOMOSAN
on Soundcloud / BandCamp / Minds / BitChute / YouTube (haha)

Operation Northwoods document


  1. A Microsoft or Bill Gates answer to what are the show notes would be to see the show notes to find out!

    A question for Corbett I have is what is your take on the mainstream media reporting of massive covid deaths in India all of a sudden? Same old story or is there anything new going on?

  2. The very valuable aspect of being able to research James’ work is that you are doing what I would call ‘meta research’, where you are digging into documents, videos, etc., that James has already taken the time to research into and felt they were important enough to cite them. We are essentially mining the already mined gold nuggets and James is doing the dirty work of sorting through material that may or may not be useful, which takes time. I would imagine that a blog such as the Corbett Report would be the type of jackpot that the CIA’s of the world would want to farm for information.

    • scpat says:
      “I would imagine that a blog such as the Corbett Report would be the type of jackpot that the CIA’s of the world would want to farm for information.”

      You really hit on something!
      …and it goes beyond the CIA to other types of “analysts”.

      The Corbett Report forum is an excellent resource to discover perceptions and attitudes and internal information about The Conspiracy Theorists of ‘Misinformation’.
      All types of topics here…vaccines, economics, world events, political policies, internet of things, etc.
      I would bet that a Bill Gates funded research NGO has scoured The Corbett Report to find out how to better Billy’s PR game.

  3. finally! 13 years, i’ve been scouring the site, the interwebs, musical mags, etc. in vain, trying to find the music that accompanies the various episodes. thx for finally clearing that up. i think i’ve sent you several hundred emails trying to get to the bottom of this. i can finally sleep easy. its been a hell of a journey! i’d like to thank my parents, my exes, foster parents 1, 2, 3, and 4. ex friends, ex cousins, ex employers, ex coworkers. all for really sticking with me through this whole thing.


  4. When asking for sources on some sites people get very strangely emotionally invested and at times shoot from the bow a poorly spelled “wtf do you need that for?”

    This should be the standard, but many just don’t do it and an even greater majority just do not care.

  5. Speaking of Broc West, check out his recent Twitter post…

    London – Hundreds of Thousands March
    (2 1/2 minute dynamic video)

    Last Saturday, hundreds of thousands of normal decent folk marched through London to protest against the authoritarian restrictions which have caused huge collateral damages. And yet the media largely ignored them or tried to smear them. But their voices should never be ignored.

  6. I really enjoy these type of conversations from James Corbett.
    He gracefully “undercuts” to the basics and walks us on a stroll through the landscape.
    In a way, it is relaxing…you can tell that his intention is to impart “understanding” to a broad audience. It is a VERY clean intention.

    Also, a facet to his video was the fact that Corbett Report Members are very willing to help other members.
    And damn! …There are some really smart folks on these boards.
    I gain tremendous insight just from the comment boards.
    I keep evolving.

  7. Yes, well done, James. I started watching the Corbett Report back in 2008 or’09. I was always impressed by how the James Corbett backs up all of his videos with the links to the sources. This is the key to the success and credibility of his documentaries and commentaries. I also am pressed for time so rarely click on the links in the show notes nowadays, but in the past I would do that often and go down so many rabbit holes that I had to get an Alice in Wonderland passport. Thanks James.

  8. Was just listening to Mae Brussell today and she said people asked her how to know who was trustworthy and her response was always to go with people who do foot notes and cite sources so you can check what they say…. I guess thats why Corbett Report is one of the best info sources.

    She said it ‘somewhere on the first CD’… Lol

  9. Just seen SeaSpiracy and wondered what your thoughts were. I can see it is laced with propaganda and information and I’ve been fooled before often. I think it eats in to the Gates idea of lab grown crap and GMO;s as the only way forward but for me its the industrialisation and globalisation of food production. The film made some good points but what propaganda outfits will use this for future Greenwashing such as those shown to be just that in the film? Not a criticism of the movie but I know solutions touches on many of the issues raised and wondered what your and the community and contributors think?

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