What’s On Your Bookshelf? – Questions For Corbett #035

by | May 1, 2017 | Questions For Corbett | 35 comments

Is it possible to mind control an assassin? Is overpopulation hysteria justified? How would a free society cope without police? Find out the answers to these and other listener questions as James gives you a tour of his bookshelf.

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LDEO data on 9/11

Were Explosives the Source of the Seismic Signals Emitted from New York on September 11, 2001?

Interview 567 – Andre Rousseau on the Seismic Evidence of 9/11

An NWO Reading List

The Plot to Kill King by William Pepper

The Phoenix Program by Douglas Valentine

The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose

Hidden History by Gerry Docherty and Jim Mcgregor

War Against the Weak by Edwin Black

Joe Speedboat by Tommy Wieringa

Japanese paddle (denden daiko)

Osaka City Govt: What to Do if North Korean Missile Is Fired at Japan and You Are In Kindergarten

Osaka City Govt: What to Do if North Korean Missile Is Fired at Japan and You Are Outdoors

Osaka City Govt: What to Do if North Korean Missile Is Fired at Japan and You Are At Home

Japanese govt. publishes 30-page book in English on what to do if a guerrilla army invades, among other horrors

Remember Duck and Cover? What Safety Experts May Have Been Thinking

Korea’s “Sunshine Policy”:The Reunification of North and South Korea

The Strange Case of Sirhan Sirhan (Bitchute video)

The Strange Case of Sirhan Sirhan (mp3 audio)

The Strange Case of Sirhan Sirhan (mp4 video)

Cop Charged for Punching Elderly Bathroom Attendant Because “The Water Was Too Cold”

Man Beaten by Cop in Viral Jaywalking Video, Beaten AGAIN, Stripped Naked, & Mocked by Cops

Cop Who Broke Elderly Vet’s Ribs, Caught on Video AGAIN, Attacking Innocent Grandpa

Cops Detain Entire School, Illegally Search/Grope 900 Kids — Find NOTHING, Parents Furious

What Anarchy Isn’t

Anarchy and Legal Order: Law and Politics for a Stateless Society

Judge Hysterically Owns a Sovereign Citizen

UN World Population Prospects

Bracing for Demographic Winter: The “Overpopulation Crisis”

The Last Word on Overpopulation


  1. Thanks for another great video mate. I’ll most definitely take a look at War on The Weak. Eugenics is relatively new to me but in the short time I’ve been looking into the subject, a lot of dots have started to connect. Your discussions with Patrick Wood were both intriguing and a little scary to be honest, mainly due to what is happening in my home state of South Australia right now. I’ve linked an article that gives you run down and I’d be interested to know how or if you feel this ties into what yourself and Patrick were discussing. Cheers mate look forward to the next one.

    P.s Richard Kuklinski would be my answer to your question.


  2. Thank for your information/explanation on police in a free society. It is more satisfactory than most responses I receive on similar topics. Free society doesn’t mean Utopian naivety (belief that all humans will come together and play nice): it means taking power from a centralized gang and putting into your own hands.

    I really like the idea of free market cops. But I also believe that an oppressor with enough money/resources could also use this free market to build the “best”/most powerful police force. It seems as long as oppressive peoples exist they would and could find ways to take power. Would a free humanity be willing to fight a war for their freedom?

    • The way to change the world is by changing yourself constantly and shirking “beliefs” or codified belief systems with consistency. The real question is, “Would YOU, the free human, be willing to fight “a war” for YOUR freedom.” Everything else is less important.

      You can imagine scenarios where the faceless villain amalgamates power and money and force and violence. Why do you imagine this scenario? Is it your idea? Or has it been placed there carefully by someone/thing else? You see, the reality we live in is designed by the individual. Make sure that individual is YOU.

      Recently, I have struggled to explain myself to my wife in this very arena of discussion as I have “woken up” this past Oct. and am still learning how to live in this new world. Utopian/Perfect society is a myth that is continually packaged anew and sold and resold every second of every day. Make your own reality, however flawed, and bask in the freedom of it. NO ONE will ever be able to rob/beat/kill it out of you. Freedom lies between the ears but changes everything inside and around you.

      I hope this helps to lift you out of the “what-ifs” and into the more “living” freedom that is right around the corner for every person out there if only they were to open their hand and take it.

      • I also primarily believe in freedom of the mind and soul. I know a man can be chained physically, but still be free in spirit. I also know when you discuss big changes in living that there are always things to consider though. My first comment was not to dissuade anyone from action. I want to find how to live as freely as possible, and I wish that for anyone who also wishes it. But I am a planner and so I like to consider anything before jumping into it, and I hope to see what others have experienced and learned in these areas. I don’t believe in any human made utopia, and I also don’t believe in a boogeyman always waiting. But being prepared for difficulties ahead seems a prudent exercise.

        Also, to reject “reality” because so many men lie does not necessarily seem the right course. We can see and feel and use our own logic and minds to deduce reality around us. How else do you combat falsehoods? I want real truth and reality, not my own constructed one nor one constructed by another man.

        • I understand you as well as I can here in this setting. I enjoyed your response.

          I guess I question the logic of the hunt for “real” truth and reality. Not to get too deep down the philosophical rabbit hole: the definition of the “real” is due to the interpretation of things and events the individual experiences. They are one and the same.

          I also am a planner. I wish you well in that endeavor. Getting better at “doing” all the time is tough!

          • I believe there are objective truths and an objective reality. Otherwise there would be no such thing as falsehood or lies to begin with. Reality and existence are things that can be hard to fully comprehend and must be evaluated, but it does not mean there is no answer at all. I am personally a follower of Jesus Christ. I believe His way is the best way to live. To love others as ourselves. He warned against the lies of the world, and now I have seen with my own eyes and heard with my own ears how true that is. And the Truth will set you free. And I now feel more free than ever.

            • A free society, the way it was described in the video (the larger video), as well as what you all are discussing is something I’ve unknowingly wanted for at least 35 years. Or since I realized the world doesn’t care for or consider individuals. Obviously there will be as many definitions of what such a society might look like as there are individuals discussing it. But to me, a free society is one where everyone takes responsibility for their actions and act to improve their life and the lives of those around them. I saw a Lamestream news report on that town in Mexico where the residents created a militia force to fight the cartel’s. Because the police and government have been corrupted by the cartel’s. A community acting to safeguard its self seems like an embodiment, an aspect of a free society. I’ve also been recognizing the benefits of a decentralized community. One where the residents make up the government and its associated agencies. One that can exist independently from a national or even regional authority. Sadly, such a community would be labeled “cultish” thanks to some bad examples and the media’s proactive propaganda. But I think such a community would be optimal in raising children and even as an enviornment where elders could feel both useful and valued.

              Most countries would reject such a community I imagine. But a free, civil society such as this would be no threat to neighbors or even a state or nation. Provided they are let to govern themselves. The scene of responsibility and the knowledge that “your” individual part in the society is useful and appreciated is very foreign to what I have experienced. But I think the satisfaction and even joy of being a part of something that isn’t corrupt and isn’t inherently evil would be wonderful to experience.

              Sorry if this seems disjointed. There are so many aspects that go together when thinking of something like this. It’s enticing.

  3. Dear James,

    Thanks for all you do which is greatly appreciated.

    I have followed a few YouTube videos by Edwin Black (author of the book you showed us “War Against the Weak”) and found them very interesting. I wish however to make you and others aware of his very pro-zionist position in which he promotes a warped and false narrative about the history of Palestine and some aspects of the Holocaust, even trying to place blame on the Arabs for the Holocaust.

    I believe, a quick review (on Wikipedia)of the Zionist organizations, who have given him awards is indicative of whose line he is toeing.

    Of course this may have nothing to do with the book you are reading, but caveat emptor.

    Link below is an example of some misleading info he has promoted in the past.

    All the best to you and your family.

    History triumphs over pseudo-history— a response to Edwin Black
    Canadian Arab News
    July 12, 2005


  4. Many interesting questions and worthy answers in this Q4C. Regarding the population requiring police provided by government to investigate and prevent crime, I wonder what the public did before there were police forces which are a relatively modern invention. In Britain before the rise of coppers it was considered the duty and under law for the public to answer to the ‘hue and cry’ of a criminal offense taking place. The criminal to be held until the Sheriff could take custody and the determination made as to whether a crime had been committed and a trial was needed. Of course with the effectiveness and firepower of modern weaponry this type of solution would be an absurd answer of escalating dimensions today. The solution I would hazard a guess would be to turn the tables on the criminal and catch the perpetrator off guard to make an arrest to their behaviour. Punishment if proven guilty is an entirely different matter for society as a whole to consider with restorative justice or banishment for a length of time possibilities depending on the severity of the crime committed.

    As for governments today they are really the errand boys and girls of a plutocracy that makes all the important decisions. John Titus (electrical engineer and lawyer as a combination in one person) has produced a new doc entitled “All the Plenary’s Men” at his Best Evidence web site which gives rather definitive proof under the recent BIS decree giving themselves and their listed cartel member banks universal immunity while acting in their positions as bankers. Basically taking on the Divine Right of Kings under the not too subtle threat of economic retaliation should they be prosecuted. A must view IMO.

    How are the radiation levels in Japan these days from the Fukushima disaster. This considering the ‘greatest show’ on earth being the scam they call the Olympics are due to take place in Tokyo in 2020?

  5. My great grandfather came to America from the Netherlands. So I learned a lot about that area growing up. I’ve also seen interviews and statistics showing Denmark as one of the countries with the happiest populations. I can understand why. The Netherlands liberal view on drugs is something that could solve many problems in America (I believe). Peter Christ talks about this at length.

    A question to you both; is it possible to persuade the government not to involve your country in NATO’s wars, if a majority of the citizens desired it? And unfortunately, I have to bring up Durtroix. The organization that uses children for various sick desires. What I’ve read about it, even though a massive public outcry against it with demonstrations and protests was carried out, it was by and large swept under the rug. Or at least no real attempt was made to discover how high up within society the organization has infected. In the US and the U.K. It’s well understood that the political class as well as many “elite” are involved in these practices. My understanding of what happened comes from reading accounts, which are few honestly. So if I’ve misunderstood, or am lacking in what I know about it, feel free to enlighten me. I bring it up to discuss how such a thing can go on in a society that on the surface seems to benevolent, so open? The recent video interview with Ronald Bernard shows that these practices continue to blackmail individuals, to corrupt them.

    In America, there’s a sense, or a social pressure to “not” become involved in things someone might see or notice. But to me that seems counter to what a free society would want or need. At least when it comes to the welfare of defenseless people or children. It has certainly contributed to many bad things as the horrible crime rate in places like Chicago plainly shows. But where does the brothers keeper urge stop? How far should it go? I’d be interested in hearing anyone’s opinion on the matter.

    • HI Richard, you know, I think I was fooled by that story I saw on how “happy” people were. It sucks to admit that they got me, but I think they did, hah. They interviewed a few citizens who all seemed content and satisfied. But I imagine they hand picked who appeared on camera, perhaps even coaching them on what to say (it wouldn’t surprise me). And I totally get how a citizens actual happiness could differ from the UN statistic.

      In terms of there being two Belgium’s. I knew that because I have a friend here who grew up in the French speaking portion. We have very similar views on government and authority and social issues. Although she does tend to trust what’s said in the Lamestream media, which I absolutely don’t. It’s good to know that people there aren’t just blindly following the obvious agendas and sensationalized stories, the propaganda.

      It would certainly take a change in the mindset of the population to achieve something like a free, (real) sustainable community. But honestly I don’t think it would be as difficult as many “experts” or politicians would suggest. I think the same people who think if the truth were to come out about UFO’s (whatever that truth may be), that there’d be panic in the streets. They are the same people that would say a free society couldn’t exist, or its beyond the 99%’s ability to achieve. We of course recognize that governments and their co-conspirators, the Mockingbird media have had decades to put social and ideological hurdles in place to prevent such realizations from reaching many of the public. As well as the fact that, here in the US, “they” have no problem suiciding or otherwise eliminating anyone who threatens their hegemony 😐 .

    • Ted Kaczynski, Unabomber: Guinea Pig

      It turns out that Theodore Kaczynski, a.k.a. the Unabomber, was a volunteer in mind-control experiments sponsored by the CIA at Harvard in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

      Michael Mello, author of The United States of America vs. Theodore John Kaczynski notes that at some point in his Harvard years–1958 to 1962–Kaczynski agreed to be the subject of “a psychological experiment.” Mello identifies the chief researcher for these only as a former lieutenant colonel in World War II, working for the CIA’s predecessor organization, the Office of Strategic Services. In fact, the man experimenting on the young Kaczynski was Dr. Henry Murray, who died in 1988.

      Murray became preoccupied by psychoanalysis in the 1920s, drawn to it through a fascination with Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, which he gave to Sigmund Freud, who duly made the excited diagnosis that the whale was a father figure. After spending the 1930s developing personality theory, Murray was recruited to the OSS at the start of the war, applying his theories to the selection of agents and also presumably to interrogation.

      As chairman of the Department of Social Relations at Harvard, Murray zealously prosecuted the CIA’s efforts to carry forward experiments in mind control conducted by Nazi doctors in the concentration camps. The overall program was under the control of the late Sidney Gottlieb, head of the CIA’s technical services division. Just as Harvard students were fed doses of LSD, psilocybin and other potions, so too were prisoners and many unwitting guinea pigs.

      Sometimes the results were disastrous. A dram of LSD fed by Gottlieb himself to an unwitting U.S. army officer, Frank Olson, plunged Olson into escalating psychotic episodes, which culminated in Olson’s fatal descent from an upper window in the Statler-Hilton in New York. Gottlieb was the object of a lawsuit not only by Olson’s children but also by the sister of another man, Stanley Milton Glickman, whose life had disintegrated into psychosis after being unwittingly slipped a dose of LSD by Gottlieb.

      What did Murray give Kaczynski? Did the experiment’s long-term effects help tilt him into the Unabomber’s homicidal rampages?

      The CIA’s mind experiment program was vast. How many other human time bombs were thus primed? How many of them have exploded, with the precipitating agent never identified?

  6. Do we assume all of the imagined bordering societies have adopted the non-aggression principle? Either way, in such an environment travel would be a lot more natural, as it used to be not so long ago.

    • I’m not 100% sure I understand what would a “closed” border even mean. Open borders would result in free movement of the people; no immigrants, just people; no border patrol, fences or “technical barriers”; no deportations etc.

      What would be diametrically opposite to this? What we have now are fuzzy borders at best. Most important aspect here is that without the gubment there would be no entity to make claims on sovereignty and impose ownership on something created a long long long time before said authoritarian entity even surfaced.

      What I guess it would boil down to in the long run is private border control posies, if the situation went in an undesired direction.

  7. The “Texas Tower Sniper”, Charles Whitman – August 1, 1966
    As far as I know, this guy was not connected with a government agency.
    (90 second video) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShlbXlfQlkU

    I remember it. It was a major shock; he did the unthinkable. It was big news. Now, this type of behavior is commonplace in the news.

    During this era, many Texas High School kids had a rifle on the back window rack in their pickup.

  8. Reading the posts about ADHD, and ADD, I wanted to ask a question. I’m interested in learning how the information differs between Europe and the US when it comes to these conditions. Here in the states, people aren’t encouraged to question why so many people are being diagnosed with, and given drugs to manage these conditions. Is it the same in Europe? I attended elementary school (grades K-6th) in the 1970’s. During that entire time I only remember one child who had what we now call ADHD. We had a couple of kids with learning issues, but that number was less then 10 in a year. My theory is a substantial increase in the use of additives and chemicals in foods as well as unacknowledged side effects of vaccines, or ingredients that make up vaccines. The phenomenon of kids being allergic to things like peanuts, milk etc.. Is something I NEVER heard of until (I believe) the 1990’s. Of course that is just my opinion. But I’d like to know how European society sees things like ADD and ADHD. What causes them and why the numbers have grown so much over the recent years?

  9. _Here’s_ where I should have put my “Questions for Corbett,” not in the YouTube version comment section. So I’ll just copy them:

    First a relevant background tale, then my questions.

    In the 1970s I purchased _How to Meditate_ by Lawrence LeShan. It sat in a bookcase for years; I’d look at it and think: “Someday I’ll get around to this.” During a recession in 1982 I became unemployed. With time on my hands, I decided to read the book. I gleaned what I could, creating a basic version of meditation, and hiked into a nearby cemetery filled with the funerary monuments of 19th Century Boston “brahmins” and others, selecting the marble steps leading from someone’s tomb to a pond (not realizing at the time whose mortal remains were in the tomb) as the place to try out meditation.

    Consciously relaxing myself, I closed my eyes and allowed my thoughts to come to a stop (this isn’t as easy as it sounds, but I had great beginner’s luck). Immediately thereafter, I was astounded to “see” (with my mind’s eye) a persistent, full-color image of a paperback book then in print entitled _Seth Speaks_ by Jane Roberts. I’d browsed another book by Ms. Roberts in a bookstore some time previously and decided it was “New Age” junk. Owing to this startling experience, however, I stopped meditating and hiked into Harvard Square (which in those long ago days was chock full of new and used bookstores), and purchased the book.

    I read it and found it very entertaining — parts of it were a bit like sci-fi — and interesting enough that I gradually purchased all of the other books in print by the same author and read them, too. (It turns out that Ms. Roberts sat in trance as “Seth” dictated the books through her mouth, her husband taking down notes for later transcription, editing, and publication. This might have put me off except that I’d previously encountered a “light trance medium” under surprising circumstances. This person offered weekly Q&A sessions with the being who spoke through him and I attended these for several months. Highly sceptical at first, I came away impressed, as that being tended to answer my questions before I voiced them, and provided excellent and often humorous answers to the questions put to it.)

    Embedded within Seth’s texts were “exercises” designed to validate the material. Once again, I thought to myself: “Someday I’ll get around to this” when I came to one, and skipped it. Eventually, however, I stopped and actually did one of these (posted here previously) and experienced a profound alteration of consciousness that lasted about three days and extended into the dream state. This experience led to my realization that the teachings in these books were more than simply “interesting.”

    Seth originated the phrase “You create your own reality,” which was turned into a mere New Age slogan as appropriated by many, usually without attribution, but Seth expounded upon this in depth in his books (and Seth began speaking through Jane in 1963, long before “New Age” became a popular — and later derogatory — term, a bit like “conspiracy theorist”).

    I used what I learned from Seth’s books and got a job. It proved very demanding, however, and Seth went on a back burner for many years, until Internet encounters brought him to my attention again in the early dot com era, but that’s a tale for some other time.

    A history buff, I’ve quite enjoyed your videos and purchased and read a number of books you’ve recommended (I’d also recommend _The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government_, by David Talbot).

    My own entree into the territory of power structures, hidden or not, began as a result of some minor “psychic” experiences RE: 9/11.

    These were too subjective for my rational self, so for many years I sought solid evidence to buttress my suspicions. I eventually found one small, hidden & definitely fact-based item, and went on from there.

    Later, I met someone who came perilously close to being murdered by some unknown government agency, in a particularly heinous — Nazi-like — way; I didn’t believe this person at first, but as details they gradually provided checked out, I began to realize that 9/11 was not at all an isolated event.

    Seth emphasizes the importance of beliefs in creating one’s reality, personal and mass. As someone who believes in both the validity of his teachings and the reality of the endless dark doings of groups and individuals associated with the power structures, I am often forced to keep my mouth shut and pretend to subscribe to “official” or “conventional” beliefs — it’s one thing to be labeled a “conspiracy theorist,” quite another to add “New Age idiot” on top of it — I do exist in the business world, after all, where neither label is particularly acceptable.

    My questions: 1. Have you ever meditated? 2. Have you ever delved into the Seth material or anything even remotely connected, say the investigations of William James as described in Deborah Blum’s _Ghost Hunters: William James and the Search for Scientific Proof of Life After Death?_ (As with topics you expound upon, there’s lots of junk in this area; wheat and chaff must be separated.)?

  10. #Q4C:
    Hi James,
    Recently, I downloaded the app “Constitution”, basically the US constitution for iPhone. I wanted to refresh on my rights as a US citizen (living oversees 47 years).
    It is in my opinion a very confusing text written at a time when the “founding fathers” could not even imagine where we are today. Of course, it can be interpreted to any advantage or disadvantage, depending on your attorney.
    My question is:
    The second Amendment states “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
    Since we have a standing military, the part about a militia is obviously outdated. Yet, in my understanding, a militia in the day was a necessity to ensure a revolution/change when the government went corrupt. Shouldn’t Americans fulfill thier duties as patriots now if they caress and cherish this amendment so dearly?

    • I personally don’t understand your question. Are you implying that there should be (more) private militias in US because of the second amendment?

      “Since we have a standing military, the part about a militia is obviously outdated.”
      I’m not certain if you’re equating militia with military, which would be wrong in my opinion. Militia is there to serve the people, military serves the governing elite.

      Additionally, some commenters have tried to twist the wording of the seconds amendment by saying that people have rights to bear arms only while there are militias formed, during hardship.

      • You see. That’s what I mean, it gets confusing. From my understanding, after doing some more research, militia was supposedly all “men” between 17 and 45 (?). Yet, a concrete answer to what the militia back then really was differs from site to site. Some say, and this I believed too, it was a civil duty that replaced a standing military. And others, like you mkey, say militia was there to serve the people – so not the “men” themselves.
        Obviously, todays militia has nothing to do with that from the past.
        Yet, for over two hundred years the 2nd amendment played a major role for America. It’s funny how most other countries do not really have an issue with this right and persist mostly peacefully up to day.
        Personally, I’m against gun control in an intelligent society.
        I guess we’ll have to wait.
        And if the time should come, we won’t need guns then anyway anymore.

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