Who is Really Behind ISIS (video)

by | Sep 27, 2014 | Videos | 1 comment


As bombs start dropping in Syria and Iraq, the world is once again being asked to cower in fear of a shadowy terror group that most people hadn’t heard of just a few months ago. But even the most cursory examination of ISIS’s past, its connections, and the actors populating it reveal a very different story than the one we are being asked to believe in. Fake terrorists. Foreign backers. False flags. Meet the new boogeyman, same as the old boogeyman.

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Hashtag Terror: Twitter struggles to clamp down on ISIS supporters online
Time Reference: 03:30


Other Americans already within ISIS ranks
Time Reference: 03:55


‘Australian brothers’ call in ISIS video (video no longer online)
Time Reference: 04:26


David Cameron FULL Press Conference: UK Raises Terror Threat Level to ‘SEVERE’
Time Reference: 04:48


Still Report #316 – ISIS Threatens Mall in Charlotte, NC
Time Reference: 05:04


ISIS defector speaks to CNN
Time Reference: 05:18


Hagel: ISIS threat is ‘beyond anything we’ve seen’
Time Reference: 05:31


Who Is ISIS? An open source investigation
Time Reference: 07:17


Zarqawi killed in 2004
Time Reference: 14:19


Zarqawi arrested in 2004
Time Reference: 14:23


Zarqawi arrested in Baakuba in 2005
Time Reference: 14:43


Zaqawi evacuated from Iraq in May 2005
Time Reference: 14:48


Zarqawi killed (again) in 2005
Time Reference: 14:57


Zarqawi killed (for good?) in 2006
Time Reference: 15:01


Military Plays Up Role of Zarqawi
Time Reference: 15:52


Baghdadi captured 2007
Time Reference: 18:52


Baghdadi killed May 2007
Time Reference: 18:55


Baghdadi arrested 2009
Time Reference: 18:59


Baghdadi recordings released 2009-2010
Time Reference: 19:08


Baghdadi killed (for good?) 2010
Time Reference: 19:31


Senior Qaeda figure in Iraq a myth: U.S. military
Time Reference: 20:17


Caliph Ibrahim’s unverifiable internet biography
Time Reference: 23:36


Col. King insists Baghdadi was at Camp Bucca in 2009
Time Reference: 24:52


Caliph Ibrahim (Baghdadi) reported captured 2012
Time Reference: 26:16


Video of Baghdadi surfaces to quell death rumours
Time Reference: 26:24


Official story of ISIS’ equipment
Time Reference: 27:46


ISIS Enjoys New Toyota Trucks – Courtesy Of The USA
Time Reference: 30:08


Interview 849 – James and JoAnne Moriarty Reveal the Truth About the Libyan War
Time Reference: 32:21


James Corbett Blows the Lid Off of Benghazigate
Time Reference: 32:59


Iran-Contra Redux? Prince Bandar Heads Secret Saudi-CIA Effort to Aid Syrian Rebels, Topple Assad
Time Reference: 34:11


Syria- Secret US-NATO Training & Support Camp to Oust Current Syrian President
Time Reference: 36:31


BREAKING: US Troops Deploying on Jordan-Syria Border
Time Reference: 36:37
U.S. trained Islamists who joined ISIS
Time Reference: 37:13
Lt. General McInerney says Obama helped build ISIS
Time Reference: 38:19


Turkey’s False Flag Plan
Time Reference: 41:50
Gladio B interview series
Time Reference: 43:31


Episode 279 – Who Is Really Behind the Syrian War?
Time Reference: 44:24


The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
Time Reference: 46:29


Pipeline Politics and the Syrian War
Time Reference: 48:56


Seriously, NBC? Station Posts ‘Terrifying ISIS Expansion Map’ Created By Neofascists on Twitter
Time Reference: 52:46


Snowden-Baghdadi Hoax Exposed
Time Reference: 56:37


How Khorasan came out of the blue
Time Reference: 1:00:20
Trust in Mass Media Returns to All-Time Low
Time Reference: 1:02:23
CNBC Viewership Plunges To 21 Year Lows
Time Reference: 1:02:31
“Boogeyman Blues” by Schmeek
Time Reference: 1:03:59

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