Interview 1779 – WHO Sneak Attack on CHD TV

by | Jan 15, 2023 | Interviews, Videos | 35 comments

via CHD.TV: “This is the big one. They’re going for broke… I think we may only have potentially until May before one or both of these documents gets voted on” — Meryl Nass, M.D. and James Corbett continue their discussion on the WHO’s proposed International Health Regulation Amendments + potentially legally-binding ‘Zero Draft Treaty’ currently being drawn up in secret meetings behind closed doors. As the WHO touts the solution to worldly problems as possible through their ‘One Health’ approach — one wonders if a world in which humans, animals, agriculture, and weather are dominated by state depicted notions of the highest attainable standard of ‘health’ may secretly be a trojan horse to dominate as much of the sovereign world as possible — usurping power from individual countries and thrusting it into the hands of a mad-with-power agency which seeks to control Earth’s resources, ecosystems, food, animals, and plants.


PREVIOUS TALK: The Weaponization of the WHO on CHD TV

WHO Member States Agree To Develop Zero Draft Of Legally Binding Pandemic Accord In Early 2023

Conceptual Zero Draft For The Consideration Of The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body At Its Third Meeting

Review Committee Regarding Amendments To The International Health Regulations (2005)

Report Of The Fifth Meeting Of The Review Committee Regarding Amendments To The International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR)

One Health Basics

CDC’s One Health Office: What We Do

One Health Joint Plan Of Action Launched And Presented By WHO And The Quadripartite Partners

One Health Joint Plan Of Action Launched And Presented By WHO And The Quadripartite Partners

One Health Joint Plan Of Action Launched To Address Health Threats To Humans, Animals, Plants And Environment

Please Stop The Ride To A Biotech Food Takeover – Transcript

Biodigital Today And Tomorrow

9/11 War Games

James Roguski Substack — THE TOP 100 REASONS TO #StopTheTreaty, #StopTheAmendments, And #ExitTheWHO.


  1. I will not consent to any fake health emergency. I didn’t this time and I will never listen to these folks again. I had a gut feeling it was just the flu in December 2019, started studying excess morbidity then and realized I was correct. Then met a RN who confirmed my theory. She told me what happened at her hospital where she used to work on a overwhelmed flu ward that suddenly had 0 flu cases. Why because they changed the name to the covid ward and were only testing with the pcr test for covid. No flu cases anymore!
    Unless there is a RESET of the people who lead us I will never even consider their ideas. No Billionaire is capable enough to lead a civil society. The greed that has enabled them to become a billionaire is the only evidence I need.
    WE must fight this with all our lives.

  2. What a treat this weekend has been. Last night caught up with the recorded and funny/important conversation with Derrick, Jason, Ryan, Whitney, and in the last few minutes, James. Johnny was hilarious. Sometimes would be nice to see him cry like a baby when he realizes he’s wrong.

    And now Meryl Nass! I think some of you should collaborate on a “network” for those of us who crave the interaction of others when working or alone, and who gave up on TV long ago. I still watch, for companionship. I prefer by FAR you, individually and collectively. Add in a Richard Grove and it is SO sad that we have lost the great David Ray Griffin. So many greats out there still.

  3. We are ALWAYS being lied to from the controllers. The New World Order agenda, the UN Agenda 21 and Wildland Project, all those nefarious plans are true and in process.

    Mark Levin guest the late Dr. Patrick Michaels, director of the Center for the Study of Science at the Cato Institute in 15 mins of brilliant assessment of reality…

    Basically…in one hundred years of study, world temp has warmed up 9/10ths of ONE DEGREE.
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Speaking at the Rio conference, Deputy Assistant of State Richard Benedick, who then headed the policy divisions of the U.S. State Department said:

    “A global warming treaty [Kyoto] must be implemented even if there is no scientific evidence to back the [enhanced] greenhouse effect.”
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    In 1996, former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev emphasized the importance of using climate alarmism to advance socialist Marxist objectives:

    “The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.”
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Oil is not a “fossil” fuel. Oil is unlimited, abiotic, and in constant renewal from deep in the earth.
    A gillion years ago the Large Animals did NOT have a convention to decide where to die to assist the oil business.
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    Oil was first a lubricant and the 2nd most prevalent liquid on Earth

    After automobiles, in 1892 oil Barron Rockefeller sent his scientists to a convention in Switzerland. And because everything Hydrogen, Oxygen and Carbon, they got the convention to name Oil a “fossil fuel.”

    The mything of “fossil fuel” made it seem rare and a good validation to raise lots of $$.
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    As of 1/2022 the “SARS-Cov-2” virus has yet to be isolated, and therefore has yet to be proven to even exist, according to evidence presented by Dr. Andrew Kaufman

    “There is no virus, other than a digital, theoretical abstraction made on a computer from a genomic database. It’s never been isolated, purified, sequenced, characterized and proven 100% to exist.

    Makia Freeman “In my article SARS-CoV-2: The Stitched Together, Frankenstein Virus the CDC has already admitted that SARS-CoV-2 is a computer-generated digital virus, not a real living virus.

    They took just 37 base pairs from a genome of 30,000 base pairs which means that about 0.001% of the viral sequence is derived from actual living samples or real bodily tissue, and put them into a computer program, which filled in the rest of the base pairs. This computer-generation step constitutes scientific fraud.”

    FREE 19 page pdf file I have worked on since April, 2020. Everything one needs to know about the lie, from masks the original plans and who brought it about, to deadly injections (vaccinations)or just watch the video:


  4. James mentioned how psychiatrists have been weaponized to engage in the “pathologization” of decent in order to justify forced hospitalization and drugging/imprisonment of dissidents. Meryl Nass then mentioned a Canadian doctor that was put in a psychiatric ward and drugged for a month. I will share more info on that incident involving the Canadian doctor below (as it happened at the hospital I was born in and I still know people that live around there).

    This is the story of the Forced Hospitalization of Dr. Mel Bruchet.

    He is a retired Canadian doctor that was locked up for 25 days after he spoke out publicly to voice the concerns of his medical colleagues that were observing an inordinate increase in stillbirths occurring in women that had received an mRNA injection. After he publicly voiced his concerns, the RCMP arrived at Dr. Mel Bruchet’s house (in force) and dragged him from his home after which they brought him to the psychiatric ward of the Lion’s Gate Hospital (where he was illegally detained and drugged for close to a month).

    Here are links to a few posts that document what happened during and after the forced hospitalization

    – Disgusting and Scary: Forced Hospitalization of Dr. Mel Bruchet

    – Mel Bruchet is out! Dr. Nagase is awesome:

    – Dr. Daniel Nagase explains legal processes of late:

    • Dr. Robert Malone, among others are taking a term from a Belgian professor and weaponizing it. “Mass formation “ was coined by Mattias Desmet.

      Malone calls it mass formation psychosis.

      Now the frauds can add it to the list of fake diagnosis and doctors will be able to detain, drug, etc (like Dr. Bruchet) anyone questioning authority.

      Dr. Peter Breggins called Malone on it.

      Now Malone is suing Breggins for millions.

      Malone, McCullough, Cole, etc. are cronies with Del Bigtree who all have conflicts of interest, but nobody says anything cuz they’re anti Covid, but still perpetuate the fear porn propaganda about viruses. Virology is a hoax.

      I’m not sure, but I guess the truth about virology and viruses is a bridge too far for James. Please tell me m wrong.

      • I wish if I can say that you are wrong.

        But if I did not misunderstand your last comment, then I too have had similar feelings, as you, about James since he started these CHD interviews.

        As a long time follower of the Corbett Report I have never once questioned James’ reporting…until recently.

        I find it a bit troubling that he (James) is not questioning the the concept of VIROLOGY.

        For me Virology it is just another 9/11. Maybe the oldest false flag in existence.

        So it would be nice to know his exact thoughts of this subject.

        • Wether the covaids virus has or has not been isolated seems to revolve around the definition of ‘isolated’. I’ll post a few links from a fellow questioner who went right down the rabbit hole and decided that it has indeed been isolated, but not in the way us non-scientist landless peasants think.

          You can make up your own mind of course, but for me I’m on the fence. It makes sense that a virus does exist, I mean what has Fauchi and the Gain of Function gang been working on for decades?

          Regardless, the existence of a particular virus or any viruses is not something we should be getting caught up in right now. Nor is the attempted division amongst those who are fighting on our side. It does not matter if we are not aligned on every minutia around these issues. If we are in general agreement on the major movements going on in the world right now then we should be banded together against our common enemy. We can quibble about irrelevancies when the battle is won.

          • -If we are in general agreement on the major movements going on in the world right now then we should be banded together against our common enemy.

            Yes Paul, this 🙂

            But then we get commenters like James.L.Johnny over here who should be obviously trolling for the fuck of it but I don’t think he is trolling. I think he actually believe the shit he has heard… and that’s just what the powers that shouldn’t be want. So until this internet thingy for idiot’s blows over we won’t have a chance in hell for idiot’s not to unite for idiotical things.

        • I don’t agree. Actually there is not much of a rabbit hole to travel down. That is because there are others who have already taken that trip have done their own research and now can provide detailed and documented evidence. Similar to how James C does on other subjects. But strangely, he had not done any on the virus. Even though he has done so many so many reports on the Rockefeller’s, Gates’ promoting virus theiry and vaxines. But has left out the big “V” question in his research. I just don’t understand why he has not done that, if others have.

    • Dr. Robert Malone, among others are taking a term from a Belgian professor and weaponizing it. “Mass formation “ was coined by Mattias Desmet.

      Malone calls it mass formation psychosis.

      Now the frauds can add it to the list of fake diagnosis and doctors will be able to detain, drug, etc (like Dr. Bruchet) anyone questioning authority.

      Dr. Peter Breggins called Malone on it.

      Now Malone is suing Breggins for millions.

      Malone, McCullough, Cole, etc. are cronies with Del Bigtree who all have conflicts of interest, but nobody says anything cuz they’re anti Covid, but still perpetuate the fear porn propaganda about viruses. Virology is a hoax.

      I’m not sure, but I guess the truth about virology and viruses is a bridge too far for James. Please tell me m wrong.

      • Under the dire circumstances in which we find ourselves, I can’t imagine why you would expect James to go down that rabbit hole. Some believe in germ theory, some terrain theory. At this moment, that is not a battle he or we need to concern ourselves with. That he focuses on what we CAN do–on solutions–is entirely more relevant.

        As for Robert Malone,McCullough, Kory, and a host of other brave MDs, I’ve been following them from the beginning. And I’m thankful for all of them sacrificing their careers to save lives. I recall that Desmet himself used the term “mass formation psychosis” initially and Malone parroted it. Once the backlash began “psychosis” was dropped by Desmet and subsequently by Malone.

        On the subject of factory farming and the meat industry, Malone is reporting on the expected use of mRNA vaccines in livestock in the very near future. Handling the meat or eating it not fully cooked may result in “shedding.”

        Additionally, something that also concerns me is vaccines they are rolling out for bees.

  5. Meryl Nass describes the control of information and I am thinking, this is “anti-science” in their own words, and should be pushed, and her next words: “It’s not science.” Then describes COUNTRIES/signatories ensnared BY CONTRACT to enforce, but who enforces the contract. Just at the almost 10 minute mark, I will restart but feel we are describing electronic enslavement. Internet is the only way this works. And they are tailoring it to their needs, their needs to escape justice and maintain a certain way of life for themselves, killing us to destroy what they see as their enemy. IN a world where JPM Chase owns everything under the sun and BlackRock/Vanguard, then no matter what your purchase, no matter how minute, they get paid. THey pay each other. They hold all of the cards. Target the “CARDS”.

  6. Eh! The Substack comments are turned off. What gives? Why not?

    Raw milk? Bacteria? Viruses?

    I guess I should have expected this when working with RFK, Jr. He’s obviously been threatened. He’s remaining silent on the virus/virology hoax.

    The whole infection from a bat or another virus is fear porn.

    Color me disappointed.

  7. If we want to be free from tyranny, we gotta reveal the Rockefeller false germ theory for what it is.

    There’s NEVER been a virus isolated. Their unscientific method is (a) no control group, (b) no actual isolation. It started in 1954.

    Bacteria are the janitors.

    Germ theory was debunked by Bechamps. Pasteur was a fraud. His personal journal reveals the truth.

    Rockefeller and his minions are in cahoots with the WEF/WHO/Rothschild cabal.

    Dear James: please pull back the curtain on viruses/virology/germs. Don’t you wanna end the tyranny?

    • No one cares if viruses or bacteria or humors and terrain cause disease.

      It’s not an issue normies know or care about. The question is can you trust the government and bought and paid for scientists. Only the human side will ever convince normies

      Personally I totally believe in germ theory but if you want to you can always do your own articles and videos to convince folks otherwise. I’ve changed my mind on lots of things

  8. At the tail end…

    James Corbett says:
    “I hope… …at the very least, getting this information out to others. That is the first step toward having any hope of combatting this agenda — is to understand it.”

  9. I find it a bit troubling that James is not questioning the the concept of VIROLOGY in his recent CHD participation.

    As far I can recall he has never really discussed the theory of Virology in his own reports.

    However, he (James) seems to be going along with what Meryl Nass is saying on viruses. Dr. Nass does appear to be sincere. But she is clearly and firmly in the “Virus Exists” school of thought.

    For me Virology it is just another 9/11. Maybe the oldest false flag in existence.

    Also, in my opinion, the concept of “Bio Weapons” are globalist distraction. Thus, just another part of that fake narrative.

    So it would be nice to know James’ exact thoughts of this subject.


    First time Doubting Corbett follower

    • It’s not my place to speak for James but from my own research I have put the ‘virus V terrain’ argument into the Flat Earth box. You either believe it by faith or you don’t. And once an issue becomes a matter of faith then it’s usually not worth engaging the true believers. In the case of the former I suspect it’s a matter or both/and rather than either/or. In either case it is completely irrelevant to the major events unfolding and is merely another way for the enemy to harvest our energy arguing about irrelevant things that almost none of us can confirm for ourselves. And to somehow twist James’s silence on the issue to imply that he is complicit with the globalists after all these years of hard work and speaking out against them is bordering on ludicrous. But having been involved in conversations with Flat Earthers, virus-deniers and Q-believers I fully understand any reticence on his part for wanting to engage in such discussions.

      On the subject of viruses and disease check out the work of Royal Raymond Rife from last century, fascinating stuff.

      Believe whatever you want on such things but if we do not stand together right now then are doomed.

      • If you want to put Terrain theory in a box with Flat Earth then you would have to put Virus theory in that same box. Because it is certain that Virus theory has not EVER been proven either.

        Even if you just want to talk about the so called Covid 19. That virus too, has NEVER been isolated. In addition there are several independent journalists that have asked National, state, provincial & governments all over the world to provide evidence that it exists. But have not been do to do it. So if one has strong intact critical thinking skills, then it would make you wonder. No?

        • Mate you’re still missing the point. I’ve been doing this for 40 years and am just trying to save you a lot of wasted energy. In the end it doesn’t matter much whether the covaids virus exists or any other virus does for that matter. What’s important is that you understand some of the ways the enemy works to keep you distracted, confused, angry, scared, argumentative or whatever negative emotions you may have. The beast needs your energy and those are some of the ways it gets to it.

          What’s important to them in this case is that people ‘believe’ there was a COVAIDS virus and a ‘pandemic’ so that they would be scared enough to submit to the injections. And it worked. At least for the majority. Some of us didn’t NEED to know if these things were real or not, we looked around, we saw nobody was dying or getting sick in any greater numbers than any other year (except on the TV of course). We know what the enemy’s goals and methods were so after a couple of weeks we were pretty confident it was all yet another scam, albeit grander in scale and more persistent than many others up to that point.

          In that regard I knew all I needed to avoid the injections and masks and the lockdowns (as much as possible.) Did I or do I now NEED to know 100% that viruses do or do not exist? Not really. It might be a point of curiosity for some but to turn it into a point of contention and division is simply doing the devils’ work for him. Do you really think that a system so powerful and intelligent as to convince the majority of people on Earth that they were in immanent danger of a deadly pandemic despite the evidence of their very own eyes does not have contingency and diversion plans for those who have become newly awakened?

          As I said before, the virus/flat Earth/Qanon topics are mere curiosities and should be treated as such. But while people obsess over all of those things the enemy’s agenda keeps rolling forward regardless of whether a virus is real or not. If they win because we were too busy infighting over irrelevancies, I assure you it will be no consolation if you do ever find out the answer to the virus question.

          • I’d have to say, Mate, you’re the one missing the point.

            “What’s important is that you understand some of the ways the enemy works to keep you distracted, confused, angry, scared, argumentative or whatever negative emotions you may have.”

            Correct and that’s the point you missed, you’re own excellent point. When people realize that “viruses” are unproven, no human pathogenic virus has been found and that these supposed “viral diseases” have not been shown to be contagious, people can never be afraid of them.

            The fake viruses scam is not a mere curiosity. We have a disaster of monumental proportions in this country with something like 72 shots of toxic crap being injected into the veins of our children before the age of 18. Chronic disease and death are the result. Wondering how you can be so insouciant to call that a curiosity. Open your eyes.

            If you’d like to have a reasoned conversation about the scientific merits of my assessment (not belief) that viruses have not been isolated nor shown to be contagious, I’m happy to oblige. You will need to read journal articles and understand some things about lab procedures. You will need to use logic and reason.

            If, instead, you want to continue to show everybody how cool you are and laugh about those crazy peops who are no different from flat earthers, you can wallow in your ignorance.

            Intellectual discussions are fruitful when based on facts and reason. They an annoying waste of time when the cool kids think they can “win” by doing nothing more than denigrating and dismissing others.

      • paul823

        Can’t disagree more. It is not a matter of faith, it’s a matter of analyzing the journal articles, realizing that the authors didn’t follow the scientific method and therefore they haven’t shown any credibility for the claims they make.

    • James’ statement that people say they are sick with something they haven’t had before is in no way evidence of a virus. That is a total non-sequitur and I’m shocked that he would say such a thing.

      Further, McCollough’s substack post claiming that electron micrographs can prove pathogenic viruses is so anti-scientific and illogical that it take my breath away.

      Anyone can take a pic and put arrows on it. Proves absolutely nothing.

  10. One World Pandemic Treaty; what could possibly go wrong?
    One International Health Regulations (IHR); what could possibly go wrong?
    One Health; what could possibly go wrong?
    One World Government; what could possibly go wrong?
    One CBDC; what could possibly go wrong?
    One brain chip (per person); what could possibly go wrong?

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