Vanessa Beeley Exposes the White Helmets Play in new window | Download | EmbedFor the past two years, Vanessa Beeley has been doing on-the-ground reporting in Syria exposing the lies of the NATO powers and their terrorist proxies. Her work on...

New Study PROVES Liberals Are Smarter Than Conservatards!!! Play in new window | Download | EmbedTake that, Repugs! Click here to watch this video on DTube / / SPKOUT / YouTube SHOW NOTES: 6 in 10 of you will share this link without reading it, a new,...

Fake News of the Year: Honorable Mentions

As you’ll no doubt have seen by now, The Corbett Report issued its REAL Fake News Awards yesterday to some of the worst fake news offenders of 2017. And if you haven’t seen it by now, here it is. But as you can imagine, it’s impossible to cram in all...