I, Sandwich

by | Oct 13, 2024 | Newsletter | 4 comments

Have you ever asked someone to make you a sandwich?

What?? You have??!

You heartless monster! Do you have any idea how unbelievably difficult it is to make a sandwich? Do you have the slightest clue how much backbreaking labour goes into the construction of that bready concoction? Do you understand how incredibly expensive it is to assemble that portable meal?

No? Well, you’re about to! Sit back and marvel at the story of a man who actually made a sandwich!

And if making a sandwich sounds utterly mundane to you, then I feel sorry for you. You obviously fail to appreciate the absolute miracle of human community that is taking place around us each and every day—a miracle that makes everything of value in our lives possible.

Prepare yourself for the most important lesson you will ever learn: how to make a sandwich.


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  1. All right, James, you finally made me read Read’s I, Pencil. I didn’t know many of the painstaking details of various processes pencil making involves. The matter of black nickel on the brass ferrule sounds like one of those rabbit holes one wakes up from on the early monday morning while being tossed around in the thoroughly spinned up hamster wheel.

    Of course I could not complete this mighty feat without several side quests, like doing some vacuuming and constantly pulling back my eye, as it waders across feeds.

    Regardless of what George said, I’m thoroughly convinced that sandwich tasted really, really good. I bet the cost of the whole shebang without his trip to Commifornia would be a lot friendlier. But, of course, many more things could be added to the subtotal.

  2. Sunday morning coffee and a donut. Dianache matin Un cafe et un beignet.
    Doncha just love the French.

    Homie’s comment brought back memories of images from my past.
    Rene Magritte. His famous painting ” The Treachery of Images”

    Folding this French inspired idea into today’s newsletter is no easy feat.
    You now must learn some French.
    Ceci n’est pas un conte. This is not a story. So like economics of actual pencil/ chicken sandwich we see the world thru our sees and sometimes you must ask as James so cleverly does, can I believe my lying eyes? No-non-nada- neigh you can’t . What? Why?
    Narrative, subtext, message.

    This is not a chicken sandwich.

    P.S.- Nice visual Brock West, who does it better than you?

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