Interview 1900 – James Corbett Dissects the Food Crisis on the SLOBODNI Podcast

by | Sep 27, 2024 | Interviews | 5 comments

via SLOBODNI podcast: James Corbett appears on the SLOBODNI podcast on Z1 TV in Croatia to discuss the Future of Food, the transformation of the food supply, the attack on farming and farmers, and what we can do about this threat.


SLOBODNI Podcast – Website / Rumble


Episode 460 – The Future of Food

We’re All Dutch Farmers Now + We’re All Sri Lankan Farmers Now

Prince Charles backs face masks for cows to help save the planet one burp at a time

The Kissinger Report – National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 (pdf)

Interview 1562 – James Corbett Tackles Event 201, The Great Reset, and the End of Humanity

Tundra Vegetation to Grow Taller, Greener Through 2100, NASA Study Finds

CBDCs: A Country-By-Country Guide

European Union Announces Cricket Powder Will Replace Many Food Items

Who Is Bill Gates? (Full Documentary)

The Future of Food is OURS to Decide – #SolutionsWatch


  1. Sjajno, James je došao do cijelog svijeta

    It just seems at times that the cancer of global takeover is unstoppable. Your effort to open minds and eyes is a true weapon of mass expansion of consciousness. Stay on the journey and be careful.

  2. Great work James! Great exposure. Like most nowadays this isn’t a country or a community problem but a world problem!

  3. Those who believe we are being manipulated by ‘Demonic Forces’ have often said that these ‘demons’ have to tell us what they intend to do; which is sort of what’s been going on… It started, maybe, with Cecil Rhodes wanting to start a secret ‘club’ to control the way the world is ruled, then there was Huxleys ‘Brave New World’ to show us the way things could go, as did the novel 1984. The Club of Rome more or less said, or so it has been mooted, that climate change, caused by peoples activities could be a good approach to scare people into obedience. There are also the Eugenicists who very openly have said we need to reduce the number of people on the planet and lil’ ol’ Gates saying that with vaccines the problem (of overpopulation) could perhaps be overcome, or words more or less to that effect. Then Event 201, to tell about the plandemic. Then jabs that don’t do what they’re supposed to do, but kill people instead. We really are faced with either the demonic or the completely insane, or maybe the utterly stupid. I mean…’Dimming the sun’? As Gates said he wanted to do! It appears that the least intelligent and least imaginative people on the planet are the ones we’ve allowed to ‘rule’ us. that’s what comes of trusting indiscriminately. Looks as if we need to be a lot more observant and start applying the imagining and planning of our future to suit US, not corporations or insane control freaks.
    By the way, mushrooms could ‘save our lives’ without any genetic manipulation, just need to grow and use them.

    • Bet you are aware of the brilliant Mckenna Brothers hey?

      Fascinating theory on psilocybin…(Basic idea) low doses increase visual acuity increasing early man’s ability to hunt better; higher doses improve libido, increasing reproductive success and tribe size, and mega doses increasing higher levels of consciousness.

      Everyone thought the “War on Drugs” was about bad folks doing bad things. IMO it was about good people seeking higher consciousness.

  4. No, haven’t come across the Mckenna Bros. Simply love fungi and once upon a time long back ate a Magic Mushroom and loved it’s effect. It was a very low dose. I could do with a dose of psilocybin at present, old age and laptop doing in my eyesight!
    Thanks for the info, ejdoyle, I’ll go to wiki
    6am your time? you must be on the other side of the planet to me, you’re already experiencing tomorrow. 😀

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