Interview 1930 – The CDC is Grooming Kids for the Next Scamdemic (NWNW #581)

by | Feb 14, 2025 | Interviews, Videos | 54 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

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Story #1: Gold Bulls Lock In On Glittering Milestone – $3,000/oz. In Sight

World’s Second-Largest Gold Storage Suddenly Has Very Long Lines to Withdraw Bars

London Gold Market Defaults on Physical Gold Deliveries

Story #2: USAID Bankrolled Secretive Nonprofit Global News Network With Alleged Ties to Censorship

USAID Gifted Cement Factory to Hamas—How $310 Million in U.S. Taxpayer Money Helped Create Gaza Terror Tunnels

Flashback: USAID is a Deep State Trojan Horse (May 21, 2018)

Elon’s DOGE Investigating Feds Whose Net Worths Have Exploded After Samantha Power Bombshell

Flashback: Sunstein Won – Cognitive Infiltration of the “Alternative” Media (Sep. 13, 2021)

Power Couple: Samantha Power and Cass Sunstein

Story #3: Critics Say CDC Grooming Kids to Fear Pandemics Through “Operation Outbreak”

Sinister New Details About CIA’s Secret Mind Control Program

FBI Finds Secret JFK Assassination Records After Trump Order

Video: Florida Rep. Anna Paulina Luna On JFK Assassination – “I Believe There Were Two Shooters”

Video: “Are you supportive of these onesies?”

Raising Generation Next – #SolutionsWatch

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  1. Hope you get well soon Mr Corbett.
    This flu going around here was almost like having coof again, only thankfully faster since everyone is just about better after a week.

    Best wishes

  2. Wow that is some super creepy brainwashing material they are throwing at the kids.

    Thanks for the heads up guys.

    My wife’s teacher colleagues told us how they had these surprise popup mRNA injection centers at schools trying to get kids to get injected without their parents consent, man I godda tell you, if I was one of those parents I would have likely ended up going against my non-aggression principle aspirations and snapped on those cult members tryna get the kids.


    Hope you feel better soon James. Personally, I always find that a big bowl of miso with lots of green onions, Kombu and/or Wakame and shiitake mushrooms helps me feel better.

    Also, here is my old post on innate immune system optimizing foods as well (incase you wanna get more ideas for super soups, smoothies or tea to fight off that bug).

    Take care man!

    • G
      You have gotten close here with American values and the values of some pervert King. They only respond to violence. I will pray for Canada and that POS monarch you live under.
      I can’t believe they would try that on this side of the border. Well maybe in New York but not in N.H, Vermont or Michigan.

      • If you don’t think they would do that in the US I think you’re not paying attention….they have been pushing perversity and mental illness in kids in schools for a good while and no one did very much about it except in a very few cases.

        People who ought to know better send their kids to school….id rather destroy my career then do that.

        I guess it’s “evil-lotion” in action and we are weeding out parents who don’t care from the gene pool.

        • Duck,
          Exaggerating a little? I can only speak of my state and affairs of the teachers like Gs wife. They don’t try outside DHS control, which is as sad as it gets round here. Zorrow and Kaiser ( Zionists) foundations have only the trash to work with through DHS. Sex change and vax on the ultra vulnerable but don’t stir up the rednecks with unannounced vax offerings at secondary or middle schools. A no no still.

          • On rednecks… meh….I knew a guy who told me that “l( his words) “the bubba’s” would stop tyranny if it went to far in the US

            I thought about it and think it’s wrong ( and I seriously ask for feedback)

            1) Bubba is demographicly speaking a fat guy with pre diabetes in his 50s. He probably does not have a lot of spare cash and may be dependent on some kind of pension or welfare
            2) Bubba sends his kids to state school
            3) Bubba spends zero time thinking beyond very childish political ideas and gets his worldview off movies
            4) Bubba is no longer the majority population of the USA and his kids probably have different social values then he has because of school

            Blackpilled did his wonderful PatCon series on the milita movement built in reaction to normal people getting upset at the changes…. He pointed out Some things such as THOSE men were often full on Vietnam vets with real world experience of killing people AND they had a sense of their own identity not many people have now.

            Back in the day people literally fought in the streets trying to stop school intergration- I see nothing like that energy levels today do you? How many people will stand up and say that they don’t want openly gay teachers in schools?
            How many would support a total end to food stamps and welfare?

            Not many, not being blackpilled just realistically saying people can not depend on mass support or expect mass action on anything

      • @GBW

        RE: “..the values of some pervert King” please elaborate.


        Ya I mean, if we are talking about young humans that are not in a solid position to defend themselves (mentally) when these deluded self-righteous vaccine clinic people come at them with lies and manipulation to try and get the kids to say ok to a mystery injection, I suppose taking action to defend the children is not really violating the non-aggression principle.

        In a situation like I describe above, one might look at these mentally deranged and ethically lobotomized big pharma foot soldiers as the principle aggressors in that situation, and thus, if one was to step in between them and the kids or take action in some way to remove these big pharma agents from that situation, it could be seen as a form of defending those that cannot defend themselves. That in my ethics is not violating another, it is preventing violation.

        Though I suppose it is a grey area, like James pointed out in that other interview on raising the next generation… what about in the hypothetical government-less voluntaryist world, where there is a community of deranged child predators next door? Is taking physical action to protect the children in that community ethical? Or does that represent violating the non-aggression principle? I dunno, but I can tell you if I observed abuse of those that cannot protect themselves around me, I would take action to stop it.

        The mRNA “vaccine” clinics and mobile injection centers here in Ontario got so creepy and aggressive at one point they were setting up shop at “Canada’s Wonderland” in Toronto (an amusement park for kids).

        I did take action to educate the parents within my sphere and printed dozens of pages, laminated them, and stapled them to telephone polls near these mRNA injection centers, warning people about what the injections were doing to people, so I did try to protect those willing to protect themselves in that capacity, but I am only one man.

        I dunno what the policies were across the border. I do know that in BC the injection pushers were even more aggressive and nefarious than here in Ontario with the little kids and trying to circumvent parental awareness/consent.

  3. I play a doctor on TV 🙂
    Oraganol liquid is a great anti microbial for upper chest stuff only about $15 for bottle.
    Teaspoon sublingual for a min or so (will smart a bit) and wash down with good water.
    #11 Nat Sulph Biometric Salt (Sodium Sulfate) excellent for fever
    #4 Ferr Phos (Potassium Phosphate) for cough with sore throat
    #5 Kali Mur (Potassium Chloride) for coated tongue and phlegm
    Take 4 small tablets sublingual with no coffee, etc. 1/2 hour before, let the tablets melt and follow with some good water.

    Get well buddy, you are in your prime.

  4. Just like Mossad’s Epstein Island AND Hollywood, they close these institutions down once they have served their purpose.

    Now USAID is getting the knife, seems they are done with that too.

    AND in just about every case, America pays for that which is used to destroy us. Our tax dollars have built up Russia and China, have funded Israel’s funding of ALL terrorist organizations, built up “our” sociopathic militarized police force that is used to enslaver us, propaganda sold as entertainment and so much much more…It is so difficult living in a country that literally refuses to see how evil and corrupt our ZOG government truly is…their mind control over 99.99% of us is seemingly absolute.

    • If you want to understand who and why, this fellow does a great job, though knowing the truth has definitely effected him. We are HARD wired to reject this type of conspiracy theory, unless of course “Nazi Christian Nationals” are behind it, then it is universally embraced. This IS nevertheless where we are going, by all indicators: A “Jewish” NWO.

      In my humble opinion, all peoples within the Abrahamic religions are subject to intense spiritual manipulation. I think the whole thing was made up to take us to exactly where we are going. I could be wrong, but that is unlikely, since there is no proof the Jewish God exists, and an infinite amount of proof these Zionists bustards have been working for a “Jewish” NWO for some 3000 years:

      They created Jews to be insular supremist and sociopathic rulers of their NWO.
      They created Christianity to subjugate all other religions and cultures, while introducing them to the Jewish religion. How sick it makes me to hear sheep saying “European Christian Culture” when Christianity destroyed our culture.
      They created Muslims to be the antithesis to Christianity…

      Again, I know all too well the heads that would explode if these ideas were introduced into the mind of the well organized Jewish mental matrix, but logic is not predicated on what we want to believe, but what is most likely.

  5. just for the record, it is highly unlikely covid was anything but the yearly flu, and the whole “lab created” nonsense was simply to promote the idea that covid was created in a lab, so we could not trust our response to it to our natural immunity, “to fight a lab created disease, you need a lab created cure”.

    Covid was not a disease of the body, as much as it was a disease of the mind. And they named it “corona” with that in mind.

    • I have to disagree on coof being “just” the yearly flu….. it lingered way way longer than a normal flu.

      Also I don’t believe regular flu causes anything like the same amount of inflammation…. The people dropping dead with heart attacks and strokes, esp from the “vax” which basically produces the same inflammatory spike protein as the virus, goes way beyond a regular flu. I guess it could have been one of the bad natural strains.

      It’s was not anything like as deadly as they made out but it was not “nothing” either.

      • As for “lingering”, there may be infinitely number of reasons why that was true, or simply believed to be true.

        How can anyone tell it lingered, no more than flu lingers…With today’s totally controlled it is impossible to ascertain real information, especially when we are under a FULL ON psyop.

        But more to the point, the isolation and quarantining may have directly contributed to the weak immune response of the general population.

        If you subtract NY and NJ cases/deaths (where they purposely spread the flu to seniors AND used murderous ventilators), from the overall cases, you get a pretty normal flu season.

        We lived in a medium size city outside DC (an area considered a “hotspot”), my spouse was the CEO of the second largest employer. In the height of the scamdemic, within the organization and its families, there were three cases, of which were relatively unhealthy heavy set individuals, ALL of whom survived. When I was chatting with one, an older African American woman, she said the worst part of covid was not the illness, but how she was being treated by others.

        Hospitals attributed most deaths to covid, to get that sweet tax payer bailout for being part of the scam.

        When I went to GW University hospital for my regular check up, when we were being told hospitals were over flowing, the place was empty. They closed down 90% of the hospital(s) then filmed the over crowded 10% and used that as justification of an emergency.

        These filthy Zionist psychopaths would NEVER release a disease they did not control 100%, why would they, they are already moving everything into place with our help. The made up lethality and its “lab made” originals, is pure BS, all to make the JAB seem more necessary. Nothing but Hollywood propaganda to fool the fools.

        • It can be both a real disease and and an exaggeration/ pysop at the same time.

          I agree that they were massivly inflating death and infection rates, the numbers showing this are coming out now. That’s not the same as saying there was zero infections or even zero deaths.

          I can personally attest that coof stuck around a long time after I was better…it took a long time before I was able to do anything like my normal level of cardio and I got inflammation…. It’s my belief that inflammation is the cause of the “died suddenly” after effects. The inflammation can come from the vax and from the disease itself.

          Inflammation causes heart disease , stroke, diabetes and cancers. All these are going up now, so I don’t see any issue attributing this to post coof inflammation…. Or post vac inflammation

          I don’t know that the coof killed anyone who was otherwise healthy but it certainly did cause me and others to be weaker and less healthy after the event. We do appear to be having a rise in cancer and heart issues….. was this ALL coof related(rather then a combination of bad diet and lack of exercise) ??

          Probably not ALL, but I see no reason to think the disease was made up out of whole cloth either.

          I dont see why a psychopath, who have a psychology that makes them MORE reckless and short sighted, would not use something that could get out of hand….. nor does being psychopathic give them magic control over nature. Biological warfare is by its nature unpredictable.

          I never took the jab, nor did I suggest anyone take it. They don’t need to make complex scare porn – the people I know who got vaced were the same ones tell me the coof was nothing to worry about when it started because they literally get their thoughts off the media.

          • Yes , it was a real disease, it was the yearly flu which kills just as many people if you excluded NJ and NY…

            Yes, the vax was the goal, it is absolutely detrimental. I am also sure Alabama did not get the same poison vax as Israel, who probably got saline.

            I think the point you make here is the most illuminating: “I don’t see why a psychopath, who have a psychology that makes them MORE reckless and short sighted, would not use something that could get out of hand….”

            No offence, but you do not understand them, we consider them psychopaths, but they do not see themselves as much because to them, “goyem” are not people. They are not reckless, they are anything but. How in the world could they be on the doorstep of world domination being reckless?

            Everything they do is calculated, methodical and purposeful (and totally malevolent). They would never risk something as unpredictable as a truly novel virus. They are NOT masters of the universe, they ARE masters of illusion, I think that is what is important to remember.

            • If they were really master of illusion then everyone would be fooled and I really don’t think most people are…. I think most people are just scared and lazy and would rather just go along to get along and hope for the best.

              The thing about the American system is that it materially and politically elevated lots of people whose ancestors were peasants and slaves. It’s not like the nature of those people has changed much since then.

              • there is no such thing as a 100% of anything, a master of something is not dependent on perfection. There are different levels of fools: Going to war on lies, pretty foolish, running around wearing a face diaper, letting a obviously corrupt system inject you with who knows what, a guy in a cave did 9/11…and sorry to say, but their religious garbage is most likely an illusion.

                Their who shtick is “by deception we wage war”, Hollywood allowed them to perfect it. How many brain dead morons thought Zion Don was actually shot in the ear? The fact people even debated it, exemplifies the true lack of understanding of this vile malevolence.

                Seriously, it is either, they ARE masters of illusion, or Americans are masters of self-delusion, and actually it is both.

              • Rex and Duck

                You two don’t think out of the box.

                1. Disease at a distance ?
                -Frequency, energetics.
                2. Raymond Royal Rife?
                Cures Cancer by frequency,
                – What cures can cause.
                3. Smart meters, transmit and receive?
                – we are bathed in electro mechanical frequency. Sky, 60Hertz power grid, some 1million tuned deep earth well antenna. God knows how many cell phone towers transmitters. Geo- Engineering skies with nano metals and charged plastics.
                4. Grand daddy of them all , Nick Tesla.
                5. Col.Tom Bearden talk about raise some money for a project!
                Do you think this has not been weaponized or is not being used to some agenda? Outcome, purpose other than happenstance?
                Come on you deep thinkers. Too much evidence.

  6. Dunno where to write, but, since this so called deep state is supposedly collapsing, I’m more and more afraid for my homeland – Poland. There are circulating gossips about Ukrainian mercenaries being trained in “Great” Britain, that will perform old trick with false flag, this time masquerading as Belarusians. Today clown from Kiev announced that Putin attacked Chernobyl power plant with drones. No media questions it. They want this war really bad. I live near eastern Poland border with Belarus (15km to the border). I don’t like it. They are going to do a false flag attack.

    • I don’t think they will be that stupid, if they are the war will be atomic super fast.

      As I understand it the European military pretty much depends on the US to supply it with actual power- the
      Bundeswehr was the main European force in the Cold War but they can’t get up to strength to fight Russia without years to ramp up production of tanks and artillery and restarting conscription.

      European energy production is pathetic right now and they can’t support a real build up even if the economy was good, and I really doubt the population is going to be gung ho about guns over butter.

      I don’t think they will be stupid enough to start a real war with Russia unless they want to go right to nukes- and again, Russia will win that fight because Europe does not have a credible chance of knocking Russia out before all the capitals from London to Warsaw are nuked. I really think the big push for war wiyh Russia is from the NeoCon Jews in the US and they have a lot less power to start stuff then they had a couple of years back…European war hawks are just the Client kings yapping the old masters tune. Unless they are retarded they must know they can’t fight unless America wants them to and I really think the US has its eyes closer to home right now

    • I think their plan is coming into focus, it seems they will start a war and use the fog of war to finalize their Jewish NWO.

      I think Russia (CCCP) is a paper tiger, China is the real threat.

      They have built up Russia and China, but China more so. The Zios HATE Russians, the Jewish Bolsheviks demonstrated that. They have built up China in every way, stealing trillions from the West to build them up, manipulating China to be the nationalistic supremacists they are. I like the Chinese, I like the people of every nation I’ve ever been to, but the governments, that is another story. There is a reason our Zio masters have flooded the West and Russia with immigrants, while leaving China isolated and hated. The have hollowed out the West’s manufacturing, while giving it all to China.

      China today is the America of the 1930’s, and Trump is our Hitler. To be sure, Hitler was FAR more an enemy of the German people, than he was of the Jews. Hitler was was meant to drive the Jews out of Germany to create Israel. I always thought is was telling, how Zio traitor FDR did not allow Jews to migrate to America, they wanted Israel populated.

      The fact Hitler is not seen as the vile traitor he truly was, is a testament to the absolute control these monsters have over our perception of history.

      On a side note, it is not the endless rhetoric that guides my understanding of history, not the speeches and the news reports, but the ACTUAL consequences. Did German fair well or poorly, just like under Trump. Oh yes, Trump is all about “MAGA”, but is that the reality of his actions, which is a categorical NO. Trump is a disaster, from the second he starting his run for office years ago, a divicine piece of Zionist treasonous garbage who has elevated double speak/thought to an art form.

      This looks like it will be a war between China and America, and JUST like in the Civil War, the Zionists control both sides, this is a genocide, the goal to wipe out as many humans as possible, especially Americans. I tell all my family, if we go to war, do NOT let your kids go, this is not about winning, this is about slaughter, EXACTLY like what they did to the poor Ukrainians. Better to die at home fighting for our freedoms, than on some distant battle field dying for nothing.

      During this war, they will crack down on our freedoms like never before, using WAR as the excuse.

      To hedge my bet, I would say the idea of an impending war may itself be a distraction, as we saw with covid, they don’t need a war to perpetrate their evil.

      Only thing is for sure is America will not be the America we know, after Trump. Trump is Cyrus.

      • “…..,but the ACTUAL consequences. Did German fair well or poorly, just like under Trump. Oh….”

        Finding myself in the odd position of speaking positively about Hitler I will point out that YES the German people did much better and were much happier after he took power…. That’s why there was no real popular resistance to the nazis.

        People had lives that got materially better.

        Hitler wasn’t just making stuff up for show when he boasted about workers having a higher standard of living and stable employment vs the suicides and deaths of despair that were running rampant in Weimar.

        Hitler did not even want a war in the west and was basically forced into it via Poland getting the same kind of insane backing we currently give to Ukraine.

    • I hope so, actually have a hand ful of silver coins I got as a gift. It would be nice to have a grand for free

      That said I don’t think it will get as high as gold since silver is “people money” rather then Gov or bank money like Gold….its also way more common assuming their not lying about the gold supply- on the other hand the silver bugs always do keep saying that Silver is more useful industrially then gold (though considering how much gold people have been melting out of old electronics I’m not sure about that)

      “gold is for the mistress silver for the maid, copper for the craftsman cunning at his trade….’Good’ said the baron, sitting in his hall ‘but iron, cold iron is master of them all’ “

      My gun nut friend bought a ton of guns and they appear to accumulate value faster then bitcoin, lol. Except he loves them too much to sell

      • Sorry to say but apparently they’ve just discovered huge gold, silver and bitcoin (believe it or not) reserves under the moon’s surface. It’s only a matter of time before it’s brought back to earth so best sell up now. The price is already dropping… 😉

  7. I must admit, whilst ever cautious after the events of the last few years, it is becoming harder and harder to deny that whatever Trump and co are doing is a net positive.

    More common sense measures have been enacted in the last three weeks than the government of my own benighted country (UK) have done in decades. In the last few days alone, USAID being dissolved, RFK appointed, and JD Vance’s truth bomb speech yesterday to the disgraceful globalists running Europe. If this is all a psyop then it is the most involved one yet.

    • I agree- though I am not under the impression that Trump is actually our friend why not be happy if he throws us some red meat?

      It’s not like things would have been BETTER under Harrises owners so everyone should take this chance to do more for themselves to be ready if and when the other shoe drops.

      I don’t get all the Accelerationism…. Who really thinks things will be better when the blood starts flowing? Who really thinks things will go exactly as they want when the blood starts flowing???

  8. ‘Insidious’ was exactly the word that came to mind when I saw the last story about grooming children to believe the CDC et al. How many parents are going to correct their children when they come home from school spouting all this garbage? Bearing in mind the number of parents that fell for it themselves not so long ago I’d say, not many at all. Mind you, I suppose it’s been that way for a long time, including my own schooling which taught me all this stuff. Took me a long time to realise that I’d been told a lot of lies, or mis/disinformation and psuedoscience. Once it’s taught in school by your lovely/respected well-meaning (probably) science teacher and your parents don’t correct it, and all your friends believe the same thing, and of course the media don’t ever question it, there is little to no chance you’re ever going to see the truth.

  9. Gold
    I remember a documentary in which a stock trader – commenting on the Iraq invasion – said something along the lines of:
    ‘Yes, war is terrible but at soon as we all heard through the grapevine that a war was imminent, we were secretly excited because we knew the price of gold was about to go through the roof, so we all knew exactly what to buy.’

    Scamdemic #2 is gonna be ugly. Millions of people were pushed into a fearless, depleted-patience, nothing-to-lose mode by scamdemic #1 and they’re still in that mode.

    He synced Pilato’s words to Luna’s lipo lips at 19:13 😆

  10. RE:
    Story #1: Gold Bulls Lock In On Glittering Milestone – $3,000/oz. In Sight

    Sunday February 16, 2025 – Zero Hedge
    “Let’s Do It”: Rand Paul Supports Fort Knox Physical Audit After ZeroHedge Suggestion Goes Viral

    Zero Hedge tweets:
    It would be great if @elonmusk
    could take a look inside Fort Knox just to make sure the 4,580 tons of US gold is there.
    Last time anyone looked was 50 years ago in 1974.

    Elon replies:
    Surely it’s reviewed at least every year?

    Rand Paul replies on the string to Elon:
    Nope. Let’s do it.

  11. Interesting times we’re living in. My thought about Elon is I wish he would also exert effort to create more jobs for the masses. With all the automation and efficiency implemented, how should the masses be employed?

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