Interview 1651 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

by | Jul 16, 2021 | Interviews | 132 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee / YouTube or Download the mp4

Story #1: NATO Says Attack In Space Could Trigger Article 5 Mutual Defense Clause

Episode 345 – The Secret Lie That Started the Afghan War

Beyond the Drama: What REALLY Happened at the NATO Summit

NATO 2030: Global Domination or Bust

Pentagon Sees China’s Offensive Space Technology ‘On the March’

Story #2: France Mandates Vaccine Passports for “Non-Essential” Services

“Potentially a Death Sentence”: White House Goes Off On Vaccine Fearmongers

Story #3: Is Your Cash Becoming Outdated for Digital Currency? At the Ballpark, Yes!

“It’s money made just for the park.”

#CashFriday: Make Cash Great Again

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c/o James Evan Pilato

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Thank You.


  1. Utter insanity!
    To all the people mentioned in the video I have Bill Hicks’ message:
    “Kill yourself”
    “Save the world of your evil machinations”
    “just planting seeds, maybe, maybe…”

    • Are French being rebellious just a stereotype?
      I’m not sure.

      It’s interesting to look at recent history to what they’ve been subjected.

      Don’t remember exactly, was it after Libya or Syria, when msm announced that jihadis are certainly coming to europe. At that time I said Germany will be targeted. It was France at the end. It was huge.

      Certainly I’m missing some important stuff, anyhow, yellow vests were then washed with chemical weapons for months.

      Then ‘rona madness that was very harsh in France.

      All in all years of torture, mental torture, years long learned helplessness exercise.

      Like someone wanted to crush French spirit. Coincidence?
      Looking on this, I’m inclined to be hardcore conspiracy theorist.

  2. I discovered that Tropicana Field went cashless three years ago when I went to my last MLB game.
    Recently I discovered that the Tampa Bay Times doesn’t put the baseball standings in the newspaper any longer.

    This isn’t the same world I was born into.

    • Hi Steve, Nor for I (born in 1952). People still speak a type of English in America and they drive odd looking cars and gigantic trucks, but all else seems strange to me. Even the food is different.
      The big change politically came in November ’63 with JFK being shot (and in ’68 MLK JR. and RFK being assassinated.)
      Technologically it was the personal computer in ’84 that sent us on this road to slavery and prison.
      Will liberty triumph again? I think so.

          • This EXCEPT QUOTE says a lot:

            “And so on … I’m tired of citing the facts.
            They do not make the slightest difference to the vast majority of New Normals, anyway.
            As I’ve noted in several previous columns, these people have surrendered their rationality, and have been subsumed into a totalitarian movement, which has become their perceptual and social “reality,” which their “sanity” now depends upon defending, so the facts mean absolutely nothing to them.”

            • Fascinating quote and very brilliant conclusion that facts don’t matter, logic doesn’t matter, etc. There is something else going on, psychological coping mechanisms like Stockholm Syndrome perhaps or cult mentality.

              The Covid narrative somehow gives their lives meaning whereas before perhaps they were bored. I haven’t quite figured it out yet, but it seems like some people enjoy this on some level. I know many people in the medical field appeared to enjoy the hero worship where as before no one gave a crap about what they did. Similarly, the grocery store checker became a hero in the new normal whereas before they were some poor schmuck who couldn’t get a better job.

              Whatever it is, it’s feeding some unconscious desire that the narrative gives them and they won’t wake up from facts.

  3. Dr. Martin uncovers “The Smoking Gun” on the COVID Scam. The COVID Geno has been Patented 73 times over the last two decades. Note at about 29 min into the video that Eco Health Allegiance CEO is quoted as saying:

    “We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media, and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.” This was said by the man whose coronavirus gain of function research was financed by Fauci at NIH.

    If this doesn’t get the masses moving, I don’t know what will.

  4. A funny story about the proposed cashless society. A few weeks ago a severe storm caused blackouts which affected the power supply and the internet in the area I live near Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. I was lucky, my town was only without power for three days. Anyway, one of the supermarkets and a petrol station used generators to stay open but had no internet, that’s a whole other ridiculous story for another time. No internet, no cashless payment, cash only! As you can imagine, the queue at the petrol station moved really quickly because they had a guy standing there with a sign saying “cash only”! Needless to say, there were a lot of disappointed people at the supermarket as well! Call me being strange, but I thought this was the funniest thing that happened in a long time! On a more, not sure how to call it, note, we’re back in another lockdown here in Victoria because a minuscule amount of supposedly positive cases. The gold standard here in Australia is the PCR test but there is absolute and complete silence in the media here about how it actually works and the importance of the number of cycle thresholds used to determine who’s positive. The brainwashing going on here in Australia is unbelievable. More unbelievable is the fact how many seemingly intelligent people fall for it! I better go now and have another drink to calm myself down!

  5. “July 14, 2019, National Day, We, the people of France, declare once again our inalienable sovereignty.
    With constancy and obstinacy, the people of France, with or without a vest, have denounced the corruption of the republic and the illegitimacy of this false representative democracy.
    The access to information, induced by the advent of modern communication technologies, has allowed us to make the lucid observation of the uselessness and even the harmful character of the political representation set up as a system, almost always concussionary, subservient to the big world bank and the military-industrial complex which enslave the peoples of the whole world.
    Each person has the right to speak for himself. Collective decision-making through citizen structures freed from the republican yoke can now be achieved.
    We hereby declare that we have the right to do so in every corner of France, in our neighborhoods, our communes, our cities and our provinces.
    In order to give back to the French a destiny and a sovereignty, we hereby proclaim the first direct democracy of France and we invite all the citizens of France who love justice and liberty to meet in constituent assemblies, new institutions that will soon be created in every province of France. Each one will be able to bring to the direct democratic edifice set up its own competences and expertise in order to determine together the rules of our mutual links.

    We will not back down.”

    Translated with (free version)

    and this movement was born of a gas tax hike.

    • so I was trying to add the following:


      The people have the natural right to form or abolish any government for the purpose of ensuring their own security and continuance.”

      to the beginning which didn’t copy/paste the first time for some reason but in my characteristic fumbling ineptitude I somehow deleted the Corbett page entirely yet the editing marched on…

      and also

      July 14, 2019, National day, We, the people of France, declare once again our inalienable sovereignty.

      should be

      “On this day, July 14th, 2019, the National day of the Bastille, We, the People of France, declare once again our inalienable sovereignty…”

      anyhow… my version of trying to clarify things… sigh… back to the hamster wheel…

    • and its disgusting stigmatization in international MSM

      its disgusting and very successful stigmatization in international MSM

      judging by my numerous students’ opinions of the movement.

  6. From the end of an article entitled:

    July 14 in France More than 19,000 demonstrators against the health passport

    “…In Bordeaux, a mother explained that she was looking for “resistant doctors” to “give false vaccines” to her two children.

    With the vaccines, they want to force us to drive cars that have not done their crash test,” also assured Baptiste, who introduced himself as a “yellow vest of the first hour.”

    The operator of a place that fails to comply with the future control obligations of the health passport will be liable to a fine of up to 45,000 euros (nearly 67,000 Canadian dollars) and one year in prison, according to the draft bill incorporating the new provisions announced by Emmanuel Macron.”

    Translated with (free version)

  7. President Biden did not bow to the Israeli president. According to the Israeli news he bowed to mother of 12 who served as secretary of (now former) Israeli president.

  8. Already last year Microsoft deleted my email distribution list because the tongue in cheek subject header was “Public Health Emergency.” So emails have already been under the spotlight.

  9. Australia Prime Minister Scott Morrison returned from G7 with a renewed motivation for lockdowns and mandated injections. Australia now has a 4-Phase ‘National Plan to transition Australia’s National COVID-19 Response’

    Here is a copy of the plan –

    Phase A – Vaccinate, Prepare and Pilot
    Phase B – Post Vaccination Phase
    Phase C – Consolidation Phase
    Phase D – Final Phase

    Here are some of the measures;

    – ‘Trial and pilot the introduction of alternative quarantine options, including home quarantine for returning vaccinated travellers’
    – ‘Recognise and adopt the existing digital Medicare Vaccination Certificate (automatically generated for every vaccination registered on AIR)’
    – ‘Establish digital vaccination authentication at international borders’
    – ‘Prepare vaccine booster programme’
    – ‘Ease restrictions on vaccinated residents -such as lock downs and border controls’
    – ‘Restore inbound passengers caps at previous levels for unvaccinated returning travellers and larger caps for vaccinated returning travellers’
    – ‘Introduce new reduced quarantine arrangements for vaccinated residents’
    – ‘Exempt vaccinated residents from all domestic restrictions’
    – ‘Abolish caps on returning vaccinated travellers’
    – ‘Lift all restrictions on outbound travel for vaccinated persons’
    – ‘Allow uncapped inbound arrivals for all vaccinated persons, without quarantine’

  10. I have to say I’m happy watching your videos here after I get your email.
    I too watched the French protests on Wednesday, I suppose it’s like you have to know where to look to see the truth about protests in London. Did anyone else see Greenpeace were allowed to dump a truckload of rubbish outside Downing Street without any police around, which of course they dumped nicely bagged up so no real mess. I’ve been trying to tell people I know,that Greenpeace sold out years ago.
    Have also seen heart rending footage of floods in Germany,at least 80 dead and 1,300 missing so far.

  11. I wish someone would take a 100 ryder vans full of c4 and park it outside of that new building Gavi has in Switzerland. I hear no one can enter that building because all the NGO’s whatever tentacle of Gates Gavi alliance is in their have like a diplomatic immunity. I
    mean the mf’s are trying to kill us, in war which it is you best shoot before you get shot and the head needs cut off the snake.
    I wonder what ever became of that dude that blew up that motorhome in Tennessee.

    • A57,
      I agree that GAVI and these NGO’s are corrupt and don’t have our best interests on their agenda. They certainly have no place in an open and free society.

      However, I personally don’t think it is wise to publicly state on a forum such as this that you wish someone would blow up the building, and “it is best to shoot before you get shot”.

      For those who don’t know…
      Thursday July 15th, on The Highwire with Del Bigtree is
      Episode 224: THE COVID CARTEL

      Around the 58 minute mark, Del starts an interview with Astrid Stuckelberger, PhD who is in Switzerland. She discusses GAVI, W.H.O., Tedros, United Nations & international organizations, Swiss law, the NGOs and the new GAVI building (empty), along with the corruption of it all.
      For me personally, Astrid was hard to follow. She really didn’t have the communication skills to relay concise concepts in an easy-to-digest sequence.

  12. I resonated strongly with this article. I am not sure how satirical it is though.

    “So, it looks like GloboCap isn’t going to be happy until they have fomented the widespread social unrest — or de facto global civil war — that they need as a pretext to lock in the new pathologized totalitarianism and remake whatever remains of society into a global pseudo-medicalized police state, or that appears to where we’re headed currently. We appear to be heading there at breakneck speed.“

    “ Thus, their plan is to make our lives as miserable as possible, to segregate us, stigmatize us, demonize us, bully, and harrass us, and pressure us to conform at every turn.

    “They are not going to put us on the trains to the camps. GloboCap is not the Nazis. They need to maintain the simulation of democracy.”

    “ So, they are going to keep goading us until we lose it. We have demonstrated incredible discipline so far, but eventually, we’re going to run out patience. It’s going to get messy. People will get hurt.”

    “ Or…I don’t know, maybe I’m wrong. Maybe some New Normals are still reading this essay, and can still, at this late stage, regain their senses.”

    • Hi Steve, I also read that article about “The Approaching Storm”. It was on the Lew Rockwell site. Yes, the GloboCap/Davos/Neo-Nazis are trying to get a reaction from us. We must not react. We have to be like Putin and not react violently. Violence is what these Neo-Nazis know. Humor and non-compliance drives them nuts. “I will not be ignored!!!!” (you know the quote and movie).
      The Neo-Nazis are broke, just like Hitler was in 1939 when he accidentally started WWII. He wasn’t ready yet. Hitler thought the English and French wouldn’t mind his invasion of Poland. Hitler had already invaded the Rhineland, Austria, and Czechoslovakia and gotten away with it.
      Fiat currencies and debt financing by central banks always bankrupts the system. That’s where we are.
      The Great Reset is about death. Blood washes the system away and sustains the vampires.

      • Its hard to maintain a positive outlook for the future for anyone with eyes to see.
        But without some optimism. Or at least hope, as ethereal as that is, for a future worth living, there is no point to life.

        That is why I strive so hard to get defeatist, nihilistic people who have already given up before the fight is over to re-evaluate their priorities. To be less dependent on the carrots and less fearful of the stick. To stand and fight before the fight turns bloody.

        • “ Fight whom? And how?”

          Who? Anyone who asks you to play along with the farce. Anyone who asks or demands that you comply with ridiculous rules like wearing masks.

          How? By not playing along with the farce. By refusing to comply.
          By simply prioritizing your freedom over your comforts. By having principles and sticking to them even when its hard. By not ceding the war before it even gets tough.
          Life is hard. War is hell.

          • “ Non-compliance is “fighting”? That seems like a rhetorical stretch, but okay…”

            Oh come on. Seriously? You pick anything don’t you?

            A synonym for resistance is non compliance for crying out loud. And you have heard the term Resistance Fighters” I presume.

            You contend we are going to be slaughtered. I think it is much more likely that mankind is in for a terrible time and that there is a greater likelihood that mankind will survive it.

            Now I believe that my contention is the more reasonable and logical one based simply on the fact that humanity has survived thus far.
            While your contention is much more extreme, unprecedented and perhaps even outrageous.
            Therefore isn’t it incumbent upon you to provide concrete proof of our impending extinction rather than simply making claims as if you have a window into the future?
            Do you possess Facts that are hidden from everyone else?
            If so please share.

            But frankly, even if you provide a notarized document from Galactic Headquarters that says Earth is on a collision course with Planet 9, I am going to continue to live as if I and my fellow humans have a future.
            By both doing everything that I reasonably can to hold onto the freedom that we still have. And enjoying, to the best of my ability, the life I am blessed to have today.

            You may feel that its a rhetorical stretch to compare not complying with fighting but you are wrong. Noncompliance is often the only weapon that we have.

          • The people who work and pay taxes still have a lot of agency, but don’t realize what a substantial amount of power they actually have.

            For example, suppose 80% of the French told their leaders no jab and they just walked off the job. What if the military did that, told their leaders they refuse to comply?

            There aren’t robots who will work in every sector (yet), so these freaks actually need us. They actually enjoy tormenting us, it seems. We must deprive them of that.

            You’re very smart Fact Checker. What do you think we should do?

          • Fact checker:

            People are allowing themselves to be slaughtered. They are consenting to it.

            People went along with the lockdowns. They were cowards. There were no enforcers with rifles.

            People need to take a risk and fight to oppose this.

          • It is interesting to know that Macron took care not to oblige the police or the gendarmerie to take the vaccine…

            With regard to the French people, or the Belgian ( their pandemic law was recently adopted and it is so frightening that your blood congeals when you read it), they will not revolt in my opinion.

            These people have changed so much since the 60’s and 70’s. The population is not homogenous anymore. Holding a passport does not mean adhering to a culture and a way of thinking. In addition, as in other countries, the natives have been threatened with sanctions for expressing their views. They do not feel free to speak anymore. I am not judging. I am simply describing facts that carry consequences.

            I have been stunned by this outcome. To my stupor, I have seen all my friends, one by one, take the vaccine. I always thought that some of them would resist. But, they are under hypnosis. They are terrified. They are threatened by their own families, by doctors, or authorities. They are under the yoke of the state. The social pressure is too strong for most of them.

            After all, it was Aristotle who said that we are social animals. Being a loner or a rebel is difficult. It is harsh on your psyche, but also on your body as it weakens your immunity.


            If you understand French, watch this video….

          • “…
            End of a long road: Parliament approves Belgian pandemic law
            Friday, 16 July 2021

            By Lauren Walker

            …The act will provide an additional legal basis for the government to take far-reaching measures during health crises, such as lockdowns and travel bans, replacing the current method of using ministerial decrees, which has been previously criticised for being undemocratic and even resulted in a Brussels court ordering the Belgian State to lift “all coronavirus measures,” arguing the legal basis for them was insufficient.

            In future, according to the act, declaring an epidemiological emergency would have to be made by royal decree, after which parliament would get 15 days to rectify it, rather than just two to five days, as is the case now. This should allow for a more thorough debate on the decisions at hand.


            By royal decree?? is more democratic??

            Clearly, I need to get more info on just how Belgian law functions…

        • Are all Billionaires bad? There might be a few bitcoin millionaires and billionaires that would be on our side.

          They could help fight the psychopaths. Being wealthy in and of itself isn’t bad if you earned the money honestly or had some good fortune.

          • westerncivic:

            Why in particular do you feel this way? I have worked hard my whole life, same as my grandparents who were dirt poor and if I count up all my assets probably am a millionaire.

            Does this mean I’m bad? I hope to have a few more million before I retire.

          • Sounds like more socialist claptrap to me.

            Do you understand that democracy is a platform for slavery? Wherever you have a system that presuposes control of one group (the so called majority) over another (the so called minority) you will foster slavery. The “majority” has no right to control the “minority”, this is all just poison for the mind.

            Nobody has any right to tell another what to do. We can only ever own ourselves, be the masters of our domain. Everything else leads to brain damage.

            Lile I said, people are protesting, but they have no idea what are they protesting against. It’s like watching a dog chase a car; if it managed to catch up with the car, what would it do?

        • Hi Steve, I agree with your position and attitude. For “Attitude determines outcome. And hard luck stories are a dime a dozen.” This is the motto of my family given to us by Grandpa Jack a cigar smoking truck driver in the Great Depression, forties, and fifties. He died young at 55, but Gr. Jack was right.

          I’m tired of whiners. Get in the truck and drive.

  13. Another very good NWNW Report. LA County just put out the indoor mask mandate order again (vaxxed or not) starting at midnight Saturday. 400 new cases in a county of 10 million people. Insanity!
    Masks not very common anymore here in Sonoma County, CA which surprises me. Masks still required on schoolchildren though. (Child abuse). About 60% of the county residents are vaxxed. 500,000 people live in Sonoma County.
    I caught a bad case of shingles. No, I didn’t get the vax. I had the Covid disease or whatever it is, in Feb. 2020 and am immune. I think I caught the shingles from some vaxxed person in town, but can’t prove it. 4 weeks of Hell. The shingles vaccine might be a good idea for those who haven’t had shingles.

    • Hi Alchemist. I had chicken pox as a four year old in Milwaukee. I still remember it. And yet, I still got shingles.
      You are no doubt right about the shingles vaccine. All I know is that having shingles for four weeks was pure Hell.

  14. Among the people who are protesting, how many understand what they are they protesting against? While a protest is good to get in the face of some people and to demonstrate that the discontent has some body to it, in the end it boils down to asking the master to have some freedoms restored or some laws changed.

    Another statistics I would like to see, among the protesters, how many will wear a mask on the very next day, without even thinking about it?

  15. Regarding Story #1 – CHINA

    China, “The Uyghur Genocide”, The Epoch Times, NTD website/YouTube Channels
    (e.g. “China Uncensored”), Mike Pompeo, Colonel Wilkerson, Falun Gong
    Kyle Bass, Steve Bannon, Tim Pool, Luke Rudkowski, Jennifer Zeng, the Shen Yun dance troop performing around the U.S., …and others.

    At the “Recommended Viewing” of Corbett’s recent subscriber newsletter article “The Scamdemic Was So Last Year . . . Here’s What’s Coming Next”
    is a video & article entitled:
    “Stain of the Century?” An Investigation of Uyghur Genocide Allegations Ep. 173 by Patrick MacFarlane.

    MacFarlane gives some excellent insight about “The Uyghur Genocide” stories you may have heard, (which often sound like propaganda about the Huns in WW1.)

    The Epoch Times
    People should take note of “The Epoch Times”, which has gained a strong following during Trump re-election campaign. “The Epoch Times” has its agenda.

    Kyle Bass and Steve Bannon are not directly affiliated with the Falun Gong crew, but they definitely would like to see China taken down a notch.

    The Shen Yun dance troop performing around the U.S. is affiliated with Falun Gong. It looks like a good show. I’ve see posters at the windowfront on some stores, both this season and previous ones.

    I am sure that there are some very well intentioned people who I’ve mentioned. However, it is worth looking at context.

    Prior to the lockdowns, way back in February 2020, much of the information/video clips which we got from China was via the Falun Gong affiliated network.
    I mentioned the Falun Gong connections in February 2020 when citing this article “Chinese Netizens and Expert Suspect Wuhan Bioresearch Lab Is the Source of the Coronavirus”
    That Open Thread contains many articles and video clips coming out of China when people were trying to figure out what was going on.

    • RELATED – Concerning CHINA being demonized by the U.S.

      A potential hypothesis of many: What if United States actors released SARS-Cov-2?

      Remember the 7th Military World Games in Wuhan China on October 18, 2019, the same day as the West was doing EVENT 201.

      RT – July 21, 2021
      Beijing renews its call for Fort Detrick biolab probe as 4.7 million Chinese petition WHO to search in US for Covid origins
      The Chinese foreign ministry has backed calls for an investigation into the Fort Detrick biolab as an origin of the Covid-19 pandemic after 4.7 million Chinese petitioned the WHO to send experts to the Maryland facility.

      Speaking on Wednesday, foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said that the Chinese people had delivered a clear message in signing a petition, created by state-run news agency The Global Times, calling for a World Health Organization (WHO) investigation into the Fort Detrick biolab.

      “In less than five days, about five million people participated. The rising numbers represent the aspirations of the Chinese people and show their anger at some people in the US for political manipulation through the issue of traceability,” he stated.

      The foreign ministry spokesman said that the responsibility to investigate their own lab must lie with the US. He claimed that reports of an unknown respiratory disease that caused pneumonia in Virginia in summer 2019 and the decision to terminate some operations at the Maryland biolab was suspicious and worthy of a probe.

      In 2019, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a “cease and desist order” to halt operations at the germ lab amid safety concerns. Zhao also cited a large-scale outbreak of e-cigarette disease in Wisconsin that same year.

      As of Wednesday morning, around 4.7 million Chinese citizens have signed the petition which calls on the WHO to investigate the US lab as a potential origin for the Covid-19 pandemic.

      The petition was launched last week as WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus blasted Beijing for failing to provide the raw data from the early days of its spread in China. “We owe it to the millions who suffered and the millions who died to know what happened,” he said.

      WHO experts spent around four weeks in China earlier this year. Their report suggested that cases identified in Wuhan in 2019 were believed to have been acquired from “a zoonotic source, as many reported visiting or working in the Huanan Wholesale Seafood Market.”

    • RELATED…
      Zero Hedge – July 22, 2021
      “Hundreds Of Thousands Have Disappeared” – Inside China’s Largest Detention Center

      President Biden is ramping up pressure on Beijing over its alleged human rights abuses in Xinjiang, which include – according to human rights groups – warehousing the Uygher Muslims who populate the far-western region in prisons that double as reeducation centers. The CCP says the Uyghers are receiving job training under the generous supervision of the state…

      …(Biden’s) His latest round of Hong-Kong-related sanctions and the international condemnation over Beijing’s alleged role in organizing massive cyberattacks including the infiltration of Microsoft Exchange has greatly irritated Beijing.
      The fact that they rug-pulled the Didi IPO shows how serious China is about weening its economy off of American capital and markets (while simultaneously propping up its own markets).

      As Biden pushes ahead with the crackdown (much to the chagrin of those intelligence assets who partnered with Hunter Biden in that thinly -veiled influence-peddling operation) Beijing is apparently trying to convince the American public that claims of human rights abuses are overblown.

      For that reason, it appears, the Chinese authorities granted reporters from the Associated Press a guided tour of Urumqi No. 3 Detention Center, one of the biggest detention centers in the country. It’s located in Dabancheng, a city in Xinjiang.

      According to the AP, the Detention Center is one of the largest in China, and possibly one of the largest in the world. It can hold an estimated 10K people, and many more if they are crowded in (like in American prisons). The compound itself is spread across 220 acres. The AP is the first western media outlet to be allowed inside (although the BBC and Reuters have reported from outside the facility).

      That China allowed the western journalists in suggests Beijing was trying to send a message: that it isn’t trying to hide the program, and expects to continue locking up and “reeducating” Uyghers (and, presumably, any other troublesome minorities) for as long as it takes.

      China insists the campaign of imprisoning and terrorizing more than 1MM Uyghers over the past 4 years is a “war against terror”. The campaign was preceded by a series of attacks organized by radical Uygher separatists. The prisons, which, according to China, double as “vocational training centers” soon followed. Beijing has made some changes after being confronted with international condemnation. Many Uyghers have been released over the past year. But many others have simply been moved to prisons….

  16. Regarding:
    Story #3: Is Your Cash Becoming Outdated for Digital Currency? At the Ballpark, Yes!

    July 15, 2021 – MERCOLA.COM
    Cash or Card — Will COVID-19 Kill Cash?
    (28 minute video in article)

    Story at-a-glance
    ~~~ The drive toward a cashless society has been in progress for some time, but the COVID-19 pandemic has been used as a pretext to accelerate the process

    ~~~ In the documentary “Cash or Card — Will COVID-19 Kill Cash?” producer Kersten Schüssler asks some important questions, like what’s at stake if society truly goes cashless? The answer is both your privacy and your freedom

    ~~~ The digital footprints or financial data trails that you leave every time you pay by card or mobile app are being watched closely and form an important part of surveillance capitalism

    ~~~ Information like how much alcohol you drink or how much you spend on vacation can all be tracked and “sold to the highest bidder”

    ~~~ As a result of this data, you and your neighbor might end up paying different prices for things like flights and hotels, or you might be refused insurance or be passed over for a job offer

    ~~~ Electronic payments are extremely lucrative for banks and payment service providers, while the data broker industry is also making huge revenues…

    …in the DW documentary “Cash or Card — Will COVID-19 Kill Cash?”1 producer Kersten Schüssler asks some important questions, like what’s at stake if society truly goes cashless? The answer is both your privacy and your freedom.
    You Pay for Cashless Payments With Your Privacy

    The World Economic Forum (WEF) has been vocal about its agenda of moving away from cash and to a digital currency, including in the U.S., for years.2 But in the last year, the pandemic has led to a drastic acceleration. In Germany, where people have been famously reluctant to embrace payment by card or app, the number of people paying by card increased by 26% since the start of the pandemic.3

    Cash is still being widely used there and is even the only currency accepted in many markets and bakeries. This isn’t the case in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, however, where cash has practically become a thing of the past. You won’t find ATMs very often and if you go to a convenience store, you’re likely to be told you have to pay by card….

  17. bleak, indeed.

    So strange. “it ain’t over till it’s over”. Yes, the famous quote by Yogi Berra, which was second nature to me. However, without highlighting your “ain’t ovah until it’s ovah”, I opened a new window to look the quote up just for the helluvit…. in the search bar I only typed three characters, the word “it” and “a”. it a

    Instantaneously, the first result after typing just those three letters was “it ain’t over till it’s over”.

    My question is, how in fuck did DuckDuckGo know to get that result as if it read my mind?

  18. Have you never wondered why our globalist planners of the future – aka friends of population control and big heaps of money – never mention the two worst problems that humanity faces in their philantropic musings? No, it is not the worlds health, the weather or eating meat. They never speak of the true problem number one in modern societies which is organized crime and widespread systemic corruption that follows in its wake. If this is not telling I do not know what is… The same is true for the the second worst calamity in the world, which is that people are not being educated in a way so they find themselves able to withstand or even realize the constant barrage of psychological manipulation and abuse from the people in power, the corporate media and their peers.

    • “ They never speak of the true problem number one in modern societies which is organized crime and widespread systemic corruption that follows in its wake.”

      Well, they are organized crime. Can’t expect them to out themselves.

    • Hilarious. The pro-mask lady is an expert “Fear Buster”. But her fear of covid is justified and must be placated for as long as the “pandemic” exists. Others who suffer claustrophobia or children suffering warped social development or people who are healthy to begin with and just plain hate it, those people need to get over it and she can teach them how.

  19. “ No wonder it’s perfect. Baseball is to sports as ketchup is to condiments: something that doesn’t change much, not because of stuffy conservatism, but because almost any change would make it worse. It’s amazing, how effective the lure of baseball still is, how fast it grabs you. My son, before age 7, was willing to watch any sporting event with me, in a distracted, OK-daddy-is-there-going-to-be-ice-cream-at-this-thing fashion. And then, suddenly, baseball kicked in. He saw how it worked and he was hooked.

    Some people find baseball boring, yes. But some people find ketchup boring. Those people can keep their jalapeño mustard and their March Madness.”

    A feel good article;

    Regarding the cashless push. It happened at Tropicana Field a few years ago.
    I do wonder why it seems to be starting at baseball stadiums. Hmmm. Could it be that baseball fans are older in general than fans of the other major sports?
    Get the old coots to go cashless, getting the rest of the people who are already comfortable with the devices and technology will be a breeze.

    Regarding baseball being developed by Freemasonry and that kids are summoning demons when they play stickball in the street. Okay. If you say so. I won’t argue about how the game was designed or by who or for what reason.
    But I find ideas like “ When kids play baseball, they are manifesting archetypal vibrations in the spirit world.“ akin to the doctrine that “unsaved” infants who die are condemned to eternal punishment because they didn’t accept Jesus. Just don’t buy it.

    • Sorry for the silly hyperbole. Its just that I don’t share your certainty in the existence of people who can manifest things or beings. Good or evil.
      Maybe its my ignorance. But in the course of my life I have never seen anything supernatural that I would recognize as such.
      Unless you count marveling in the miracle of creation itself.
      I have had meaningful spiritual experiences, but I haven’t left my body yet. I haven’t even been hypnotized.
      Even my Christianity is founded at least as much on pure logic as much as anything else. I don’t believe in the infallibility of the Bible or the pope.

      I guess I feel that the world currently has more critical issues to deal with than the potentially evil origins of the game of baseball or the current ties it has to the Freemason’s plots. Even if they exist.
      But hell, what do I know?

      • I guess the victims of the shootings didn’t have their vaccine passports.
        But in the U.S., they only play softball.

        Evidently the French government plays hardball.

        nosoapradio, Is the following report true?
        People in France who enter a bar or restaurant without a COVID pass face 6 months in jail,
        while business owners who fail to check their status face a 1 year prison sentence and a €45,000 fine.

        • For the moment, this is not a law, and not even a bill for the moment but a “pre-bill” or ‘pre-project for a law’ that Macron hopes to get passed for the 21st of July, making the ‘pass sanitaires’ mandatory for early August with mandatory vaccination for health workers no later than September 15th. For the other sectors concerned by this “extension” of the law, that previously only concerned health workers, the vaccine would not actually be mandatory, just the health passes that must nevertheless show either vaccination, a negative Covid test or a certificate proving you’ve had Covid and are no longer contagious. However, since Covid tests will no longer be reimbursed by tax payers’ money starting in October, and because the French are very painfully craving vacations, many people have rushed to get vaccinated since Macron’s announcement last Monday evening. The sites I consulted seemed to say that, this pre-bill, if it passes, would have to go back before the parliament and be voted on again as a bill and thus, the deadlines were probably not very realistic. In addition to that, I imagine there’ll be quite a rucus to slow things down even further.

          As for the sanctions, I’d seen the monetary fines (I’d posted an article around here to that effect) but hadn’t seen the jail sentences. For the moment these are certainly more terror tactics to get people vaccinated.

          Below I’ll post lists of mandatory vaccination candidates and mandatory “health pass” candidates.

          • mandatory vaccination for:

            public, private and community health institutions (hospitals, clinics, etc.);
            health centers
            mobile care teams for people in precarious or excluded situations managed by non-profit organizations
            medical centers and mobile care teams of the armed forces health service;
            school health services;
            occupational health services;
            certain medico-social establishments and services (educational establishments or services dedicated to minors or young adults with disabilities, establishments or services providing assistance through work, establishments or services that take in the elderly or provide them with home assistance, establishments and services that take in people with disabilities, etc.);
            residential accommodation for the elderly or disabled.
            Students working with all these professionals would also be concerned.

            The following are also concerned by the vaccination obligation:

            firefighters and marine firefighters of the fire and rescue services, pilots and flying personnel of the civil security ensuring the care of victims, military units permanently invested in civil security missions;
            home helps accompanying frail elderly people (beneficiaries of the personalized autonomy allowance, APA) or disabled people (beneficiaries of the disability compensation benefit, PCH);
            liberal health professionals;
            people working in the field of medical transport or transport paid for by medical prescription, such as ambulance drivers.

            “…Contrary to what the government claims, the application of this extension as of July 21 to leisure and cultural venues hosting more than 50 people is not a given. Such a measure cannot be imposed without passing a new law voted by the Parliament, since the one introducing the health pass had not explicitly foreseen these cases…
            …Unless one considers that all cinemas, museums and theaters in France are “establishments or events involving large gatherings of people for leisure activities”. All the nuance residing in the notion of “large gatherings”…”


            Fitness centers are also concerned which concerns many of my students.

        • Thanks for the insight nosoapradio,

          This whole scenario is interesting, like a tactic, especially when a bunch of people rush out to get the vaccine.
          It seems to me, “they” are achieving their goals of seeing people get vaccinated. Thus, an extremely unpopular law won’t really be needed. Plus, they can also now “water it down” on the law and just creep in more controls.

      • That’s bleak! Worrying about getting shot! That’s even worse than the rip-off at the concession stand, parking garage, and the exorbitant cost of a halfway decent, non-nosebleed seat!

        Btw, what are you doing watching Yahoo news feeds?

        I thought I was the only subscriber exposing myself to MSM propaganda!

        NB: I apologize for being silly and obnoxious regarding your maybe not so new handle, nosoapradio.

        I think I’m almost over it now.



  20. I recall a NWNW reminding everyone “Don’t date Robots!! ” Excellent advice James! I’d like to add, “Don’t let robots be your nurse or nanny”

    Update on Sophia the AI robot (and friends) and the ‘opportunity’ the pandemic has created for their use… Creepy! (3 minutes)

    They created ‘her’ to promote “human to machine empathy and compassion”.

  21. Cash is still in style at farmers markets. The farmers prefer cash, and they are especially glad to get exact change. To help the farmers, plan ahead, and get small bills, like ones and fives, from your bank or full-service retail store. A roll of quarters might be helpful. If you insist on electronic payment, the farmer loses, and the bank and service providers gain in the fees.

  22. is james, the borg? really? you didnt notice?…. let me use this platform to explain….

    : food. he doesn’t eat it.
    ; air. he doesn’t breathe it.
    > fire. he doesn’t master it. (nor breathe it. oddly….)
    < herbs. not happening.
    $ Herb, the neighbor. dang suspicious.
    } lack of nipples. drop dead giveaway. sheep wake up.
    { sweet mom from alberta…. i will bet 3 paychecks she makes pie.
    ~ doesn't like pie.

    i think there's a weird glow outside wait what the hecjgddbndjknm

  23. I do think the role of the alternative media whether intended or not in each case is to subdue people into not taking action. Draw your line in the sand and the humble matchbox can be your friend.

    Like the Russian philosophy behind the dead hand, if we can’t win, then no one is going to win!

  24. Dunno if someone already posted this. Friend sent it to me yesterday.

    Martin was not yet an adept of the underwriter’s bow tie.

    “Isn’t it beautiful to realize that the way you solve …the absolute ‘never can solve that problem problem’ is by embedding yourself as close as possible to the problem…”

    are dissident thinkers a problem??


    • I only watched the very beginning of that video.

      I find I have the same experience watching all of his videos:
      my emotional buttons are being pushed but I have trouble following the actual ideas…

      dunno about the Bougainville reference, sounds interesting.

      he seems to be a suspiciously timely guru (like Sam Harris was a guru profile) who uses fragmented truths to focus people’s ire on life insurance moguls, instead of the stuff Mr Corbett speaks about; a sort of limited hangout gatekeeper for thinking people who see through certain scams…

      I think I need a coffee now… sunday morning sleepy…

    • Blood samples under microscope of vaccinated people – graphene oxide

      Dr. Philippe Van Welbergen took blood samples of vaccinated patients and has images of their blood. It shows how the red blood cells have been compromised, but also “tubes”, much like the graphene oxide images, show up.

      The visuals in this video are easy to see, but the video format is weird.
      Slide the video button to the halfway point to begin seeing images.

      I discovered Dr. Philippe Van Welbergen from the Stew Peters Show with Dr. Jane Ruby. But I had to search and search on my own to find Van Welbergen.
      (Personally, I resent their mainstream style of soundbite sensationalism and lack of easy to view sourced documents. For me, this pair is motivated by “shock stories” and trying to be in the spotlight.)
      Here is the Bitchute link of that show “What COVID Injections Do To Your Blood! Doctor Releases Horrific Findings! by Stew Peters Show”:

    • 5G has been the crusade of this Ricardo Delgado Martin from the beginning, since he founded la Quinta Colomna…
      …which would explain that climax part of the interview (I was pretty much convinced until this moment), when he reveals the true dark purpose of this pandemic/vaccination campaign: based on the analysis of a single vial of a Pfizer vaccine obtained somehow, they conclude nothing less than a conspiracy to remotely control people through 5G tech and graphene oxide nanoparticles circulating throughout their body…

      Now, I certainly wouldn’t put it past TPTSB but

      I don’t exactly know why… I’m having trouble believing him…

      Apparently he got his degrees from an internet university which in and of itself is not necessarily problematic but…

      If I were going to perpetrate such an evil crime as poisoning the world with a substance through exposure to masks, pcr tests and vaccines

      I like to think I would better dissimulate it… or something…

      something just seems a bit off here… too perfect… like EXACTLY the IDEAL scenario that conspiratainment amateurs are seeking…

      I dunno…

      it would be a shame if Chossudovsky’s credibility were jeapordized…

      but guess I’ll go stock up on N-acetylcysteine now…

      • His school, for what it’s worth, seems legit enough:

        But he chose this name for his association:

        La Quinta Columna, The Fifth Column, a Revolutionary Weapon in the Civil War
        The dense network of spies and saboteurs at the service of the Nationalists infiltrated the centers of power of the Republican side and was key to their defeat.
        A doctoral thesis by historian Carlos Píriz analyzes the true scope of the fifth-columnist plot.

        They existed, and their role was key to the victory of Franco’s troops in the Spanish Civil War. They were, moreover, many; and they were dedicated to spy, to demoralize, to generate chaos, to sabotage and, also, to kill. And, most importantly, they managed to successfully penetrate all the military, political and civilian structures of the Second Spanish Republic.

        They were known as the Fifth Column, the dense network that worked for the national side inside Republican territory. The historian Carlos Píriz-González has succeeded with his doctoral thesis En campo enemigo: la Quinta Columna en la Guerra Civil española (c. 1936-1941) (to be published by Comares) to deepen and offer new and unknown details of a complex organization.

        A structure that was made up of military, Falangists, traditionalists and civilians, and that was a real nightmare in the Republican zone during the conflict. Their activism was such that throughout the Civil War they were present in the ideology of the population. They came to generate, as Píriz points out, “a collective psychosis”…”

        …just dunno what to think…

    • In a vaguely related July 14th article, graphene-coated masks have gone back on the market after being recalled (as mentioned in the article they were recalled in Spain because they’d been recalled in Canada):

      Brooklyn Neustaeter Writer
      @bneustaeter Contact

      Published Wednesday, July 14, 2021 5:40PM EDT
      Last Updated Wednesday, July 14, 2021 5:40PM EDT

      “TORONTO — Health Canada says the sale of certain face masks that were recalled for containing graphene can resume after the agency assessed the masks and found “no health risks of concern.”

      Health Canada issued an advisory in April asking all distributors selling masks with graphene or biomass graphene to recall their products over potential inhalation risks.

      Graphene is comprised of a single layer of carbon atoms and is considered a nanomaterial, meaning it is made of tiny particles, and is reported to have “antiviral and antibacterial properties,” according to Health Canada.

      Health Canada udate on graphene face masks
      During a preliminary assessment, the agency identified some potential for inhaled graphene particles to cause lung effects, such as inflammation, in animals.

      Health Canada said it determined that the “filtration performance” of these masks meets the performance standard listed on the label. However, the agency said it did not find evidence that the biomass graphene in these masks provided any additional antimicrobial or antiviral protection…”

      If graphene doesn’t provide anti-microbial or antiviral protection, then… why use it?

        • HRS,

          This is another topic, but along the same lines as toxins. Is there anyway to reverse fluoride toxicity and/or build up of toxic metals in traditional vaccines?

          I’m not sure what toxins are present in other western countries, but here in the US, I wonder if toxins are leading to the suggestibility of the population.

          I have a reverse osmosis filter, but drank tap water for years. But so did many other people who are much more intelligent than myself. I just wonder if all these years, all the toxins are affecting us here in the US and what we would be without them.

      • …the Spanish study about Graphene Oxide…

        Yea, or was it reduced Graphene Oxide??

        You saw that!? Cool. I also posted that TLAV interview a couple comments just above. (Echo chamber phenomenon.)
        Whitney Webb always dives deep into the details where the devil always is always dissimulated and dissimulating. For the first time I sorta wished that Ryan would shut up and just her speak, as it was difficult enough for me to follow without him interrupting her all the time. Though later, of course, he made some good comments, as always.
        Yea, that Ricardo character, (as Ms Webb referred to him) really set off my alarm bells, despite the fact that Michel Chossudovsky seemed to be relatively impressed by him.

        • Whitney is simply incredible. I wish that I heard her dissect the story before I ran with it.
          It was the professor’s involvement that cemented Martin’s credibility for me.

          I made the mistake of sending a link to a vaxxed sister in law who has been pestering my wife and I about getting the jab. She ignored the email for over a week and then wrote a couple days ago saying she and her boyfriend, both sick with the Covid variant they are told, will watch the interview this weekend. Crap!

          At least I have the consolation in knowing that they are not likely to ever come across the TLAV episode but lesson learned. If I share anything with normies again, it will be Corbett material or at least Corbett approved material.

            • No l suppose not. I’m just disappointed that when I finally convinced a family member to open her mind and check out something that goes against everything she has been told and that she believes. I send her something that has been, if not debunked, certainly brought under heavy suspicion.

              I wonder now if I should leave it alone and wait to see if she has any reaction to the video or just be honest and volunteer that there is a serious question about it’s accuracy and Martin’s veracity.
              I don’t know what reaction she would have if I told her to disregard what she learned from the video. But I am pretty sure that she wouldn’t be too anxious to follow any future recommendations I might have.

              • I cemented irremediably my reputation as an unreliable conspiracy theorist back in the day by propagating info about the Amero. It was a very bitter lesson indeed and yet I fell into other traps deliberately set for curious and questioning people after that. I have since tried to become very discerning in what I actually propose to normies.

                I’d say this is an opportunity for you to retract but swap. Say, ah!, I made a mistake, THIS is what I wanted you to see!(as you hand her something more vetted and compelling).

              • They should take in all the information available and come to their own goddamn conclusions. You are not god to make up what is true and what is not.

                At the core of the issue is the pertinacious mentality that people expect to be served the truth in bite sized chunks. Truth discovery does not work like that, it has never worked like that and it never will.

                Don’t spoon feed these people.

              • Were they any replies?

                I think that Twain quote is a dud. Many of such qoutes, when looked into, prove to be a nothingburger.

              • “ Were they any replies?

                I think that Twain quote is a dud. Many of such qoutes, when looked into, prove to be a nothingburger.”

                No. I don’t expect I’ll be receiving a reply.

                And I think that the quote is quite accurate. At least from personal experience.
                What don’t you like about it?

  25. [SNIP – No links without titles and/or explanations, please. Please repost the link with some text indicating what it is and why people should be clicking on it. -JC]

  26. JEP mentioned that a Chilean woman was denied food for not having the Mar…uh, a “vaccine passport.” Does anyone have more information about that incident?

  27. Regarding: Cashless Economy

    Problem is, “our cash” is ultimately a creature of Jekyl Island nearly as much as the new centralized cashless systems they want us to buy into.

    How about instead, a totally distributed, open source, digital money that is controlled by no single entity (not even 51% of blockchain computers) but rather is controlled by everyone at their own individual level:

  28. Regarding Story #1 and CHINA

    Reuters – Monday July 19, 2021
    U.S. charges four Chinese nationals charged in global hacking campaign

    WASHINGTON, July 19 (Reuters) – Four Chinese nationals have been charged in a global hacking campaign aimed at dozens of companies, universities and government agencies in the United States and abroad, the U.S. Justice Department said on Monday.

    The charges were announced as the United States and a coalition of allies on Monday accused China’s Ministry of State Security of a global cyber hacking campaign, specifically attributing a large Microsoft attack disclosed earlier this year to hackers working on Beijing’s behalf. [“read more” LINK]

    The hacking was sponsored by the Ministry of State Security and focused on information that would significantly benefit Chinese companies and businesses, including research and development processes, according to the indictment cited by the Justice Department…

    …The defendants and officials in the Hainan State Security Department (HSSS) tried to hide the Chinese government’s role in the information theft by using a front company, according to the indictment, which was returned in May and unsealed Friday.

    The campaign targeted trade secrets in industries including aviation, defense, education, government, health care, biopharmaceutical and maritime industries, according to a Justice Department statement.
    Victims were in Austria, Cambodia, Canada, Germany, Indonesia, Malaysia, Norway, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Switzerland, the United Kingdom and the United States.

    “These criminal charges once again highlight that China continues to use cyber-enabled attacks to steal what other countries make, in flagrant disregard of its bilateral and multilateral commitments,” Deputy U.S. Attorney General Lisa Monaco said in the statement….

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