Episode 272 – Solutions: Sousveillance

by | Jun 22, 2013 | Episodes, Podcasts | 1 comment

By now we are all familiar with the concept of ‘surveillance.’ In the Orwellian tyranny of the new normal, we are all gradually being made aware that we are living in a panoptic society where everything we do and say is being watched and recorded. So what is the answer to this constant surveillance? Why not use the surveillance technology to keep tabs on what the government is doing? Welcome to the world of sousveillance. Join us today on The Corbett Report as we explore this concept and the grassroots revolution in citizen media that it has made possible.

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Russ Tice on The Boiling Frogs Post podcast
Time Reference: 02:25


The Huffington Post covers the Russ Tice story
Time Reference: 03:51


The Blaze covers the Russ Tice story
Time Reference: 03:54


Russ Tice on The Corbett Report
Time Reference: 04:14


British intelligence spied on G20 officials in London
Time Reference: 06:23


Richard Clarke on ABC News chastises Snowden
Time Reference: 07:08


What is sousveillance?
Time Reference: 10:16


Citizen video of taser death
Time Reference: 14:11


Brett Darrow Case: Cop Fired After Fury Against Motorist
Time Reference: 15:04


David Rockefeller confronted at Chilean Airport
Time Reference: 17:31


Press For Truth Confronts Paul Martin on Bilderberg and the SPP
Time Reference: 17:54


Kissinger confronted while receiving freedom award
Time Reference: 19:23


How WeAreChange Confronted Henry Kissinger for the Third Time
Time Reference: 23:33


75 Years in Prison For Videotaping Police
Time Reference: 31:04


The EyeOpener- Resisting the Police State: Solutions & Answers
Time Reference: 32:05


Steve Mann explains the EyeTap
Time Reference: 42:10


The Corbett Report covers transhumanism
Time Reference: 45:28


The Corbett Report offers solutions
Time Reference: 47:06


Young The Giant / Civil Twilight show finale – “I Turn My Camera On”
Time Reference: 48:35

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