Results for "science says"

Science Says (video)

Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee / YouTube The mouthpieces of the scientific establishment have identified the latest global security threat: antiscience. So what does that mean, exactly? Whatever they want it to mean, of course! This week on The Corbett...

Episode 398 – Science Says

Episode 398 – Science Says

The mouthpieces of the scientific establishment have identified the latest global security threat: antiscience. So what does that mean, exactly? Whatever they want it to mean, of course! This week on The Corbett Report podcast, James explores the game of Science Says...

Trust the (Computer-Generated Gobbledygook) Science!

Trust the (Computer-Generated Gobbledygook) Science!

"Trust The Science!" This is the mantra of the technocratic tyrants. The rallying cry of the Orwellian thought police. The injunction of the modern-day censors who would seek to rid the marketplace of ideas of any and all opposition. If you're reading these words, you...

MIT: Covid Skeptics Champion Science

So you know how anyone who points out any problems with the rush to inject everyone on the planet with an experimental form of gene therapy is portrayed as a stupid, scientifically illiterate, COVID-denying, grandma-killing anti-vaxxer by the dinosaur media? And you...

Episode 353 – The Crisis of Science

Episode 353 – The Crisis of Science

In recent years, the public has gradually discovered that there is a crisis in science. But what is the problem? And how bad is it, really? Today on The Corbett Report we shine a spotlight on the series of interrelated crises that are exposing the way institutional...


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