Episode 472 – Announcing REPORTAGE: Essays on the New World Order

by | Feb 19, 2025 | Podcasts, Videos | 50 comments

I have published my first book. It’s called REPORTAGE: Essays on the New World Order and it is available for purchase as a paperback or eBook (and—coming soon!—as an audiobook) from ReportageBook.com. Today on the podcast I talk about the book, its origins, the 16-year journey from conception to completion, and how you can support me in this endeavour if you are so inclined.

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Sell Sheet to present to bookstores and libraries – Downloadable in Letter size or A4 size.

Original Reportage Trailer (2009)

Subscriber Announcement – exclusive 40-minute conversation between James and Tim about the book



  1. Challenge accepted. Hopefully in a few weeks there will be a copy of REPORTAGE in the library of the obscure British Columbian village that I have called home for almost a decade.

  2. When I received my copy of Reportage, I literally laughed and cried before I got to the first essay. As I quickly thumbed through the book, I stopped at the dedication and was overwhelmed with emotion. Then just a few moments later, I was laughing out loud at Corbett’s sense of humor in his “notes on notes” section. I can’t wait to read and re-read the essays in this book and share it’s existence with everyone I know. Thank you Corbett for all that you do and for putting together this important book. Enjoy all your success!

  3. Id seriously love to buy a signed hardback copy of this book if they become available again. I am a subscriber but somehow missed that the book was even coming out. Congrats on the book, James!!! Please make more signed hardback copies available!!!!!

  4. I just ordered the book and can’t wait to read it. Also, passed your substack message and video around for many others to see the book is available everywhere books are sold.

  5. The fact that you stuck with your book over the years and it finally bore fruit is an encouragement to those of us who might have our own projects on the back burner. I also love how momentum was generated when just the right people came along with the expertise to help you see it through. Well done, James, and I’m really looking forward to getting my signed copy.

  6. Congrats again on selling out the first batch of hardcover copies James! 🙂

    I like the setting where you filmed this episode. Nice trees and creek. Looks like some kind of Cherry trees in that first clip based on the bark. I would spend lots of time hanging there if I lived where you do.

    Here in southern Ontario we do still have a few tiny patches of forest but all the creeks, streams and rivers have been unnaturally straitened out into deep ditches, for the benefit of the endless industrial agriculture operations here. So there are no streams flowing naturally here anymore to sit by and listen to the sound of water rushing over river stones… this is something I miss very much.. so I hope you take advantage of the blessing of still having a place like that available to you and the fam.

    I like your suggestion to get an extra copy of the book to “randomly foist on people”, yes I shall do that. I think i`ll slip one into our little free library box thing locally so someone can stumble across it while looking for something to read and have their normy mind blown 😉

  7. Thanks to Susan, besides being a professional editor she has an eagle eye! I’m scouring the jungle for the lurking man! There ! He’s there, do you see him?
    And Bobs your uncle .

  8. Forgive me for saying this but I’m not buying the signed hardback book to read it (which I will of course!) but out of gratitude and because it’s something to treasure. I am immensely grateful to James for helping to keep me sane (and certainly along with JEP, entertained) these last few years. I think it was the short humerous 9-11 video that first caught my attention and although it took me a while to become a subscriber (I realise that I’m quite a stingey one as I had no idea how much a Yen was worth! :D), I’ve been watching regularly ever since. Congratulations on the book launch James and thank you. I can’t wait for it to arrive.

  9. Dang, I ordered one through reportagebook.com as soon as I started the video but wish I would have known about the signed copy version. If its still available i would like to purchase that one as well! Anyways congrats on this achievement James and looking foward to your future work, as well as revisiting the information you have given us throughout the years. Cheers.

  10. HeY James, very excited about getting copy of this book or maybe two. Bummer I missed the hard back, if you ever do another run of the hard back, I would certainly pay up front.So happy for ya man!! I’m in Australia so will check If the books shops here can sort it for me. Let ya know. Awesome news, stay groovy!

  11. Ok……continuation comment from yesterday, the 18th’s, comment. (Now technically two days ago.)

    You’re going to be going on all the not so much “alternative news” anymore with the usual people, correct?
    1. Mike Adams
    2. Alex Jones
    3. Del Bigtree
    4. Whitney – you mentioned she wrote your forward.
    5. Stew Peters…..almost forgot about him!
    What about…..
    1. Tom Cowan
    2. Brian at London Real! If you want a lot of worldwide exposure he’s a good one.
    3. The Icke’s – Garth or Jamie do interviews on a regular bases.
    4. Mercola – Summary video or interview.
    5. Children’s Health Defense could at least put an article on their website.
    6. Truth Stream – Joe & Scott (Besides Mt Rainier they’re about the only other good thing out of the Puget Sound area these days.) (Smile….) They’re on Rumble.
    7. Greg Reese – have him promote the book in one of his Reece Report videos. Interview or asking him to read the book…..I’m not sure.
    8. Sunny with UNN (United News Network). If she won’t do it I imagine a field messenger will do an interview and post it. It might seriously open some eyes…..which would be good. The network is growing and will eventually become much more relevant. News.unitednetwork.earth may be a good place to start.
    9. Arlington Institute – John Petersen does the ‘Berkeley Springs Transition Talks’ in West Virginia once a month. Some guests have been Gregg Braden, Robert Edward Grant, David Martin, Frank Jacob, etc…. This month is a Jeff Witzeman…..filmmaker, musician, etc….
    $65.00 for watching the 3 hour or more talk. ArlingtonInstitute.org

    I’ll be honest, I’m a bit out of the loop these days so you may already be way ahead of me and know of all these people and/or websites. And, some of these may not be your cup of tea, and I understand that. Some aren’t mine either, but I’m thinking of promotional tools. If I think of more, I’ll let you know.

    I’m looking forward to reading “Repotage”. Sounds interesting and like a lot of “I’m not the only one that thought or knew that and everyone I tried to tell thought I was crazy”. (Smile…)

    Take Care!!!

  12. Ordering four copies today ! ! ! ! Been a avid reader, activist & supporter for years. Have proven with mathematics the Market’s are run to cause mass losses against WE THE PEOPLE, to balance the REAL BOOKS on WEALTH PRODUCTION and CONSUMPTION. With deepest Respect, Appreciation and Love for the work of the one and only James Corbett! Dave, FMR Intelligence Officer

  13. Congrats James! Quite an accomplishment.

    If it turned out anything like the rest of your material I’m sure its phenomenal. Really looking forward to reading it.

    Take care buddy!

  14. I like books. I have a lot of them. Many of them come from the thrift stores, mainly the Habitat Store. But, if I get too many more books, they will need their own room.

    Good luck to James. I hope his book ends up on the best seller list. In 1982, I attended a lecture and slide show series presented by Stephen L. Arrington. It was interesting. I ended up buying his book. He signed it for me; but, that night, he signed a lot of copies. It’s a wonder he didn’t get writer’s cramp. The book cost me $10 and now I see that Amazon has the same book for a lot less. Most likely, without it being signed. The title is Journey into Darkness.

    Although, it would be a different type of book, I still think that James’s book would still be worth the time. If I could get a signed paperback book, it would be worth an extra $5 or $10 for me to add it to my collection.

    • Looking forward to receiving my copy.

      Long live the downists!


      (not to be confused with “downers”, who technically, can also be downists, but they are not the fun kind, and are usually actually blackpilled upists that believe themselves to be left or rightists) 🙂

  15. Amazon.ca is out of stock. No option for digital there either.

    Supposedly after next Friday we won’t be able to download our purchased digital books from amazon to decrypt and use as we please.

    Mr. Corbett could look at adultbrain.ca to make the audio book version. They are fellow Albertans. You will know them from the Grimerica Podcast. You can search Audible for Graham Dunlop. He just did Charlie Robinson’s book The Octopus of Global Control.

    I hope to get physical, digital, and audio copies of Reportage as soon as possible.

    • I hear a lot f people get books at Anna’s archive.

      They prices are very good so I hear… MUCH better then amazons 😉

      They come in many formats, but you can convert mobi to epub or the other way around wiyh Calibre…. There are literally hundreds of thousands of books on Internet Archive and Project Gutenberg so I don’t know why anyone would even buy a book off Amazon anymore.

      Librevox has masses of books read by members of the public (tales of old Japan is a super cool one)

      Unless it’s a book ONLY son Amazon why give them money? We are in a literal golden age of free books right now

      • I was just on Anna’s site for a book called ‘World in Peril: The Origin , Mission & Scientific Findings of the 46th / 72nd Reconnaissance Squadron’. It is out of print and 600 dollars used. The copy was good.

        Although I am not a fan of Amazon, I am a fan of supporting artists I enjoy. I know Amazon rips off authors, but I would prefer the artist to mark up their price accordingly and sell there. Over the last 20 years when I have tried to support artists directly, I think I was probably supporting courier companies the most.

        Another reason for amazon digital books is that they are formatted correctly. I can spent about 2 minutes getting it onto my Kobo, then I read. I am in no mood to start editing epubs to remove headers and page numbers from a bad conversion. The worst are PDFs that are images of pages instead of actual text. I am not reading a book that is a formatting mess, and I do not have time to fix them. There are some rare exceptions.

        I will visit my friend Jack Sparrow when necessary, but I am happy to support when it is not an ordeal to do so.

        • If I may intrude on your back-and-forth, why not buy it from Kobo?


          Or Indigo?


          Or eBooks.com?


          Or Barnes & Noble?


          Or BookShop.org?


          Or Directly via the “Buy the eBook” link on the website?


          Or if you mean the paperback then why not BARNES & NOBLE | BETTER WORLD | BOOKS-A-MILLION | BOOKSHOP.ORG | BOOKS & BOOKS | POWELL’S BOOKS | THE STRAND | THRIFT BOOKS | HUDSON | ELLIOT BAY . . . or any of the other sellers listed on the website? Does it have to be Amazon for some reason? Genuinely curious.

          • It does not have to be Amazon, it is just preferred for my situation, which is probably not a typical one. I was more just noting it was out of stock, not so much looking for solution. Congratulations if this means it is selling well.

            “BUY THE BOOK” on reportagebook.com took me there, to Amazon. I see now after your instructions “BUY THE eBOOK” will let me buy directly. I will go this route. Thanks.

            Amazon digital books are a bit of a preference because I live in a shack, in the bush, off grid, north of 60, and do not have access to a decent book store in physical reality. Though I suppose there is a Coles book store in Whitehorse that I forget exists. You can get Harry Potter and Twilight there. With Amazon’s digital books I can one click buy, download, strip DRM, put on Kobo in about 2 minutes. I am not apposed to buying digital from other places, I just need time to possibly make accounts, and deal with the possible DRM. Amazon is just a simple sure thing. If Amazon truly removes downloads at the end of the month i will be checking out new places sooner rather than later.

            Amazon is also good for me for physical purchases. They will not ship to me, but I have a place things get sent for free. Couriers will not deliver near me, and only Canada post has access to PO boxes here. USPS transfers to Canada post so they are fine.

            There are places we do online shopping that work well with deliveries, and when we venture away from these, it is typically troublesome. So we stick with the sure thing.

            I look forward to reading your book.

            • “….You can get Harry Potter and Twilight ther…..”

              Good that the Giants of Modern literature are available. 🙂

              May I ask how well the Kobo does on cable transfer? I like the look but can’t justify buying one right now when I have a pile of olde junk kindles and a nook with no backlight.
              I never let any of my ereaders touch the internet, but i notice that my OLDEST kindle has a fully working dictionary on it while someone I know who using theirs online CANT use dictionary without internet.

              As to ebooks I honestly never bother editing conversions done via Calibre…. I just ignore weird headers and page numbers if spacing goes weird. I do have a high clutter threshold, though. 🙂

              The only thing that ever been an actual issue is, as you say, pdf, which even when it’s got embedded text tends to go wonky. I had to actually print one book out because it was so bad

              • To get books onto a Kobo: Plug into PC, it will show as a drive, drag or paste the books into the root directory, or a sub folder. Then Eject.

                I get a new Kobo gifted to me every few years. The latest colour one did need wifi and an account on initial setup. I chose ‘create new account’ and just typed junk into the email and password. It will never connect to wifi again.

                There are highlighting and note taking capabilities on the Kobo. I do not know if extracting these notes is affected by accounts as I have yet to try these features.

                For the book nerds that want to convert text to speech, give Kokoro a go. I have been using github.com/remsky/Kokoro-FastAPI for about a month now. It is offline TTS and runs without GPU. It is dead simple to use, but maybe a little complicated to install if you are not used to Docker. It can convert a chapter of a book to mp3 with a realistic voice of your choosing in just seconds. I have been doing this to listen to books while driving and walking the dog.

          • I purchased my copy from thriftbooks and they delivered it tout de suite. I am loving “Reportage”! I requested my local (Denver) library obtain a copy.

        • I was thrilled when I discovered that the book had finally been released. Initially, I wasn’t a fan of the cover—it doesn’t quite do the book justice. However, as I delved into the content, it started to grow on me. Now, I’m enjoying the book so much that the cover hardly matters.

          The writing is exceptional, even the foreword is beautifully crafted. That said, James, if I may humbly suggest, consider Patrick Wood’s book covers, particularly Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order, as a source of inspiration if you ever decide to embark on another project. I just hope we don’t have to wait another 15 years 😁.

  16. I am enjoying “Reportage” so much! It is one of those books I loathe to see end! To spread the word, if you can’t purchase copies for your local library, you might call and ask “Reportage” be added to their collection. It worked for me.

  17. This book is SO GOOD! So readable! Of all the books of the last 5 years this one takes all the information that has been surfacing and makes sense of it. I’m starting to feel like I can talk about these issues more fluently thanks to James’s fluency. I wish all non-fiction books were like this! I’d be alot smarter! 🙂

  18. I ordered my paperback by clicking the Better World link at

    I’ve already finished reading it. IT’S A MASTERPIECE!!!!!!!

    The book was easy to order. I bought a $25 charge card at my grocery store. I didn’t even have to register the card. The card worked fine online at Better World Books. The book arrived in just a few days.

  19. Beautiful story surrounding the writing and publishing of this long time project ! I’m glad the book is available on the European continent and gave the ISBN tipp a try today and it actually worked. Book ordered by phone via my favorite bookstore – the employee said about ten days to receive it in the shop – looking forward to discover Reportage for real !

  20. ‘Selling Your Soul for a Matrix Steak’ is an absolute masterpiece. I highly recommend checking it out alongside the podcast ‘Episode 005 – Central Banking is a Hoax’ for a deeper understanding.

    Some of my other favorite essays include ‘Up/Down Politics,’ ‘A Brief Introduction to Spontaneous Order,’ and ‘Escaping the Grand Chessboard.’ These works are really thought-provoking.

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