It isn’t often that I have a message that is only and exclusively for Corbett Report members, but here we are. This message is only and exclusively for Corbett Report subscribers.
If you are a member, you can log in here to watch a special subscriber video launching my latest project AND you can avail yourself of a special offer that is only available to subscribers.
If you aren’t a member . . . what are you waiting for? Become a member today and then log in and watch the video below!
If you are a paid subscriber and you don’t know how to sign in to, just contact me. I’ll be happy to help.
Links for special signed edition do not work, James.
I would be more inclined to purchase the book if it was $50 Canadian dollars instead of US. That $50 US dollars is $72 Canadian dollars. Bit to much for a book.
A $20 USD paperback is also available to purchase. The hardcover is being presented as a limited edition gift in exchange for a $50 contribution the Corbett Report.
Not really, I’ve paid a hundred on time, and my three vol set of Jewish revolutionary Spirit was near that price too and worth every penny.
Even someone like me who likes to find books free online and is kinda low on cash most of the time knows some things are worth buying in the real world
It depends on how good the book is and how hard what it tells you is to find elsewhere on if it’s worth it to you.
I have a cool old book on the water supply of Ancient Rome, no way would have paid what it was costing new (it’s old and I’m pretty sure it was super expensive back in the day from the cover) but it’s almost sad that I got it out the discount box because so few people were interested….. on the other hand I found a copy of morals and dogma by Albert like and have ever after kicked myself for not buying it…. I can get an e copy but I always wonder if those have been tweaked and edited. My big suspicion is that soon AI will edit a ton of old books that exist in e formats. They can’t do that with real books , not at a reasonable cost anyway.
Hellooo Prof.James: could yu send me a link to buy the 20 usdollar book? Besteht paulo
The U.S. Dollar against other currencies – GRAPH – DXY
Most other currencies have felt the hit of a strong Dollar, which is the benchmark in international trade.
You can see other currencies compared to the Dollar to the right of the graph.
It is a good guess that the Dollar will go higher, because other countries will want Dollars with the onset of the trade wars.
The Canadian dollar will probably get really clobbered in the coming weeks/months with the trade war. Just my guess.
Yup. The tariff war will make it difficult for us Canucks.
How do I get this book?
It’s sold out.
“The ENTIRE print run of hardcovers has now been claimed!” — James Corbett
Underneath Corbett’s Subscriber Video is the last paragraph in bold print with the UPDATE.
just buy it, if it’s sold out you just get it a bit later. I bought mine just now delivering end of feb.
Ehm I just ordered mine from the Netherlands (my residence) for 22 dollars including shipping. I presume customes wants a chunk they always do.
Besides that it’s not nowhere near the numbers you are mentioning. Check your VPN maybe? sometimes shipping is calculated based on your IP
The hard cover signed copy was going for $50. This was a time limited offer that has now expired.
ah ok roger: I missed that. things move so fast now online that when I check in a week later due to work or whatever the whole game has changed. Oh well. Bought the soft cover. TKS friend
Let me know when it’s an audiobook please. Congratulations 🙂
we could turn it into an audio book by each subscriber reading a chapter like at LibriVox audio.
Congratulations James Corbett, Believe it or not I’ve never purchased a book in my life, I hope this will be my first.
i see you got the link fixed, why does the video above cut off mid sentence?
good work on the book.
never mind. it was my connection.
Link is no longer active????
Sorry I missed it😕
I keep getting “the link is no longer active” page when I click to pre order the book. : (
Congrats, James!
I guess the word got out fast and I was too late for the hardcover version of your book since I got the message. The link is no longer active.
In any case, I can’t wait to purchase the other version. Kudos, again!
James, I just clicked on the pre-order link. I am being taken to a page informing me “the link is no longer active.” Am I missing something?
Congratulations and I look forward to reading!!
Congratulations James!
Looking forward to reading it – it looks wonderful.
The Deep State bought all the signed copies of your book! I’d say rescind those deep staters and give them to your loyal subscribers!
I must have some sort NWO privilege that I didn’t even realize I had.
Me too…. Unless I did the form wrong it worked ok for me.
Did everyone else get it to work yet????
Yeah same message when I tried too. Oh well, I’ll join the rest of the hoi poloi and happily purchase a paper back copy.
Congratulations on the release of your book into the Big Wide World, Mr Corbett. Thank you for your good work.
No longer available? 😢
Yeah very limited. I’m in Australia so the US hasn’t woken up yet and the link is no longer active. 🙁
It just came to my email today. That’s a high horse your sitting on because most of James subscribers & audience are IN USA a/p James. I was & we were awakened over 15 years ago!
🙂 Florry, I had to double take on that one…so good… but as we all know, they test everything in Australia before rolling it out to the world.
Me too! I hope the pre-order option will return.
the link says the offer is no longer available. how do i get the hardback copy?
Joyce Murphy
So are you going to extend the limited edition James? Or are we just SOL because we didn’t act fast enough?
I don’t use Amazon- but when I do it’s to order James Corbetts brand new collections of essays! Congratulations on the launch of your book- can’t wait to read it! Greetings from Norway!
Haha. Sorry about that guys. This is a limited offer but not THAT limited. The link should be working again now.
Australian $$$ exchange rate is terrible… but still more than worth it… I didn’t even look into who buystripe are, I just handed them my personal information. With any luck they are an agency of the deep state 🙂
“In 2011 the company received a $2 million investment, including contributions from Elon Musk, PayPal founder Peter Thiel, Irish entrepreneur Liam Casey,[12] and venture capital firms Sequoia Capital, Andreessen Horowitz, and SV Angel” wikipedia
I mean it’s not like anyone following the Corbett reportage would be targeted by anyone 😐
It’s actually a pretty good indicator of the best targets, the people willing to invest the most money…just sayin’…
If you are not on their list already, you are doing it wrong.
lol. I guess I am not the only paranoid… but it’s ok I used someone else’s card and address.
Ok for ME anyway…. 😉
In other paranoia does anyone else think buying food off Amazon is a good way to get whacked with targeted toxins?
My ConspiraNoia knows no bounds.
Amazon is verboten…
LOL – that thought has crossed my mind when ordering herbals / supplements.
Did you just hand the responsibility of the payment processing to the publisher James?
You might have been best getting Pilato to do this through the Monarchy website, but no doubt that would not have suited the publisher.
Might want to reflect on this.
Thanks for the heads up, James. My contribution has been made via the fixed link. Looking forward to receiving the hardback.
Things to do when James’ hard cover book arrives:
1. Decontaminate for Anthrax and other pathogens (for those of us that recognise their existence)
2. Decontaminate for Nano bots (with the assumption they likely exist)
3. Examine for micro electronic sensors and transmitters
4. Reverse engineer said electronic devices (pending results of examination)
5. Begin the revolution. (if you don’t believe James has already done that)
lol, funny you should say that but I bought blackpilled “day of the rope” then had the same thought and read the e copy I stole off the internet and left the copy in a book drop.
More seriously I recall that at one time Libraries were planning to decontaminate books by microwaving them…. 🙁 I read the article about it a long time ago and thought of the time i turned my microwave into a smoke signal by leaving frozen pork in there defrosting (on high) and leaving the room…..
i’ve washed a good many books. Some w/ funk problems were a bit hard to cure, but kept at it. Hot weather & lemon ammonia can be your friend.
The latest is a bunch of hymns that got warped. Will spiff him up, block him, hydraulic press overnite. Send off on his merry, merry to my #2Son. Both should be happy.
Nuke food? Not good. Nuke-i-tated pork?! Ah, ma-a-an!
Back then I only had a deep freeze, no fridge, so I cut meat into bits and froze it. O liveed mostly on in soup that I froze in blocks…. Was way skinnier then, lol. The little cubes turned into black goo, lol, not even kidding looked like it was literally nuked.
Got to agree that microwaves are not great … but I still succumb to temptation sometimes.
Very strange, indeed. Why should it turn black? You tried to thaw? i don’t much bother w/ a thaw–jam down in some hot water, slap on a lid, & away we go!
Soup=skinny. i recall much soup. Makes me hungry thinking of soup.
Gotta have that thick gravy. Y’all having monkey for supper? More gravy, please!
Duck says:
“I recall that at one time Libraries were planning to decontaminate books by microwaving them.”
That is interesting, but makes sense on handling some things.
One time in my wholesale book warehouse in Addison where I had gobs of pallets of books, the guys opened up a gaylord of books and it was swarming with termites.
Mold can be a real issue in the book business, especially healthwise.
On some pallets, the guys and I would have throat, nasal, lung and a sick-like general malaise from the mold.
I kept an Ozone machine going all night in that warehouse and some stores.
Paper mites are a problem.
Back in the 1980’s/90’s, I remember the records building of Dallas County and talking to the ladies behind the counter.
Remember, this was the era of pantyhose and dresses.
Countless rows of file cabinets inhabited their area.
The ladies told me that they couldn’t wear pantyhose at work because the paper mites were so bad.
They would end up itching all day at work with the pantyhose.
Paper dust (broken-down micro pieces of paper) bothers me.
I don’t like breathing it or getting it on my skin and clothes.
Microwave makes sense w/ termites–in a pinch. Probably real messy.
Forgot about the ozone treatment. Thanks!
Was trying to recall what i used to get the mold spots off. Bicarb Of Soda comes to mind, but idk.
i recall seeing the mites at IRS. One nite i saw a stampede. As i backpedaled, the remainder hopped like fleas. They looked like the ones in the garden.
A decade later, my boss told me they did not exist. Supposedly a science study. Suspected they wanted guys in Records to stop moaning.
Link is working, just bought the book, looking forward to reading it.
Thank you James. 🙂
Not for me: “The link is no longer active”, unless it is indeed now already sold-out.
Or else it’s one of those scarcity marketing tricks that’s being played on us…
But if it isn’t the case, would payments in bitcoin be accepted?
Me too James. Fame and notoriety always comes with complications.
Put me down for 1 hardback. ThAnks for all you’ve done.
Chaching caching
Who was the editor? Must have been quite a job translating Canook to American. Or Japanese Maple leaf to Canadian Maple leaf to American Maple syrup.
Amazon? NOOOOOOOOO. Please share another way to purchase book.
Please listen to the conversation. The whole point is that you do NOT have to order the book from Amazon.
Yes, I should have listened to the conversation…hahaha. Thanks. =)
I can’t believe people cannot follow very clear messaging. It’s NOT necessary to go to Amazon your BOOK distributor offers it there but many more options! 🤦🏻♀️
I admitted I should have listened to the conversation. Do you have nothing better to do? When something happens to you because you did not follow “clear messaging,” think of me. It’s bound to happen.
Ah, Mr. Corbett will have his little jokes.
i understand completely. Must i always be on guard? Often times i visit at the end of the day & i’m tired…
So i know it will happen again. Likely by me!
As a self-published author that chose to avoid Amazon as a matter of principle (and is now considering using their shipping services as I need to be able to focus more on creating community food forests and less time packaging and shipping books) I would humbly suggest not being too hard on authors that choose to go on that path.
I can say that while also despising all that Bezos is about but at the same time having direct experience with the unique challenges that first time author’s have to deal with.
I am grateful that James has also provided non-Amazon methods to buy the book but I understand why Amazon is also an option in this case.
Woo hoo! The order just went through! My very best wishes for your sales. I’ll be bugging my librarian!! I wish I could tie my normie family members to a chair and read it aloud. In my dreams.
I’m so glad it wasn’t too late–I’m looking forward to this!
The link is back up! I just ordered my signed and numbered copy.
Hi James and congrats. I would like copy # 911 please. It’s an inside job…..I mean joke, inside joke.
Jake, you absolutely deserve copy 911 for this laugh… 🙂
Yes, indeed, well deserved.
So happy to hear this announcement and excited to have ordered the HC! Congrats James 🙂
CorbettReporteers! The link must have been broke for a few minutes. Tried again and got thru!
Literally feeling like this right now! Original Charlie and the Chocolate Factory film:
Cheers!! Celebrating with you & eager to have the book in hand!!
Cards are not working and got this error: “Your card is expired. Try a different card.” when i tried both cards that are not expired. Thank you
My cards are being rejected as well even tho I’ve never had any issues elsewhere with them… very strange
“I am sorry your accounts have been frozen due to your associating with individuals that have committed thought crimes”
I am mostly joking, I had no trouble using my card to pre-order a signed copy, but maybe there was a glitch and he fixed it?
I do think that type of hypothetical that I shared in the comment/image linked above will likely become a reality in some places in the future though.
Lol its probably one of those ‘not if but when’ scenarios
Not selling to Canadians?
Yes, I’m so excited for you, James! Congratulations! My donation went through. 😉
PS the trouble i had was at
Will try again tomorrow
I just pre-ordered no problem (from Canada) and clicking on ANY of the GIANT pink lettering also lets one access the link.
I feel as though making a once year donation of $50 (a little more Cdn;) is WELL WORTH it, considering all of the hard work James does throughout it, and getting a “gift” of the hard cover edition is simply a wonderful BLESSING:)
I am excited to read this collection of essays, and look forward to receiving my copy in the coming weeks:-)
Wonderful news. Congratulations James. I have submitted pre-order, which will be my birthday present.
congrats sir, and thank you
Please ignore my last comment. I clicked the wrong link, then found it on Congratulations!
Congratulations James and thank you for the hard back copy offer (I do love my books). On another note I would be happy to pay for Tucker Carlson’s paperback copy.
James, one reason I am so enthusiastic about financially supporting your work, including this book project, is the fact that you have always shared EVERYTHING you’ve done for free to those who maybe did not have the money to purchase them. When I first discovered your work, years ago, thanks to Sam and Trish Britton, I was so broke I could not afford to pay attention. I respect your commitment very much!
Thank You James!
Cannot wait to get my hands on it ; )
Does Tim and his new publishing house have a website?
I have a few people who may be interested in a publisher.
It’s working now.
Congrats, James!
Neither my debit or credit card was accepted, I joined Link and both my cards were declined again through Link. Paypal was always good enough for payments to your store. Why is this third party necessary anyway? Thanks anyway, good luck. If you can offer me an alternative payment method, I’m in
User problems are my cyberspace norm & what worked for me was the Substack subscription w all the same full James experience.. just click the subscribe button there & should be a piece of cake.
That’s Great News!! A Congratulations is definitely in order!!
Thank You for all the work you’ve done and continue to do on a daily basis without prejudice or biases.
Your kindness, commitment to truth and humor are all much appreciated!!!!
Take Care!!!
Congrats James!
May it be the first of many that will find an honored place in our little library.
This is brilliant! What an achievement!!!
Some BACKSTORY – James Corbett’s Book
Various links to the 2009 era (and how I found the gif and GeneralBottleWasher’s video discovery.)
At the above link, you will notice that I wrote:
“[Not all is revealed in this comment.]”
When you go to the 2009 70 second Video, you will see in the video’s shownotes a live link to
I did not want to reveal that live link at the time, because James Corbett was ‘teasing’ the book at the very end of “Low-tech / No-tech – #SolutionsWatch.”
I wanted to wait until Corbett made a more formal announcement like we see with this February Open Thread.
HRS you are so cool 😀
well deserved personal mention in the video. thanks for the link :).
Hear hear!
Oh my, oh my, what a life;
A few days ago i turned into retirement age and started the “rest of my life”; just as we do in every single moment of our existence. My plan was and is to publish some of your work that i consider key importance in Hungarian, just i could not decide -till now- if the format. Should it be a series of booklets or a book, or else. Now you even made the selection and the proper text for the book, by which answering my not yet expressed question. So i kindly ask for your permission to translate the book. (“i“ instead of I is not a typo)
Congrats from me too!
I want the book, just wondering if there is a payment method available other than Visa, Master or Amex? What happened to Paypal? Or can I send BC?
My credit card was rejected as well – if there is a chance to get this in Germany with bank transfer/paypal or some other payment, I’d also love to purchase the hardcover edition.
Congrats for finishing this – very excited to lay eyes on this at some point 🙂
Instant buy! Thankyou good sir!
From where is the special edition being sent? I am extremely reticent to order anything from across the pond as I just can’t force myself to give in to those ghouls at the customs office and their ransom demands.
You swim in the current that brought ya! Get over it this once. Pay the pirates
Congrats on the book! If I make that 50 dollars contribution, will I get the book in Europe (specifically Czech Republic) too? Or is that offer limited only to US? Otherwise I would have to order through EU Amazon. Thank you James.
Yes, we will ship to Europe.
BUMP – Europe
James Corbett says,
“Yes, we will ship to Europe.”
Hello James
In 2008 i drove from Scotland to Japan, i shipped my car from Vladivostok in Russia on the MV Russ Ship to Toyama in Japan and spent 3 months their as part of a round the world adventure.
As it happened i stayed with J.E.T friends in Kyushu Japan and didn’t realise we were their at a similar time when you went out.
Now many years later i find your work the most credible and balanced in the business, which has helped develop my own confidence to educate with factual Knowledge.
You are a pioneer of your own style, i did email you once a few years ago and to my surprise you replied which invokes a sense of dedication to your student base.
In Scotland we manage a small community Harbour in Palnackie to promote Sail-Transportation connecting rural communities surrounding the Irish Sea, So should the big ferry companies fail we shall have an affordable transport solution in the hands of the Sovereign folk.
I am happy to support your work with the purchase of the hard back edition of you book Reportage, I really like books and i am surprised you have never written before.
Good Man James and all that help you sail the ocean of truth.
Rgs Tim of Quetzal Shipping & Trading Co
Ordered. Looking forward to this.
Pretty awesome! Chakubarai in Japan would be most welcome.. if not I’ll wait for Amazon japan to come in stock.
I found James Corbett from Whitney Webb, however, timewise I wish I had found James as he appeared. Whitney Webb is like the companion investigative journalist to James and together you get a functioning picture of why we see what we see. What they say is intuitively true and once you become familiar with the material prediction becomes much less of a problem.
Gratefully snatched up your subscriber only offering. I eagerly (and patiently) await it’s arrival! Congrats on your accomplishment, James!
Went thru after receiving fr. aud alert call. You know how they can be : )
Thank you James!
Hardback, numbered, signed edition purchased ~ very much looking forward to its arrival 🙂
JAMES ~ your work has, VERY LITERALLY, been ‘the thing’ that has helped me to maintain an emotional even keel since 2020 (when I discovered your work).
THANK YOU ~ THANK YOU ~ THANK YOU, for all the energy you put in to create your output!
IngramSpark is US only and Stripe is creditcard only
Therefor I’m not able to buy a copy sadly
Congratulations James, I couldn’t be happier for you. Alas, our Canadian dollar is in the shITter, the exchange rate is atrocious. As much as I would love to have a “special” hard copy, I’ll be purchasing either the ebook or the paperback. Wishing you many many sales James. 💕
At the moment, says out of stock on
Congratulations! James, I look forward to more books by you in the future! I love physical actual books rather than electronic versions.
I have been following you since you started, and we were a small group then, and now I love watching how it has evolved and keeps growing.
haha I tried to spread the word for the book on the fascistbook page I have for my book and it said “cannot post due to Canadian Legislation etc”.
I even tried replacing the website for the book with the Barnes and Noble link to pre-order the book instead but the algorithms still blocked the post!
The digital book burning/censoring of authors on “the list” is quite obvious and fascistic now. Sign of the times..
It seems I am not on that list yet (even though I quote James in my book) and they just shadow ban and downlist me, but I imagine I will soon be expunged from existence on the big tech bros networks.
Just serves to underline the importance of having physical books.
Get em while you can my friends.
James, a big congratulations. Congrats also for being an excellent author and researcher way before the launching of this book. Thnx for all you do.
The most dangerous man on the internet published a book? The New World Order is intrigued.
Our hardback edition has been ordered.
Reportage from the heartland
It’s decidedly upbeat, deliciously happy to a point of giddiness Is it Christmas in February? The prevailing good cheer is remarkable and transmuting of the general well being of a community
A new child has been born while, already whole in its young adult age stage. A miracle I tell you. The overwhelming joy in its arrival is approaching epidemic status. Regular pandemic of wellbeing seeing the many locations of the wanterati , the readeroti from all over the globe. Remarkable. Let’s take this to our hamlets, villages, our towns and cities. This is one long feel good moment of which we are hopefully just in the first inning. Let’s extend this grand emotion into tomorrows’ tomorrow as it feels today. That is what I’m talking about. Unbridled joy for the artist, the reader the whole of humanity, the whole of history. Filling the hole of despair with triumph and the mendacity of jubilation. Knowledge ebullient, causing exuberance, elation, euphoria, ecstasy, and bliss such as never experienced in these parts has been long in the making. Let’s enjoy this.
Ordered! 👌
Yeeeeeees!!! I am so excited for this!
I can’t wait to have it in my hands, so happy for you James and everyone really who gets to read the book 🙂
Thank you James, the culmination of a lifetime well spent. Congratulations
“Thank you James, the culmination of a lifetime well spent. Congratulations”
Were you referring to James’ lifetime or yours?
If it was James, I’m sure he will be writing a few more books before he visits the pearly gates. 🙂
Congrats James on the long-awaited book debut!
I’m looking forward to receiving my copy.
Congratulations, James, and I look forward to getting my signed copy. Money well spent.
More like, ‘Essays on the New World Order My Book, Already’, amirite?
Purchased (because we love you, James!), and I hope to re-sell for 10x would I paid for it when Klaus Schwab’s hitmen finally reach the sunny climes.
P.S.: Ernie Hancock sucks.
Congratulations James on your new publication. I wish you great joy and plenty of sales worldwide.
I shall be waiting on an Audiobook version for the sight challenged.
Yay! I’ve got lucky 🙂 and feel like finally to start giving some input. I don’t know any content creator in my country with such a clear view on things, 100% based on researchable facts. I’m not one yet, but some ideas came up just now.
Thank you!
Just ordered the hard copy
works fine
Congratulations James. To those that have had difficulty placing an order, prevail! I have ordered one just now without trouble and suspect a glitch has been remedied.
Do you plan to put it on the Audible app? That’s a great way that I’ve been able to get through books easily. I love to consume the wisdom in books, but it’s so hard for me to take the time to actually read a physical book. But, I’ve been able to get through about 36 books in the last 3 years, thanks to that app!! It’s amazing!
Looking forward to getting my hard copy! 🙂
My perfectly fine credit/debit card has been declined repeatedly over about 24 hours. What can I do?
Do you use the same card elsewhere to make online purchases? Sometimes the bank is the one blocking transactions (geographical locks, just as one example).
For these purposes applications/services such as Revolut are a better solution since they offer many options to control the card directly and the application itself will tell you why the transaction did not go through.
Seems my financial institution blocked it, so I will have to contact them during regular business hours. Thanks for the tip. I also considered prepaid Visa or MC credit card purchase.
Prepaid cards are also good. Some banks offer them as part of their regular package. Services such as revolut are free, in terms of fees, that is.
Revolut | All-in-one Finance App for your Money
Join 50+ million customers globally using Revolut to send money to 140+ countries, hold up-to 25+ currencies in app, spend in 150+ currencies, and manage…
From the second you open your account, get everything you need to do business locally and around the world.
Issue physical and virtual cards for you and your team
Send transfers around the world with ease
Receive money with IBAN and SWIFT/BIC account details
Exchange 25+ currencies at the interbank rate (within allowance, during market hours)²
Seems one must download the Revolut app to their smartphone to get a card. Not something I would use, but others might find this convenient.
Don’t panic, let us know how that bank of yours responds. There’s a story there. Scarcity, debanked monetary access, very desirable topics to know about, especially here. I’ll be happy to send you a copy, that’s what any good anarchist would do for someone locked in a state like New York. James will give you mine or others email I’m sure. Goes for anyone being denied access. But than again you can’t eat that book. Plus as James has proven to be reliable to his word , it will be made available for free. This feel good moment brought to you by Bad Bank, Bad Bank! Good lesson, the ways around obstacles and bad actors.
p.s., now I see Homies’ comment. Below, money is the root of all evil, but can work in miraculous ways.. voluntarily.
Thank you for your very kind offer. Corbetteers are the BEST!
After an hour on the phone with my credit union, they finally figured out that Japan is one of the countries (including Australia!) that MasterCard does not transact with. For this purchase I will try a prepaid Visa card. If that fails, I suppose I can give my info to yet another online vendor, Resolut, as suggested above.
Thanks, again.
I had used a Visa Credit Card (not pre-paid) the other night.
The transaction was smooth and fast.
Just a general note to people but IT IS A BAD IDEA to use a Debit Card on the internet
If your details get stolen then it’s a LOT easier to complain to the Credit Card co about unauthorized payments then it is to get your bank to put MONEY BACK sun your account.
I don’t like to use cards, I might give someone cash to buy something I want online, but if I do use a card online or IRL its NEVER a debit card.
Cash is best though.
It has the same protection of a MasterCard credit card when used making purchases. In addition, I keep very little funds in the account from which it can draw – just enough to pay the bills on hand.
I tried to purchase a prepaid Visa card but so far found that they are valid only on transactions made within the USA. FYI – The Revolut card requires use of an app on a smartphone (I have a dumb flip phone). I know there must be other options, so I will keep searching…
Your friends won’t leave you high and dry. James will have set some aside for all the situations that disrupt and corrupt good intentions of good hearts. You are covered. Like I said you can’t eat it so… it’s not that important really, you can have mine.
One of the saddest things I every heard was from a liberal millionaire friend of mine.” I’ve got mine, they can get theirs.” No, sometimes they can’t, Some have morals and ethics or principles that do prevent getting , sometimes. No reply ,let’s see how this plays out.
This feel good feeling is in its third day, ..amazing
Thank you for your generous offer. I am an old lady, so I would not want to deprive someone else their precious copy. It’s sure to be a collector’s item someday!
As luck would have it, another local credit union offers a Visa credit card. I just need to apply and get the card in hand. Even if there are no more signed hard copies when all that is done, I will have fixed a financial vulnerability that I didn’t realize existed as I seldom make credit card purchases, and rarely out of the USA. Last time I did, my non-MC/non-Visa card was accepted (New Zealand).
For now I will buy copies of the paperback to gift and donate. Thank you, again, for coming to my aid. 🙂
P.S. The HC books have been claimed; I am sure to delight in reading the paperback.
You can have mine, I have been in the art business and don’t find signed things precious really.
Content will be standing on its own , that’s where the value resides. Cult of personality pales in comparison to works of art standing on its own two legs. The printers that sculpted it should sign it too . I’ll be dead and gone by the time James’ numbered or signed book becomes more valuable than his thoughts on the NWO subjects are today. Maybe in some museum sometime in the future they will pull them off the shelf and burn them like they did Quigley’s tome. Then all those paperbacks out there will be real treasures. Scarcity. Hard backs are great but you can’t eat them. The artists of the world are all suffering from commercial exploitation. It does irritate me that this venture has limited any part of its process for commercial gain. Scarcity, Will the book physically stand the test of time. Husky- vellum bristol paper, oil based ink, bindings of linen cloth and gum Arabic. Linen thread. Last a thousand years? I’m exceedingly happy for James. The publisher has sent an email saying the paperbacks are to be shipped very soon. If he signs the hard backs I hope he addresses each personally to the recipient. That runs the artwork up in value. Either way
You are welcome to have mine.
Happy gonna make 4th day if you do.
Ebay it, auction style like the good ol days.. starting bid 50 dollars! Lol
Just kidding
@generalbottlewasher you sound like an awesome person. I’d love to have the signed copy but I learned a long time ago, lifes not fair… all and all the major win is the fact that James has a book out. I’m also very happy for James. I am very grateful for his website and all his work. The book is the icing on the cake. Cant wait to read it in any form!
Thank you,
You have tremendous character evaluation skills. You and all your fellow Texican friends can’t possibly be right every time, but I’d say most of the time, especially now. Glad you agree the value is in the book not on the book.
I put before you a thought, cause I’m looking out the window and it is grey, cool and wet out there kinda day. The fog was so thick last night and the wind blowing it….enough already.
If just possessing a book that can end your liberty or take your life by the ruling overlords, will it matter if its signed or numbered? Intent in the law causes many minds to go thinking. Is there any members of the bar out there who can explain it better? It’s great to have time, time to think. The first amendment something to think about. JCh129 do you have time to think? I hope so cause I like hearing about what’s on your mind, more than what’s in your wallet. I’m on a campaign against myself and money. I still haven’t heard from Gab.
Corbett’s Book Gift to Subscribers Only
I want to highlight some aspects about Corbett’s generous signed book gift to us subscribers…
I hope that we all recognize the fact that James Corbett dynamically appreciates his supporters, his subscribers.
His caring affinity and respect for Corbett Members is a hallmark.
It sets The Corbett Report platform above others.
Who does this!?…
…Who offers a Voluntaryist type open forum for subscribers?
…Who actually reads what his subscribers are saying?…and communicates with them…answers their questions…and acknowledges their importance and value as human beings.
Corbett’s subscriber book gift underscores his affinity for us.
We have the privilege of participating and owning a landmark piece of real estate on the Corbett timeline.
A $50 donation to James Corbett is an appropriate Voluntaryist response to the ole man’s gift to us.
And we get the best side of the deal! Only $50 – That is a great value.
We Voluntaryists understand exchange and relationships.
Like Christmas gift exchanges with family and friends, it is the giving that is most remunerative.
$50 is not much money when you open the hood to see what needs to happen.
As someone who has bought and sold countless tractor-trailer loads of books, I can tell ya…$50 is not much money for what needs to happen.
Christmas 2024, I mailed a book to three people in my state. It cost me $55 for shipping alone, and it was slow boat. On top of that, do you know how much time and cost it takes to properly package a book and mail a book?
Imagine the logistics and many steps that James Corbett will need to do in order to pull this off.
Try to outline it…this is a major project, and it ain’t cheap.
Various links to the 2009 era – James Corbett’s Book
2009 – Trailer for
“Reportage: Essays on the New World Order” by James Corbett of The Corbett Report
Hey friends, please enjoy the latest satire from The Farce Feed on Substack.
Biden Pardons Unborn Grandchild
Transgender Teacher Fights ICE Agents with Sex Toy
Captain America Actor Caught Burning American Flag at Protest
YAY JAMES! And for the Corbetteers who are repulsed by the idea of patronizing amazon, thriftbooks has “Reportage” paperback for the happy price of 16.35 plus s&h. (No, I have no financial affiliations with thriftbooks, and as far as I can dig, thriftbooks has no financial affiliations with amazon.) All the best to all.
How about giving your Canadian countrymen a break… With the tariff war going on, $50 USD is $73 CAD
Super excited!! Congratulations! I’m on board. ❤️ keep up the great work! And thank you 😊
I just bought two copies. One for myself and the other copy for my parents. This book will be my mother’s dream come true for her. My mother loves reading your essays but has a hard time reading them on her blue screen before she develops headaches. Now she’ll be able to enjoy them in book form. Thanks James for all your honest hard work. Keep it up and never stop being the awesome human being you are.
If by “blue screen” you mean the blue light, note that it can be tinted. Most modern operating systems have the option to turn on “night light” which basically shifts the blue/cold light toward much more pleasurable yellow/warmer tones.
I personally would likely be unable to stare at a blue light emitting screen in the evening hours for any length of time were it not for this option.
You can take text off the web and save it as text then put it on a kindle for her… I love epaper:)
Special subscriber offers obviously made only for US people – hmmm
International book stors sell the paperback for 25 € / 24 $
February Open
A Tom Paine moment, thanks to Hanky,
From May 2024.
So, what is still pertinent in our age of radical social and technological upheaval? What is even more basic than story and narrative? The compelling story works, but only because the general population is shallow. There is no substitute for the deep genuine evolution of mankind’s mind and spirit. That looks like it will take a long time, but your work is a real accelerator and catalyst, so I consider it very valuable. It just seems like a seed that may show a beautiful bloom, only after an uncomfortably long time. I am not advocating for passivity, but I know I must be patient and remain true to some basic values. It reminds me of the story of Moses, who strove mightily and led his people to the Promised Land, but never got to see it himself, in this life. I am not giving up, but I know condescension and impatience need to be set aside.
I haven’t heard much of Tony Heller-r high water, being mentioned by anyone lately. The AI thing hasn’t materialized in my noggin and is still a little diaphanous . Tony is pushing Visatech ai.
Here is a sample of how he is using it.
Any simple explanations or comparisons? It seems a valuable tool. I’m more prone to use a cresent wrench for a hammer than use something like this for what it’s made for. What is the context I’m missing here?
I think you’re asking about the context of AI use?
Assuming that I’m reading you right AI is a super search engine and way of organizing information- useful but unreliable and dangerous in the hands of people who take what it says at face value.
The fiction analogy is the computer in STNG where you ask the machine questions on facts and then come to a conclusion.
A second use would be to have it synthesize an authors POV and analyze the data thru it (kind like STNG holodeck sims of historical characters you wish you could ask questions if)
I expressed the idea that one day you could feed all Mr Corbetts or Richard Groves work into such a machine and then have it spit out an approximation of what they would say on a particular question or write uou an approximation of an essay on what THEY would write about a subject.
Both of these are possibley useful but ONLY when the user doesn’t act like a human being and fall into the trap of trusting the answer….Mr Corbett has often said he is not a guru but plenty of people think he is and plenty of people will think the LESS reliable AI version of him was spitting gospel truth because “science”.
AI will make most people dumber because they will let it do the hard work of thinking for them, and the machine will never be 100%right and it will be pretty easy to make sure an AI model feeds its users outputs slanted towards certain goals. Even as a search engine (imagine google asking an AI to search for something all those books they digitized and did not put on the net…) it’s useful but not trustworthy because it can’t truly get context like a human who had read all those books could.
Ultimately the issue is users- most people have been made dumber by the internet. Most people will be made easier to control via AI news and even research feeds….we are drowning in data and most of us can’t turn it into useful information. We’re drinking from a fire hose most of the time and that’s the idea behind it.
A very tiny number of people will understand how to use the machine properly but it’s bad news for most of us even on the conspiracy or contrarian side of things. Normies will just give up and trust the AI, semi normies will drown in mis information and find it hard or impossible to devote the time to thinking it thru.
So basically use it if you find it useful but don’t trust it anymore then you would a talking head on TV telling you the news…. That’s my opinion anyway:)
Thanks Duck,
It seems that s what Heller meant by comparing a question to Visitech and those other five AI programs. I know so little but trying to learn this new language and acronyms. Seems an unprofitable investment but we’ll see.
This is a decent overview primer I guess, “How AI Took Over The World” by art of the problem, ytube.
If you want to get a feel for how it tropes all the time make a few songs on suno for free and listen to them for a while… I had the AI chat at DuckDuckGo write me a few things and consumer grade AI throws a lot of the same tropes and verbiage at you after a few hours use you see it. I know young People you claim they can spot AI pics and text right off that bat and I believe them.
This is excellent news.
Ordered the Hardback version with no problem at all.
A book will give your work a different kind or reach, I think.
A book kind of demands your attention and isn’t a passive intake like listening to or watching content or even reading online, with the other attention grabbing stuff going on around it, sidebars etc.
And the book can’t change and has no technical dependencies, it just is.
Thanks for your great work, and I’m really looking forward to having this book.
Well, I’ve not ever commented here as all important comments are made by more well rounded contributors but this might as well be my first. I’ve pre-ordered the book and I’m happy to do so to at least continue building my growing collection of books but more to that, I’m always happy to support James.
I wish James luck in this and I hope he gets the support to encourage and allow him to carry on writing. I honestly don’t think the world we would all like to see would be as close if not for his work.
I am looking forward to receiving and reading it!
Another resource for those concerned about privacy and the data collected by recent car models:
Podcasts featuring Privacy4Cars are listed under the News tab, where you also will find other media links.
Link says no longer active 🙁
Thank you for your work!
Even when the link doesnt work. I will get your book for sure at any cost.
Greetings from germany
Link does not work for the HC edition. Definitely will get this book. Might be a PB if link no longer works
UPDATE: Thank you all for your generous support. The ENTIRE print run of hardcovers has now been claimed! I’ll be sending acknowledgments to each of you who claimed a copy in the coming days. And of course the paperback and ebook versions are now available for purchase at
Disappointing but I have to remember the much greater point, you now have a book out!! 🙂 thank you for all your hard work James. Really looking forward to reading it.
BUMP – Book Update by Corbett on Feb 4th – Japan time
EXCERT (without the ‘P’) below…
James Corbett says:
“The ENTIRE print run of hardcovers has now been claimed!”
Paperback and eBook versions available here…
Liverpool beat group formed in Speke and active on Merseyside during the 1960’s.
Congratulations James! I´m very happy your book is out and I´ll be looking forward to reading it! And of course I´ll also gift it to a few others.
The first time I heard about you was in a podcast about 10 years ago were you announced you were bringing out a book about the New World Order. This was not very long after I saw ‘The Quigley Formula’ by G. Edward Griffin and I thought if this Corbett guy is bringing out a book on the New World Order I’ll definitely have to follow him. So I subscribed, enjoyed all the content of the Corbett Report and also waited for the book ever since. I even asked you a question about the book on a QFC. But now at last here it is. I’m really happy for it! Great, great news!
And I´m sorry, I can´t help but be disappointed that the limited edition hardcover has run out. You could only pay by credit card. I have a credit card but I just don’t use it much. I couldn´t find it, even after searching everywhere. So I´m afraid I´ll have to ask for a replacement credit card. I was at the point to ask if I could use someone else´s credit card to buy the hard-cover limited edition, but now I see it has run out in 2 days, after ten years of waiting. So in this case that was just bad luck. I get it, a limited edition is a limited edition after all.
All in all, in short I’ll have to agree with commenter JCh129 above who said:
“Disappoiting [that the hard-cover limited edition has run out] but I’ll have to remember the much greater point, you now have a book out!!”
So again: congratulations my friend! Well done in succeeding in bringing out a book on this topic! I’ll be enjoying reading it very much. And I’ll add a question: will there be another hard-cover edition of your book in the future?
Mike Adams interviews John Perkins. Perkins wrote the book on I Was An Economic Hitman,2004.
I made it 3/4s of the way through before I barfed. Perkins is a died in the wool Anglo-American Establishment American. What his idea of American is not my idea of American, or Mike Adams. A Zionist who at 3/4s of the interview never mentioned Gaza, maybe he does towards the end. Perkins believes getting your hands dirty is acceptable but not when it involves China. James was all over this discussion 5years ago. Why are we hearing this now? Propaganda .
The interview John Perkins and Mike Adams.
The comments offered up are as poignant and erudite of the riptide that drowns the less informed in hogwash, misinformation and the blinkers of patriotism. Mike Adams commenters are mostly Texacans and American as far as I can tell; which give me great hope that more and more people are able to accurately describe the reality they find themselfs in. I was thoroughly surprised, you’d a thought they were Corbett commenters for the most part. The show is eh- meh and Mike and his guest have their agenda but the audience showed some depth.
Congrats James!
The table of contents sounds good.
Attention NEW ZEALAND…
Fluoride – Michael Connett speaking tour
New Zealand residents, there’s still time to see attorney Michael Connett during his speaking tour of your country. Connett is an environmental attorney and public health advocate who led FAN’s historic legal battle and victory against the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) over the neurotoxicity of fluoridation chemicals. He’s currently on a speaking tour of New Zealand, filling meeting halls to capacity in Whangarei and Rotorua.
Connett’s presentations–open to all members of the public, media, and policymakers–are free and focused on: 1) the science on fluoridations potential harm, 2) insights from the legal battle, and 3) why communities across the globe are banning the practice.
He has also spent time during his tour in meetings with council members from Northland councils (Far North, Whangarei, and Kaipara).
Here is the schedule for the remainder of his tour:
Cambridge Wednesday 5 February 7.00pm to 8.30pm – Main Hall, Cambridge Town Hall – Facebook Event for Cambridge
Hastings Friday 7 February 7.00pm to 8.30pm – Havelock North Function Centre
Palmerston North 8 February 3.00pm to 4.30pm – Church on Vogel, 127 Vogel Street
Wellington 10 February 7.00pm to 8.30pm – Law School, Victoria University, Pipitea Campus (access via Stout Street)
The Wellington event on February 10th will be live-streamed at the following South Island locations:
Christchurch K1 Lecture Theatre, University of Canterbury 20 Kirkwood Ave
Invercargill South Alive, 262 Ness Street, Appleby
Nelson venue to be advised
Oamaru Reach church, 17 College Street, Oamaru
For more information, please visit Fluoride Free NZ’s event page. [cool LINK]
Tim is funny! I love his sarcasm. Well fitted for the Corbett report crowd and glad he stuck his neck out to make this happen: Thanks Tim!!!
I missed out on a signed hardback copy.
Is anyone selling their copy? (Joke)
Such a shame the paperback just won’t look as good on my bookshelves.
David Martin interviewed by Alex Jones – discussing genesis of plandemic and the collapse of US Medicare/Medicaid and Treasury in 12-24 months, depending when China and others cash out their treasury notes. Not a fan of AJ for many reasons, especially because he talks over his guests too much, but I listen to David Martin whenever I find a new interview available.
Description from the X posting:
Dr. David Martin Issues An Emergency Warning To President Trump & The People Of The World.
The Globalists Have Set A Plan In Motion To “Herbert Hoover” Trump & Scapegoat The Populist President To Cover Up Their Covid-19 Depopulation Operation.
Dr. Martin Says It’s Clear That Donald Trump & Elon Musk Have Launched An Aggressive Plan To Save Civilization, And To Stop The Great Reset Agenda, The President Must Sign An Executive Order Completely Banning All Gain-Of-Function Research Immediately.
“Donald Trump & Elon Musk Have Launched An Aggressive Plan To Save Civilization”
My question is, what about our humanity? And what about the living Earth and our relationship with her that defines our humanity? People talk about saving “Civilization”, rarely do they mention where the living Earth fits into that equation, and often, that is because what they are really saying is “In order to perpetuate industrial civilization, we are willing to put the forests, rivers, lakes and ocean on the sacrificial alter of sustainable development”.
The interview discussion is about their attempt to saving humanity from financial destruction and bio-technocratic serfdom. I don’t think your point is relevant to the discussion. I don’t have any trust in either Musk or Trump, but what they are doing is just the opposite of the previous administration, and I find it interesting.
Surely you know that the “sustainable” alternative energy boondoggles are more energy intensive and arguably as destructive if not more so than petroleum-based energy.
My comment was about the usage of the term “Civilization” as far as the quote you provided and so it was relevant in that context.
I am not interested in the puppet show on the stage, though the “magic words” they are fed intended to socially engineer the statist’s and billionaire savior seeking people’s mindscapes are deserving of more careful scrutiny.
Thank you for providing one such opportunity with your quote.
Perhaps InfoWars should have selected a better word than “civilization” for a discussion about the plandemic and the controlled destruction of personal wealth and property of the world’s 99%. Note: the globalists intend to re-wild a large portion of the globe, so nature will have a chance.
Perhaps, but then again, perhaps they said exactly what they meant.
The etymological root of the word Civilization is derived from the Latin word civilis, which means civil. Civility is theoretically a noble goal and worthy central ethos, but as mkey apty points out, the realities of how that societal expression and centralized mode of organizing humans tends to result in a lot more death, oppression, torture, institutionalized children sacrifice (and of course the aforementioned accelerating trend of transforming the living earth composed of diverse beings, into a less and less diverse group of dead inanimate objects which can benefit metrics such as “GNP”) and very little, if any “civility”.
Thus, Civilization in practice is more related to its other root.
Other related Latin words are civis, meaning citizen, and civitas, meaning city.
Cities (at least here on Earth, at present day) are the phenomenon that involves an instance where so many humans and artificial human structures gather in one place, that the massive community is no longer able to produce enough food and raw material to sustain it’s continued existence (necessitating massive areas of land being deforested, pillaged and mined elsewhere so that those raw materials can be shipped to the city and keep it functioning and growing).
Since these unsustainable forms of hyper-concentrated human habitation necessitate taking (or purchasing, though historically it is mostly just taking) resources from far away lands and peoples, this pattern of human habitation requires taxation (government ‘sanctified theft’) in order to fund the extraction of materials that are required to keep the city functioning. One of the means that are required for the extraction of said resources involves the use of soldiers (as many people living in the far away rural communities will not want a giant mine, oil well, pipeline and toxic waste dump built in their backyard). Thus, city states (the central goal and peak expression of “civilization”) actually instigate the process of making armies, perpetuating government sanctified theft and initiating wars of aggression.
Billionaires talking about neglecting the land rather than using their hands to tend the land as the keystone species we are capable of living as are of no importance to me. I will ignore their edicts, go onto the sacred lands and apply my gifts to enrich those places for my community members (human and non-human) even if they try to keep me out.
People that talk about lessening our impact on the Earth are brainwashed or attempting to brainwash and disempower.
We are now called to increase our impact on the Earth 10 fold, in regenerative, artful and humble ways.
So it is, and so it shall be.
You have brought forth more terms that merit further scrutiny and exploration. Thank you.
RE: “personal wealth and property”
There is a lot to unpack in all these concepts that are so central to western civilization. I cannot give you the full extrapolation of all the implications, inherent worldviews, assumptions and mentalities built into those words now, but I may endeavor to in the future.
For now, I will say this.
The imperialistic western civilization (statist) parishioners typically speak about the importance of “their personal rights” (to have access to this thing or that thing and be able to do this or that as they please) where as the intact indigenous culture worldview speaks of “moral obligations to the land”. Big Difference there.
It is a palpable divergent point between the two worldviews, expressed in linguistics and the names of places. Look at the many of english names that were given to towns, mountains, trees, regions and buildings, they describe the “explorer” that “discovered” the place or a wealthy “benefactor”, indigenous names on the other hand speak of recognizing the community of beings Creator put in that place and their relationship to place.
For instance, the beach near where I live was once called Wawyégmak (which means place where the bald eagles nest in the great pines).
After the original inhabitants were removed from that place and the english renamed it, they called it “Colchester Beach” (this term has anthropocentric military ego based implications).
The 200 foot tall pines full of eagle nests are all gone now, no more eagles live in that place.
Though those pines being chopped down did create a lot of “personal wealth” for a select few and there is a lot of “personal wealth and property” aggregated there.
You see the difference and the profound implications of one worldview to the other.
Thanks for stimulating this discussion. I hope you have a joyful day filled with beauty of the natural more than human world and offering you hope for the future.
PS – my friend with Wendat ancestry informed me that he thinks my spelling of the Potawatomi word for that beach near me is incomplete but it was indeed known by multiple tribes as the place where a great many eagles lived.
His people called that place as yändicha’ shöndahkwa’ yänonhchia’ (which he says refers to the dwelling of the sacred eagle where the pines touch the stars).
To me, the word “civilization” can be generally replaced with “mass blood sacrifice for the common good” to obtain a better understanding of the finer nuances that are usually left unspoken.
“Common good” essentially being an euphemism for “god”. Thus the cycle is completed.
Well said, thank you for that illuminating deconstruction of several important “magic words”.
Yes indeed, words do have magical properties. It’s just that understanding of word “magic” has fallen pray to some other magical words due to which the meaning of it has shifted. Which is kind of silly, to use magic to warp the true meaning of the word magic. What a time to be alive.
That is quite profound and very true. The meaning of a thing that was once used for good in many cases, twisted, trivialized and demonized.
It makes me think of the etymology of the word Enchant (which is To Sing Into ).
Something that was once a means to uplift, express gratitude, engage in healing and ceremonies of reciprocity.. now relegated to trivial watered down woke Disney stories and stories of “evil Pagan wizards” etc.
Perhaps through the persistence of people like yourself resonating truth in your words and others working towards similar efforts to resolutely embody What Is and Envision what can be, we can Sing Into the hearts and minds of a small few… to unwarp and harmonize their perception so they can look at the world with eyes wide open and be in a better place to fully make use of their innate gifts to make this world a better place.
Academic agent over in you tube has been doing some news analysis of the new administrations behavior…. So far he thinks there are three blocs behind Trump.
I was just thinking that what with musk grabbing all the inside data he actually IS gettimg a good whip hand on the “deep state” so your right, it’s very interesting. AA is also not a fan of the tech bros, and has a few bits on Blair and how he pops up pushing digital ID like his life depends on it
Curious which groups he suspects. Would they be Zionists, Big Pharma, and Big Tech? All have been accused of employing hitmen… Above them all, I suppose, are the Big Banking Families.
I just became aware of this sobering update on the situation in the Boreal Forest.
This news evokes the following quote to my mind:
“When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realize that one cannot eat money.”
Chief Sonny Gagnon of the Aroland First Nation to sign 20 Million bribe deal allowing government and corporations to carve into the bones of Mother Earth in the “ring of fire” region in Northern Ontario.
Seeing people like this Chief Sonny Gagnon sell out and turn their back on our Mother Earth in the name of money is very sad indeed. Sadly, sometimes imperialistic anthropocentric empires that seek to brainwash and assimilate indigenous people’s into their world eating machine thinking, sometimes succeed.
I will be gathering pertinent evidence of the inevitable severe impacts on water quality in the region that will result from hard rock mining and send it to the Aroland First Nation community members in the hopes they can make a different choice.
Promises of “this time will be different, we are ‘sustainable’ and ‘low impact’ mining now” have been made to many First Nation communities in past decades in Canada but the result, invariably every single time, is the destruction of endangered forest habitat, displacement of at risk animal species and the poisoning of the water ways.
In one community (in the Neskantaga First Nation’s territory) they have had an unsafe to drink water advisory for the longest-running amount of time in the country – standing at more than 10,000 days or 27 years (thanks to corporate mining pillaging their land in the 90-s, poisoning the water).
Whether people like that Chief Sonny Gagnon are ignorant to those facts, or just willing to sell out and make a run for it once the land is poisoned, we must make every effort to inform the good people of Boreal Forests that do care about the land what will result if they bow to the colonial government and lithium cartels.
It’s the good old mon-eye, the one and only true god for many among us.
There aren’t great many things people are not willing to do for it and there aren’t great many things for which people would do what they usually unquestioningly do for mon-eye.
I would not say that this is either sad or not sad, it’s just the state of the current human condition. The “let me do unto other that I would never do unto myself” mentality bolstered by high resistance to ill disposition ushered in by hypocrisy. When one does stuff like this and relaxes in their nice cushy sofa, hypocrisy is with them, like a big dude sitting on their head, bareassed and uncleansed. Some people don’t mind it, or that’s at least how it seems.
Great word deconstruction here as well my friend.
I remember a time when I could have been bribed with money, it is strange to look back at that version of myself, with such a superficial perception of the world and what “success” and “wealth” is… now I am free of those chains. I see wealth in my garden and in the forest, and I attune to that wealth and potentiate it. That wealth is life, life that I am in service of and that I will protect until my dying breath.
Well, it is sad to me as I know how many up there are opposed to the mines, that Chief is one guy yet the people that will be impacted up there are thousands.
I got ahold of him yesterday on facebook.
I informed him and the community members about the inevitable devastation to the forests and poisoning of the sacred waters that will result from letting the Ontario government and corporations build roads through their territory for lithium mining.
He responded to try and minimize and dismiss his role by saying “it is just roads through our reservation, the mines will be elsehwere” and when I tried to warn him that the dangers to water quality and animals are still serious even if the mining is at a distance, while offering seeds to him and his community for starting a food forest, he deleted my post and blocked me.
I updated this post with screenshots for evidence:
Community members were wanting to learn more and I am still in contact with some of them that want to resist, but they have confirmed what I feared would inevitably end up being the case when I heard of the aggressive move the lithium cartels and canadian government is making to buy up northern land for mining.
The most vocal opponents of the mining operations from their community have started disappearing. They are up to over 7 missing persons in their small community now. I am concerned this is the Osage Murders all over again, except this time is it blood for lithium instead of blood for oil.
This does sound terrible. Difficult to add anything of substance. People like to give in to the government in exchange for “security” but we know how that story goes.
What is even more shady is there have been not only all these people go missing recently, but a drastic increase in “suicides” (in otherwise mentally healthy people, according to their family).
It all gives me a bad vibe, I am tryna get more verifiable intel to try and get the spot light on them a bit to deter further shady happenings but the lithium cartels and who ever they are working with up there seem to be using using real pros (leaving very little to go on).
I would like to buy the special edition. Can you send me the link. I try it but sends me to the paper book edition. Can be deliver to Mexico where I am? Thanks James for sharing all your work.
I appreciate your enthusiasm, Carlos. However, I’m delighted to announce that, due to the enthusiastic support of the community, the ENTIRE print run of hardcovers has now been claimed!
Don’t worry, though. The book itself is of course available RIGHT NOW as a paperback and an ebook through You could have the ebook in your hands today or the paperback in a matter of days. (Long before the hardcovers will be shipping, I might add.)
For those in Japan, I do plan to have an in-person book launch where I will be signing copies directly. And there may be the possibility of future hardcover print runs and/or autographed copies for those who missed out. Stay tuned and thanks for your support!
🙂 Congrats on the ’empty shelves’ James!
I am about to get there for my first printing run, but it certainly took me a lot longer than you!
You deserve this success and recognition after all the years you put into informing and educating others.
Through embracing your curiosity and inquisitive nature you managed to “wake up earlier” than some of us.
I think my ancestors may have described your success thusly…
Tús maith leath na hoibre
(A good start is half the work)
Short article with short video you may wish to share:
Total Information Warfare: How the State Manufactures Your Mind and Reality (Video)
Excerpted description:
“Retired Dutch Major General Frank van Kappen openly admits [on TV] that governments and media wage total information warfare, manipulating facts to impose a fabricated reality that controls public perception and dictates behavior.”
This is pretty freaking good.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Monday February 3, 2025
White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt blasts USAID and calls out programs she says are examples of waste and abuse.
~~~ $1.5 million to “advance diversity equity and inclusion in Serbia’s workplaces and business communities”
~~~ $70,000 for production of a “DEI musical” in Ireland
~~~ $2.5 million for electric vehicles for Vietnam
~~~ $47,000 for a “transgender opera” in Colombia
~~~ $32,000 for a “transgender comic book” in Peru
~~~ $2 million for sex changes and “LGBT activism” in Guatemala
~~~ $6 million to fund tourism in Egypt
~~~ Hundreds of thousands of dollars for a non-profit linked to designated terrorist organizations — even AFTER an inspector general launched an investigation
~~~ Millions to EcoHealth Alliance — which was involved in research at the Wuhan lab
~~~ “Hundreds of thousands of meals that went to al Qaeda-affiliated fighters in Syria”
~~~ Funding to print “personalized” contraceptives birth control devices in developing countries
~*~*~* Hundreds of millions of dollars to fund “irrigation canals, farming equipment, and even fertilizer used to support the unprecedented poppy cultivation and heroin production in Afghanistan,” benefiting the Taliban
The list literally goes on and on — and it has all been happening for decades.
Momma covered this topic in detail in her expose. She has insiders with hidden cameras reporting from the belly of the beast.
I am anticipating DOGE discovering the payments for geoengineering our weather. Maybe part comes out of Pentagon (DARPA) for the EMF application, and part or all out of the NOAA budget. This would be a smoking gun!
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) and The New Lede
I have mentioned both of these non-profits before several times in the comment section.
For example:
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) and the PFAS “forever chemicals”
Links to both EWG and The New Lede are in that comment, along with other tidbits about Dr. Philippe Grandjean, Dr. Bruce Lanphear, Dr. Linda Birnbaum, lead and fluoride.
August 2023
The New Lede – Redefining environmental journalism
The nonprofit news outlet The New Lede, launched as an EWG project in May 2022, is a recognized and trusted source for in-depth reporting on important environment and human health stories across the U.S. that other outlets are overlooking…
… “The New Lede grew out of our realization that critical environmental and public health issues weren’t getting the attention they deserve,” says EWG President Ken Cook. “Underfunded and overstretched newsrooms are cutting back on covering stories on these core quality of life issues…
… TNL and its journalists function independently of EWG’s operations, with complete editorial independence from the organization….
I was recently drawn to The New Lede by their reporting on fluoride…
January 30, 2025 – The New Lede – By Douglas Main
Fluoride toothpastes, mouthwash marketed to kids in dangerous ways, lawsuits say
[The toothpaste-lawsuit article gets into the fluoride toxicity issue and EPA lawsuit]
WAR! Monsanto invades…
Saturday February 8, The New Lede – By Carey Gillam (see her book)
Farm country fight – Battle rages over proposed legal protections for pesticide makers
…Laws have been introduced in at least 8 states so far and drafts are circulating in more than 20 states…
…The fight is particularly fierce now in Iowa, where opponents call the pesticide-backed proposed law the “Cancer Gag Act,” due to high levels of cancer in Iowa that many fear are linked to the state’s large agricultural use of pesticides.
Iowa has the second-highest rate of new cancer cases in the US and the fastest-growing cancer rate…
…The bill would bar people from suing pesticide manufacturers for failing to warn them of health risks, as long as the product labels are approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
Opponents say the legislation will rob farmers and others who use pesticides from holding companies accountable in court if their pesticide products cause disease or injury…
…Bayer, the Germany-based owner of the former Monsanto Co., is the chief architect of the strategy, designed as a means to beat back thousands of lawsuits filed by farmers and others who blame their use of Monsanto’s Roundup herbicides for causing them to develop cancer…
…Bayer says it has joined with more than 360 grower and industry groups to push the federal legislative changes and with the Modern Ag Alliance coalition of agricultural organizations to fight for the changes in state laws that help protect pesticide makers from litigation…
…Along with the state legislative actions, the EPA last month opened a public comment period on a petition filed by the Attorneys General of Nebraska, Iowa, Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Louisiana, Montana, North Dakota, South Carolina, and South Dakota seeking an amendment to federal law that would make it harder for people to sue pesticide makers.
The proposed modifications would bar any state labeling requirements that were “inconsistent” with the EPA’s conclusions regarding the safety of a pesticide…
…The EPA is accepting comments until Feb. 20….
Thanks for the heads up, I am sure this will be 10X here in super government subsidized glyphosate soaked Kanata.
v-Fluence – PR Firm for Evil Corporations…
Profiling of pesticide industry opponents halted after company practices exposed
Long article which links to previous article. Pretty evil stuff.
Monday Feb 10, 2025 – The New Lede
Fluoride in drinking water – what the public needs to know
Cool links in this Fluoride article!
Towards a WW III Scenario. The Privatization of Nuclear War.
By Prof Michel Chossudovsky
Global Research | February 6, 2025
“Video. The Privatization of Nuclear War. James Corbett Interviews Michel Chossudovsky” [emphasis added]
I can’t watch James anymore. He pronounces gif with a hard G.
Some people do that. In my language there is an actual extra letter for “hard g” (đ and an even harder version with two letters for one sound dž) so that’s extra cringy for me 😀
But I understand people are going to use various ways to sounds stuff out. I usually, by default and even without knowing it, choose the old school way of doing it. For e.x. some people will read SQL by simply spelling it out, while people in my camp make a word out of it, something like SeeQool.
All in all, being a grammar nazi is very tantalizing and I like winning that battle on every occasion.
lol, well, in the spirit of grammar nazis:
I self-publish all my books, and I don’t have too many hassles. I do all the editing along with friends who are really interested, I started my own company to publish under, I register all the copyrights myself, I did the trademarking, and I get the printing done through print-on-demand through Barnes and Noble.
I’m not interested in being famous or having a wide audience, so this method works for me.
Now, when it comes to other stuff… I’ve had local artists ghost me. I tried setting up a deal with a local book bindery so I could have the book made in a special way, but they just never responded. The real hassle for me has been finding people that will actually do work. Then, it’s been an issue of getting stuff done right, which is a whole other thing.
@Vienticus Prime
Where can I learn more about your books?
Do the POD services at Barnes and Noble offer the option of section sewn bindings?
I can recommend a good printing company that does high quality work in the states/canada (but their head office is based out of China). Family owned, fair prices and they do have pride in their work though, so better than Amazon POD as far as boycotting tech bro oligarchs I suppose.
I think the quality from B&N is better than Amazon. They don’t have sewn bindings though. At this point, I’m just staying the course with the system I have set up.
As far as learning more about my books, you learn more about them through word of mouth. Like I said, I want to keep my audience small.
I’d wait on getting any from the Last Enchantress series until the fifth one is out, though. I’m making minor changes to the format. It’ll hopefully be within a month.
@Vienticus Prime
I agree and I have been trying to avoid using Amazon for my book for that reason (and the fact that Bezos is a psychopathic technocrat transhumanist) but I am under pressure from readers and people in my life that would prefer cheaper, faster and easier shipping options, so I am looking at all potentials.
I need my book to have a text book quality spine and binding as it is a practical gardening and recipe book, so it has to be able to take a beating. That glue only “perfect” binding that amazon uses is weak, but I may have to compromise for my second printing run as it is hard to handle packaging and shipping while also working full time and tryna create a community food forest on my off time. I may get the printing company I mentioned to print my book then send boxes of those high quality books to amazon to handle shipping.
I do not have any particular preference as to the size of my audience, the main thing that matters to me is that people put the material in the book to good use with their hands. So far, I have heard back from a few hundred people that have been doing just that, and that is all by word of mouth and my own humble publicity efforts. Knowing people have been inspired to embrace a more confident and reciprocal connection with the earth, to grow their own food and get their kids involved so they will not have to depend on all that scary GMO food in the stores now is enough for me and makes it all worth while.
I am grateful for the kindness of people like James Corbett and James Evan Pilato for helping me get the word out about my book to the good peoples in their audiences. Beyond that, I mostly work to get my book into small local stores and trust that God will guide those that are meant to make use of the material in the pages of my book to find my work.
Thanks for the links, I look forward to learning more about your work when I can.
My textbook is something I think everyone should buy, even if people aren’t interested.
Realistically, I would like everyone to buy my fiction books, I would just prefer that 99.99999999% of the people buying it would use them as kindling for the purposes of self-immolation. Unfortunately, digital books are not flammable. In case you’re wondering, I’m not big on the whole liking people thing.
The books may be fiction, but that is a guise. I wrote the story because I’m never having any kids but have always wanted a daughter, so I wrote one. In the story is a lot of the wisdom I would’ve passed down to any of my children.
At some point, I might look to something different than the print-on-demand, but for now, this works.
@Vienticus Prime
Not sure if your being facetious with regards to your stated preference for most humans to burn themselves alive, but thanks for the interesting comment.
I wish you all the best with your literary works.
The best to you as well.
Scam Alert : “Food Forest Bible: How to Create a Food Forest: Sustainable, Self-Managing, Natural Food Production for Self Sufficiency and Food Security” – (supposedly) by Jovan Hutton Pulitzer is “A.I.” Chatbot generated garbage.
For images of this book, reviews from amazon, some of its nonsensical contents and the absurd bio of the supposed author, check out the pics I uploaded in this note:
The book and online content from the guy has Zero content showing he has a garden or any experience with forest gardening. He claims to be best friends with Trump and some kind of tech mogul (see bio through scrolling right through images linked in note above).
Pulitzer claimed without evidence to have written 300 books on history. His books include “How to Cut Off Your Arm” and “Eat Your Dog: Plus, Other Recipes for Survival”.
I had warned people that Amazon was being flooded with AI generated “books” (these are filled with quasi-plagiarized content mixed in with feel good repetitive content in Huge print to fill up pages along with tons of useless AI generated images of gardens. The text also has a lot of watered down super generalized, impractical, garbage/nonsensical content mixed in.)
The wording in the book sounds distinctly robotic and like some kind of ChatGPT “electronic hallucination” with strange lines like I highlight in one of the images in the note linked above where the intro promised the book will “help you to accomplish very vivid daydreams” and similar nonsense.
Please be aware that chatbot generated garbage “books” like this are becoming more and more prevalent. Look into the author before you purchase a book, see if they actually have any content that aligns with what they claim to be writing about.
I found out about this book through a comment from a Solari Report member who was unfortunately promoting the book without ever having purchased a copy and thought it looked wonderful.
I investigated the author and investigated the book itself.
It is indeed, as I suspected, an “A.I.” generated Scam.
It may look pretty (with endless full pages of AI generated images of raised beds etc) but it is practically useless when it comes to giving the reader actionable intel and legit instructions for creating a functioning food forest.
Do not buy.
For more info on AI generated Amazon books read:
Just found another fake food forest chatbot generated book on Amazon
And they seem to use an army of bots doing fake reviews to throw people off too..
The one I described in the bigger comment above has a real human behind it (a phony scamming specialist guy) but it is his real picture.
Some of these garbage AI chatbot generated books however do not even have a real person behind the book, just a fake image with a made up name for an author.
Look up the name of the author for that one I linked above in this comment, totally fake person, a ghost, and the image is used on twenty different websites with 20 different names.
Is he “Jackson P. Howard” ?
or is he “Jackson Anhalt”?
This images for these fake authors are sometimes used by multiple scammers on Amazon using different fake Author names!
4 fake chatbot generated books on Amazon with links so you can investigate for yourself.
This is just incredibly lazy stuff. I could use LLM localy to generate hundreds of good looking profile pictures in a few hours.
Yes indeed, totally nonchalant scamming (or scams being put together by inept scammers).
And yet, people are buying that garbage! Some people that have never read a book about gardening before even think the content is good quality and they take pictures of themselves holding up these chatbot drivel filled books and post them on their social media! Likely the same type of people that (as JEP so sussinctly puts it) were lining up in parking lots to be injected with mystery substances by strangers.
I found a few chatbot generated scam books on amazon during my investigation yesterday that used what felt like (to me) to be computer software generated face images (to go along with their fake author names). I could not be 100% sure though as they are getting pretty high res now.
Do you know of any free online platforms that can reliably detect if a face is “AI” generated via uploading the pic to a website at this point in time?
Thanks for the comments.
No, that’s going to become bigger and bigger problem. From their perpsective, they don’t want to feed LLM images to LLM, but it’s likely unavodiable.
There are methods of “salting” images so that LLMs have trouble using them for training and there are options to “watermark” LLM generated images so that other LLMs can recognize them as f
Currently, humans can spot fakes by looking at fists and fingers, they tend to get messed up. But that will likely be improved up in no time.
Ahh I see, likely gonna get to the point where there are more fake profiles interacting with people on social media than ones with real people behind em eventually.
Bot farms and chatbot armies masquerading as enthusiastic mRNA injection supporters, pressuring humans to “do their part for the greater go(o)d”… squadrons of chat bots storming the threads here perhaps, trolling or feigning to support people and luring people into what ever mind games their commanders have in mind.
Interesting times to be alive indeed! 🙂
Hey, I was talking with this Dietitian lady on substack that thinks she is helping by talking with these chatbots all the time (to “improve them for the better” or something) and I would value your input on our discussion.
Thanks for the comments.
> likely gonna get to the point where there are more fake profiles
I do believe we are already there. Back in the day I used to run a sort of a bot network* and it wasn’t that difficult to accomplish, even for a single motivated individual. These people we are dealing with daily have a lot of resources on hand. Good lord may only know, for example, how many bots is “X” running of their own on their network. That’s along with the “nudge” system itself which is certainly used to influence the site “users”.
*it was more of a prank than anything else; this occurred in an online MMO game that prayed on people’s nationalistic sentiment; I took the resentment I felt over it and converted it to IT skill and effort with the goal of pranking the operators and making the whole setup look absolutely ridiculous)
I don’t know what to add to that conversation. I think behind most human caused catastrophes there were a lot of people with good intentions. It must be why it is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
If one decides to invest their effort in training an LLM, they should better question who is controlling the LLM and what might be their true intentions. I guess I could not fault someone who is working on a personal LLM that they are potentially making available to others.
I have personally decided that I will certainly not feed these beasts controlled by “private public partnership” fraudulent ventures.
I appreciate the detailed response.
I think the lady wants me to help her train these LLMs to be teaching tools for kids or something, not sure.. her style of writing is discombobulated. It almost reminds me of how the chatbot written books read actually…
The forest and the garden will teach kids more than any AI oracle talking to them through a screen or a speaker ever can.
I wonder how long until people hook up advanced LLMs to autonomous physical vehicles of some type, and we`ll have robot dogs or robot vacuum cleaners lecturing us about philosophy and political correctness? 🙂
Gavin, LLM assisted and LLM generated are two different things. If someone wanted to create a cheap fake book, with LLM this can likely be done inside of 10 or 20 hours. The editing step would likely take many hundreds of hours, and if that investment was made the end result would look much more refined.
I would say that content where accuracy is required is always going to contain the common LLM hallucinations. This is due to the generative aspect of it. Making it good for telling stories.
I worked a bit with local LLMs, “Reason” being one of them, which was trained on general programming stuff. I questioned it a bit about general SQL server optimization steps and I have to say it provided very good overviews. I didn’t drill deeper into the depths of its “knowledge”, but what it provided in some simple steps, otherwise requires hours of research online.
But there were certainly no hallucinations present, answers were quite accurate, even if somewhat abstract. Which I would expect in such scenarios.
If one was having sImilar issues and asking around for help, one would have to provide distilled, abstract examples for others to analyze and assist with.
Thanks for further elaboration on the nuances of these chatbots and generative computer programs.
Leave it to humans to create a computer program that has “electronic hallucinations”.
We already have so many people hallucinating about how the government is here to protect and educate us and now they are gonna be fed “electronic hallucinations” as well! Man, the next decade is gonna get messy I tell ya!
I`ll stick to connecting with the ancient intelligence present in the forests, the mountains and the living rivers/springs and leave the LLM mind trips to those that like sitting in front of computers more than being in the natural world.
Reverse image searches quickly expose such paltry schemes.
It seems that the censorship levels have fallen on certain topics in USA and UK. I was surprised to see an interview which argues that the plandemic was a coordinated attack on the world population.
BOMBSHELL Investigation REVEALS The Shocking Truth About COVID 51:28
Also read more at:
Covid Dossier interview with Neil Oliver, GB News.
Big Brother Alert:
Report: Apple Ordered to Provide Gov’t Access to ALL User Data on the Cloud
U.K. orders Apple to let it spy on users’ encrypted accounts
Secret order requires blanket access to protected cloud backups around the world, which if implemented would undermine Apple’s privacy pledge to its users.
Thanks for posting this news (and others, like good ole Congressman Massie)
I am amazed at how tyrannical UK and Canada are.
I wonder if there are any Corbetteers that understand the complicated banking system in the USA. I have watch James’ videos on this and some offered by others, including John Titus, but the logic doesn’t stick in my brain. I wonder why the US Treasury must pay interest on money generated out of nothing? Is this not a Ponzi scheme that we can never beat (by design, so that we lose our natural resources)?
Why can’t we claim the central banking system an illegitimate system and cancel our debts?
As John Titus points out in his latest video the US CAN delete the Federal Reserve bank at any time….
This is somewhat different then most central banks if I understand it right but don’t expect it to happen any time soon….. lol though who knows, all kinds of interesting stuff is happening these days.
Massie is planting the seed – Congressman Massie on Bills to Abolish Education Dept. & FED
The interest is there to keep the pressure of debts on the plebs. “Our” governments want us to die a miserable death and debt is a great means toward that holly goal.
“We” can certainly reject the “national debt” (I do so often) but “they” do not want to do that as it would be very counter productive to all the good they accomplished already.
Jo-ann, You are right. The U.S. monetary system is complex. So complex that even the guys in charge can’t follow it all.
The simplistic way I view it starts with a ratio…
Quantity of Currency / Products (and services)
Money Supply/Gross Domestic Product
Ideally, there needs to be a balance in money supply and production.
The current money supply is increased by debt.
Fractional Banking (like a mortgage) or Government debt like Treasuries increase the money supply.
If too much money is in the system, then products will cost more. Inflation.
If there is not much money in the system, then this also poses hardship on the average Joe who has trouble finding dollars. Production of goods can get stifled if not enough money is in the system.
The Federal Reserve tries to control the money supply by setting interest rates. Lower rates encourage more borrowing and a larger money supply. But the Fed “official-dom” is only hot air, because even when they lowered interest rates this past year, the Treasury auctions and bond markets drove interest rates up. A mortgage rate is still over 6%.
Before The Federal Reserve, evidently the 1870-1912 period had a high rate of industrial production.
South Africa news….
Trump has actually spoken up for the white minority in SA facing land expropriation without compensation and allegedly sanctioned South Africa.
This is probably a very red piece of meat for US whites worried about what will happen when they are a minority… may also be a continuation of “the war on gold” (Anthony Sutton) where the fiat dependent US does its best to stop SA ever getting its act together….. lol , no chance of that, place is a murder dump these days
For those that remember the Corona Investigative Committee:
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is running as a candidate in the German federal elections later this month
Note: He remains in jail.
More from The Exposé
Tony Blair urges Starmer to bring in national digital IDs to use against the populist right
“Blair believes this will help “flush out” anti-mass migration populists by forcing them to choose between their rhetoric and actual policy solutions.
“He thinks the public will trade privacy for efficiency, and the government will win the debate on digital IDs, which will also help address issues like immigration and benefit fraud.”
acedemic agent had a video about Blair’s obsession with getting that thru
You will want to save a copy of this article/letter posted by The Guardian from 2012, where a former executive adviser, aerospace & defense at Booz Allen Hamilton describes geoengineering.
At war over geoengineering
“While seemingly fantastical, weather has been weaponised. At least four countries – the US, Russia, China and Israel – possess the technology and organisation to regularly alter weather and geologic events for various military and black operations, which are tied to secondary objectives, including demographic, energy and agricultural resource management.
“Indeed, warfare now includes the technological ability to induce, enhance or direct cyclonic events, earthquakes, draught and flooding, including the use of polymerised aerosol viral agents and radioactive particulates carried through global weather systems. Various themes in public debate, including global warming, have unfortunately been subsumed into much larger military and commercial objectives that have nothing to do with broad public environmental concerns. These include the gradual warming of polar regions to facilitate naval navigation and resource extraction.”
To hear more, see
Dr. Rob Williams: The Age of Geoengineering & How Its Primary Objectives are Military
Feb 06, 2025 | 1:02:44
Describes creating and steering storms by applying electromagnetism to ionized metallic nanoparticles, which poison all life forms. This is a MUST listen to.
Hi James – Could you reach out (if you haven’t already) to Sasha Latypova and Debbie Lerman to interview them about their “Covid Dossier” that just got published on 2/4? They have done amazing work to prove that Covid was a military-run op and not a health emergency, but are having trouble getting alt media air time (except for Neil Oliver).
These are two amazing researchers whose work is worthy of attention, imo.
Also – Congrats on selling out on the hardbacks!!!
Just now seeing this post, missed the hardback, but immediately purchased the paperback. So dang happy for you, James, and congratulations! Very much looking forward to it no doubt. And of course as usual, deeply appreciate your work over the years.
Here you go, guys. Have a little inspiration.
New Bill Demands Ban on Covid ‘Vaccines’ Due to ‘Enormous Numbers of Deaths’
““Bills are being drafted In Montana, Idaho, Iowa, Texas, Tennessee, and South Carolina to ban mRNA injections”
“As Slay News reported, a video has emerged of Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel boasting to fellow World Economic Forum (WEF) members that his company developed Covid mRNA “vaccines” in 2019 because they knew there was “going to be a pandemic.”” [emphasis added]
Congratulations, James! This is wonderful news. Unfortunately, I missed out on the hardback. But, I bought myself an e-book now. Looking forward to reading it.
Open thread comment:
Just listened to Catherine Austin Fitts and Naomi Wolf lay out how Musk potentially effected a financial coup. Such an important puzzle piece in seeing how nefarious DOGE is in helping construct the digital hellscape to come. Maga fans are loving the small wins from this administration but are blind to the catastrophic losses getting buried in the frenetic news cycle.
Signed book comment:
If I could request a number, it would be your height in inches – to settle that query once and for all… 😁
Folks in USA might want to take note of the sky. People are reporting that the chemtrails have stopped since USAID funding was suspended. (I haven’t noticed because my weather has been overcast for days.)
Chemtrails – Something weird’s happening
Claims that USAID was a pathway to chemtrails are being supported by eye witness accounts.
Thanks for heads up, next sunny day i`ll report in from Ontario and tell you how it looks here.
Related to USA chemtrails – This woman tracked the chemtrail planes and researched to discover the responsible company (Weather Modification Int.). She then waits for the pilot to confront him. She is a pistol! Her Substack is linked in the article listed below.
Hi James,
Do you have any insight into Igor Berkut and the so-called Heavenly Jerusalem plan for Ukraine? (aka Israel 2.0, Greater Israel (part of), New Jerusalem, etc.)
There’s loads of videos and clips of Berkut and this alleged initiative floating around on Bitchute, Odysee, and elsewhere and there is a YT channel “PACCBET” (@_PACCBET_) that appears to somewhat official and tied to the people involved.
From a few shallow dives into the topic, it looks legitimate and it seems to align with long term Zionist/Israeli objectives to not remain overly vulnerable militarily by being geographically bound solely to their strip of (ill-begotten) land in the Middle East while alleviating some of their resource concerns by allowing them to become more self-sustaining in terms of food, etc. and aligning with the more hardcore Zionist “historical” claims to portions of Ukraine.
Google-based searching quickly tries to convince a truth-seeker that the entire thing is an anti-Semitic Russian psy op tied to the ongoing conflict in some way. But none of the resources Google directs one to really lays out a convincing argument for why this is the case nor why such a ruse would benefit Russia.
Was hoping to see if you – or anyone reading this comment – has been able to get anywhere close to the truth on this issue.
I didn’t fact-check this article about plans for updating US Gov IT systems and rollout of Gov-by-AI, but sounds about right:
Reprogramming the Republic: Musk’s Quiet AI Takeover of Federal Power
“DOGE (a revamped United States Digital Service) and the Technology Transformation Services (TTS) are driving the overhaul of fundamental government operations. TTS is an obscure division within the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) tasked with modernizing federal IT infrastructure. Now, TTS — along with the GSA — has become the first testing lab for Musk’s “AI-first” government experiment.
“Leading the effort is Thomas Shedd, a former Tesla engineer turned government disruptor. Under his leadership, TTS is rewiring the system to run on AI. Put simply, TTS builds the tech and DOGE sets the rules. Together, they’re transforming federal agencies into automated bureaucracies where algorithms call the shots.
““AI-first” and Drive Toward Automation
“During last Monday’s meeting, Shedd laid out his vision for the agency’s transformation, according to Wired. He outlined plans for TTS to operate like a “startup software company,” centralizing vast amounts of federal data and “automating different internal tasks” — a euphemism for ultimately replacing human workers with AI-driven systems.
“According to Wired, the center of this plan is GSAi, a generative AI chatbot designed to handle administrative tasks and streamline federal procurement. The GSA, which acts as the federal government’s landlord, tech supplier, and procurement department, oversees billions of dollars in contracts and manages essential infrastructure for other agencies. Automating such a critical function fundamentally shifts how the government operates.
“This “AI-first” agenda doesn’t stop at the GSA. The plan is to embed AI into every federal agency, with the focus on financial operations. Per the report,
“In what he described as an “AI-first strategy,” … Shedd provided a handful of examples of projects GSA acting administrator Stephen Ehikian is looking to prioritize, including the development of “AI coding agents” that would be made available for all agencies. Shedd made it clear that he believes much of the work at TTS and the broader government, particularly around finance tasks, could be automated.
“That could fundamentally change how the government interacts with citizens, hires contractors and employees, and processes benefits. It would also have far-reaching consequences for regulation enforcement, procurement management, compliance oversight, and even policy-making.”
More on DOGE and data security – from Naomi Wolff:
The Sack of Rome: Elon Musk’s Digital Coup
“Team Musk did it like this instead: they looked at everything; not all of them had top-level clearances; and, according to reports, some of the engineers plugged their own devices into the systems. One of them, a teenager, turned out to have leaked internal proprietary data, in his last role, an internship.
“These are the kinds of horrific breaches of cybersecurity that makes cybersecurity experts turn white:
““Musk and his team of young, inexperienced engineers — at least one of whom is not a US citizen — have taken a number of publicly known steps that raise serious concerns among cybersecurity and privacy professionals.” This cybersecurity site went on to explain other hazards caused by Team Musk’s access. is a site that is devoted to security and cybersecurity industry news. It is not partisan. And its evaluation of what Musk did, is horrified:
““These actions violate several fundamental security principles, experts contend, potentially exposing highly sensitive US government systems to malware while opening new possible avenues of attacks by cybercriminals and even nation-state adversaries. […] In addition, over the past week, workers at the Technology Transformation Services (TTS), housed within the General Services Administration (GSA), were summoned into meetings to discuss their code and projects with Musk’s team members. TTS helps develop the platforms and tools that underpin many government services, including analytics tools and API plugins that agencies can use to deploy tech faster. Thomas Shedd, who used to work for Musk’s Tesla, is now the head of TTS. Some DOGE workers had yet to receive a GSA laptop, indicating that some connected to government systems using their own devices.” [Italics mine].”
The question about a digital Coup is who is getting kicked out?
When Elon Musk took over twitter it was so he could use it as a political weapon against the old establishment powers.
When he basically cuts the arms off a good chunk of the Deep States money funneling system he kinda cripples it.
This short video by AA compares how his and Yarvins models of how the secret state works compared to what’s come out so far……
And Bryan Lunduke looks like he is going to be digging into the money a bit too, having just talked about how the EFF is trying to halt the auditing, probably because it may die without gov money coming thru the hidden funding web
Not thinking that Musk is a hero , but it’s also hard not to be happy seeing the secret state shaken up either.
For me, whether it is DOGE or whomever, I am most interested in results.
What are the results or consequences of one’s actions or inactions?
Hope you are feeling better.
Not so sure about Elon’s motives for buying Twitter. He has plans to make it an “everything platform,” like the one used in China.
Also consider all the tech bros in Trump’s circle, all of which have ties to US intelligence or WEF, or both.
To me it looks like we are witnessing only a personnel change in the deep state, from the empire destroyers to the technocracy creators.
Have you seen the pathetic acting performances on the stage at the latest WEF meeting, where the panel members all lament that Trump “beat them”? Pleeeeez!
Don’t mean to be black pilled, but to me this seems too slick not to be planned. I can feel it in my gut, though I may well be wrong.
Wait for it…this is clever and funny…
Fox 5
Local Man Cashes In Big On Trump Deportation Raids
Danny reminds me of Benny Willis, a bit.
Here’s a blast from the past, man driving a truckload of Mexicans…
Tuesday February 11, 2025
Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL) announced the creation of a new task force on declassifying federal secrets including records related to the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy.
And… “…the Epstein Client List, the origins of Covid-19 and the 9/11 files”.
QUEUED at 2:29
May be of interest to those following PFAS contamination, especially Texans, e.g., @HomeRemedySupply:
Johnson County Declares Chemical Contamination Disaster
““The County has requested that Texas Governor Greg Abbott join in the declaration and seek federal disaster assistance. Despite the known contamination, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality continues to approve the application of biosolids as fertilizer in Johnson County, prompting urgent calls for regulatory intervention.”
“The suspected source of the contamination cited in the order was fertilizer.
“In recent years, the presence of PFAS in fertilizer and the prudence of its application in agricultural settings have become increasingly scrutinized.
“In early December 2024, a story swept national news outlets regarding PFAS contamination that had reportedly killed 39 animals in Johnson County.”
Wow! Thanks so much! I had not seen that!
Cleburne, Johnson County is 20 minutes from Glen Rose (Somervell County) where my son and his family live.
Today, (Thursday Feb 13) Brooke L. Rollins was sworn in as 33rd U.S. Secretary of Agriculture.
She and relatives are from Glen Rose. Brooke was slightly older than my son in school, but her relatives are well known in the community. At a recent lamb auction (for High School students raising lambs), my son’s wife’s daughters had lambs purchased. The auction is more like an award program to honor Ag students. Brooke Rollins contributed money for the purchase.
RFK, Jr. was sworn in today also.
Maybe, between the two of them, something will be done about PFAS in groundwater, soil, and food.
I read the other day that an organization had filed a formal request with the FDA to set limits on PFAS in specific foods, but they did not receive a response in the required time and in fact did not receive any reply. The group followed up and were told their request was not high on the list of priorities. I am hopeful that RFKjr will move it up the list.
For those that missed it on MorningMonarchy yesterday, here is a recording of the latest segment from my Mounsey Minute series.
I really like the title James chose for Mounsey Minute Episode 14
“Unbreak Your Heart”
I wanna express a huge thank you to my friends over at Media Monarchy for helping get this info out into the world.
For those interested in how Musk is investigating the US Gov data and the situation RFKjr faces HHS, please listen to this podcast interview of Dr. Robert Malone, who gives some background on key personnel that Trump appointed to seemingly hamper the efforts of MAHA. (I enjoyed the conversation and the background info.)
Robert W Malone MD on RFK Jr’s Big Win, Tells Elon Where to Look at HHS
MAHA news / executive order as copied from White House website:
President Trump Establishes a MAHA Commission
Two things…
1. Your book, James, is WONDERFUL. I’m a little over half way through, and I just have to say this in thanks: I love the way the book is put together, and even though I’ve been on the conspiracy trail for quite some time, I am still learning tons from the topics you have chosen. The source material references are out-of-this-world Wonderful. You’ve provided enough resources to keep me diligently busy for years!
2. So sorry to see/hear on your latest NWNW episode that you have the too-many-toxins-in-your-systems syndrome (called sickness by mainstream whatevers). I hope you feel better soon. I hadn’t been ‘sick’ for over 6 years when last month ‘they’ chemtrailed the crap out of where I live in Arizona (I don’t like being outside anymore here because it is happening all the time, round the clock). My husband and I were working out in the garden for a whole day, trying to be sustainable, and both of us got coughs and fevers like nothing we’ve ever experienced. The symptoms were akin to pneumonia with lungs filling with (much nastier than the following word) ‘fluid’. I personally wondered whether I was dying for 3 solid weeks. Whatever THIS is is going around. We kicked it naturally, so hopefully our immune systems will be amped up for whatever else ‘they’ have planned for us.
Speaking of which, I cannot believe nobody in a real position of power is talking about how we are being systematically poisoned by chemtrails, as are all aspects of nature. What better way to distribute ‘sickness?” May our energy wipe out the predator class ASAP!