
How to Find Deleted Videos – Questions For Corbett (video)

Since GooTube removed The Corbett Report, there are hundreds and hundreds of broken links and embeds scattered throughout the site. But the videos are NOT GONE. Today James shows you three quick and easy steps for watching “deleted” videos and fixing those broken links.

Banksters Set the Table for Net Zero – #NewWorldNextWeek

This week on the New World Next Week: The banksters lay the groundwork for their 130 trillion dollar climate swindle; the oligarchs psyop the public into desiring the great food transformation; and the government weeds out the non-bootlickers in the intelligence agencies with their vaccine mandate.

How to Disarm Propaganda – #SolutionsWatch (video)

Today Mark Crispin Miller, NYU Professor and News From Underground publisher, joins us to discuss his specialty: propaganda. In true #SolutionsWatch style, we discuss ways to identify and dissect propaganda, as well as how to help others to see through common propaganda techniques.

But What About Deagel? – Questions For Corbett (video)

Today James tackles a question he’s received many, many times over the past seven years: Who or what is (or is that Where does their amazing population forecast come from? What does it mean? And where did it go, anyway? Your burning questions are answered on this edition of Questions For Corbett!

The Bystander Effect – #SolutionsWatch (video)

The bystander effect describes a seeming paradox: the more people who are around to help in a given emergency, the less likely that any one individual will actually stop to help. Today James dives into the psychology underlying the bystander effect and explains how we can flip this quirk of human cognition on its head to help change the world for the better.


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