
Interview 1561 – James Corbett on The Filter Podcast

Interview 1561 – James Corbett on The Filter Podcast

Bush was right: The constitution really is just a piece of paper. So what does this mean in the age of the corona crisis, as some turn to those pieces of paper to protect the last shreds of their privacy and even their bodily autonomy? And if constitutional fictions aren’t the solution, what is? Don’t miss this in-depth exploration of the world of 2020 as James Corbett joins Matt Asher on The Filter podcast.
Interview 1560 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

Interview 1556 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato

This week on the New World Next Week: The second wave gets set to explode across the world as things heat up in America and the ChiComs crack down on Beijing; the geopolitical explosions mount as China and India battle on the border and Best Korea blows up a building; and Robert Zimmerman bravely speaks to the New York Times about the events of 57 years ago . . . kind of.
Interview 1555 – Rosemary Frei on How the High Death Rate in Care Homes Was Created on Purpose

Interview 1555 – Rosemary Frei on How the High Death Rate in Care Homes Was Created on Purpose

Rosemary Frei has an MSc in molecular biology from a faculty of medicine and was a freelance medical journalist for 22 years. She is now an independent journalist in Canada. In her recent article, “Were conditions for high death rates at Care Homes created on purpose?” she examines how all of the rules and guidelines pertaining to elderly care, death certification and treatment of bodies in Ontario have been changed during the course of this “crisis” in order to increase the numbers reported “dying of COVID.” We discuss the reasons behind these changes and what they tell us about the real nature of this pandemic panic.
Interview 1554 – James Corbett Documents the Collapse of the COVID-1984 Narrative

Interview 1554 – James Corbett Documents the Collapse of the COVID-1984 Narrative

Gary Null interviews James Corbett for his radio program on the dramatic collapse of the coronavirus narrative. Now that the major institutions pushing the COVID panic are now admitting that the virus is not an existential threat and the lockdowns were not necessary, what does this mean for the future of the COVID-1984 police state and the ushering in of the new “biosecurity” paradigm?


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