
Interview 1449 – James Corbett on Censorship, Regulation and Deepfakes

Interview 1449 – James Corbett on Censorship, Regulation and Deepfakes

In a previous interview entitled The Social Media Regulation Psyop, (link in the show notes) James Corbett and I discussed the orchestrated suppression and censorship of independent voices online, the reaction we all saw that followed, and the potentially pre-planned government “solution” to this manufactured problem; and if correct, what that would mean for the future of social media, independent news, and just freedom of speech & press in general. Well In recent weeks we have seen massive purges on social media, initiation of anti-trust investigations, efforts to break up big tech companies, and of course interestingly timed massive internet outages. So what’s really going on, and what’s about to happen? Just as before, there is no better person in my opinion to have on to discuss these developments than James Corbett.
Interview 1448 – Carey Wedler on Tulsi Gabbard’s Hope and Change

Interview 1448 – Carey Wedler on Tulsi Gabbard’s Hope and Change

Yay! Another politician seems to hold a correct opinion on an important policy issue. Time to give up on those silly anarchist ideals and vote for the CFR member who’s right about one thing (and wrong about a lot of things), right guys? Well, maybe not. Joining me today to discuss the important issue of Hope And Change 2.0 is Carey Wedler of The Anti-Media.
Interview 1444 – James and Luke Tackle Bilderberg 2019

Interview 1444 – James and Luke Tackle Bilderberg 2019

James Corbett joins Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange to discuss Bilderberg 2019. From the mysterious fact that this year’s conference location is still a secret to the question of Bilderberg’s importance in the online age, we examine all the latest on the elite confab. Also, in the audio interview we discuss the US-China trade war and what it really means.


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