
Interview 1416 – Daniel McAdams on Trump’s Venezuela Coup

Interview 1416 – Daniel McAdams on Trump’s Venezuela Coup

Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Liberty Report and joins us today to discuss the turmoil taking place in Venezuela, where a US-backed coup is once again taking place. We discuss the roots of the current crisis, how and why Trump and the neocons are involving themselves, and what anti-war activists need to do to confront this latest round of propaganda for imperial interventionism.
Interview 1411 – Gerry Docherty on Herbert Hoover and World War One

Interview 1411 – Gerry Docherty on Herbert Hoover and World War One

Today we are joined once again by Gerry Docherty, co-author with Jim MacGregor of Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War and Prolonging the Agony: How the Anglo-American Establishment Deliberately Extended WWI. In this conversation we cover the remarkable suppressed history of Herbert Hoover’s role in prolonging the agony of World War One, including his stewardship of the American relief of Belgium in the early part of the war and overseeing the removal of valuable historical documents from Europe after the war.


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