
Interview 1352 – Dr. Paul Connett on the Case Against Fluoride

Interview 1352 – Dr. Paul Connett on the Case Against Fluoride

Today we talk to Dr. Paul Connett of the Fluoride Action Network ( about Food & Water Watch Inc., et al. v. United States Environmental Protection Agency, a lawsuit that could bring an end to the practice of water fluoridation in the United States. We discuss the Toxic Substances Control Act under which the suit is being filed, how recent court rulings have allowed the case to proceed, and the incredible significance of the chance to depose the EPA’s experts under oath. Please help spread the word about this exciting development.
Interview 1351 – Derrick Broze on Crypto-Anarchy and Holistic Self-Assessment

Interview 1351 – Derrick Broze on Crypto-Anarchy and Holistic Self-Assessment

Today James welcomes back Derrick Broze of for a wide-ranging conversation on the pros and cons of cryptocurrency and its potential to fund independent journalism. We also go in-depth into Derrick’s new (free) Holistic Self-Assessment and the importance of better understanding and improving ourselves before we change the world.
Interview 1350 – Daniel McAdams on the State Department’s Troll Farm

Interview 1350 – Daniel McAdams on the State Department’s Troll Farm

Daniel McAdams of the Ron Paul Liberty Report and joins us today to discuss the State Department’s “Global Engagement Center,” an online troll farm dedicated to countering “foreign disinformation” on the web…with their own disinformation. We talk about the origins of the center and how it connects to the grander neocon-created #Russiagate disinfo campaign.
Interview 1349 – The Ripple Effect on ETs, UFOs and Other Unknowns

Interview 1349 – The Ripple Effect on ETs, UFOs and Other Unknowns

James Corbett joins Ricky Varandas (The Ripple Effect podcast) and Vinnie Caggiano (vincognito) for another edition of The Ripple Effect roundtable. In this wide-ranging conversation we discuss aliens, unidentified objects, government psyops, military technologies, and how conspiracies may be implanted in the public consciousness. Enjoy! (Warning: for those with sensitive ears, there is the occasional cuss word used.)


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