
Episode 181 – Arab Spring and World War III

There has been much celebration about the “freedom fever” spreading across the middle east, but is there a larger agenda at play? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we examine the destabilization happening in these “people’s revolutions” and the steps toward confrontation with China and Russia.

Episode 180 – The Chernobyl Question

Fukushima is not Chernobyl. The plants have different designs, were effected in different ways and are behaving differently. Nevertheless, there are still things that we can learn about the Chernobyl disaster that might teach us about our current situation. Join us this week as we uncover some of the secrets of Chernobyl and ask what this can tell us about Fukushima.

Episode 179 – What Caused the 3/11 Earthquake?

Japan is just tallying up the damage from the devestating earthquake that struck off the northeast coast on March 11th, but it is clear that this was one of the most powerful earthquakes in modern Japanese history. Now, some are asking whether this was a natural earthquake or if it was precipitated by human activities. Join us this week as we go in search of a man-made fingerprint on the 3/11 earthquake.

Episode 178 – 7/7 is Still the Issue

The Mohammed Junaid Babar story has put 7/7 back in the news, and the 7/7 inquest is due to wrap up hearings next week, insuring a new wave of attention on the London bombings. But what has been answered by the inquests so far, and what new questions have been raised? Join us this week as we talk to Tom Secker and Keelan Balderson about the state of 7/7 truth and how concerned citizens can move ahead in the pursuit of 7/7 justice.

Episode 177 – It’s the Sun, Stupid

We know that the manmade globlal warming hoax is a scam, but if it isn’t CO2 driving the climate, what is? This week we talk to Dr. Tim Ball and examine the work of Piers Corbyn as we explore the ways in which the sun effects the climate on earth, and what that means for our future.

Episode 176 – 30 Ways You Are Being Spied On

This week we explore the myriad ways that governments and corporations are tracking, databasing, monitoring, logging, recording and generally spying on your every movement. Is there any hope for personal freedom in the technological surveillance society?

Episode 175 – The RAND Corporation Exposed

What is a think tank and how can a mere research institution actually shape the society it claims to be studying? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we head down into the nuclear bunker with the boys from RAND to unearth the secrets of the research institution that has molded our world for the past 60 years.

Episode 174 – Patriot Mythology

Just because the MSM is wrong doesn’t mean the alternative media is right. From spurious quotations to the JFK myth to the “fat Bin Laden” video, join us this week on The Corbett Report as we do a fact check on common misconceptions in the alternative media.


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