
Episode 153 – United We Fall

This week on Documentaries That Matter we play the uncut audio of the new film from Bryan Law and Dan Dicks of PressForTruth.ca. This incredible documentary dissects the coming North American Union in sit-down interviews with some of the key CFR members and globalists who are setting it up. As always, if you enjoy this documentary please buy a DVD (with over two hours of extras) to support the filmmakers at PressForTruth.ca

Episode 151 – Hijacking Humanity

On this edition of Documentaries That Matter we present the audio of Paul Verge’s 2007 documentary Hijacking Humanity. From the description on HijackingHumanity.com: We’re hoping to expose the Left-Right Paradigm and get those activist “Good Democrat Liberals” and “Good Republican Conservatives” to realize both ends of the spectrum represent 2 hands of the Corporate Party, and to wake people up to just how deep the rabbit hole goes…

Episode 149 – Psywar

Join us for this bonus edition of The Corbett Report where we play the audio of the informative new documentary, ‘Psywar.’ ‘Psywar’ is the story of how the rich and powerful have created the public relations industry in order to more easily manipulate public opinion into supporting their agenda. Check the documentation for today’s episode for a link to the video.

Episode 148 – Media Kills

For decades, scientifically-crafted techniques have been employed to shape our ideas and perceptions. Today billions of dollars are spent each year trying to get you to think, act, talk and dress in proscribed ways…and it is as successful as ever. This week on The Corbett Report we try to break out of the box by exposing the government/PR/media nexus for what it is.

Episode 147 – 7/7 Seeds of Deconstruction

Running Time: 2:29:54 Description:In this special bonus edition of The Corbett Report podcast we present the audio of the newly-released 7/7 documentary from Tom Secker, 7/7: Seeds of Deconstruction. This documentary presents a wide-ranging analysis of staged...


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