
Episode 102 – Know Your History: Iran-Contra

What happened in the 80s doesn’t stay in the 80s. Iran-Contra was an historical moment that reaches forwards and backwards in time to connect some of the key political players of the past 50 years…and exposes the shadow government that has been in operation for decades. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we replace the Orwellian con/text of history by putting Iran-Contra history in context.

Episode 101 – New World Order 101

We have spent 100 episodes breaking down the New World Order piece by piece, but in Episode 101 we put the pieces back together. Veteran infowarriors G. Edward Griffin and Bob Chapman join The Corbett Report this week to describe the system we are facing and how to combat it.

Episode 099 – Know Your Vaccines

The swine flu hysteria is reaching a crescendo and the vaccine propaganda is ratcheting up. We’re being told that tens of thousands are going to die…but will it be from the (so far) relatively benign flu or the squalene adjuvants in the vaccine itself? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we ask whether the cure is worse than the disease.

Episode 098 – Weaponized Psychology

We looked at the ‘other’ C-word back in Episode 050 of this podcast, but now it’s time to look at the other other ‘C-word’: Crazy. Who gets to call who crazy, and what does that mean? Is it crazy to want to know what the 9/11 whistleblowers are talking about? Or is it crazy to believe that powerful people never act behind the scenes to further their own political agenda? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we discuss the politics of sanity.

Episode 097 – 9/11/09 and the Bigger Bigger Picture

With the eighth anniversary of 9/11 fast approaching, The Corbett Report steps back to take stock of what has been learned from the 9/11 Truth movement and where things might go from here. We have already taken a look at the software, the drills, the intelligence connections and the stifled investigations that have defined the bigger picture of 9/11. But how does this connect to the suppressed history that we uncover week in and week out? What is the bigger bigger picture of 9/11? Find out this week on the latest edition of The Corbett Report.

Episode 096 – Lisbon Cometh

Conceived in iniquity and born in sin, the EU is the model dictatorship for the oligarchs and globalists who are seeking to centralize their power in large regional governments. The Irish David defeated the EU Goliath in their Lisbon Treaty referendum last year…but we all know the EU bureaucrats won’t take no for an answer. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we talk to professors and activists about how the free people of the world can stop the globalists in Europe.

Episode 095 – The Biometric Control Grid

Have you had your fingerprints taken for government ID? Your irises scanned? Your earlobes measured? A microchip implanted? Are you prepared to? Where will you draw the line? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we delve into the depths of the biometric control grid.


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