
Episode 094 – You Are Being Sterilized

The eugenicist’s depopulation agenda is unfolding as planned. The biological and chemical attacks on our reproductive systems are leading to plummeting fertility rates across the industrialized world. Sterilization programs are culling the third world population. Worst of all, people are now being conditioned to desire their own sterility. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we unmask the eugenicists who are behind this plan.

Episode 093 – Digging Up Skull & Bones

Bizarre occult rituals, stolen skulls, drug smuggling, the hidden hand of the patriarchs: Whatever Skull and Bones is, it’s not your average fraternity. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we take on the Knights of Eulogia and dig up the skeletons in Skull and Bones’ tomb.

Episode 092 – Environmentalism is Corporate Controlled

Congress has passed the Clean Energy and Security Act and the banksters are already set to start the next big bubble: the cap-and-trade scam. Their corporate media stooges have the public whipped into a frenzy over manmade global warming…even as the earth cools. Join us this week as we explore the environmentalism approved by the corporate bigwigs, and how concerned citizens can steer the environmental movement back to the topics that matter.

Episode 091 – Beware Operation Blackjack

The verdict is in: Operation Blackjack was nothing more than a cruel hoax. But what does the truth movement’s reaction to this hoax tell us? Are you content to sit and watch on the sidelines while events play out like games on your computer screen? Join the debate on this week’s episode of The Corbett Report.

Episode 090 – Our Leaders Are Psychopaths

They walk among us. On the outside. they’re just like you and me, but on the inside they are unfeeling automatons who care only for themselves. They are the psychopaths, and they are in control of our governments, our corporations, our military and all of the positions of power. Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we delve into Political Ponerology, a diagnosis of our politicians and a brief look at the bigger picture.

Episode 089 – Meet Donald Rumsfeld

So what does an imperial legate of the New World Order look like? You’d be hard-pressed to find a better example than former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. From his constitution-undermining Continuity of Government planning to his poisonous Aspartame pimping to his North Korean nuclear technology wheeling and dealing, join us this week on The Corbett Report as we uncloset Rummy’s skeletons.

Episode 088 – You Are Being Programmed

We’ve talked about Edward Bernays and we know all about propaganda, but there’s more to media control than corporate advertising. Public opinion and attitudes are shaped through the media we consume, from television and movies to books and music. Join us this week as we explore some of the TV shows and movies that are working to transform your conscious opinions and subconscious mind.

Episode 087 – The UN Doesn’t Love You

Critics of the United Nations will attack its hypocrisy, its inefficacy or its occasional embarrasments. But what if there was something more disturbing about the UN, something that went right to the core of the organization? Join us this week on The Corbett Report as we follow the exploits of the unlikely high school dropout from Manitoba who became an international player for the UN global depopulation agenda.


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