
Episode 062 – 9/11 Truth in Japan

This week we travel to Osaka, Japan, to take part in the 2nd International 9/11 Truth Conference. We talk to conference organizer Yumi Kikuchi and UNHCR officer Etsuko Chida. We also play excerpts from David Ray Griffin’s keynote speech.

Episode 061 – Your Vote Doesn’t Count

Imagine a system where voting takes place in a curtained booth. You step into the booth and tell the man behind the curtain who you’re voting for. You leave without being able to see that he has recorded your vote, or even that there is anyone there. You wouldn’t stand for such a system…so why would you stand for electronic voting machines? Expose the scam. Restore the republic.

Episode 059 – Codex Alimentarius

This week we explore the plan to criminalize vitamins and minerals, mandate the irradiation of all food, inject every cow with Monsanto growth hormones and promote the consumption of GMO food. Implementation date: Dec. 31, 2009. Location: All WTO member states. Meet codex alimentarius.

Episode 058 – Meet Carroll Quigley

This week we hear from Carroll Quigley and G. Edward Griffin about a secret society created by Rhodes to spread the British Empire around the world…which is still at work, attempting to set up a world government administered by bankers.

Episode 057 – Transhumanism and You

We are heading into the next Great Depression. Free speech on the internet is being shut down. The U.S. army is engaged in active duty at home. The events of this week are earth-shattering. It is time to ring the alarm. The New World Order is here, and we need a midnight ride by Paul Revere.

Episode 056 – The week the New World Order arrived

We are heading into the next Great Depression. Free speech on the internet is being shut down. The U.S. army is engaged in active duty at home. The events of this week are earth-shattering. It is time to ring the alarm. The New World Order is here, and we need a midnight ride by Paul Revere.

Episode 055 – How to Fix the Economy

We know what’s wrong with the economy: money itself is created out of nothing in the form of debt owed to private bankers. How then to fix the problem? Return money to a gold backing? Let the government print as much debt-free money as it needs? Or something else entirely. We explore the issues in this week’s episode of The Corbett Report.


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