
Episode 054 – 9/11/08: Now or Never

As the 7th anniversary of 9/11 approaches, it is time to focus our attention on the fact that thousands of 9/11 heroes are still dying from the attacks. Today Luke Rudkowski tells us about the plight of the 9/11 first responders, who have been severely sickened from the toxic dust they inhaled after the attacks. Support the 9/11 first responders.

Episode 052 – The New Cold War

Meet the new cold war, same as the old one. Only this time the kingpins of the New World Order are using NATO to threaten Russia. Now with the provocateured Georgian incursion into South Ossetia, the world takes a step closer to WWIII (or WWIV, depending on who you ask).

Episode 051 – A Call for Help

Help us get the word out about Internet censorship. Spread the word about this week’s YouTube documentary (Infowars: Battle for the Internet) and you can not only contribute to the public’s awareness of Internet censorship, you can help us raise $2000 towards upgrading our website…simply by watching our video and spreading the link. See the documentation for more information.

Episode 050 – The “C” word

Imagine a word that could stop a conversation, shut down all serious thought and make mountains of evidence disappear. Meet that wonderful term ‘conspiracy.’ Today we examine this word from the inside-out and look at ways political activists can use it as a basis for productive conversation.

Episode 049 – Paperclipped Nazis and Stay-behind Gladios

In the waning days of WWII, as the cold war began to freeze Europe, as the Iron Curtain was erected, intelligence agencies began a mad scramble to recruit the best and brightest minds from Nazi Germany. Learn more about how Nazi war criminals were brought over to found NASA, work in military weapons labs and start stay-behind networks in Western Europe to carry out terror attacks in the strategy of tension.

Episode 048 – How to Read the News

Everbody knows that the controlled corporate media uses spin, omissions and outright fabrications to lead the public astray. Today we learn how to get to the stories behind the stories and free ourselves from the media matrix.

Episode 047 – Problem Reaction Solution

Who was G.W.F. Hegel and what does he have to do with false flag terrorism? How do the elite direct society in whichever direction they wish? What do Paul and Phillip Collins and Alan Watt have to say about it? Find out in this week’s episode.


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