
Episode 038 – OKC Was An Inside Job

From bombs inside the buildings to BATF officers who were tipped in advance, suspicious suicides and surveillance tapes we’re not allowed to see, find out what they don’t want to tell you about the OKC bombing.

Episode 037 – Globalization is Not Your Friend

Despite what you are being led to believe, the development of regional (or global) government is not not a natural progression and it is not a good thing. Those who oppose it are not luddites and those who promote it are not angels. It will not feed and clothe the poor and it will not make the world safe for democracy…and especially not for constitutional republics. So what is globalization?…

Episode 036 – The Republic of Lakotah

If you were following the controlled corporate media, you might not have noticed that the planet has a new country, the Republic of Lakotah. This week we look at an exciting new possibility for freedom in the Republic of Lakotah, a five-state area that has seceded from the United States.

Episode 035 – The Panopticon

In the late 18th century, Jeremy Bentham came up with the plan for the perfect prison. The prison was never built, but it is being used as a blueprint for a surveillance society in which our every move is being tracked and recorded. In the end, the prisoners will police themselves.

Episode 034 – The Scientific Dictatorship

Aldous Huxley popularized the term Scientific Dictatorship to talk about his dystopian vision of a human society divided into scientific castes, but the idea preceded him and persists today, and the meme continues to infect the mind of globalists. This week we explore the meaning of the term and all of its eugenicist implications.

Episode 033 – Meet Edward Bernays

You’ve heard of his uncle Sigmund, so how come you’ve never heard of him? This week, we dish the dirt on Freud’s American nephew, the man who literally wrote the book on propaganda, and paved the way for women’s smoking, fluoride poisoning our water supply and the invasion of Guatemala, among other masterful acts of PR.

Episode 031 – Welcome to 9/11 Truth

An audio documentary featuring the 9/11 experts and whistleblowers, including ex-CIA field agents, FBI translators, the former German Defense Secretary, the pilot who flew 2 of the planes used in 9/11, Congressman Curt Weldon and more.


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