
Corbett Report Radio 115 – OKC Updates and Food World Order

In the first half of tonight’s program we are joined by James Lane and Holland van den Nieuwenhof of Radio Free Oklahoma to discuss the 17th anniversary of the OKC false flag attack of April 19, 1995. We discuss recent events and updates to the case since the release of their groundbreaking film, A Noble Lie. In the second half of the program we are joined by regular Thursday guest James Evan Pilato of for all the latest news and headlines from the world of food, health, and the environment.

Corbett Report Radio 114 – The CAFR Swindle

It seems governments at all levels are constantly crying over their budget shortfalls, but what if those are crocodile tears and the shortfalls are actually windfalls? Tonight we shed some light on the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports, the second set of books by which governments hide mind-boggling amounts of income from the public even as they pretend to be broke and ask for an even-greater share of the public’s pie.

Corbett Report Radio 113 – The Matrix Revealed with Jon Rappoport

Tonight we talk to Jon Rappoport of about his recent article, “The Post-Apocalyptic Education” and his new CD, The Matrix Revealed vol. 1. We talk about the logic course contained on his CD and how people can use it in their day-to-day lives to fend off the fallacious arguments of self-appointed “skeptics” and “debunkers.”

Corbett Report Radio 111 – The Fukushima Cover-ups

Tonight on the program we dig into the archives for work detailing the various cover-ups that have taken place in Japan and around the world regarding the true nature and scope of the Fukushima nuclear crisis. Join us as we pose the question to the powers that shouldn’t be: If they have nothing to hide, then why are they hiding the data?

Corbett Report Radio 110 – Enviropig in the Food World Order

Tonight on the program James breaks down some of the stories making headlines and takes your calls. Then in the second half of the program we’re joined by James Evan Pilato to talk about all the latest Food World Order stories, from the enviropig to the battle for health freedom.

Corbett Report Radio 109 – The New World Order Does Not Control Everything

More and more people are waking up to the New World Order agenda of the global enslavement grid, but with that mass awakening comes an oversimplification of the ideas. In this simplified worldview, earthquakes are always caused by HAARP, plane crashes are never just plane crashes, and nothing can ever deflect the NWO’s plans. Join us tonight on The Corbett Report as we interrogate the omnipotence of the New World Order and reassert the agency of individuals to make a difference and effect change.

Corbett Report Radio 108 – Crossing the Rubicon with Eric Shine

Eric Shine of joins us tonight to explain how the lines are being blurred between military and civilian agencies, and what this means in a day and age where Americans are increasingly being prepped to accept outright martial law. We talk about the replacement of civilian licensed personnel boards with military tribunals, the falsification of medical records and other court documents, and the bigger picture of how these precedent-setting events will be used to usher in a system of outright military control.


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