Happy New Year, everyone!
It’s 2025, so you know what that means: it’s time to kick off another year of thought-provoking podcasts, videos and articles here at The Corbett Report.
Naturally, you—the few, the proud, the Corbetteers!—are an important part of this endeavour. As always, your participation in the open thread will help to set the tone of discussion for the year to come.
So, let’s get into it. Corbett Report members are invited to log in and discuss breaking news and current events, reflections on the year that passed and predictions for the year to come, or whatever else is on your mind.
Members can also log in to corbettreport.com to watch this month’s Subscriber Video, in which James shares his New Year tradition and asks about yours.
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Happy New Year!
Are there any Corbetteers able to verify if a screenshot has been altered?
Apparently King Chuck posted that to his website but it was removed quickly and some have claimed they captured a screenshot before its removal. It’s an interesting story if authentic.
Happy New Years Corbetteers!
I can verify that Alexandra Bruce is a part of the disinfo/psyops branch, and that she is very, very accomplished in the application of AI, and freely acknowledges that she uses it in many of her productions. The website forbidden(…..) is a prime example of the next evolution of Q-anon. She’s a Trump supporter. Nuff said.
Thank you MagneticReversal for taking the time to evaluate and reply.
Copy, sounded over the top & thought to myself no way that’s a real press release from Buckingham Palace.
Alexandra Bruce IMDB page:
She has a degree in semiotics, and has produced music and film for a wide variety of clients. She’s the producer of a recent “documentary” called
Splintering Babylon
It’s a shite-show from start to finish. 100% scam-tastic. Read the credits at the end, and she lists 5-6 different AI systems she uses to make the video. Pretty sure that’s an AI generated voice of Kevin Sorbo doing much of the narration. His name is not mentioned in the credits…
Wow, you endured watching that “Documentary” and as you highlight – way too many red flags w/ this Bruce character. Corbetteers such as yourself are great! Thank you.
That screenshot is probably AI generated as you hint at.
It was worth it, just to be able to share with you, tyson.
Holy QAnon, Batman!
It starts out with some footage that piqued my interest, but devolved into over the top superstitious claptrap. Maybe it is masterful propaganda for certain self-righteous souls, but it repels me.
Ole bait and switch technique perhaps hanky?
That is a good name for this. Did you view the movie?
One of the things that did resonate with me was the statement by the dark-skinned former interrogator, who said that things won’t clean up until all of us evolve to a higher consciousness (paraphrased).
I’ve not viewed the doc/movie yet but it’s now placed on my To Watch Movie list hanky.
Hi, James and Peeps!!
I’ve been listening/watching and subbing to The Corbett Report for around a decade, and “researching”(more like paying attention to) deep political narratives and the machinations of what I’ll simplistically refer to as “The Establishment” since t was 17 (currently 50+ years old). I’ve become more and more interested in the “Neocon” takeover of our State Departmentvand Foreign Policy Establishment (The CFR, etc). It seems to me, as a follower of the CFR, Rand, et al), that the “Anglo American” or what we used to call the “The WASP” establishment, has been supplanted, or edged out by the Trotskyite-Zionist faction of the political pendulum (there are no “good guys” at this level) and this at least helps us understand the situation in Ukraine and Ersatz Israel, Syria, Gaza). The Wasp consensus, represented by Tucker Carlson, Col McGregor, Napolitano (as Mouth Pieces for this segment of the Intel cabal) seems to have other objectives or strategies in mind, or believes the Neocon cabal has gone too far, too fast. It’s frustrating that this analysis of the real behind the scenes struggle is seen as “anti-Semitic” by some, or completely ignored by other important researchers out of fear of being labeled an “anti-Semite” and I understand that fear. I feel it now, but truth is truth. I wonder if James might address the phenomenon of the very real phenomenon of Anti Semitism vs the manufacturered, weponized and falsely directed version of the same accusation, and how it keeps us from seeing an important part of our political landscape?
Peace, friends!!
Happy New Year!!
This is the first time I’ve logged into here and left a comment I think. Although I have tried to ask, both Corbett himself and her own website, Unlimited Hangout through their portal I thought they might get the email.
Anyhow, I’m wanting to know whether Whitney Webb is okay? She hasn’t sent out a newsletter for a month now. Just about a month I believe.
Her most recent appearance was on the Corbett Report, so I figured you guys might know.
I saw that she was on the Jimmy Dore Show the other day, so I think she is all right. She mentioned she may start a physical newsletter, which I might be interested in.
In my limited circle the ‘nothing REALLY changes’ is now active. IMO is due to the constant pressing of our ‘outrage’ button, which is now malfunctioning. A general shift in attitude is ‘don’t bother sending/sharing apocalyptic news, we are still here and living our same life except for paying too much for groceries’.
My sense however is that more than a few shoes …boots! are about to drop in 2025. How many and how hard is still the question. The answer for me to deal with it is to pull out of dependency on the system as much as possible. For instance, growing your own garden isn’t enough as chemtrails are clearly affecting soils, plants and trees. Our green house plants are fine…so expand the greenhouse!
But there are many scenarios that are just too bleak for solutions. Like all times of darkness at our doorstep, Attila the Hun about to descend on our village, the ‘exit strategy’ must be in place. If you are on the fringe of a nuked area or stuck in your car with flames about to engulf you…the only sane move is to exit out of the nightmare on your terms. Once your plans are made to get out when all is lost, total focus can be placed on fighting the GOoD fight. We can’t be sure, but it appears that for the first time in history we are fighting for the future of humanity.
I’m in this community because I need connection to others who can live life fully AND take in and analyze what is happening without getting numb or sticking their heads in the sand.
Thanks to James for creating this important platform and all of his great deep dives in truth seeking.
Good points. The clues of course have been available and out there for decades.
A few of the 45 Communist Party Goals from 60 years ago (searchable) put into the Congressional Record…
Congressional Record–Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963
15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.
24. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI. (Like all these have been ripped from our current media :-/ )
Indeed the Chemtrails are devastating to our health. As well as the dietary poisons of sugar, additives, etc. All part of break down of humanity in their effort to control the world, not just a nation or two.
In 1970, Henry Kissinger said:
“Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people.”
>>I’m in this community because I need connection to others>>
Well here we are. What do you bring to the table? James has created a site where many, not all, listen.
ejDoyle ~ Important post! Thanks for posting the source as well. It’s key to pass on to those who can’t see that the depopulation is in full swing. However, as I mentioned many are taking the ‘ignorance is bliss’ route, except it seems when they panic over the latest ‘pandemic’.
Thanks, complements are a rare thing here for me 🙂
In short, my feelings towards all the civilians who are acting foolish, ignorant, etc. is they are all victims to the controller’s propaganda machine for decades.
It is like one doesn’t want to punish handicapped people. Because these folks are indeed quite truth challenged.
I do my best to be an inspiration to higher thinking when I encounter any. Confrontaion gets one no where…
BUT, all the pedos, robbers, rapers, etc. they deserve what ever befalls them.
Big difference between people with bad information and thugs.
“It is like one doesn’t want to punish handicapped people. Because these folks are indeed quite truth challenged.”
This seems fair and logical on it’s face but I question others and myself for interacting with friends and family who REFUSE to even consider world events that they have decided will remain off their radar. I vacillate between ‘their choice’ to ‘evil grows like weeds when goodness is not tended’. These people’s desire for bliss is turning the world into a hell hole.
Latest case in point: the rape gangs in the UK. Here’s a link from Elon today. Height of evil pointed out…and the MP’s that voted NOT to deport these monsters are many…as are the people refusing to let this news nightmare touch them in any way. Unless it was their daughter of course. https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1875931298143084755
I wonder if this year I start calling out the ‘blissers’ with a simple comment: “The suffering of others continues unabated when people like you refuse to step outside of your ‘it’s all good’ bubble. You OK with that?”
Your comment is certainly thought provoking, the idea of ‘blissers’, possibly those who ignore the suffering of others.
I believe, generally, most people are ill-equipped to deal with the malevolence that rules us. Either they can’t understand or comprehend such psychopathic actions, and thus ignore it. That does not absolves us from inaction, but there are certainly understandable aspects of human nature that justify inaction.
On the other hand, there are many who actively contribute to the evil, most notably in America, are the so called “Christian Zionists”, those who whole heartedly support the evil actions of Israel, while simultaneously thinking themselves “doing God’s work”. It takes a certain amount of delusion to maintain those who diametrically apposed ideas in one’s head.
I excuse people who just want to live their lives, I don’t excuse ignorance for the sake of supporting some religious agenda, especially when that same religion is so quick to buy into any aspect that supports Islamophobia. I don’t like any religions, I think they are all simply tools of control, but I dare say, looking at recent history, Muslim nations have FAR more to fear from us, then us of them.
You mention gang rapes, but I would ask where did those migrants come from and what nation was it that directly or indirectly destroyed the homes of those migrants. Who was it that destroyed, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Afghanistan, Syria, which was the impetuous for mass migration. Nothing like taking migrants from a country you have destroyed and placing them in your heartland. But that is what Zionists do, they have you commit evil for them, then they place the consequences of that evil around your neck.
I am no fan of any migration, but I am many time more apposed to the immoral wars that created that migration in the first place. Libya being a PRIME example of the Zionists and their Western politician puppets, destroying a nation, that was limiting migration. Muammar al-Qaddafi said as much, but the Zios wanted him dead because they wanted that migration, and they wanted his gold. The “liberals” Obama and Clinton saw to that.
At the end of the day, the West has what is coming to it, it horrifies me, but why should we be spared from the evil that we have supported for decades.
I so clearly remember the aftermath of 9/11 and the BS propaganda about Iraq and WMD’s. I railed against it at work, school and at home. And at least at work and school, I was always the odd man out. I have always known that, that evil which you support on others, will one day be turned on you.
We will, and in many ways are, all Palestinians.
100%! I couldn’t agree with you more on your analysis. I have been beating this exact drum since 9/11. This should be printed in stone in every capital in this country:Evil which you (fund &) support, will one day be turned on you.
Thanks for responding!
Over the years as people started blogging more and more from a belief that they were “awake” and such they didn’t buy the whole package.
Meaning they can regurgitate all the talking points for sure but part of “being awake” IMO is one must allow themselves to accommodate the truth of forgiveness and patience.
Be it relatives, strangers, etc., they are damaged and if one embraces the idea of being awake then it must come with handling others with respect but “tough love” much like when your kid is in the terrible twos 🙂
Guilt tripping only creates antagonism. In my stoic approach, I try not to take on/in issues beyond my control and live by example, not by being knuckle smacking.
A big, actually very big thing is asking questions in a curious way, not interrogating. That is a clear example of what a narcissistic personality WON’T do. Unable to show any empathy or care about another, they just want to be the smartest, fastest, etc. one in the room. Me, Me, Me. Asking questions is a way to get the other to feel comfortable.
IE: Have you ever wondered about all those trails in the sky?
Have you done any research about…child trafficking, statistics on this or that?
YES. You have outlined the way to approach people you want to reach. Don’t guilt trip…at first…ask open ended questions that don’t put them on the spot or embarrass them. But then there’s the point, which I argue we are at, when ‘blissed out’ adult needs that a metaphorical slap in the face. Why? Because hundreds of thousands of children are being trafficked in satanic rituals..or injected with a bioweapon. So, while I agree with you, and have approached the ‘clueless’ in this way, I am now ready to ‘slap’ them awake. By ‘slap’ I mean to force them to look. We need a mass awakening to stop these demons from winning…and I don’t care anymore that they just want to ‘live their lives’. We ALL would like to just ‘live our lives’ right?
Ran out of reply boxes with you last post 🙂
As long as people don’t have a dog in the fight they will say “tsk, tsk” and move on.
If we were “really” civilized there would be caravans of people from all over the states helping people in the South get shelter, food, medical, etc.
Hell, if we were “really” civilized we would have thank you lights on the back of our vehicles.
Got to go get things tied down for the snow that is coming. Do what your gut or “higher self” guides you to do.
LOL…I’ve used this ‘if we were REALLY civilized’ line more than a few times. For me, it’s all of the above and also allowing people to have a peaceful pill when THEY decide they are done with being on the planet. The idea that the gov’t can decide when you go (in Canada now they are pushing people out!..which is as bad as forcing on to stay… insisting you suffer for years is torture for millions. Because of this we have the most desperate people throwing themselves in front of trains, jumping off bridges, slitting wrists…insane endings for them and their families. I’m sick of those saying ‘life is precious’ and must be continued under all circumstances. OK…continue it for YOU, leave others to make THEIR choice when the suffering becomes hell on earth for them and their loved ones. Like every single system, like the transportation industry, it won’t be perfect, but we haven’t given up cars, planes or closed roads because people get hit and die. It’s always about improving and designing the better system not eliminating it. PS We just had snow also in CO. (Visiting here from VT. If you are ever in NE stop by! VisitHigherGround.com…I love the way you think!)
>> (Visiting here from VT. If you are ever in NE stop by! VisitHigherGround.com…>>
I was in Vermont in 1969 on our honeymoon. Different world then hey?
Past decade I only travel in my van in states that allow open carry and motorcycle helmet optional…mostly the Rocky Mountain states.
>>I love the way you think!)>>
Thanks. I would offer that I have been writing books, songs, screenplays and more about the social/human condition for about 50 years. You might consider perusing my 79 videos as I address a wide spectrum of issues:
If you use the playlists it is far easier the scrolling 🙂
Incredibly beautiful grounds you have, like to roll down the hill in the grass 🙂
Thanks!…we do love our little piece of paradise.
Thanks also for the link to your work, I’m just getting into it and I can see that we are on the same page, as millions also seem to be on..which is the good news and gives me hope!
One of my biggest concern is the child trafficking and our hope is to appeal to retirees to use their lifelong skill set to band together to do something with their time other than just golf and play pickleball to help stop it and give meaning to their ‘grand finale’. The invisibility of our demographic does give us the ability to hide in plain sight. Nice chatting! Take care!
The procession to communism, how I’m seeing it is fascistic socialism.
Naomi Wolf wrote down her, “Fascism In Ten Easy Steps”, way back in 2007, during Bush 2, when it appeared to be coming from the Right.
Now though, your view seems to fit better, to where the fascistic socialism has taken hold from the Left.
We’re past Naomi Wolf’s step 10 now. The Twitter Files Hearings exposed that they’ve usurped the Rule Of Law.
By taking away First Amendment rights, they’ve “usurped the Rule Of Law”, which is Step 10. In other ways too, now, for instance Article 4 Section 4 , blahblablah.
Your documentation of existentially the same thing is very intriguing.
Partly because I can turn it around and say that YOU are the one who’s “Creating an internal or external enemy”, which is Step 1 of Naomi Wolf’s Ten Steps. Using what looks like “logic” they can flip the script.
Which goes to show that “logic”, perfectly cogent “logic”, can be used against us. ”
“Crazymaking” is their most powerful “weapon”. Like at the end of 1984. By taking away free speech, we’re prevented from seeing The Truth, which is God. Ultimately at least. Jesus said, “I am The Way and The Truth and The Life”. Which isn’t a”logical” thing to say at all, yet a lot of us know it’s not just “Reality” , The Truth is the “Great Reality” . Which of course The Founders knew. It’s not like I’m making this stuff up. The First Amendment comes in at number 1 because without the truth about what we’re doing, we don’t know what we’re doing. For one thing.
I looked up the source to these “Communist Party Goals” and was surprised to find that the book which senator Herlong read them from is an anti-communist propaganda piece written by a retired FBI employee. J Edgar Hoover even praised the book, meaning it had the FBI’s approval at the time. Something about this whole thing smells funny. I don’t see any communist involvement in the writing of these “goals.”
Since you choose to be another anonymous commenter like the millions of others on all the political blogs, and fail to acknowledge the strange ‘coincidence’ of ALL the predictions coming to be, I just don’t want to engage with you.
The interesting thing is in 15 years or so of commenting here, the majority replies I get are snarky put downs of one sort or another…on my music, my ideas, etc.
If you are using Wikipedia for anything more then product history’s (facts) you don’t understand the bigger picture.
Chose carefully friend what and who you want to trust these days because after 50+ years of political/social observation and investigation…life is FAR more grander and contrived then what seems to be “reality.”
The fact that I watched about no TV in 50 years till 2016, my brain is not filled with the controller’s lies, manipulation, propaganda, etc. No favorite commercials, characters, sayings, etc.
I really don’t care what you “…don’t see” Cut and past digital dialog is not interesting.
This is what sing and write about…
The Wikipedia article I linked cites sources which you can look at. It’s unfortunate that you never managed to educate yourself beyond the anti-communist dogma you were indoctrinate with as a child. Many are in the same boat. They come up with many ideas as to why the empire is declining, but all it amounts to is shouting at the shadows on the wall.
The reality is that the rulers of empire are committed to conquering the globe and stealing all of the world’s resources. No need to pretend the government is infiltrated by communists when it’s clear that elected officials serve an elite group of rich people.
>>It’s unfortunate that you never managed to educate yourself beyond the anti-communist dogma you were indoctrinate with as a child.>>
You are just some foolish, nameless person found on all the blogs. I REALLY don’t give a damn about what you think.
Leave me alone, no more comments.
Good point about the outrage button malfunctioning. From overload to apathy it’s just a hop-skip-and-jump.
Thanks for the nice subscriber video. Several years back, before I knew better, I had paid for an Enhanced (Real ID) driver’s license (in the USA). I was horrified to learn a year or so ago that this program is a precursor to digital IDs and vaccine passports. So on New Year’s Eve day, I went to the Dept of Motor Vehicles and requested a downgrade to a standard New York State driver’s license. At first, I was told that I could not do this. I asked a supervisor there if I let my license expire, could I then reapply for a standard one, and she said yes. I told her I would do that, then. Inexplicably, she then allowed me to downgrade without going through all that. Just posting this, because on a previous open thread another member was worried about the upcoming deadline for getting a Real ID to use as an ID at an airport. If enough people don’t get a Real ID, they won’t be able to enforce their stupid requirement.
Good for you! I have been keeping with the “regular” one and was surprised to find that when I went into my local DMV (CA) this last time to renew in person (it was picture time again finally) that the person gave me no hassle about keeping it that way. I even paid cash and they were fine with it. I DID get some minor heck from a checker at a local store about two weeks later though – it’s an updated “look” for the ID but they have REMOVED the iconic CA bear seal from the front of the regular license. The “real ID” has it. . but a REGULAR ID that is updated now does not. She was frustrated and a little rude telling me “everyone has to have a real ID now.” I told her no, they moved the deadline, it’s not required. She was like “you can’t fly without it!” I said “yes, you still can, and once the deadline does finally arrive, a regular passport will do.” Apparently it REALLY cheesed her off that anyone would choose not-a-real-ID. Aye!!
Good point Eliz. We have gone along with things that are not beneficial to our interests, and thereby created the world we live in. Changing our thoughts, emotions, and actions will change the world. As the other James says: “They steal the real and sell you the fake.” Let’s all keep the real and stop buying the fake.
Best hopes for the new year. It will definitely be interesting.
Yes, changing our thoughts, emotions and actions is exactly what will change our experienced realities, learning to trust ourselves and learning as we are doing, the hard way, that one cannot trust the lawmakers and powers that be to do the right things for life on earth!
As a State National residing in Arizona, I don’t have any driver’s license because my travel is limited to non commercial activities in my private motorized carriage. The term “vehicle” indicates or is defined as used in commercial activities.
My passport ID Card or my ID from the Unincorporated USA Republic works just fine without all the bells and whistles they use for digital ID and tracking.
Privacy still remains as a God Given Right as does Travel. These RIGHTS are not to be altered or tampered with unless you allow to do so by agreeing with the terms and conditions when signing on your driver’s license.
As a US Citizen, you are not knowingly or willingly understanding your ability to take on the full power of the Constitution. You basically live in a fictional reality unless you change your legal standing to a Nationalized Citizen instead of a Citizen to a bankrupt corporate entity in D.C.
Wow, this is very cool. Could you recommend a source to read up on this or a video?
You Tube and Rumble.
American National.org ?
Thanks loads! This is fascinating stuff.
I think I might have gotten my real ID recently through a large payroll company. Or at least all my data (date of birth, address, photo, SS number, banking info, background check, health data and more ) is now with one large company – ADP. In addition, the payroll company collects information from my computer every time I open their website. They also say they are going to share information about me with their undisclosed “partners”. I tried to be careful about where my data is going to but the HR person and later office employee very confidently gave me wrong information. The staff there had very militaristic views that you just have to comply.
I parted with that company. Now I am starting to work with a company who seems to have more similar views to my in several regards. I changed my banking info and hope my big ID will expire in approximately a year as the privacy policy had promised. I am not sure though how long it will take till small payroll companies will be bought up by the big ones and all my information will be in one system forever.
I did the same and still have to go change mine back to the regular license. I live in WA so hope it won’t be a big deal.
I watched a video on TruthstreamMedia (YouTube) last night about the censorship in the UK. People are being arrested for posting something on social media that gives someone “anxiety.” Limericks were especially painful for the snowflakes. So I wrote these limericks:
A Timely Limerick, January 4th, 2025
There once was a man from Lincoln,
Who’s asshole was really stinkin’
He’d been butt fucked often
While lying in his coffin
All too common for a dead San Franciscan.
There once was a woman from Dublin.
Who loved her kissin’ and cuddlin’
She liked fuckin’ in the ass
And so, alas,
Her lack of children was troublin’
I’m pushing freedom of speech with these limericks. Hopefully, no one is suffering anxiety or offended.
Not offended, you’re just tacky by posting it here.
I agree.
It is inappropriate communication for this forum.
HRS, See my above comment. This is an “Open Thread.” If there are rules for “inappropriate communication,” please post them.
Seems you got your answer, maybe no limits as far as Mr. Corbet is concerned, but as for his flock…
I believe it is personal responsibility, if they don’t like it, don’t read it, it is James Corbett’s web site, it’s his to monitor.
Rex, Aye. My questions were answered.
I agree with Charles. “tacky”
Inappropriate = Not suitable; not fitting
When I said,
“It is inappropriate communication for this forum.”
I meant that the Corbett community should have higher quality tastes, not a grossly low-rent trailer trash talk appetite.
I understand the point which Timmy makes about censorship, and of course I am not advocating that his grossly tacky comment be removed.
I am saying that the limerick is in very bad taste as an example.
It’s not funny.
It’s not clever.
It is just gross.
Timmy’s limerick is tacky like Charles said.
I think that most Corbetteers have a higher standard of preferred communication. A classier appetite.
Would you present yourself as a credible person before the PTA and give that limerick as an example of censorship?
In a low-dive bar, the limerick probably could be appropriate as an example of censorship.
For me, the limerick is bad taste.
If someone else thinks that the limerick was in good taste… well…then, there ya go. – Ya know where people stand on their preferred tastes.
Homie and company
A teachable moment here. The light of the universe shines, in doing so simultaneously creates an equal darkness, on the moon, on the earth. Mans shadow follows him around.
A gun or sword is not evil until it’s use defines it existence. A cynic or satirist can clearly define the existence and power of the word as a weapon. You know sticks and stones but words will never hurt me?
How did King George lll deal with the colonial limericks of their day? Untill all power is equal, all wrongs find justice all men seek a superior position and bring order to beauty.As Diogones supposedly told Alexander, ” move out of my warming light!” The darkness is equal to the light, who is going to be justified in moving one or the other?
Hold him down and wash his mouth out with soap? Who is the arbiter of force and violence? He has no class, like Diogones but is wise. What shall he do to be killed?.
The new meme, Pilot, Mao, Karen!?!
I distinctly remember The Editor frowning at the idea of being an arbiter, or of being a leader of Cobetteers!
Charles R, Testing the censorship policies of a site is not “tacky.” It’s also good to measure the feelings of the audience on the site.
You’re posting is still tacky. That can’t change.
Charles R, I just watch the San Francisco Bay Area TV News. The limericks merely reflect current SF Bay culture and happenings.
It is you who wrote and posted. Both tacky moves.
See ejdoyle’s comment above about the 45 Communist Goals (#s 24, 25, 26). While I don’t believe in censorship per se because of my voluntarist leanings, I don’t think it’s appropriate for you to post such obscene things on this website. It’s an affront to our dignity. And rather than James out and out banning your post, we did what society can and should do to control that type of behavior. We shamed you. Since you’re able to post comments, it shows you’re a paid subscriber. Surely then you respect both James and his audience enough to not post porn. Maybe apologize and all will be forgiven.
Carol, (Or should I call you “Karen”?) LOL! You don’t believe in censorship, “BUT”. Yeah, it’s always the butts who think they have the moral high ground.
If you don’t like the limericks, don’t read them. Limericks are what they are. If you’ve ever been to Limerick, Ireland, you’d know why. Richard Harris, the actor, was from Limerick.
I won’t apologize. I stated above why I posted these limericks. You and a couple of others answered my question. You either believe in free speech or you don’t.
May I ask. Do you think free speech gives you the right not to be called out if you say things that are offensive.
Free speech doesn’t give you rights it gives you freedom. Its up to you how much responsibility you take for the things you say and other people will most definitely help you with that
AnarchoDave. LOL at your name. Are you an anarchist? I don’t need other people’s opinions on what I say or think. Of course, people can say whatever they want, but as the Dude says,” That’s just like your opinion, man.”
It’s been good talking with you. Take care on your journey
Yeah OK your post is making a point and is of course “allowed” under “free speach” or “open post” but it’s still out of place. Start an open thread or find another one that is on topic for comedy limericks.
It wouldn’t be appropriate for me to come on this thread to complain about my noisy neighbours, I could, but why would I , it might even be disrespectful, just respect the topic of the thread man
Not offended but it is crude and misuse of speech is one of the ways it’s removed.
An example is pornography which many people see as a 1st amendment thing even though the founders had zero issue with banning it.
Duck, “Crude,” “Misuse of speech”…LOL! That’s just your opinion, man. Some people think sodomy is a sin against God. Is the Bible “crude” and a “Misuse of speech”?
Duck, you are another poseur who pretends to be for liberty but is not. Liberty doesn’t rely on your opinions.
There is no doubt, it is hard to imagine Christinaity and Liberty being in anyway synonymous, let alone compatible.
I went to school in California, I remember reading how, at one point, California lead the country in medical sterilization of homosexuals. If you were gay, and had other gay people in your home, the police could and did raid such homes, you could be arrested, your names put in the news paper and charged with indecency. That antagonistic approach to homosexuality is not in the Constitution, it is based on bigotry from the Jewish Bible. The same author, Leviticus, who they use to demonize gays, also supported the buying and selling of human beings as property and saw divorce and adulatory an equal offence, but I don’t remember the police raiding the homes of divorcees, guess that was not a group organized religion wanted to ostracize, better to just hype the maligned of society.
This goes to the idea that all of our rights are based on those at the bottom of the social ladder, because society could change, and the tables turned. So, it is important to demand equal rights for all citizens. But because Christianity is so flawed, it can easily be twisted to support any demonization of any group at any time. I mean, here we are in 2025, and you hear nonsense about “Global Homo” and “groomers”, that kind of utter nonsense is not speaking to the general population, it is focused on the Christains, who are nothing if not easily manipulated.
The truth is, in America, we are fed constant propaganda about how draconian Muslim nations are (and many are), but it was not long ago that Christian nations would have made them look liberal by comparison.
To me, Christianity is just Zionism for the goyim, sort of Jewish-lite. While Judaism was made to make supremacist sociopaths, Christianity was created to destroy indigenous cultures and religions (Viking, Celtic and Germanic included), replacing them with a global Jewish God, that teaches servitude. While many adamantly disagree with my assessment, if you look around, all evidence points to the veracity of my theory. America/West has been Israel’s bitch for a 100-1000 years or more.
I loathed reading about the “Children’s Crusade”, where 20,000 Children matched across Europe to fight in the “Holy Land” against the Muslims. Most of the children were killed, captured and enslaved. What kind of insanity could create this type of suicidal behavior in young people. Yet, to listen to a Christains, you would think Europe would have fallen apart if not for “Christianity”, such absolute ignorance, is why we are now where we are.
Once you see the truth, you can’t unsee it.
I have such an antipathy towards the Abrahamic religions, because I see them as being nothing but a tool to bring us to world destruction, each branch serving its role. They act like everything is about “fulfilling prophesy”, even though THEY are the ones making it happen. It is like my ancestor’s writing a book about “God” giving my family our neighborhood by burning down their homes. Subsequently we burn down their homes, and when someone calls us out for doing so, we say, it is just God fulfilling prophesy. I make my silly example, but my example has just as much proof as the Abrahamic nonsense, yet billions buy it no questions asked. As they do “Global Warming”, “Covid”…
They blame Christian Zionism of the Scofield Bible, but it is the same Bible, just the annotations, how the scriptures are interpreted, differ. How many types of Christianity are there, how can something that is so easily molded to one interpretation or another, be the work of an all knowing God. It seems to me, if such a super natural being was to present itself to humanity, it would do so to all humanity, not a CHOSEN FEW, especially when this “word of God” was delivered to us, from a group of people who are known for this type of duplicity/subterfuge. A major indicators of manipulation is the idea of those with “special knowledge”:
Don’t question global warming, are you a climatologist?
Don’t question the medial science, are you a doctor?
Don’t question religion, “ye of little faith”, blasphemer…
We are to see ourselves as nothing, all our understanding is to come from them. If there is a God, he speaks to all of us.
We have the abomination Zion Don coming into office, who is the darling of the Zionists, both Jewish and Christian. Trump is a monster, he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, they sell him as a man who will “make America great again”, but as we all know, they always invert what they say, and what is the inversion of MAGA…
Rex, The Book of Leviticus praised the priests. The tribe of Levi killed all the non-believers below Mt. Sinai.
Now, the gays run San Francisco and Hollywood. How tolerant are they?
There are many false prophets in Christianity.
I lived in San Fran for a decade, OMG what a great place to live, then Gavin Newsom became the mayor, and instantly things started to change.
The destruction of small local businesses, replaced with crap like Star Bucks and the like. Property values started going through the roof. Biggest financial mistake of my life was selling my condo, sold it for $400k, worth $2m now.
Nevertheless, San Fran was the cleanest, safest, and most beautiful city have ever seen, I relished my time there. When it was ‘run by gays’ it was an amazing city…that all ended when the Globalists turned their guns on it.
Christianity was made for false prophets, that is why there are so many.
San Francisco – Sir Francis Drake Hotel – mid 1980’s
I remember my first visit to San Francisco. For a naïve country Texan boy, it was an interesting adventure.
I was doing temporary Women’s Fashion Sales around the country, often in a new city each week. I had lined up the Sir Francis Drake Hotel in San Francisco. It was after midnight as I drove my box truck into the city. Some of the crew were sleeping on hammocks or on the floor of the front portion of the box. My wild, untamed buddy was in the passenger seat. Late night, almost everything was shut down as we searched for a cheap hotel near the Drake. My buddy and I had our eyes open and were taking in the sights.
Suddenly, we came to a street which was full of life with people wondering around! Both of us were eyeing the gorgeous women! I slowed down as we google-eyed. When one of the women in a corset stuck out her tongue at us in a provocative manner, we both realized that these weren’t women. They were men – Aggh!
Anyway, that was my first exposure to San Francisco.
By the way, I rented a Sir Francis Drake costume and had one of my crew members wear the tights on the sidewalk in front of the Hotel. He passed out flyers and escorted women inside to the large ballroom sale.
More here – https://corbettreport.com/interview-1428-jacob-vigdor-on-the-seattle-minimum-wage/#comment-60412
Don’t feel so bad about the condo because I’m sure the taxes and inflation would eat much of your gain anyway.
You might have got more for your 400K than the 2M now.
SF used to be a nice city decades ago.
Ok then, I’ll bite…. If someone on here posted a poem about how much they enjoyed raping kids would you feel that was an “ok” use of free speech???
I am hardly a poser, since I claim to be neither an anarchist nor a libertarian…. As Dr Jones shows quite well in”libido dominandi” the easiest way to control people is to give them license to indulge their passions- they will fight tooth and nail to protect their right to sodomy or abortion but not peeep much over anything else
Duck, Raping kids is a crime. Censorship isn’t a crime. Humor isn’t a crime (yet) in America.
But if raping kids becomes legal you would support and /or laugh at the hypothetical poem?????
Or a poem talking about how much they WOULD enjoy raping kids??
Yes or no ?
Do you have a core value other then doing what you like?
Duck, You ask a lot of questions about a couple of limericks. You don’t have tolerance or a sense of humor. You sound like a bot.
I have thought the same about you TBH but it’s a simple question I asked you…. Yes or no?
In the name of free speech would you support someone posting a poem about how much they would like to rape kids???
I doubt you will ever actually answer that question tbh
Duck, Support and censorship are two different things. Your question and arguments are straw men.
Duck, How about if you ask ChatBox to write you a limerick about a man who likes to rape kids. See what happens.
If they are straw men you can easily answer…. Unless you want me to assume your default position is in favor of poems about the joys of kiddie rape…. Actually I probably don’t want to hear your real feelings
Again…. You DONT answer.
You never WILL answer
Duck, I don’t have to answer your fucking questions. Fuck you Duck! Good-bye and good-bye comments on the Corbett Report.
The Streisand Effect is at play here. Let’s not obsess with his banal anal obsessions.
Maybe he is a (successful) troll.
Hanky, It’s a couple of fecking limericks! Limericks, by their nature, are rude about sex and push the envelope of social norms. Perhaps the most famous limerick begins:
There once was a man from Nantucket
Who carried his dick in a bucket.
They are just limericks to make people laugh at the pub.
I swear, people on this site have no sense of humor at all. A bunch of self-righteous prigs.
Just let it go. Sorry that your comedy bombed with this crowd. You are obviously a thin skinned amateur. A seasoned comedian knows better than to level personal insults at his crowd for not loving one of his jokes. Better luck next time.
BTW, you said that your motivation for creating these inspired works of comedic genius was to aggravate some folks. Well, it looks as if you succeeded, but you aggravated a different group than originally intended.
Censorship is a bad thing, but your adolescently rebellious answer to it has very limited effectiveness. I am glad that you entertained yourself, but understand that other ways of opposing the perverts can be better.
PS Have you viewed Comedy Unleashed clips from England?
hanky, You don’t understand. I posted the limericks to see if the people on this site were tolerant and believed in free speech. I didn’t and don’t care if they laughed or not.
People here are intolerant. They don’t believe in free speech. A comedian never apologizes for a joke. If you don’t like it, don’t laugh.
Did anyone in a way hinder your ability to further express yourself? You are confounding criticism with censorship.
Banal anal. I’ll have to make a note of this.
Thumbs down. Such tripe appearing in the comments section makes it more difficult to share this site with strangers. The topics that we deal with on this website, I feel, are of great importance. With a few aberrations, the comments educate, elucidate and uplift.
Namaste from the Himalayas
My own personal experience has been to notice, hear and read lies and receive silence from so many that until 2020 were close friends and family. Living in Nepal it is extremely easy to see and meet the controlling hand that even now boasts about aviation spraying to dim the Sun as the biggest experiment ever conducted on man ! When I was in the Uk last summer and filmed the spraying, which occurred everywhere and basically ever day, if I mentioned it and showed a clip of the particulate silver greying of the skies all summer long, it was received with hostility, ridicule and the question why. It is a great metaphor for the time we live in. Endless empirical evidence ignored or lampooned by the people who one would have thought would lend their voice to stop obvious harmful acts to life. For my part these last four years have changed me from an impassioned voice calling out for common sense and a rational open debate on CoNvid and please why can no one see the huge increase in particulate spraying, to a much calmer per-soma thus life where I still wish and personally work for the well being of people and life in general, while realising the compromised foot soldiers are a great many indeed. Well my choice is mine and there’s is theirs. Converts I presume to an atheistic one life is all, so kill and survive to the best of ones ability, thus indoctrinated and adherents to the bible of “Homo sapiens” & ” Homo sapiens 2.0 ”
As for me, I talk a great deal less about the plainly obvious and just get on with living a positive existence. What else can one do but be a smile of compassion accepting all as they are, making no judgement and knowing change is only a heart beat away.
theirs is theirs
I before e except after c is what they used to say. But like everybody is saying here, freedom of speech blah, blah, . . . . blahblablah . . . .
but their is an exception to the rule, so there you go . As a dyslexic I frequently miss words I think I have written and my spelling was atrocious . I even spelt my brothers names wrong on an extra wee present I wanted to give them. I put the chocolate eggs under the Christmas tree and later they came and got me , to show the stupidity of someone and a laugh at the imbecile who had written their names incorrectly. ” It was me ” I said, and with a stiff upper lip asked them how they spelt their names. Later I wept in sadness and was ill for Christmas Day. Psychological I would say now. I just did not want to be at Christmas that year. I then almost died from my measles vaccination. My mother found out the truth about VAX way back then in 1968 and her children were not allowed to part take in the fluoride swilling experiment or take another vaccination graciously offered by the state. How long have doctors known that the injections they give are unproven, harmful money makers for the pharmaceutical industry. Or are they all indoctrinated blinkered idiots. Not all are now, that is certain
My biggest question is how does someone with a chest of knowledge like you begin, and indeed finish writing a book? I’ve no doubt it will be an interesting read.
The children of Isaac, Abraham & Jacob represent a large population base that are easily manipulated. It makes sense the technocrats give them the impression of a triumphant victory over evil and continue to use them as they always have, as intellectually/psychologically neutered drones from which to graze. I predict many lost people will perform many foolish acts because… “free will”.
In the end we all get f#cked up by swarms of killer drones. THE END.
Jest or other aside, there is potential for positive outcomes.
If i am to be completely earnest, the world is going to be messed up for many years to come because of the COVID scandal. It woke many up, but for most of those that took it, it placed them into a deep waking coma. Cognitive dissonance is very real, people I know who took the jab glaze over when I speak of such things and they never bring it up, they can’t process it. We have a very large psychological conundrum on our hands. If other world changing events happen, such as an escalation of world war, these psychological issues are going to be buried even deeper. All by design. I have no doubt the technocratic agenda will fail, it is just a matter of how much damage is caused in the meantime and weather or not those who are actually responsible will ever be held to account, and that very much depends on the intellectual status quo. Vengeance isn’t the goal here, only the unveiling of sociopathic, megalomaniacal organised groups of people.
I see any meaningful retributionary actions being unjustly satiated by a growing global resentment and eventual push back against, and defeat of, Zionism. Yes, Zionism bad, but Zionism is just the ideology that has motivated, it is not the architects themselves. I can see genuine, well meaning, good hearted Christians, Jews and Muslims leading this charge and this will give them the triumphant victory over “evil” they so desperately need to justify “good”. Social engineering 101. The people playing this game are very good at it, they have been at it a while.
Totally agree. The world I thought I grew up in never existed. The ‘shapers’ of society have been at it a long time.
Recently I came across a link here posted by a member that led to a most eye-opening tangent. It was a paper by some academic talking about moral bioenhancement. I had never heard of that. In a nutshell, there is serious intellectual discussion on the merits of forcing citizens to change the makeup of their biology. Not only that, but the paper I found linked here stated that it would be preferable to do so without the citizens knowledge.
Anyway, I decided to make a post about it. The link to the original paper is there.
Like in Stanley Kubrick’s “A Clockwork Orange” but do it without people knowing it, like putting LSD in the water supply or some other a little lithium. They really want people to love their servitude like Aldous Huxley was talking about in his lecture at UC Berkeley.
Very creepy stuff. If they could do such a thing, I have no doubt they try. Fortunately for us I believe they don’t know enough to do it and probably wouldn’t be able to know how to do this for centuries if ever. But I could certainly be wrong.
People DO love their servitude, and they feel justified in pushing that mentality onto you. Ask any scientist for the last 1000 years how the Catholic Church embraced their ideas…with torture or death. What, the Earth revolves around the Sun, torture him! That is the church when it was powerful, now that it is weak, it is more subtle, for now.
I was watching a video from Christopher Hitchens:
He puts into words, better than I could, the idea Christianity is all about servitude. The idea you are born with guilt, a super being which knows your thoughts, throughout life, and is always watching, judging, keeping score…and if you don’t do as you are told, you go to Hell…Sounds pretty communist to me.
They say you have free-will to make your own choices, but if you don’t live as they say, follow their direction, “you will burn in Hell for all time”, that is not free choice, that is coercion.
Not only is Christinaity about teaching servitude, it is also about creating the idea it is ok to push that servitude onto others. If others don’t follow those rules, they are “devil worshippers” and can be dealt with anyway you wish.
On a side note, while I respect Hitchens’ logic, I am not so much into his politics, he is Islamophobic, and while he is critical of Christianity and Islam, he rarely touches Judaism, but when he is right he is right).
Thanks for the post Rexleoneum. Orthodox Christians were the backbone of Covid protests in my community, so it is now very disappointing that many or most of those same people strongly believe that Israel is justified in genociding the Palestinians. This view seems to come from the church and biblical teachings they have been indoctrinated with. This is a very disappointing view coming from people who saw through Covid tyranny and stood up against it.
The Bible calls Jews “the enemy of all mankind” or of “all people” and in NO WAY supports Jews or Zionism.
The whole Jews being older bros in the faith thing only got big in the US wiyh the Schofield Bible translation (which has its on conspiracy behind it) or thanks to Jews spending much money paying off and gathering black mail data on preachers
Jews wrote the Bible, don’t believe everything you read.
I have heard LSD dilutes quickly in water but the CIA is said to have tried some kind of psycho active agent in the wild. But on YouTube I found a long time ago what proprted to be a UK filmed experiment on squaddies who got dosed then sent out to train so the degradation in performance coins be studied. I know they did do such experiments but not if film was real
Maybe it was accidental ergot poisoning? I think you’re right about LSD. It’s a fragile compound and dosing water wouldn’t work.
There’s a paper I found about adding lithium to the water supply:
Glad I now have my own well and I also use a RO filter on my drinking water too.
I will read the paper, thanks. But be careful with RO filters- I used one for a while in a house system with city water and it gave me bad guts… not sure if it was the storage tank (found it was lined with plastic even though metal) or the water got demineralized or what.
Happy new year btw, glad you got out of the city 🙂
Thank you Duck. Happy New Year to you as well!
Hello, Duck.
I’m actually replying to your earlier comment (didn’t see a reply button for it on my computer):
“The Bible calls Jews ‘the enemy of all mankind’ or of ‘all people’ and in NO WAY supports Jews or Zionism.”
Wondering if you could provide the specific Bible verses to support your statement? Thanks.
1 Thessalonians 2:15
Jews are called the enemies of all mankind, hostile to all mankind or opponents of all mankind depending on the translation…. Enemies is afaik the best translation of the original term.
There are two very silly ideas going around
One being that Jews are following the old religion that became Christianity- in fact they follow a religion made up by Babylonian rabis in the 300s
The second is that Christianity has been buddy buddy with Jews in the past – Jews were not even allowed back in Jerusalem until after it was taken over by Muslims.
If you want a truly wild story look up what happened when Jews teamed up with Julian the Apostate and tried to rebuild the temple …. Lol even the pagan sources say it ended badly
Here is the link to Bible hub which has translations in all their various forms
One can have a serious intellectual discussion on anything, “why red strawberries would be better off blue”, “why 9 year old are the best demographic to make government level decisions”, the list of ludicrous ideas goes on ad nauseum. Morality and ethics are not a science, it is Philosophy and stands well above science. There is no “scientific” debate to be had on such matters. What does PhD stand for again…indeed.
You mean meaningless pseudo-intellectual philosophizing about things that will likely never exist. I think that’s part of it. Maybe some of these PhD’s need to justify their salary to keep the grants flowing in? If you’re working with extremely rich donors and they are, they’ve got to come up with something. I know people do this all the time.
As far as coming up with immortality technology and all the other weird stuff they want to have in the field of biotechnology, I just don’t think they can do what they want, not in our lifetimes anyway.
I’ve been wrong before so, who knows, but I would bet money on that, that they don’t have the capability.
However good old propaganda and mental manipulation works just fine. Which is weird that they are even wasting time discussing that to me is rather odd.
I don’t mean to say that philosophy is an empty pursuit at all. In fact, I’d say in general the field of philosophy is fascinating and meaningful and an area of study I have little in depth knowledge of.
The paper would be much more interesting if it weren’t discussing hypothetical situations.
There are many topics in medicine that actually are real, like the compulsory jabs, hormone modification of minors (the trans butchery), and even chemical castration of pedophiles.
The two former topics, I think the ethics are clear that these practices are unethical because they violate benevolence and autonomy in medicine.
The issue of chemical castration of pedophiles is one that I think has more nuance and in fact in the US there are sexual predators who are incarcerated after their prison sentence has expired in a special hospital. I think castration might even be a requirement to get out (not exactly sure on that though).
Is that wrong? I mean that would deter hormone induced predatory behavior that contributes to that particular evil. Would it be better to just kill pedophiles? Should we kill certain pedophiles? In certain cases, yeah I think that is ethical in my book.
And also, how about the actual psychopaths in positions of power? If there was a way to modify their brain chemistry to make them have a conscience, should we do it?
I’d say yes, it’s better to have a conscience. It’s a richer experience in the world. But could that actually be done? No, I don’t think so. It’s poorly understood and at this time, in most cases I think there is no cure.
But a very wealthy psychopath looking to cure their disease might be interested in research that may lead to a cure. I mean people tend to want what they don’t have right? A person who is incapable of love or empathy would want to find it right?
Just some thoughts that came up with your comment. Thanks.
Happy New Year to you catalyst
You said “What does PhD stand for again”
I remember hearing (years ago) BSc, MSc, PhD defined in these terms: Bullshit, More Shit, Piled higher and Deeper.
Continues to sound about right to me!
Moral bioenhancement. The genetic engineering of morality. With MIT and DARPA working on reading minds and James Giordano’s Modern War Institute talk, “The Brain is the Battlefield of the Future,” seems entirely possible. Give Annie Jacobsen’s book, “Phenomena: The Secret History of the US Government’s Investigations into ESP and Psychokinesis” a read. UPenn just erected a new building solely for mRNA advancement. I recall seeing the cover of a journal back in the early 1980s when I worked at Penn: “Designer Genes.” These advancements are moving along pretty quickly, it seems to me.
I’ve heard his talk I think some of it, about “stroking agents” and such. I know about the CIA experiments with remote viewing and ESP. They do want to understand the brain and there are many research papers on the findings available online.
The classified stuff done in some secret underground lab on unwilling participants might be going on and we’ll never know about it or what the findings were.
I know they talk about this really creepy stuff, scary stuff and people may feel helpless and afraid. Maybe that’s part of the PR?
Just a cursory read of some of the open research on the brain will show just how little is actually known. Granted technology they have may be 20-30 years ahead of what we have now, maybe? This does not mean they know how the brain works. The brain is not some isolated organ but is constantly in flux with the environment, food we eat, air we breathe, etc. All of those variables add more complexity. I strongly believe we are not understandable as chemical reactions.
However, there is ample data in human psychology that shows that many people are easy to manipulate and control without understanding the biochemistry of the process. They can readily use that. Stockholm syndrome for example explains a lot.
Also, I was skeptical of the findings of the Milgram Experiment but apparently there was a spree of “strip search prank calls” in the US that proved his findings in the real world in addition to the Covid scamdemic.
All I know is that this idea specifically termed “moral enhancement” seems to have reared its ugly head around 2008. In my substack post I shared earlier, I suggest that the covid gene therapies (which we still have never officially been told what’s in them) could be a covert bioenhancement- as these insane people have been wet-dreaming for. In the post I link to a fascinating interview on the Highwire with a Dr. Michael Nehls. He wrote a book called The Indoctrinated Brain. He describes how the spike protein, mainly from the jabs, is screwing up the hippocampus in our brain. This fundamentally changes who we are. Makes us more docile, we forget our past, etc. Check it out.
I’ll check it out. That’s an interesting theory.
I thought the jabs were to seed the mind of the population into becoming comfortable with genetic “therapies” in general. And possibly to see long term effects from mRNA type gene based drugs.
What I saw in particular with folks who took jabs, most were already compliant and docile and true believers in the scamdemic. I have not observed any changes in them mentally.
But people who were coerced into it should be studied.
I have known more people who seemingly had no effects from the jabs. Most of what I noticed was an increase in cardiac issues from young people.
I’ll check this out though.
I know they want mindless drones who are servile cogs. When the cogs no longer serve a purpose, they will be eliminated. That’s how these “elites” think.
People tend to conform to authority and carry out orders even if it contradicts common sense morality and legality. If no one questions it and shows an alternative behavior, most will just comply.
I was stunned by the scamdemic and the behavior changes in people around me. I was also shocked to learn that there was a spree of “strip search prank calls” in the 90s and 2000s where a man called various fast food joints in small towns claiming to be a police officer got managers to strip search employees.
One woman was even sexually assaulted. The man didn’t even flash a badge because he was on the phone. My jaw dropped when I learned about this.
The people who went along with this were complicit in criminal conduct and one guy actually went to prison.
I mean what kind of moron believes someone on the phone anyway? No matter how legit it sounds, that is mind boggling to me.
Replying to a lower down comment that had no reply button:
“I thought the jabs were to seed the mind of the population into becoming comfortable with genetic “therapies” in general. ”
That could be, but I think that as Catherine Austin Fitts likes to point out, they stack functions in operations like this. The jabs could be doing many things, not just this or that … mutually exclusive.
I’ll check out the talk you linked. I think it’s fascinating.
The thing I do like to keep in mind is that the field of genetics is still relatively new and it’s not all figured out. So even if they think the jabs will have this or that effect does not mean that they will have the desired effect.
There have been a lot of drugs that fail to do what they are intended, such as anti-depressants. The ideas of “chemical imbalance” in the brain is being re evaluated.
As an aside, I’ve done some of these newer treatments for depression like TMS (trans cranial magnetic stimulation) where they “zap” a part of the pre frontal cortex via a directed magnet through a helmet. It was a little helpful short term, but not very profound. And some people have had good effects and others have had horrible effects.
My point is that it is good to know what they are thinking and possibly doing but to also keep in mind that they are not omnipotent who have “the cat in the bag” especially with respect to biotechnology.
dam those globalist eugenicist transhumanist megalomaniacs and their hijacking of effective permaculture techniques like stacking functions!
“The jabs could be doing many things” indeed…
“A new study by Salmaggi et al found among 8,821,812 Italians that COVID-19 vaccination increased the risk of several serious neurological diseases:
Ischemic Stroke: IRR 1.44 [95% CI: 1.34–1.54]
Cerebral Hemorrhage: IRR 1.50 [95% CI: 1.32–1.70]
Transient Ischemic Attack (TIA): IRR 1.67 [95% CI: 1.46–1.91]
Myelitis: IRR 2.65 [95% CI: 1.49–4.70]
Myasthenia Gravis: IRR 1.71 [95% CI: 1.29–2.28]
The majority of patients hospitalized for neurological diseases in 2021 received at least 1 vaccine dose…
Roh et al found among 558,017 South Koreans aged 65 and above that COVID-19 vaccination increased the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment:
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD): OR: 1.225 [95% CI: 1.025–1.464]; P = 0.026
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI): OR: 2.377 [95% CI: 1.845–3.064]; P < 0.001..
Kim et al found among 2,027,353 South Koreans that COVID-19 vaccination increased the risk of multiple psychiatric disorders:
Depression: HR: 1.683 [95% CI: 1.520–1.863]
Anxiety, Dissociative, Stress-Related, and Somatoform Disorders: HR: 1.439 [95% CI: 1.322–1.568]
Sleep Disorders: HR: 1.934 [95% CI: 1.738–2.152]
To summarize, COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ seriously damage the neurological system and DEVASTATE mental health. They increase your risk of:
Ischemic stroke (+44%)
Hemorrhagic stroke (+50%)
Transient ischemic attack (+67%)
Myelitis (+165%)
Myasthenia gravis (+71%)
Alzheimer’s (+22.5%)
Cognitive impairment (+137.7%)
Depression (+68.3%)
Anxiety disorders (+43.9%)
Sleep disorders (+93.4%)
The most probable mechanism behind this damage is likely toxic Spike protein accumulation and persistence in the skull-meninges-brain axis, as evidenced by Rong et al"
Thanks cu.h.j
I think you are correct that some things retain a mystery, no matter how we try to get rid of it. I am thinking now, after your comment, about the attempt in Jurassic Park to make all the creatures female to prevent procreation…but biology found a way around man’s meddling anyway. But as you say, that won’t stop them trying. I guess then my worry is what is the collateral damage from that arrogant pursuit? Are we seeing damages unintended? They wanted moral bioenhancement, but got heart damage, clots, etc?
Thanks for that annak. I do not know how we can assume these things won’t be possible or attempted any time soon. I appreciate cu.h.j’s comments greatly in general, but that blanket dismissal of a connection of moral bioenhancement to the jabs seems hasty.
For example, there are a few recent published papers talking expressly about cognitive changes post covid jab. Here’s one:
Here’s another:
Thanks studiotwoseven. Hadn’t seen that study, but I’m not surprised. If it affects so many other areas in the body it seems entirely plausible that it would affect the brain. Here’s another assault on our brains compliments of DARPA: https://jonfleetwood.substack.com/p/darpas-n3-non-surgical-brain-tech
Very interesting. This all reminds me of my past research posted here early in the pandemic … optogenetics. Controlling organisms with light.
But related to your link annak, I was just reading this article this morning.
“Masses of people could be controlled as well by satelite systems pulsing microwaves in the brain frequencies, especially, if “nano-sized robots were delivered close to a neuron via the bloodstream“ into their brains, as Cornelis van der Klaauw put it at the beginning of this article. Those “robots“ (or rather antennas) are already used in medical neurotechnology (see this). They are so small that they can penetrate via blood through the blood-brain barrier into the brain. They can be delivered to the blood via breathing, drinking, eating or by vaccination.”
Which linked to this:
“In 1975, Allan Frey published his research on blood-brain barrier in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, where blood-brain barrier (protecting brain from poison entering it together with blood) of rats, illuminated by pulsed radiofrequency, allowed dye to penetrate into their brains. His findings were confirmed by 13 different laboratories in 6 countries and with the use of different animals.”
Zionism is just one of the many ideologies that have sprung out of the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. EM Jones wrote a whole book by ghat name, and Macdonald wrote “culture of critique” which frames such ideologies as ethnic warfare of a small bs large group.
Zionism will be discarded if it does not serve, just like communism was.
Zionism is just a means to an end, and I do not see Christians, Jews and Muslims, leading a charge into anything but our demise.
What example in history would this delusion be based in?
We have given full control over to those who are working to destroy us. Religion has been used with great efficiency in controlling the masses, and the worse things get, the more they will cling to the nonsense, not based on evidence, but on wishful thinking. There are endless examples of this in history, millions upon millions of Christians have been starved to death, when they SHOULD have been rising up to fight. THEY WERE SHEEP.
I can’t speak for Islam or Judaism, as I was raised Catholic, at least for Christianity, we are tough “original sin” and spend our lives under the constant surveillance of an all seeing eye, which knows our thoughts and judges us accordingly, and if we fall short, we end up in Hell. That is NOT a recipe for a free thinking people who will rise up against a threat. Such a perception teaches servitude, people desiring control. If you have an external locus of control and there is trouble, you will die waiting for a savior that will never come. The recipe here is pretty obvious.
To thine own self be true, and if we are being honest with ourselves, we are royally fucked. We have handed them control over everything, they can come at us from a hundred different directions. They built up America to be their muscle, always with the intent of destroying us in the end.
But what is most annoying is that Americans will fight, we will fight the Germans, the Japanese, the Italians, the Spanish, the Mexicans, the Indians, the Iraqis, the Afghans…and in all of those situations we were on the wrong side. We fought for the globalists/Communists. Just give us a lie to believe in and we will fight and die to the last man. But that justification for fighting must never come from us, like religion and everything else, we are just here to participate, play our roles and serve.
Therefore it is time to do away with dogma and start educating ourselves and our children to do our own thinking and to stop the mindless obeying.
the powers within Christianity desired obedience, and now that many Christians are at last more inclined to follow Jesuses’ teachings and to ignore dogma, the control freaks have decided to discourage people from having spiritual aspirations in favour of turning to technology for salvation, whilst actually planning to bring about a neo-feudalism.
It is my belief that Christianity itself was created to trail people to obey.
People should NOT follow anyone, let alone a Jew from 2000 years ago.
Everything that pushed the idea of external guidance, being “shepherded”, is highly suspect as part of the Zionist move towards a NWO.
The Jewish religion has been talking about ruling the world since its inception, yet the idea they then created Christianity, with it ostensibly GIVING usury to the Jews. A monopoly on money which has directly lead us to where we are today, they own everything (BIG SUPRISE 1+1=2), YET that fact is lost on the sheep.
Savior complex is a THING, it is a poison, making people looking outside to help instead of helping themselves.
I may could wrong, but if Christianity was not created to turn Europeans into sheep, it nevertheless has done exactly that.
When I was a kid, I saw religion as a tool corrupted to control the masses. As an adult, I understand the Abrahamic religions were created precisely for how they are being used: for a small group of conniving psychopaths to take over the world, and have the sheep do it for them.
“…… It is my belief that Christianity itself was created to trail people to obey.….”
It would be very weird to create a religious movement that then stopped Jews from doing stuff for centuries and called them enemies of all human kind.
Do you have some historical knowledge to back up your idea?
In our world, magnetism is a thing, gravity,
thermodynamics, evolution, centrical force…
There is ZERO evidence of miracles/magic in our world, such that you see in the Jewish Bible. Every word in the Bible was written by Jews, that is incontrovertible.
YET, while there is no scientific evidence of magic in our world, there IS ENDLESS examples of Jewish machinations that have destroyed countless lives, how can you not see that and make the connection.
I understand you have been trained that faith is what is important, faith in God or Christ, but blind faith is the core of most evil in this world. I have faith in my friends and family, I have faith in how the world works, but I would NEVER EVER give my faith to anything Organized Jews had anything to do with. They are masters of deception and manipulation. Mossad’s motto is “by deception we shall wage war”. You don’t think they could put a few aspects of reverse psychology in their work to draw in the Goyem. It is well established they installed Pagan holidays into Christinaity to make it more appealing…
Believe as you will, but I require a bit more evidence when dealing ANYTHING Jews had something to do with, especially when it all seems to be going right according to plan. Without Christianity, Judaism would be nothing, NOTHING. And we would not be on the edge of destruction, for we truly are.
I can take Adam Green in only small doses, so troubling is what he shows, but it is all fact, just very disturbing facts. We are heading straight into A Jewish NWO, and they don’t need us around.
HNY all. The only things I’ve noticed so far is that weird fog that is being reported in the U.S., UK and Canada at the moment (I haven’t checked if it’s the real thing or not. Also seem to be getting more and more attuned to the prevalence of AI generated articles and ‘news’ segments and learning to ignore them.
In addition to the report James did recently on drones, this was apparently preceded by fog:
I’m trying to learn how to produce heirloom seeds this year.
If you are successful, please post how you did it. Would like to know.
Hello Charles R, I live in Scotland, UK. And I get my heirloom seeds from Real Seeds. https://www.realseeds.co.uk/ (I think that’s in Wales.) They encourage people to produce their own heirloom seeds. They’re always on the lookout for rare species and sometimes save them from extinction. They also have a section covering seed saving. For example, most cruciferous vegetables can cross breed even with other species of cruciferous i.e. broccoli with kale. So, if you want your seeds to remain heirloom, try to stop them cross pollinating. (Especially with GMOs, some of which have been bred so that they can’t reproduce at all.)
In autumn 2023 I planted three little kale plants. By autumn 2024 they’d become three enormous kale plants about six feet tall, which produced hundreds of seeds, some of which are already growing in cloches and hydroponic systems. I’ll let you know how that goes if God and the oligarchs spare me. Don’t let anyone tell you that food is scarce; the main scarcity is useful information.
In 2023 I had more amaranth seeds than you can shake stick at. (Shake the ripened plant into a paper or breathable bag and you’ll see what I mean.)
I’m never going to be an expert at my age Charles R but wherever you live I’m sure you’ll find plenty of good people willing to put you on the right tracks. All I can suggest is that you get hold of your heirloom seeds soon before those tracks are ripped up and disappeared as efficiently as the debris from the twin towers.
G’day David. Sincere thank you for your reply. I am in Denmark now and looking to grow a small variety of food plants and appreciate your comments. I have some heirloom seeds I bought some 2 decades ago and want to be able to replace them with similar quality seeds. I am a complete amateur, but have the desire to grow at least part of our needs. We’re also looking for “organic” red meat supply, and here in DK it is fairly easy to locate [though not as prevalent as one would think]. Again, my thanks.
Which plants are you growing? I’ve been successfully saving heirloom seeds for a number of years, particularly tomatoes, but other plants as well: lettuce, spinach, radishes, etc. I’d like to learn to propagate some of my berry plants this year.
Hello dots4eyes, Last year I grew strawberries, tomatoes, peas, amaranth, onions and leeks. I’m going try to do better with onions this coming season. I’m new to it all and there’s so much to learn. The peas were heirloom seeds from Real Seeds https://www.realseeds.co.uk and grew to about 10 foot tall for best use of ground area. (It’s a pity I’m only five foot six – in warm weather).
I kept it to down to those six plant types to keep it simple otherwise I tend to neglect things.
I have four espalier trees apple, pear, cherry and plum, which I planted in 2023 and that first year I got eight lovely big Cox’s Pippins but nothing else. This year I got nothing at all. I’ve been working on covering my plants. I suspect someone is spraying things into the atmosphere but I won’t go into that, I’m just a grumpy old conspiracy theorist.
But to address your interest in propagating berries, all of my strawberry plants came from runners on my allotment and when I pruned my espaliers I pushed a few cuttings of cherry and plums into some compost and it looks like buds are already forming. It’ll be interesting to see what mother nature reveals.
That website looks interesting… particularly the seed packing machine! Pretty ingenious. This is the website I frequent the most for my seed needs: https://www.rareseeds.com/ Not sure if they would ship to the UK, but it’s a lovely website to browse and maybe pick up some ideas.
Yes, I’ve had a few strawberry plants self-propagate and that’s been a small pleasure. I want to tackle the cane varieties such as blackberries and raspberries. Now’s the time while they’re dormant, apparently.
One other thing I wanted to mention: on my street we’ve had several neighbors erect book sharing boxes for people to borrow and lend. But just the other day I noticed that someone had put up a seed sharing box. It must have been recent, because it was still empty, but I immediately started thinking about which excess seeds I had saved that I might share.
Wishing you a very happy and productive gardening year in 2025!
HNY Dots4Eyes
We find that our raspberries if left to their own devices will ‘walk’ across the garden. They are all from a few plants we had to remove from a clients garden before creating a lawn. That was about 18 years ago and we now have literally hundreds of plants, in fact they’re taking over in some areas.
They send short runners out so we we lift those and give them away.
They are a variety that in spring sends up new growth as well as leaves on last year’s stems. In June they fruit on last year’s growth, (one less job to do in autumn we dont cut down the stems!) then, they take a break, last years stems die and the spring stems fruit from about August until the frosts.
Kilos of Raspberries every year – and the best ones are from plants that popped up in the greenhouse. Those start early and I can usually pick a few on Christmas day if the weather’s not too cold. They were massive fruits last year!
Blackcurrants and red currants are so easy to propagate: Each year, I try to cut out 1/3 of the old growth, and from that, new young stems develop that fruit on the second year’s growth (that’s why you only take out 1/3 or you get nothing the following year.
Now, I read that you take 1 year old cuttings, in late spring if you want to propagate. So that’s what I did with success. One year I gathered up all the older wood from pruning, and stuffed them in a bucket of water. Some of this was 3-4 years old. Every single one of them rooted in the water, and even fruited too. So there you are, they just seem to want to keep growing!
One thing to mention is that Blackcurrants are prone to a (mosaic?) virus that produces leaves that are less ‘indented’ more rounded. Cuttings from affected bushes will all have the virus. It does not affect the fruiting or edibility.
Hope that helps!
Hello dots4eyes,
Seed sharing is good idea but I live in the Borders of Scotland. It’s quite sparsely populated and when I was young there was always plenty of farming and forestry jobs. But times have changed and it seems people are more content to let their waistline grow with more vigour than a healthy food source. I had so many strawberry runners and seeds last year I couldn’t give them away and came close to some rude suggestions of where I might put them.
Anyway, we soldier on regardless.
Mr. James Corbett
Happy New Year Sir,
Love your work James, always have. We want you to get involved with an idea to change the world. Free humanity from monetary slavery and bring peace on earth. The idea is simple, but hard to implement. Change all the world’s fiat currencies into BitcoinCash. Bitcoin has been hijacked, as detailed by Roger Ver, BCH is the way forward.
I don’t know about you James, but I’ve had enough of war, killing, butchery, I could go on. I’m 57 and you, I, Ken O’Keefe and others, have a chance to change the world for the better by fulfilling Satoshi Nakamoto’s vision of a peer-to-peer electronic cash system for the world. The embodiment of that vision is BitcoinCash. Monero has its place, but for onboarding the general public out of failing fiat, BCH is the bus and lifeboat to get on, we need your help.
Ken and I have created the Freedom Truth Justice Committee, FTJ. We have a logo and are building a website: defundthesnake.org. We need 5 founding members to be able to announce ourselves to the world, we would like you to be one of them.
Here is our mission statement:
The Freedom Truth Justice Committee’s mission is to unite Team Humanity to free itself from monetary slavery imposed by our enemy Team parasite, that has fed on our labour, our ideas, enslaved our children, and ruled our world for thousands of years. Our agenda is to free all of humanity from monetary vermin forever using BitcoinCash instead of whatever nightmare Team parasite has in store for us along with their evil global plans for parasitic feudalism that they have been engineering for centuries.
The Freedom Truth Justice Committee has been established with a singular, revolutionary purpose: to liberate humanity from centuries of monetary servitude imposed by parasitic systems. Our mission is to lead the global population in embracing and living by the Bitcoin ethos – a philosophy of financial empowerment and independence.
In one sentence:
The Freedom Truth Justice Committee aims to liberate humanity from monetary servitude by advocating for BitcoinCash as a tool for financial empowerment and independence.
Satoshi Nakamoto’s creation was a gift to humanity – a form of currency that cannot be manipulated, shut down, inflated, debased, or infinitely generated by any centralized authority. Our Committee’s goal is to ensure this tool, BitcoinCash, becomes accessible to every human being on the planet.
Join, and help us Sir,
Alex Strachan
Let’s free the human race!
Freedom Truth Justice Committee
Ken O’Keefe and Alex Strachan
Background to me: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xpRr1bFetz3eqq-5LaAXigpuqrC0m9Z1_Pjj7bvpE3I/edit?usp=sharing
Background to the Committee: https://votewithyourmoney.org
Old website: https://grey-vulture-yyv3mojzv2f0eb8z.builder-preview.com/
Keep up the good work James … I look forward to your insight in to the year that comes …. I myself will be ducking & covering trying to stay out of the reach of our illustrious Governments & The corporate entity trying to to take my Soul 😅👍
Unwinding over the stressful holidays… Amstel Light, football on TV, watching it rain. Make a fire in the chiminea and admire the Christmas lights.
I don’t expect anything to get better in 2025, only worse. All I hope for is better health.
I think things are about to get a lot worse and will spiral quickly this quarter.
I need better health, have to get out more and walk my dog more!
Hope my comment gets posted, yours did!
Hi Alex, A dog is good for mental health. Wish I could walk more than 50 yards at a time. Still, I’m not using the walker or cane anymore and can wipe my own ass.
Stay healthy.
Just wanted to pop in to say thank you to James for the EXCELLENT roundup episode on all of the Solutions Watch episodes from this past year – boy there were a lot! Reminded me of some I needed to share and some I needed to revisit to learn more from.
I also really enjoyed the recent round table “Elon Unmusked” interview and shared that out to a few places. I’m trying to get more people to use the RSS or just come straight to the website – so many of my friends are still terribly dependent on Facebook algorithms or X. So, they still don’t know who James is. . and thereby miss some of the best content, of course. . .
Anyhow thanks and keep up the good work!!
Hi Lisa – any chance you can share the ‘unmusked’ interview link here? I must have missed it when it came out and have been unable to find it (or at least anything which seems to be a round table…) from the search bar..
Yes – I happened to see it on Jason Bermas’ channel on Rumble, and didn’t see it when I first looked on James Corbett’s Channel, TLAV, or any of the other usual places. Perhaps they just have not added it yet. Here it is –
I believe James intentionally does not add some of his interviews to this site because he expects people here to get their da news from various sources.
Not sure if I’ve got a different link, but its probably not on this site because there’s no Corbett in this roundtable, just some edgy supercool dude called Johnny Youtuber. He’s got some fantastic points and I hereby rescind my membership here. Where do I send emails to get my subscription money back?
Thank you James, for restoring some faith back into a disillusioned man living on prison island Britain, and surrounded by normies who think I’m crazy.
Early in 2020 I innocently posted some facts I found on-line about ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, I immediately received a strike and have been shadow-banned ever since, hence my distrust for utube, and my recent move over to substack, where opinions are acceptable. My opinion is this, because of recent events globally there is a definite shift in
public awareness of control and division, and that shift will eventually reach a tipping point on the scales of justice, if there is such a thing. We can only hope that common sense will become fashionable once again in a world of lies and propaganda.
Happy New Year and greetings from the rapidly disintegrating UK. We are constantly being lied to and being stolen from by this dumb cabal that call themselves a government. All on a grand scale I have not witnessed before, I am now 66. Almost every week it seems there is a new tax coming into effect on the alter of Net Zero mandates or sacred NHS, taking huge chunks of everything we spend, food, fuel, travel, anything that is good. We cannot save any more as if we leave it our pensions are now stolen from our descendants too. Our local authorities increase tax and deliver less. We subsidise mass migration which is destroying our infrastructure, communities and services. Our politicians are caught out lying regularly but of course none have the integrity or feel the shame to own up and step down. It’s a really crap place to be in 2025 and I fear for my children and grandchildren as the outlook really is pretty bleak.
But, there is always the Corbett Report, Media Monarchy, James Delingpole and Doc Malik to name but a few to keep us informed and amused and to remind us that not everyone is against us.
Happy New Year again everyone, maybe 2025 is when it all collapses around their ears!
Happy New Year James!
Be it at least not much worse then a bunch of previous ones.
The predictions don’t look good though. Here is one by curtesy of great Patrick Wood that everyone with conscience should watch and share.
Best, Robert
Thank you for the video James and thank you for all your hard work! I hope you and your family have had a wonderful and relaxing break.
Looking forward to what you have in the pipeline for us in 2025!
James Corbett, Do you expect the rapid drop in the Japanese birth rate to stop, slow, or accelerate?
Happy New Year from Maine! The hot springs sound lovely. My new daily practice here is dealing with the toxins before they accumulate, outside and in: 1/2 hour each morning cleaning the house, and about 3-minutes spent doing a “lymphatic drainage”, one or more times a day. Simple as anything; I highly recommend it. 3-min instructional video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lT_wW5pNHa4
“And, you know what, I saw that guy Corbett.
You know, The Corbett Report.
That guy knows everything.” – Comedian Jimmy Dore
Comedian Jimmy Dore was discussing Elon Musk and how Elon feels about hearing from the Plebs, the peasants.
Jimmy Dore says:
“And, you know what, I saw that guy Corbett. You know, The Corbett Report.
That guy knows everything.
I don’t know how that guy knows all that stuff, but he knows everything.
And I saw a video of him yesterday where he was saying that Elon is a ‘made man’, meaning that he’s got the Deep State looking out for him.
Well, of course, he’s a huge defense contractor….”
VIDEO QUEUED 1:55 (Jan 3, 2025)
I had the feeling he was starting to do a Trump impression as he was saying I don’t know how that guy knows all that stuff, but he knows everything. But when he’s right, right, there’s no arguing against facts.
mkey, But they do argue against facts. It happens every day. Bureaucrats, Karens, neighbors, family, friends… they all argue against facts.
Like I said, can’t argue against facts. And I also don’t care what the insane are doing, to the extent I can avoid it.
mkey, “Argue” is the wrong verb to use. People deny facts. People try to run away from facts. But the fact is, reality wins in the end. It’s an old story.
I’m so grateful to you, James, for your insight and hard work both exposing the darkness and providing solutions. I suspect this next couple years will be war on many fronts- medical freedom vs the medical/pandemic industrial complex and Pharma, regenerative farmers vs big Ag/fake food, cash/non-programable BTC vs fake BTC via private/central banks, Christianity/Islam vs satanism, humanity vs technocracy, peace vs hot war with Iran/China. BUT all those wars depend on us complying and SO many people have awakened to the globalist agenda. Therefore, I have hope that with our non-compliance we will win in the end. What I specifically am doing is making my little 1/5 acre home into a food forest including both chickens and rabbits to become as self reliant as possible. I exercise and eat healthy so I won’t be reliant on our broken medical system as well and am trying hard to repair my relationships with friends and family that were duped these last few years. Happy interesting 2025 to all!
In October I began my pursuit of a lifelong dream — to write my very first novel, and I’m happy to be in the thick of writing the first draft. It’s been such an exciting journey thus far. In my youth, I pursued a childhood dream of acting on stage, which taught me a great deal when it comes to bringing a character to life and having a stage presence (living in the moment). Getting married in my 30s and raising my own family in a totally new environment, becoming a social outcast for daring to pursue truth and talking openly about it, and experiencing the repercussions of the lessons learned and choices made, and more lessons learned, I believe I have very compelling stories to tell. I’m looking forward to finishing my first draft and then crafting it into something worth broadcasting far & wide this year.
Additionally, I’m looking forward to furthering my endeavors this year to help create a counterculture in the natural world for me & my family (& those operating within our personal world): https://wiggleculture.com/.
Happy New Year James and all! I also get annoyed and frustrated with the snail’s pace of the vast majority of folks making any real improvements to their own lives, or even noticing the devastation so many others are dealing with, certainly when it comes to their health and the health of the environment.
The weather modification/geoengineering where I live, East Texas, is so obvious and has been for so long, yet so few bother to address it at all. It’s very difficult to watch the same folks who called me a conspiracy nut a decade ago now accept the premise of The Science that geoengineering will actually save us all from climate change. They see no problem with the leap in logic at all. I’ve given up that there is a way to reach such people. They see nothing unusual that we routinely have 50 degree temperature drops in 24 hours, or that the temperature increases 20 degrees in the middle of the night. Zero awareness that this is naturally impossible and catastrophic to life.
When I get overwhelmed by the slowness of the awareness and the change I try to think of something little that has changed for the better in my lifetime. Like, in the pre-Corbett age, no one was asking their media provider for sources. Imagine! Talk about the Dark Ages! Everyone just took Dan Rather at his word, no one said anything negative about Walter Cronkite in public, though my mom still idolizes Lester Holt. Baby steps!
I looked back at some old blog post comments I’d saved from about 8 years ago when I was sharing Corbett material on a regular basis—oh the trolling and pushback, wow! One comment made me LOL, I’d tried to dampen the hostility with the comment of, “I’m just spreading seeds of awareness” and he replied, “They will never germinate, stop wasting our time!” Well, guess what Jackass, seedlings are popping up all over the place! 😆
Mr. Corbett,
From a purely objective standpoint, the pivotal changes must occur within the individual psychological and spiritual fitness of each human being.
There are so many issues which are completely out of our control, and until each person acknowledges and internalizes this, each individual who faces situation “x, y, z..” will only dis-integrate.
The psychedelic experience is a great example of this dynamic. There is no escape from a “bad trip,” or one’s own dirty laundry.
Being incarcerated is another example. A person who refuses to accept the fact that he/she is in a situation which cannot be forced to match one’s own desires, that person will develop one neurosis after another, until all that remains is a bubbling mess of neuroses, hardly recognizable as a human being. Physical health is downstream from spiritual health.
In one of the above mentioned situations, a person must take stock of the situation and realize that he/she can be one’s own worst enemy, or one’s own caretaker. The enemy chooses to ignore, and create fantasies. The caretaker does not reject the reality of the day, but instead chooses to make the very best use of his/her time in that inescapable situation.
If one fights against a psychedelic experience, one will go insane, possibly never to return. The only solution is to breathe, collect oneself, and face the monster which is the hidden and repressed content of the subconscious and unconscious minds. If one has lived an utterly despicable existence for 40 years, this opportunity to face that, without blinking or shrinking away, is the opportunity of a lifetime, and can lead to the most profound changes for the better
Likewise, a person who wakes up in a jail cell, regardless of the reason, must choose between a meltdown (and possibly a beat-down), or taking the opportunity of the sort of freedom brought about by such a situation. Freedom? In jail? Yes. Freedom from the labors and concerns of the status quo life, the ongoing dramas and chores and, most importantly, the addictions and bad habits that would have likely otherwise gone unaddressed.
I have grown more as a result of being in both of the above mentioned situations than by any other means, with only one exception, which, had I not experienced the former, I would not have had the inner strength to face.
January 10 will mark 9 years of sobriety, 9 years of freedom from my own inner tyrannical enemy. Nobody made me an addict, other than myself, through the faulty stimulus-response mechanisms which I had developed as a means of escape. Likewise, chronic depression and anxiety are of the same nature, self inflicted pattern domination, which is purely dis-integrative. To be sober and free from depression and anxiety – that is my victory over the dark overlords. I am no longer a pawn on their chessboard. I had put on my own handcuffs, built my own cell, and overdosed on my own sense of helplessness and “it’s not fair”-ness.
Are you free to choose?
Hi Magnetic Reversal and congratulations on your 9 years.
Wise words you write, thank you for sharing.
My addiction is sugar, which I still battle with.
My own strategy for life and where we find ourselves is now, acceptance. I do not agree with any of it, but I have come to the understanding that anger and despair will destroy only me, so I focus my energies into what I can personally do to improve things in my own back yard. I would love for those around me to wake up but I accept that it is their choice not to, or more often, they’re unable to, because of the conditioning. For them I have compassion, though I know that Mr Global’s success lies in their compliance and that threatens the rest of us.
However, I’m finding there are still people who are not completely lost and I’m finding them, and bringing them together to do things as a community. Amongst those are are a few who are receptive to a change in thinking. It’s slow progress, but there is progress. I forget who said that the best way to fight ‘this’ is not to try to destroy the threat but to develop parallel systems that people see as a better way. That’s what I’m working towards in my own community.
Here’s to 2025!
As per my annual Gregorian year starting tradition, here are 25 Reasons You Should Start a Garden in 2025!
I think of you often when I am doing garden stuff.
Of course, your climate and soil content are different than mine here in north central Texas.
This year, surprisingly, even throughout the entire month of December 2024, I was harvesting peppers and tomatoes.
I pulled the final green tomatoes off on Sunday, January 5th because overnight we had an arctic cold front come in. So, on Monday morning Jan 6, 2025 it was 24 degrees F (-4.444°C).
My entire backyard has been sown with a cover crop mix.
Over the weekend I was clipping greens for my green smoothies.
> This year, surprisingly, even throughout the entire month of December 2024, I was harvesting peppers and tomatoes.
Global warming, duh.
Hey man! Well I am honored and I actually think of you sometimes when I am planning to plant things in my gardens (or in other people’s garden designs) with the specific intent of providing medicine/nutrient dense plants/fungi for giving the human body the molecular building blocks for producing compounds such as glutathione. 🙂
Whoa man! Garden tomatoes and peppers are definitely only accessible to me at this time of year in the form of fermented, pickled, dried and freeze dried preserves.
I admire how you make the best of the erratic (likely manmade weaponized) weather patterns and how in tune you are with the cycles and soil in your garden.
I have been working over time last few days making a presentation for the R-Future conference and not spending enough time in the garden or forest but on new years day I did gather some seeds from medicine trees here, plant them under the leaf litter with some pawpaw seeds from my garden/”refugia” (guerilla gardening in local parks) and I started some hopi red amaranth microgreens (inside) yesterday.
Thanks for the comment and thanks for giving your time and attention to care for the Earth and boycott big ag through growing some of your own real food.
much love and respect from the north
There is a MOMENTOUS HAPPENING occurring as we speak that we Normies are not supposed to know about!! Back in 1978 SAMUEL HOFMAN wrote a paper proving that a twin solar system had to be rotating with ours. He returned to his parents’ living room to find govt. agents there requiring him to sign a 30 yr NDA!! Since about 2007 our twin has been transversing our own solar system causing all kinds of weird weather & strange lightning!! These 8 some planets, their moons & various asteroids have been hanging down low in our atmosphere; they have been photographed & followed. Check out Sam’s interviews on Radio Wasteland to get a handle on what I’m talking about!! I only found out about it because I posted a comment on the Earth’s wobble!! This happens every 3,654 years or so. It has astounded me that even the Alt. Media has not picked up on this!! :-0 Thanks, James for all your dedicated research & let’s not forget the Survivors in NC who are living in tents during this Winter!! Deep River Farm gives good updates on all that!
Mr. Corbett,
Double dipping here because 3,000 characters is pretty tight…
The solar system is in the process of a magnetic reversal.
This is the reason for the 2030 timeline.
Please visit
and search the playlists on the yt channel for an overview of the topic.
Knowing about this, and preparing for it, would still be completely fruitless without having done the psychological and spiritual work which I pointed out in my initial comment, hence the hierarchical ordering.
On the realz, look at the real climactic changes we’re experiencing, understand the real mechanisms (which have nothing to do with human activities of any kind, and make human technology to manipulate weather or induce geological activity look insignificant in comparison), those mechanisms including the SUN as an intermediary, playing its role in the larger galactic reality, yet still being the source of life in this region of the ocean of space.
I’ll keep this one brief, and trust that if you’re so inclined you’ll find the rest of the information easily enough.
Blessings to you and your family in 2025.
“Don’t just stay alive in 202five, take the deep dive, come alive and THRIVE!”
I am honored to be sharing a presentation in a free online conference called R-Future later this week along side so many trail blazers, wisdom keepers, exemplars, community regenerators, innovators, regenerative rebels and beautiful human beings.
The title of my talk is:
Designing Bio-cultural Refugia : seeding ancient wisdom in the fertile soils of modern Regenerative knowledge.
In my presentation I explore the concept of refugia (both cultural and biological forms) and then discuss the immense potential we can unlock when we combine them in one space. I explore terms like ethnoecology and talk about pathways to intentionally create regenerative counter-cultures (aka “ethnogenesis”) and how we might each explore ancestral wisdom and apply ancient regenerative worldviews in our modern gardens and designs. I invite you to come on a journey to learn about how some ecologically literate and socially advanced ancient cultures preserved, propagated and applied place based wisdom without the existence of a centralized state authority. This will be a call to remember, rediscover, reconnect and gather the shards of our often shattered ancestral cultural past and merge those shards with the resilient substance of modern ecological knowledge and regenerative soil science. Talk a walk with me to gather ancient seeds and plant them in a garden of hope for future generations.
I invite all of you reading this to sign up and come connect with like minds as we strategize, share visions, techniques and implement our plans for co-creating A Regenerative Future ! 🙂
Join us LIVE to start your New Year Regeneratively!! Less than 3 Days & We Begin – It’s FREE For Everyone To Attend:
Happy New Year James and friends! Please enjoy the latest satire from The Farce Feed on Substack:
Aliens Deny NJ Drone Involvement, Claim “Just Another Pentagon Black Op”
Congress Pass Last-Minute 6,000 Page “Stop Kicking Puppies” Bill before Xmas Break
Cat & Dog Population Explodes in Ohio after Mass Deportations
Happy 2025 James,
I want to start by thanking you for expanding my perspective on multiple topics close to my heart. I also want to thank you for blowing apart many beliefs that were out dated and based in propaganda and societal engineering. I started to get a sense I was holding some beliefs about society and government that could not withstand N FOIA or open source intelligence. I stumbled upon Daniel Sheehan, a famous “people’s advocate” and constitutional lawyer in the United States. (See The Silkwood case, Iran Contra and the Pentagon Papers-https://romeroinstitute.org/). I listened to all the courses he taught at USC that he has online in 2020 and was relieved to hear the truth about many of the “conspiracies” I have been witnessing throughout my life of 58 years. He is an AMAZING story teller and hits on many, many of the same topics you touch with one GLARING difference- Climate.
Long story short as I was working for a Solar Power company installing electric vehicle charging stations and parroting the IPCC’s climate modeling to utility company CEO’s during the pandemic things started to shift as I watched my liberal friends line up for the experimental injections. I started to really smell something fishy going on but I had no idea how fishy.
Daniel Sheehan disappeared right as the pandemic ramped up and Biden moved into office. No more classes, no pod casts, no updates on his web site. Nothing. I knew he was into the disclosure project and figured he was busy defending Luis Elizando or something.
About a year later I found the Corbett Report and typed in the search engine “Who is Maurice Strong” and you actually had a pod cast called the same! I had some dealings with the Strong family in Colorado (Hanna Strong and her sister) and I started wondering what was really up with her husband Maurice- OPEN CAN OF WORMS. Holy Shit. It took me months of digging through the Corbett Report to realize how duped I have been not only by the Climate Change narrative but by many other narratives that fit with my world view like the reality behind the UN, agenda 2030 and its SDG’s. The level of deception is so astounding I can see why most of my friends and family cannot bear to witness it.
I need your SUPER POWERS of research and elucidation to help me navigate the next mind boggling agenda. Daniel Sheehan has resurfaced with a vengeance! The leader of The New Paradigm Institute (https://newparadigminstitute.org/) a driving force for disclosure. I mostly really enjoy what he has to say and what he is doing but the scepter he is carrying for the UN SDG’s and his Climate Change work in California now feels like a stark contrast and I am smelling that smell again! Check out his affiliations to his “Global” Ubiquity University and remote viewing classes(https://www.ubiquityuniversity.org/courses/the-science-and-consciousness-of-remote-perception/). 2025 is going to be a very interesting year. Peace, Thanks
Remote viewing? Does that bear any similarity to the Monroe Institute program? Hemi-sync, etc? I read Monroe’s book years ago, never realizing then he had ties to the CIA. I thought they moved in after his death. In any event, it’s always been of interest to me.
It is probably similar to the remote viewing of the Monroe institute as I am sure all “remote viewing” is similar in some ways I don’t know much about it. What caught my attention was the in your face “one eyed” symbolism that the web site uses heavy so handedly for that class. Because of their core focus on the SDG’s of the UN and the symbolism it make me think the Ubiquity Institute is part of the global elite as well as Daniel Sheehan. There is also an interesting connection to Gorbachev that I can’t quite piece together. Not sure about the CIA but I know they use remote viewers. “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it.” -Vladymer Lenin. It feels like controlling the opposition. I am hoping James can elucidate if he knows anything about Sheehan.
In reading through the Ubiquity website and reviewing the leadership I thought the same.
“Solutions” I have noticed: 1. Regenerative growing, about 45 years ago, “The One Straw Revolution” by Masanobu Fukuoka. 2. Starlink, the promise of uncensored global citizen – citizen communication. 3. Energy plants decentralized with home PV/battery/EVs. 4. Escape from “The Most Dangerous Superstition” by Larken Rose, his “Candles in the Dark” seminars.
I think it’s time for “A Pandemic Conspiracy – in 5 minutes”
Suggested Elements
– PCR Test cycle thresholds, Kari Mullis saying it shouldn’t be used for diagnostics and that Fauci was an idiot, his death in 2019
– Tabletop exercises to map media response
– Blame China when the clot shots are the real threat
– Magnetic arms post-vax
– Bluetooth Codes in vaxed and tested
– Fauci’s Remdesivir killing in Africa and in hospitals
– Mandating vax and meds with vested financial interests
– Medical Disinformation Campaign and Censorship
– Insurance incentives for Covid medical coding
– Contamination of blood
– Nanobots in pharm products
– Mask madness
– Asymptomatic transmission nonsense
What else could be added?
Dear James and all Corbeteers, My happiest new years tradition: One way I maintain my mental wellness is to keep a daily gratitude list (on paper) averaging 12 entries daily. In the new year I review my years worth of gratitude. Then I send those happy pages to the heavens in the fireplace. All that gratitude ash gets composted to feed my veggie garden. I am always so amazed at the passing years’ wonderful gifts. Thanks James for all you do and best new years wishes to all.
Above is the link to the video by Truthstream Media that inspired me to write the “tacky” limericks. If free speech isn’t protected, even at the “tacky” level, it will die.
I am very happy that James Corbett believes in free speech, even though it may be tacky. That is why I support his work. Do you?
I do believe in free speech. People may say things that are offensive to some ears and follow up with other speech the first speaker finds offensive. The consequences of speaking openly may spark fierce arguments and sometimes even violence in those who are triggered.
Then there is the concept of “spirit of the law” which is more about intention and purpose. IMO free speech is to limit tyranny and expand consciousness, rather than to mislead people or offend them. I mean the MSM lies all the time and are protected by “free speech.”
As far as sexual jokes go, that’s a matter of taste and place.
I’ve heard way worse sexual commentary living in the Bay Area for many years than your comments but it’s not something I’d want my grandparents to hear. I never cussed in front on my grandparents out of respect. I modify my speech depending on the situation so that I convey my message and the listener understands what I’m saying.
I think speech and words are powerful and the purpose is to use them wisely but also that no government has a right to limit what people say.
But as I said before, people will react to what is being said and say what’s on their mind too.
As far as the debauchery of language and behavior in SF, specifically among gay men, I’d rather not hear about it. It’s nasty IMO. It’s one of the reasons I left the area. I was sick of hearing about and having their deviant sexual practices shoved in my face.
I mean the “drag queen” story hour is technically free speech right? But that wasn’t the intention of the 1st amendment to be able to groom children. But limiting speech won’t stop that because the government isn’t allowing the response by parents who oppose this.
The problem with authoritarian monitoring of speech and other liberties is that power in and of itself corrupts most of the time IMO.
Even if limits on speech can have a positive effect sometimes or a perceived positive effect does not mean this power will always be used in a benevolent way.
Power is like a drug and I’d guess that once people have a taste of it, don’t want to let it go. People use it for their own personal purposes, not to protect the population from harm.
When I was in college decades ago, there was much less censorship and more academic freedom. People could openly state different opinions and there was no expectation of “safe spaces” on campus.
The idea of using limits on speech to limit anxiety is not why they want to do it.
Please interview Bryan Lunduke about the infiltration and subversion of ALL tech, not in any vague ways (which is how most folks speak on it), but how the technocracy (F.A.A.N.G. + MS) and woke-ommunists are absolutely deliberately destroying Mozilla, all browsers, Linux, all operating systems, Gits, open-source, and all F/LOSS (free/libre open-source software). Learn to code – for freedom!
Please interview the Hijacking Bitcoin author.
You mentioned “May you live in interesting times” so kindly interview Tim Kelly again and/or Joseph Atwill. I must confess since they (and so many other great folks) got banned from YouTube I haven’t followed them because I depend on the convenient YouTube playlist feature that makes it easier to self-control and precisely sort my chosen content rather than distractions and timesucks. I tried to use the newer Rumble playlist and was disappointed – so maybe I’ll try again in hopes they’ve improved it.
I believe you briefly featured Shawn Jason, founder of Druthers, the Canadian indie paper. Many of us would like to hear more about their origins, process, 4 years, etc. In Windsor we’re working on several local pages and pamphlets that we insert into the Druthers fold before distributing – doing some for a while, some prototypes are almost ready, and many are in development as part of a wider series, all open-source and modifiable for other communities. We’re not quite ready to share all this but soon.
The Ottawa 2022 scene was reasonably covered, and the Alberta border scene too – but the Windsor 2022 Ambassador Bridge “blockade” has NEVER been properly covered, much less in depth to expose the crazy corruption, conspiracies, and almost too crazy to believe actual secreted story. Windsor had a gambling racetrack, that owner got millions “to improve it”, and his Mennonite truckers started the bridge “blockade” inorganically. The police did a better job of blocking everything than we ever could. They also happened to have work crews ready to repair major parts of the bridge that week. I (Santa Libertas) was one of the last two people to walk away from a few hundred cops pushing us out early Sunday morning – before they started hurting people. We were gone but Monday Trudeau implemented the Emergencies Act. And there’s so much more to this story.
Personally, I’m working on a simple comedy short that may be worthy of showing on the Corbett Report. I need to get it done before the elections to get Trudeau out. When I can I add stuff to my Projex.Wiki, have started LeverMind.net on a HumHub platform with all the features of Facebook and more – but I haven’t finished the first draft of the bottom-up community self-management constitution that will lay the foundations for it. My friend x0x7 is hand-coding GoatMatrix.net. I’m developing a SantaLibertas.com series of fun shorts and podcast. And I recently started Janglers.ca animation and live-action – so let me know if you need any.
Awe, great!
Turns out Trudeau is expected to resign later today.
So much for my short film. I can spin it into something else I guess but it won’t be as good. Yet. I’ve got to think on it.
Bryan lunduke is one of the best tech guys…. He is actually funny to listen to and I must thank him for all those “what if I want to” Linux videos he used to post before dumping YouTube.
He also has problems with the AI thing and is one of the best chaps to explain how internet surveillance works in a normie friendly way. It’s sad how he had basically been cancelled
Jimmy and Kurt ramble about some blunders by Claire Danes on Stephen Colbert’s show, regarding “intelligence communities” ties to Hollywood propaganda. Quite a blunder, well worth a watch. I’m also downloading this one.
I saw that Jimmy Dore clip!
He sometimes has some good content, and I like the way Jimmy presents things.
Carrie Anne Mathison, played by actress Claire Danes, is a fictional character and the protagonist of the American television drama/thriller series “Homeland “on Showtime.
Mar 19, 2017
Homeland | ‘Sock Puppets’ Official Clip | Season 6 Episode 10
90 seconds
Max (Maury Sterling) tells Carrie about the elaborate social media operation he’s uncovered.
“…hundreds of employees creating tens of thousands of fake users, each with personal history, supporting details, multiple cyber presences.”
“…Sock puppets.”
I’ve heard rumors of social media boiler rooms like this in Russia and in China, but not here. And definitely not on this scale.” “…You should be paying attention… “
“Somebody is paying O’Keefe a shitload of money to build a massive domestic propaganda machine, and if this somebody is DoD or NSA or Dar Adal (TV character), he’s breaking about ten federal laws.”
“…Plus this isn’t just about Fake News and Manipulating Public Opinion, it’s about stifling dissent.”
2 minute video of a government sponsored sock-puppet boiler room.
Homeland – Critical Review via Clip of sockpuppet operation
(2 minutes)
By prediction is that the AI bubble is going to burst, just like the .com and housing bubbles before them.
This will cause some economic issues and ALSO change the internet radically IMO
Bryan Lunduke did a thing years ago on the end of the internet.
Ed Zitron of the “better offline” podcast talks a lot about the rot economy and how it’s making tech worse and worse for people.
And now we’re seeing Meta OPENLY say that they will put AI bots online to interact with people the whole Dead Internet things looking very real…. I don’t think the internet will hold anything but mental illness for normies in the future
Late to the party as usual – and I’ve forgotten my frilly knickers – but here’s my reaction to unpleasant (IMO) language: shrug. As the Grocer’s daughter once said, deny it the oxygen of publicity. Oops – just dunnit!
Re New Year’s resolution: to try and engage with at least one stranger on a bus or train at any level (the price of fish will do) but strictly no proselytizing – nor dancin’!
Here is a preview clip from my R-Future 2025 presentation (reading a quote from “The Unlikely Peace at Cuchumaquic”, by Martín Prechtel)
As I noted above, the title of my talk is:
Designing Bio-cultural Refugia : seeding ancient wisdom in the fertile soils of modern Regenerative knowledge
Here is the written post with references on the material covered in the presentation linked and elaborations on terms mentioned:
Hey there. I liked your ideas in the “ethno-genesis” part of your talk too. Not sure how many people will be receptive to it, especially people who normally isolate like many traditional Chinese for example, but it’s good to share your ideas with people of all types.
In the past I know humans formed tribes and communities too, so I think some of this is part of human nature. Good to promote positive ways to form communities.
Although I’d fathom a guess that most people who’d be interested in doing this are living in Western countries already and many immigrants arriving are more tribal and isolationist than those in the host countries.
As an aside, I have a friend who moved to Italy from America and she’s having a hard time staying there because there are people flooding into the country, many from non Western countries. I’m not sure how Italy will absorb these people. She’s even fluent in Italian where others are not. I’ve found westerners more open in general in modern times. No shame in those who aren’t but just something I perceive.
A common language is one way to communicate with others and share ideas. It might be hard to share ideas among non English speakers. I’ve found people from the west more willing to learn foreign languages too, especially if they move out of the country to a foreign land.
I like your idealism and that you are sharing your ideas with others.
Thanks for watching the video and sharing your thoughts.
In reality, the process of creating permanent counter-cultures (aka the process of initiating non-genetically, non-religious, non-nationalistically and non-geographically defined forms of Ethnogenesis) are occurring now with many people not being conscious that they are a part of that process.
This community of people created by our gracious guest James Corbett is a great example. People from myriad national, racial, religious and economic backgrounds all learning together, sharing ideas, learning about decentralized solutions and applying them in our daily lives as we “systematically refuse” to participate in the schemes of the so called “elite” (oligarchs and their puppets).
This process of active Ethnogenesis would also accurately describe the birth of the United States of America (systemic refusal to remain oppressed/taxed by a bloated transnational imperialistic statist regime, which culminated in the American Revolution).
And I would say that it also describes, the emergent health freedom, health sovereignty and natural medicine movements that were (in a significant way) expanded exponentially in places like Canada (and all over the world) over the last 3 years in response to various totalitarian government edicts and corporate profiteering operations that forced people to wake up, reassess the nature of the industrial allopathic medical system and systematically refuse to support it any longer.
I highlighted some of the variables that instigated this emergence of a natural health based counter-culture in this note: https://substack.com/@gavinmounsey/note/c-84928518
(continued from comment above..)
So, in truth, people are already “receptive” to systematically refusing to participate in corrupt, totalitarian and/or degenerative centralized systems, and they are actively forming decentralized counter-cultures or “parallel societies” in order to boycott and thrive without being connected to said centralized systems of oppression and exploitation. Those are forms of active Ethnogenesis (whether or not people realize they are doing it).
As I state in my article linked above that provides supporting material for my presentation, widely present tree families such as birch and pines tree are a sacred reminder of a time before arbitrary lines were drawn in the sand by statists for greed and ego back to an era when many of our ancient ancestors knew the birch trees and pine trees and had a reciprocal relationship with them.
Long before people were swearing allegiance to kings, queens and flags they were swearing allegiance to the living Earth and recognizing our ancient kin (such as the lady of the woods and the nobles of the global woodlands) and the many gifts they share with us.
Thus, beyond written and spoken language is a universal language that connects all of us through our indigenous ancestral past to being able to find common ground in the present, resist tyranny and co-create a better future.
If you were to ask people if they thought that a thing called the United States of America would be created in 1750, many of them would have likely told you “I like your idealism” but…
and if you were to ask people here in Canada (or anywhere else on Earth) in 2021 if they thought that a massive convoy of tens of thousands of truckers, farmers, doctors, retired police, retired military men and women and everyday people were going to spontaneously drop everything in their lives, and go to Ottawa to peacefully protest against the totalitarian mandates of the scamdemic (and send people like Trudeau scurrying and hiding with his tail between his legs) they would have likely said “I like your idealism” but…
Well, sometimes what others perceive as “idealism” is not actually unrealistic, it is just beyond the imaginative capacity of the one deeming that thing to be impossible or improbable.
As I stated in my video preview, the Regenerative Food movement is, in itself a form of (non-genetically, non-religious, non-nationalistically and non-geographically defined) Ethnogenesis as it brings people together from all walks of life, from all over the world, to systematically refuse to eat the fake meat, the pharma food and the nutritionally depleted big ag GMO junk, to instead grow and access real nutrient dense food in a way that gives back to the Earth. The powers that be will try to side rail, hijack, convolute and cointelpro the movement, but those that apply its techniques in a decentralized manner will remain unfazed and prevail in the end.
Thanks again for the response.
*gracious host
Happy New Year!
Things will get better, I just don’t expect it in our lifetimes.
(For me, better just means a greater priority for truth. Transparency is a big part of that).
My prediction for the new year is that stupidity and lies and violence will continue to reign, as it has for all of recorded history. Grappling for the gun is the climax of every movie. Ooh, Ooh, I hope the good guy grabs it first.
Maybe psychological angles need to be considered even more. Were we all raised with too much fear and retribution? Anyway, this is a huge phenomenon, and until the people evolve no heroics will stick. This will take a while. But Life is healing. But that is getting a little religious…
Hi James,
My New Year’s tradition is a Review and Preview of the Year which I’ve archived for 2024-2025 at: https://www.heartcom.org/GlobalTLCreset.htm
A big issue for 2025 will be radical forgiveness of Deep State plutocrats, technocrats, bureaucrats and psychopaths who sustain the abject evil of Gaza genocide and COVID democide as normalizes depopulation with dehumanizing consequences. Hopefully, a Big Reveal in 2025 will be how the COVID Psy-Op – toxic injections for ‘health’ – has been Big Tech/Big Pharma collusion to cover up 5G-caused respiratory illness from Wuhan to 5G hot spots newly installed in hospitals and schools across America; how big profit from mass disease and endless war trumps public health and sane economics. Will Trump trump the death cult insanity?
My understanding is that for most of January (until 25th?), we will likely see very cold temps throughout much of the U.S.
Monday January 6, 2025
BAM – United States January Weather Trend Forecast
Very Stormy & Cold Pattern likely as we go through the heart of winter.
BAM Weather was founded in 2012 and has steadily expanded over the past 12 years.
…The official weather provider for numerous Major and Minor League Baseball teams, the NHRA, NASCAR tracks, NFL teams and more.
BAM Weather is moving towards being a global leader in weather information and forecasts.
Who the hell is Daniel Sheehan?
Peoples Advocate?
Harvard Graduate?
The most renowned constitutional lawyer- tried more conspiracy cases than anyone? Won huge settlements?
Conspiracy educator for the policy makers?
Lead Council for the Jesuit order?
Head of the New Paradigm Institute pushing for disclosure?
Climate Crusader?
Advocate for University level curriculum that for disclosure based on UN SDG’s?
Amazing Storyteller?
Family Friend of RFK Jr. – Invited to RFK’s Thanksgiving???? yep.
2:40 has a picture of Daniel at RFK’s Thanksgiving.
Your documentaries are excellent. Looking forward to your new content.
Waymo Trouble than a Human driven Taxi…
Tuesday Jan 7, 2025 – Dallas Express
Self-Driving Car Chaos: Entrepreneur Trapped In Circling Waymo Vehicle
In a bizarre turn of events, a tech entrepreneur found himself trapped in a self-driving vehicle that wouldn’t stop circling.
Mike Johns, traveling from Scottsdale, Arizona, to Los Angeles in a Waymo taxi, experienced what can only be described as a sci-fi thriller moment when his ride began to endlessly drive around in circles, the New York Post reported.
What was meant to be a smooth trip quickly became a frustrating and disorienting ordeal as the rogue vehicle veered off course.
Johns, clearly baffled and panicked, took to his phone to call Waymo’s customer service while the car kept spinning. “I got a flight to catch. Why is this thing going in a circle?” he asked the representative in an anxious tone, as seen in a video Johns posted on LinkedIn…
…After several minutes of trying to get control of the vehicle remotely, the Waymo customer service representative managed to stop the car, per the Post.
By this point, the vehicle had completed eight full circles in a parking lot…
…“You’d think by now Waymo would email, text, or call for a follow-up. Nope, customer service is automated and ran by AI,”
Johns lamented in his post.
LOL. That’s really funny, not for the passenger but for me. Those things are dangerous. I’ve had a near collision with one in a city I was working in recently.
Can one of y’all pinch me? I must be dreaming.
Just watched this video of Mark Zuckerberg announcing new policies in reducing censorship on his platforms (Facebook, Meta, others?)
-Claimed removal of “fact checkers” to be replaced by community notes.
-Claimed large reduction to automatic filter/bot moderation/censorship to no longer filter all policy violations but instead focus on only highly illegal content
-Claiming to “bring back civic content” and stop their removal of political posts from users feeds.
-Claimed movement of entirety of moderation employees from California to Texas to avoid issues with bias.
This obviously comes across as pandering more to the new administration and it’s voter base to some degree. Maybe, in practice, the true degree of censorship and control of speech and information won’t change, but instead this will simply be a change in the flavor of censorship. It may simply be an effort to appease a modern audience and try to redirect their attention away from the subject of freedom of speech so they can continue to censor inconvenient data without too many prying eyes or questions.
But, but, still. Over all, it just seems too good to be real. If the changes in practice do genuinely resemble the changes as claimed, it seems too good to simply be a rebranding of censorship that is just as controlling but with more illusion of freedom.
Hell, I’m pretty excited just to hear someone as publicly prominent as the Zuck himself be talking about the true importance of freedom of expression!
l be honest, since the wave of censorship that hit the entire planet during COVID, I lost hope in our fight in the information war. For the first time, I started to wonder if places like The Corbett Report and the truth movements that surround them might slowly be lost to obscurity in our future, state approved, mandatory digital ID login internet.
It did feel for a minute there prior that there were so many people waking up to the individuals and organizations in positions of power doing their best to manipulate their minds and every aspect of their lives. But then, the modern psyop of making being right wing the cool and counter-culture thing to be and deluding people into thinking the ring wing “cool guys” (Trump and later Musk, among others) were oh so anti-deep state. Of course, the obvious and extreme example is the Q-anon psyop.
Let’s be honest, there are many who drift to circles that overlap with Corbett’s not simply because they are beginning to question the served narrative, but because they are prone to beliefs not based on evidence but based on faith, and many of those individuals get caught up in the latest “Conspiracy!!”™©® disinformation garbage meant to muddy the waters and be played on TV to disparage conspiracy theorists.
Which is exactly why the whole Q-Anon op caters more specifically to those with Christian faith. It was the tuning of the dial of the Christian voter base the right picked up in the 70’s to help get them on the path for the new vision of the right for the general public in being the counter-culture.
Yes, it did feel, for a moment years ago, the number of skeptical, critically thinking, lucid individuals peaking through the veil truly was growing significantly. But I did learn that may not have been as true as a I’d thought when a very large amount of that crowd started preaching DJ Trump’s narrative. Then COVID came and censorship became such a successful talking point, normies were asking for increased censorship online. That felt like it just might be the beginning of the end.
I’ve said all that to say this- This video of Mark Zuckerberg, looking as stupid as he does trying to be one of us (specifically a 16 year old boy?) while wearing a $900,000 watch, feels like the most genuinely positive video for the state of the world I have seen in a very, very long time. Even knowing it absolutely will not be nearly as much of a win for freedom of expression as he is trying to imply, it still really does seem genuinely good.
Am I delusional? Is Zuckerberg actually a lizard person in human skin and he is using his vacant stare ability to peer into my soul and manipulate me to his will?
Pandering to an audience that wants something good is a good thing. The mistake we are taught to make in school is to assume that things are the way they are for any other reason then people will put up with x but won’t put up with y.
I am all for politicians pandering to my desires 🙂
As to the q anon thing Constance cumby who was a big one talking about the New Age (which is heavily involved in conspiracy) did say that the movement had all kinds of New Age traits. Prof Richard Spence did a talk on ‘Operation Trust’ which was a very similar op done by the Bolsheviks to keep their opposition passive and contained.
I think his talk was on “the farm “ with reculse but can’t find it now but I did find a thing he wrote. Not read it yet
We dont really have a New Year Tradition in our household, every year is a little different.
This year my projects are:
To run a Qortal Node on a raspbery pi 5 (in spite of 54 years of computing, I feel totally out of my depth, but will nevertheless achieve this before the March equinox)
Continue to bring my community together under any guise that appeals to them, to make this little piece of the planet more regenerative and resilient. So far, there’s a Chess Club, a Fermenting group, Spinning, Pottery, and a Book Club (the brainchild of my husband) offering all, the opportunity to read books that will no doubt be burnt in the future.
Block efforts to close our local ‘village hall’ by booking and organising at least one event per month
To create a LETS (Local Economic Trading System)
To create an organic buying club, so that ‘it’s too expensive’ is no longer an excuse to continue to eat Mr Global’s sh1te.
2025 promises to be full and such fun.
Bring it on.
Havent read the whole thing, but dude seems to make some good points
“found info on Matthew Livelsberger the alleged cybertruck guy and went down a rabbit hole
He used this email address geode11_20
google search leads to this one comment from a guy on a BMW forum with a new lead, 1erStuttgarter”
Partially as a reaction to NWNW from today:
About Trudeau leaving: Have you noticed how many western governments are quitting for one reason or another before the regular (s)election cycle? Canada is the last on a longer list: Germany, Austria, France, Portugal, …
Heiko Schöning, a German Doctor and activist who predicted the COVID crisis in mid 2019 has also foretold half a year ago that some important governments would fail still in 2024 or very early in 2025. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zu8ei887URU (in German), https://eticamedia.eu/schoening-report/
The rationale would be that the (s)election cycles of many of the “leading” countries would be in sync with the US (and GB, which had regular selections last year), so that after the anticipated/early elections this spring there would be a number of years without important (possibly disrupting) elections, making space for the authoritarian handling of a new crisis, be it a new pandemic, a financial crisis, an escalation of the hot wars, or whatever. So 2025 could be a year of new lockdowns or similar measures.
Another point Schöning is making is the promotion of a focus on the “microbiome” by Bill Gates. Last April Gates traveled to Germany and gave an interview to one of the most popular (and traditional ‘populist’) media BILD/Springer, and right after the introduction the interviewer asks about the female microbiome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBg0XBL-of8
Very curious indeed, and coincides with the inclusion of paragraphs addressing this “issue” in the then planned (and later failed) WHO pandemic treaty.
Two things to be aware of possibly and further investigate, it seems to me.
Nothing can put a plandemic on hold like an election. “winning” against the plandemic just before the election and for the election purposes stretches the doublethink to the limit. Even more so when the plandemic resumes right after the continuity of government has been ensured.
Well, my above statement is not really correct. Earthquakes do wonders for jolting people back into reality, too.
Another hint that you might find interesting: Have you heard of C. J. Hopkins, a Berlin-based American dissident (fled the warmongering authoritarian climate in the US after 9/11), playwright, satirical political commentator and author. https://consentfactory.org/ He caught my attention with a series of very sharp interviews during the Covid years.
Last October, he has been judged guilty in Berlin (in the Appellate Court, overturning an earlier acquittal) of the thought crime of comparing the COVID new normal to nazi-fascism, for tweeting a picture (the cover-art of his third essay collection) with a swastika on a mask. He will try to appeal to the highest court in Germany, the Federal Constitutional Court.
He might be an interesting partner to interview, not only about his Kafkaesque sentence last year, but about censorship, the false left-right dichotomy, and a lot of other topics that he in my opinion is spot-on about (although he regularly distances himself from ‘conspiracy theories’).
His essay collections (the third one, with the swastika on the cover, is banned in Germany) are an excellent read, in my opinion — content wise and equally so for their language/style. The fourth volume is about to be published (announced for April). I also loved his (dystopian sci-fi) novel, “Zone 23”, from 2017, which anticipated many aspects of what would soon come to pass with the Corona crisis: permanent medication, pathologization of dissent, generalized genetic manipulation, etc..
Ya his writing is great, the Covidian Cult series was solid, and all those essays on “The Patholagization Of Totalitarianism” and “New Normal”, very well done.
His work is a little lacking when it comes to offering potential solutions, but he does a great job articulating the nature of the beast for sure.
I am presenting at the R-Future Conference today (which is free to stream online for anyone that wants to check it out)
I would value some input from the peoples here in the comments section under the presentation if you have the time to watch and share your thoughts.
Have a great day ! 🙂
Los Angeles Fires
For the historical record, the LA regional fires began around Tuesday January 7.
Extremely high winds in southern California made for tough conditions.
I am very disturbed by this ongoing tragedy.
So many people’s lives turned upside down.
The air, land and water runoff will be a future toxic nightmare to contend with.
Today I was listening to a Highwire segment where Del discussed this issue with some good people from LA. They offered some solid advice to insurance seekers (the kind of advice people charge profusely for) and also touched on the fact that much of the burned up stuff was essentially imbued with a bunch of chemicals. That has now been fully released into the environment.
Love the smell of napalm in the morning…It’s an American thing Mkey.
I’ve been looking into Chinese insurance companies and their investments in So.Cal properties. There’s a story there.
Palisades area of Lost Angeles
The Palisades area was devastated by the fires.
65-year old local resident John Carr defied the Authoritarian mandatory evacuation orders for the neighborhood.
He stayed.
Everyone else left.
He saved his home and the homes of two neighbors with a garden hose.
What’s even more alarming…
He never saw a fire truck.
3 minute mark.
Carr said
“If they had had some fire trucks and just put a squirt here, a squirt there and kept an eye on things, all these houses would be here now. I’m telling you right now. I saw it with my own eyeballs. All these houses. The houses behind me they’re all gone. They started with one little spark, one little small fire. They just squirted those out, had a few people out there, they’d all be here now.”
Friday Jan 10
Meet the Palisades resident who defied evacuation orders and saved his home | ABS-CBN News
5 minutes with visuals
Goldman Sachs analysts believe estimated insured losses could be between $10 and $30 billion, with the figure for uninsured losses north of $40 billion.
[Okay…$70 to $80 billion total.]
Council on Foreign Relations says:
Congress has passed five bills appropriating $175 billion in response to Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine. While most of this spending is aid going to the government of Ukraine, a large portion is funding other U.S. government activities associated with the war.
The fires have become the region’s worst fire disaster in history, with new damage and economic loss estimates between $250 billion and $275 billion, according to AccuWeather.
I remember reading about another far extremist who decided to stay his ground and fight fire with water in the Maui fire, but they had turned off the water, so it was in vain.
Neighbors thanked him, he says. If this fella saved my house, I’d buy him a car and put a thank you note in the glove compartment.
#SolutionsWatch suggestion
I’ve recently been diving into G Edward’s Griffins work on Collectivism vs Individualism. And I largely agree that these are the two major opposing ideologies at war. However, when I talk to some people about this, they vehemently oppose individualism – like “rugged individualism” is appalling. So I wonder if using the term “cooperative individualism” would land easier. What do you think?
Because humans are social beings, and we need our communities to thrive, the idea of being a lone wolf is a turn off. And in opposition, collectivism seems better. So, in effort to avoid this perception of isolation, I propose that we in the freedom/autonomy/voluntarist community, start using the phrase “cooperative individualism” instead of simply “individualism”. Perhaps we can find the middle ground with this simple turn of phrase?
I welcome your thoughts.
I’d like to add, that this is a specific term with principles that support this socio-political philosophy; which do resonate with me.
Here is my Full R-Future 2025 Presentation :
Incase you guys missed it in the R-Future Conference, the video linked above is my full presentation.
In the presentation I talk about the concept of refugia (both cultural and biological forms) and then discuss the immense potential we can unlock when we combine them in one space. I explore terms like ethnoecology and talk about pathways to intentionally create regenerative counter-cultures (aka “ethnogenesis”) and how we might each explore ancestral wisdom and apply ancient regenerative worldviews in our modern gardens and designs. I invite you to come on a journey to learn about how some ecologically literate and socially advanced ancient cultures preserved, propagated and applied place based wisdom without the existence of a centralized state authority. This will be a call to remember, rediscover, reconnect and gather the shards of our often shattered ancestral cultural past and merge those shards with the resilient substance of modern ecological knowledge and regenerative soil science. Talk a walk with me to gather ancient seeds and plant them in a garden of hope for future generations.
[Be sure to click some of the anchor text links in article.]
Monday January 13, 2025 – The Defender of Children’s Health Defense –
By the powerful journalistic writer, Dr. Brenda Baletti
Breaking: 6 Lawsuits Filed Today Accuse Makers of Children’s Fluoride Toothpaste of Violating Federal Law
Children’s toothpaste brands Crest and Colgate/Tom’s of Maine, and mouth rinse brands Act, Tom’s of Maine, Firefly and Hello deceptively market their products, which contain fluoride, as “extra safe for children,” according to six class action lawsuits filed today in California and Illinois.
Six class action lawsuits filed today accuse major dental product manufacturers of deceptively marketing products containing fluoride to young children, and misleading parents to believe the products are safe for toddlers.
The lawsuits name children’s toothpaste brands Crest and Colgate/Tom’s of Maine, and the children’s mouth rinse brands Act, Colgate/Tom’s of Maine, Firefly and Hello.
Plaintiffs include parents and caregivers in multiple states, including California, Illinois and New York. In the case of Crest toothpaste, the proposed class is nationwide. The lawsuits were filed in federal courts in California and Illinois.
According to the complaints, the plaintiffs were misled by the product marketing and as a result, didn’t follow public health guidelines when using the products. The lawsuits also allege the companies fail to adequately flag instructions for proper use, as mandated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
According to the complaints, the companies design their product labels with candy and fruit juice flavors and images and cartoon characters to appeal to young children, often misleading them to think the products are meant to be consumed as food.
The complaints also accuse the defendants of using false and misleading labeling that leads parents and caretakers to believe the products are “extra safe for children.” ..
…the dangers of fluoride go beyond immediate toxicity and include “neurotoxicity concerns, endocrine disruption, increased risk of bone fracture.”
The evidence supporting these claims is growing. Scientists at the National Toxicology Program last week published a meta-analysis in the JAMA Pediatrics linking fluoridated water and IQ loss in children. It “found significant inverse associations between fluoride exposure and children’s IQ scores.”
They also published a monograph in August that also found a link between higher fluoride exposure and lower IQ in children. In May, a study in JAMA Open Network found children born to women exposed during pregnancy to fluoridated drinking water were more likely to have neurobehavioural problems….
TrueRepublic: A Platform for Decentralized Decision-Making
Have you ever felt powerless in the face of political decisions? Too often, MPs put career opportunities above real representation, while small, influential and corruption-prone committees within political parties hold significant power. In this podcast
Markus will tell us about a possible solution to enable direct democracy in political parties. Democracy should go beyond the election of parties and also include the active evaluation of policies. Achieving this vision requires a secure platform that creates group transparency while protecting individual privacy. Modern technologies such as cryptography and blockchain can be used to enable broader and more secure participation in decision-making processes. With such a platform, so-called “proxy parties” could enable direct democracy within the existing system and reduce corruption.
📱 Connect with the project on Telegram: t.me/TrueRepublic
https://pmonien.medium.com/achieving-true-democracy-a-sound-basis-and-new-party-operating-system-f5101e34dc9c https://telegra.ph/The-three-Pillars-of-TrueRepublic-05-30
Monday January 13, 2025 – QUARTZ – By Ben Kesslen
1 of every 5 job postings is actually fake, study says
The epidemic of “ghost jobs” spells bad news for job seekers
… According to a new analysis from the hiring platform Greenhouse, about one in five jobs posted last quarter was a “ghost job.” Greenhouse found that on average, between 18 and 22% of jobs posted online would classify as “ghost jobs,” meaning one that was published online, but no hiring activity was ever conducted for it.
In some industries, as many of one in three listings are ghost jobs, Greenhouse found.
Its data showed the construction industry had the largest average ghost job rate out of all industries, with 38% of jobs being classified as ghost jobs. Art industry jobs came in second place at 34%, and legal jobs came in third with 29%. Greenhouse found in the second quarter of 2024, almost 31% of corporate services job postings never led to anyone being hired.
Companies post ghost jobs for a variety of reasons, like trying to project growth even if they aren’t growing, or because they are open to great candidates even if they don’t have a role open.
A survey from Resume Builder in 2024 revealed that 39% of hiring managers said their company posted a fake job listing in the past year. Among those who did, “approximately 26% posted one to three fake job listings, 19% posted five, 19% posted 10, 11% posted 50, 10% posted 25, and 13% posted 75 or more.”
Some hiring managers even admitted they post fake jobs to keep their own employees on their toes, saying they want workers to feel “replaceable” so they will work harder.
One in three (34%) say fluoride use is healthy or beneficial for the public, compared to 15% that say it is harmful or detrimental and 9% that say it has no real impact. However, a plurality say they don’t know (41%) if fluoride is healthy or harmful.
Wednesday January 15, 2025 – Ipsos
Many Americans are unsure if fluoride is being added to their water supply
New Ipsos polling explores public opinion around fluoride use in the public water supply
Washington DC, January 15, 2025—A new Ipsos poll finds that while a majority of Americans are familiar with the use of fluoride in the U.S. water supply, a plurality doesn’t know if fluoride is currently being added to the water supplying their home.
The poll also finds that while a plurality doesn’t know if the use of fluoride in public water supplies is harmful or detrimental for the public, Americans are more likely to say the fluoride use is healthy or beneficial to the public rather than harmful or detrimental….
Is this the beginning of the end of the fake character known as Elon Musk?
Elon Gamer Fraud Scandal Is Worse Than His H-1B Scandal
“If someone is going to commit fraud in order to gain something that has no quantitative value, does anyone think that person would not commit fraud in order to acquire billions currency units?
““He commits fraud over minor petty things, but he is very honest when it comes to the big things” is not believable at all. No one would believe that. With Fraud Gamer, Elon Musk has proved that he is willing to commit massive fraud in any context, and that he is reckless and stupid with is fraud.”
Additional info: Fraud Gamer Musk Has Total Meltdown, Leaks DMs and Takes Bluecheck in Response to Being Called Out
Excerpt: “The Fraud Gamer, the Fraud Free Speecher, the Fraud Self-Driver, the Fraud Roboter, the Shitcoin Scammer, the Fat Slob and Plastic Surgery Disaster, the Great Replacer, must be removed from power and fully investigated by the government on all of these scams… “
I’m still on FB, God help me. :/ I just started a tagline #JamesCorbettcalledit. Maybe (?) that will pique people’s curiosity more than the links I’ve shared that they completely ignore. Haha! Y’all please join me using it on whatever evil or good social media platforms you’re using. 🙂
Kind of a random post, but I have been getting into the moon landing conspiracy lately, and I was curious what other people on the Corbett Report thought about it. I read Dave McGowan’s series on the matter, watched the American Moon documentary, watched JC’s Kubrick video, and read some other articles on the matter, and I am kind of 50/50 on it. What stuck out to me is not really any of the old photographs and the lighting/shadows, but a. the fact that NASA claims they destroyed essentially all of the data from the Apollo missions, and b. that NASA has said going back there will take many years/ be complicated by the radiation belts. At the same time though, there are seemingly pretty good recent satellite photos of lunar rover tracks, footprints, etc., so I don’t know what to think.
Here’s a video I had bookmarked. About 1.5 minutes of cursing and pointing out the errors in logic regarding filming and mystery of how the rover could fit inside the capsule. Points worth researching further.
This is awesome!! Might be too much honesty on our ‘Moon landing’ huh!
A couple of points:
– the camera which supposed austronauts used to take all of those iconic pictures did not have auto focus and exposition had to be adjusted manually. At the same time, the camera had to be mounted on the astronauts chest as they could have not handled such a small device in their magical suits. The helmet impeded the vision considerably and fist functionality was severely hampered.
– the lander and command module cladding was made of mylar! I shit you not.
– the modules were just too small to host three people in magical suits and a boatload of equipment they lugged around.
– many of the photos taken show both said mylar and complete lack of dust on it.
– there is no crater below the module, which should be there due to landing with a thruster. One would expect dust to raise and settle, too, but that’s some magical moon dust, I guess.
– some of the photographs show that they have been altered over the years, as to have more detail added to them. Like the photo of the moon buggy that miraculously appeared in a more detailed version, with extra eye candy on the rims.
Hard to know anything here, but one thing: these people are ready to manufacture anything to prop up the proganda and murder people who get in the way. To them, this is likely not only propaganda but zealotry and they are very fanatical about it.
Definitely some interesting points, and it does seem like they may have killed some people over they years who were critical of the space program.
Oh, you know it. They likely murdered the actual first crew that was to take part in the psyop. When you get rid of the people who don’t want to play ball, what are you left with?
Based on what I have learned of both the conventional story of space exploration pushed by our governments, NASA and mockingbird media outlets (many salient points surrounding that fairy tale were outlined by mkey above) and based on what I have learned about the actual technologies that are used for space based human vehicles, I would summarize my understanding of the “moon landing” by saying the following:
The televised moonlanding footage was fake but humans did indeed go to the moon.
The implications of what they found there radically threaten the foundational stories that various multi-generational social engineering/behavior modification institutions use to keep people complacent, obedient and thereby facilitate the perpetuation of the status quo.
Thus, a fake moonlanding story and footage was manufactured (which served, and continues to serve to further entrench statist brainwashing narratives and amplify the Heroic America Manifest Destiny delusion globally).
Gavin, in my line of thinking I always left room for the possibility that they, in fact, did go somewhere, in a place that could not be televised, not the way it needed to be televised.
It is important to understand that the US space program back then was, officially, quite unsuccessful. Soviets (officially) ran circles around them.
Another official fact (and a bit of setback) is that this world of ours is enveloped in a radiation field that practically makes it so nothing alive can ever leave. Practically impossible to confirm any of this via direct observation.
When I disentangled what can be known from what can not, I had to conclude that they may have gone somewhere (even though extremely unlikely that they went to the moon; and back), but certainly not by the method that was presented/televised. I.e. a MK ultra circus freak show on 2x recording speed.
However, I never ran into anything concrete to give a bone to chew on to this agnostic approach. Do you have anything concrete to backup it up?
Well my friend, RE “Do you have anything concrete to backup it up” I have about as much proof as I do that a place called Antarctica or the Cook Islands exists. I have stories from other people and pictures, that I either choose to discern are legit, or not.
In this age of super high res “AI” deepfakes, how can we really now any image we look at is legit? Rarely can we go to the place and touch most things we see on these screens for ourselves and get that “bone to chew on”, so it all comes down to using intuition, discernment, asking ourselves the hard questions (about our own potential blind spots/confirmation biases etc) and either deciding we perceive something to be true or not.
The people I have heard intel on this from seem to me like people that had nothing to gain (financially, socially or professionally) and everything to lose from coming forward, so that for me is something that made me want to pay attention.
Based on what I have been told by a couple guys I happened to cross paths with in this life that worked in compartmented R&D on exotic propulsion and weapons tech, the radiation field problem you mentioned was approached two ways. One they tried different alloys and combinations of materials to create a sort of faraday cage (to mitigate the radiation’s deleterious impacts on the biology of the occupants) that approach has mixed results and was not “air tight”. Then they played around with creating various artificially induced fields of radiation that emanated from the craft (which are not deleterious to human biology, or at least not deadly, but are capable of nullifying the external radiation fields) and they had better success with that. It ended up that they create a field that both manipulates the mass of the matter within it (rendering it practically “weightless”), nullifying the forces of inertia and also disrupting or cancelling out external forms of radiation to a significant degree.
But ya you are right , aside from me giving you a super high powered telescope to look through and see some trippy looking monoliths and domes and stuff on the moon for yourself, or giving you a ride up there, it all comes down to discernment and intuition.
In the end, regardless of what humans have (or have not) been up to on the moon and elsewhere beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, I have a lot of important, meaningful and fulfilling work to do down here, so it does not change my motivations, direction or priorities in life one bit either way.
thanks for the comment
Yeah I also thought it was certainly possible that they went to the moon but the footage was fake. Out of curiosity, what is it that you think they may have found there that would have threatened their control of the public? Also @mkey, your point about the U.S. being so far behind the Soviets is one of the main things that makes me so skeptical. They had all these set-backs and deaths in the program, but then they go like 5/6 in trips to the moon. It just seems crazy to me. And the whole radiation matter is also hard for me to comprehend.
RE : “what is it that you think they may have found there that would have threatened their control of the public?”
Same thing I suspect they find anywhere else they look on most other planets or moons in this ancient and vast universe, paradigm shattering evidence that we are not the coolest, smartest or oldest kids on the block.
I mean just look at the immensity and age of the universe, whether you wanna say God put us here or “evolution” (or a combination of both) there are myriads galaxies out there, each with millions of star systems, most stars having a solar system and many of them having planets capable of supporting life like us or similar. Life did not happen here first, our sun, planet and solar system are young on the scale of our galaxy and our galaxy is young compared to others out there. Many worlds just like this one have had billions of years of a head start on us. God would not let all those beautiful diverse worlds go to waste and sit there empty, and if you think life is all mathematical flukes, that is a lot of time for a great many flukes to happen.
So in short, what would they have found? They would have found clear signs that we live in a vast universe teaming with intelligent life, in which civilizations that have become capable of interstellar travel have risen and fallen long before the Earth even had an atmosphere, and through the eons, many from other civilizations have been through this solar system, some are gone now, moved on, evolved, extinct, and some are still here, serving as sort of babysitters, keepin an eye on the rambunctious toddlers making a mess of things down here hoping we do not blow ourselves up before we grow up enough to come join them at the adults table.
That all is certainly possible. I think it is worth thinking about the possibility that extraterrestrial life may not necessarily look to harm humanity, like how Hollywood always shows us.
I agree. I do not share the views of people like Steven Greer that state unilaterally that all interstellar travel capable civilizations are “enlightened” but the fact that we are still here and not enslaved or annihilated by a colonizing ET force does speak volumes in and of itself (given how much evidence we have showing the large amount of different ET cultures that have been here and are here now).
You may find a discussion I was having with another Corbett Report member on this topic back in 2022 interesting. I`ll link it below:
and another part of that thread from 2022 where me and mkey were discussing this subject that you might find interesting:
Came across a good video that I had bookmarked. I haven’t read all the posts previously posted, so apologies if this is a duplicate.
Maybe this documentary will be of interest to someone in our circles of influence:
The global economy is a pyramid scheme | End of the Road (full documentary)
▷ 00:00 – Intro
▷ 03:36 – Bretton Woods (1944)
▷ 05:35 – Nixon shock (1971)
▷ 07:53 – Fiat currency
▷ 09:50 – Ponzi scheme
▷ 11:20 – IOU bonds
▷ 16:10 – Inflation and purchasing power
▷ 21:30 – Occupy Wall Street (2008)
▷ 24:01 – Great Recession
▷ 27:00 – Money printing and bail out
▷ 33:08 – Return to gold
▷ 37:25 – Manipulation of gold prices
▷ 39:58 – Bullion banks and fraudulent accounting
▷ 47:14 – Conclusion
▷ 53:30 – Credits
I was surprised to see this article in the Dallas Express newspaper.
I remember the 1950’s with cotton fields in far west Texas.
Wednesday January 15, 2025 – The Dallas Express
By Sarah Zubiate Bennett – Co-Founder & Director
Explosive Audio: Did LBJ Kill JFK?
The recent resurfacing of allegations against former President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) and his ties to Malcolm “Mac” Wallace has reignited a decades-old debate about political conspiracies, murder, and the deep-seated corruption of American institutions.
In a recording recently released by Billie Sol Estes’ grandson, it is claimed that LBJ orchestrated a series of murders, including the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, to consolidate his political power. These claims are based on never-before heard audio of Clifton Carter, the former Executive Director of the Democratic National Committee and close associate of LBJ, admitting that LBJ hired Mac Wallace to assassinate JFK. If true, these allegations suggest not just a betrayal in the 1960s, but a continued legacy of corruption within government agencies that persists today. Dallas, where President Kennedy was tragically assassinated, remains central to this narrative and to the unanswered questions that haunt the city more than 60 years later.
A source who was close personal friends of Sol Estes spoke to DX on deep background to protect their identity because they’ve been harassed for years by the DOJ. The DX source verified that Sol Estes shared the exact same story as the recording captured with him personally, and that the voice heard on the tape was, in fact, Sol Estes.
Photos of the source with Sol Estes, as well as handwritten notes between the two were shared with DX. The source claimed they spoke for hundreds of hours and Sol Estes’s story never changed or had any inconsistencies.
The possibility that LBJ, the former Vice President and eventual President, played a role in JFK’s assassination is not a new theory, but the involvement of Mac Wallace as his alleged “right-hand man” has brought a chilling new dimension to the narrative. Wallace, known for his criminal history, including a documented murder conviction, is accused of being a key figure in carrying out LBJ’s dirty work. If these allegations hold any truth, it would signify one of the darkest and most audacious coups in American history – a deliberate attempt to undermine the republic from within.
The video alleges that Donald Trump and Donald Trump Jr. have been shown evidence of these claims, possibly in the form of recordings or classified documents.
The question arises: if such conspiracies were successfully executed in the 1960s, how deeply have these corrupt legacies infiltrated our modern institutions?….
Billie Sol Estes was a rich Texas Cotton king with ties to LBJ.
The grandson of Billie Sol Estes came across an audio tape made by Billie Sol Estes and Clifton Carter where they intentionally disclose that LBJ hired someone to kill JFK.
The purpose of the audio was somewhat like an insurance policy.
— LBJ Hires JFK Assassin —
Alex Jones interviews the grandson of Billie Sol Estes
QUEUE to the 1:08:00 mark to hear the audio
The U.S. may have a cold February
Thursday January 16, 2025
BAM Weather Video
At the 8 minute mark, he talks about the troposphere polar vortex as opposed to stratosphere. Towards the very end of the video, he shows a graphic for February.
JonC Memes
I don’t do politics, but the humor in some of these memes brings a chuckle.
The video graphics are pretty good.
January 2, 2025 – ZeroHedge using Barron’s data
These Are The US Government Agencies With The Highest Paid Employees
~~WWW visualcapitalist.com/highest-paid-u-s-government-agencies/
Today, some of the highest paid U.S. federal agencies are financial regulators overseeing multi-trillion dollar asset markets.
While the median pay for federal workers is $99,000, wide variations exist across 438 agencies and sub-agencies. Employees at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) have a median pay of $247,518 while employees working for Veterans Affairs and the Treasury Department are paid among the lowest.
This graphic shows the highest paid U.S. government agencies, based on data from the Office of Personnel Management via Barrons…
Top 10 Federal Agencies by Median Pay
1 Commodity Futures Trading Commission $247,518 736
2 Farm Credit System Insurance Corp. $242,124 10
3 Securities and Exchange Commission $227,571 4,993
4 Federal Housing Finance Agency $198,819 813
5 Intellectual Property Enforcement $195,600 2
6 Public Buildings Reform Board $191,900 7
7 Arctic Research Commission $191,724 2
8 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board $191,595 114
9 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau $185,654 1,687
10 Civil Rights Cold Case Review Board $183,656 5
Ranking in first is the CFTC, largely composed of attorneys, economists, and auditors.
The agency, with 736 staff, oversees the swaps market worth $400 trillion in notional value, along with commodity and Treasury futures, among other derivatives. Similarly, the Securities and Exchange Commission, which regulates stock exchanges and financial advisors, pays upwards of $227,000.
Following next is the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation, an agency of 10 people that ensure the repayment of agricultural loans issued by Farm Credit System banks. As of the third quarter of 2024, gross loans from these banks totaled $414.4 billion.
In some cases, federal agencies will pay a higher rate to remain competitive with the private sector. Yet as a whole, civil workers with advanced degrees earn up to 22% less than comparable corporate roles….
That’s one big group of data you compiled there.
Very interesting that those departments and agencies have different pay and different numbers of Civil Servants in them. Looking at patterns here and connecting the dots, the whole cloth , to what you may say?
Geo- Engineering, what else?. It has been a big money maker for those in the know.
It certainly can be like a fabric thread running through the halls of power, profit and control of a burgeoning Federal,and I would say Extra Federal bureaucracy. How. Follow the money.
The highest paid has the fewest agents. Employee would hardly fit here ,they are agents of something more. A cabal, a banking syndicate?
Many of your numbered agencies over lap as seen through the filter of Geo- Engineering. Follow the money. And it’s huge affecting a large swath of the economy. Insurance, land, food, water health capitol improvements, infrastructure, commodity markets, and several more.
You provided weather in one of your posts , BAM I believe. The consistent, persistent stationary high pressure dome that acts as a bumper for stratospheric jet streams has been talked a lot about. Parked in the upper eastern Pacific is the culprit for many never before HAARP anomaly in the moisture, vortexes and drought the Dept. Of Commerce now directs. I’m not 100% sure but I’d say 9 out of 10 agencies you list fall under DoC.
Just say’n. We got a lot to consider . Mixed feelings on all this Tex . Facts and records seem just outside of the pubic domain.
I have some mixed feelings on this piece of news, ‘cuz the “rules” are bogus from the get-go.
There are some far-reaching implications…an imperialist shakedown on foreign countries.
Monday January 20, 2025 – ZeroHedge
TikTok Restores US Service, Credits Trump As Democrats Freak Out
TikTok users were greeted with an unexpected message from the Chinese video-sharing app on Sunday afternoon, thanking President-elect Donald Trump for allowing the conditions to restore service in the US after it went dark for more than 12 hours. Trump announced earlier that he would extend the divest-or-ban deadline through an executive order on Monday. This action—painting Trump as a savior could potentially trigger a significant surge in his popularity, as more than 170 million Americans use the controversial Chinese app.
TikTokers were greeted on their smartphones with a message that praised “Trump’s efforts” that led to the app being restored. This should be seen as a solid olive branch by Beijing extended to the incoming Trump administration.
Welcome back! Thanks for your patience and support. As a result of President Trump’s efforts, TikTok is back in the US! You can continue to create, share and discover all the things you love on TikTok.
Separately, TikTok released this statement:
In agreement with our service providers, TikTok is in the process of restoring service. We thank President Trump for providing the necessary clarity and assurance to our service providers that they will face no penalties providing TikTok to over 170 million Americans and allowing over 7 million small businesses to thrive.
It’s a strong stand for the First Amendment and against arbitrary censorship. We will work with President Trump on a long-term solution that keeps TikTok in the United States.…
…Trump’s statement was posted on Truth Social on Sunday morning:
I’m asking companies not to let TikTok stay dark! I will issue an executive order on Monday to extend the period of time before the law’s prohibitions take effect, so that we can make a deal to protect our national security. The order will also confirm that there will be no liability for any company that helped keep TikTok from going dark before my order.
Americans deserve to see our exciting Inauguration on Monday, as well as other events and conversations.
I would like the United States to have a 50% ownership position in a joint venture. By doing this, we save TikTok, keep it in good hands and allow it to say up.
Without US approval, there is no Tik Tok. With our approval, it is worth hundreds of billions of dollars – maybe trillions.
Therefore, my initial thought is a joint venture between the current owners and/or new owners whereby the US gets a 50% ownership in a joint venture set up between the US and whichever purchase we so choose.
Hello everyone, just wanted to share a brief (2 and a half minute long clip) that focuses on the process of Awakening Ancestral Memories and Indigenous (place based) Knowing for those without any access to written records of their indigenous ancestors.
I feel this path of learning and remembering is especially important for those of us that have European lineage (and especially important for those of us that were brought up and indoctrinated to perceive our cultural identity as being described as “White”).
I hope you`ll watch the short clip, read the write up below it (through the archive link above) and share your thoughts in a reply below.
Thanks in advance for your time and consideration.
The idea of “white” people is a weird American one that grew especially strong after whites were driven out of their ethnic neighborhoods to destroy the catholic voting bloc by forced intergration and urban planning.
Europeans only think of themselves as white when looking at non white foreigners- Germans and English people and French people all still have an identity- though American culture has eaten away at it since ww2.
I read the write up but my machine is not getting audio on the clip. Based on the write I I will suggest that wishful thinking will not return people to a prior state of culture, be those euros or US blacks LARPing as Africans. You can’t embody something that you are not- and no one today is an ancient Celt or Saxon who grew up in a village where everyone believed the same things which are nothing like we believe today.
It’s like that clip I posted on the car epp, where Americans were calling drink driving laws communist oppression…. We can’t feel the feelings of a past culture, because we do not have the emotional attachment to the same preconceptions that they did.
If we are lucky we can approximate an understanding of how they thought and felt, but it’s a LARP if we try to become them.
That said the sacred groves were often the scene of a human Sacrifice (attested by contemporary pagan sources as well as to a lesser extent archaeology) and to think we can return to that state without returning to the full savagery is imo incorrect. There are no real voodoo practitioners who don’t do blood sacrifice, a vegan voodoo priest is to be laughed at just as trying to imagine ourselves into being our ancestors without even written records is a fools errand.
That’s my opinion ( since you asked) 🙂
Thanks for taking the time to share your views. Your comments are always so fun, exotic and colorful.
Sometimes reading them is almost like I get to glimpse into some far away tribe of hostile cannibalistic indigenous people (like the Sentinelese or Korowai or something) in that they are extremely isolationist and quick to demonize anyone that does not look like, behave like or believe what they do. I just do not see much of the views you espouse down here in statist occupied Haudenosaunee territory (“canada”). I mean there are a ton of people from India, Jamaica, Syria, Korea, Serbia and Iraq here, and there are some locals that express similar views in not being happy about it, but rarely do they express their views so boisterously and colorfully as you do, it is a real treat. 🙂
Regarding the nature of “whiteness”, what I was trying to say is that there is no real place based cultural foundation for this nebulous identity of being a “white” person. It is purely a statist invention that was manufactured to set up a hierarchical distinction that benefited those in power at the time. Until the 17th century, no one was going around describing themselves as “white”, they would have described their cultural roots (eg “I am British”, or “I am Zulu” or “I am Polish”, “I am Diné” or “I am Irish” etc). If someone wants to say that their culture is “white culture” I would say that makes them a cultural orphan and a victim of multi-generational statist programming, as there is no place called “white-land” where they can trace their roots back to and learn about all the things your ancient ancestors did for traditions that rooted them to a particular land reciprocally.
One can go and find their indigenous ancestors of course (yes, even you have them) and trace their lineage back to that culture, learn about the place based customs, language, foods, art and traditions that defined them, and they would have a solid intact culture to call their own.
When someone says they are part of “white culture”, where does that take them? Back a few hundred years to where some vicious statists with superiority complexes decided they wanted to become dominators on a continent and so they invented a term that gave them more legal rights and other people less.. Perhaps that is a cultural beginning (or a form of “ethnogenesis”) of sorts, but I have to say, it is not a very worthy cultural origin or solid origin story, and it leaves little to no solid ground (morally, geographically or spiritually) to stand on. Rather than define oneself by an arbitrary term invented by oligarchs to dominate other humans, why not learn about one’s real, place based and ancient cultural roots and define yourself as such?
Or better yet, why not do as I suggested in my article on Designing Biocultural Refugia (which you claim you read) and create your own emergent culture through creating beautiful things and living in a way that no one yet has on the Earth?
(..Continued from above)
Similarly there is no place called “Black-land” so that term is also lacking any solid cultural anchor in reality, serving as another sort of cultural orphanage, for those that define themselves as that and nothing else.
One can certainly engage in ethnogenesis and define their emergent culture based on superficial characteristics such as skin color, but that is not a very solid way to build a culture in my opinion. It plays right into the hands of the oligarchs that love to divide and conquer, having people at each others throats over trivial nonsense like the melanin content of your skin.
RE: “LARPing”
When it comes down to it, at this late stage in the human story, all of us are just either building on the successes of others (or unfortunately, more often than not, repeating the failures of others).
Christmas is a celebration that LARPS on many older traditions (copy catting my Druidic ancestors and their festival of Alban Arthan ,also known as Yule, at the time of Winter solstice, along with some Egyptian and Greek stuff mixed in as well.
The idealistic American democracy model is LARPing on the Haudenosaunee confederacy’s older democracy model (not that it actually functions as advertised, but in theory).
Musicians today are all “LARPing” on the thousand songs swirling around in their heads that they listened to growing up, and now they take pieces, ideas, rhythms and aspects of those songs, put em together and make their own music.
We are all standing on the shoulders of giants, all either building on the successes of those that came before us or repeating the shortsightedness and weakness of those that came before us.
The notion that by planting a grove of trees to become a sacred place for prayer and connecting with the divine, one has to engage in human sacrifice is absurd and nonsensical.
On my mother’s side I have blood from clan Mag Uidhir, a name which comes from from the title of the priests of ancient (pre-coloninial) Gaelic Ireland, the Magi of Éire. Some would say that means I have the blood of Druids in my veins. That does not mean I am gonna go out and paint my body blue, do blood sacrifices or engage in guerilla warfare against statist interlopers (all things that my ancestors likely did at one point or another). It does however compel me to learn from their successes, and to avoid where they failed or lived in a way that is not conducive with my moral compass.
I am not a Druid (that actually takes 20 years as an apprentice back in the day) but my ancestral memory moves me to respect the trees, the rivers and the mountain springs as my ancestors did. I can take that, leave the rest and carry that wisdom forward to create a new culture that has yet to be seen on the face of this Earth. You might call it “LARPing”, I described it as ethnogenesis in the article, put simply it is living with integrity, living in service of life/Creator and honoring the Earth.
thanks for the comment.
I think we agree that skin color is not a good single characteristic to build an ethnic identity upon (I think I made that clear with my low opinion of Black Americans playing Africans which is as funny when you see white Americans pretending that they are Irish or German or native Americans due to a genetic trace dispite having nothing culturally in common with those people)
But may I ask if you think that w white man can ever truly become Japanese or Zulu??
I think ethnogenisis takes generations TBH since one must grow up IN a culture to embody its values. The American way wiyh culture, and religion, is to grab bits like a cafeteria buffet and then discard them after a time.
To embody the spirit of a people you must LIVE it from childhood. This is not really IMO a thing you can plan out and make happen inorganicly.
“….The idealistic American democracy model is LARPing on the Haudenosaunee …”
The US gov was modeled upon Greek and Roman history, not Native American ways. Native culture is gone, because all the people that lived it and grew up where it was applicable are gone. The US founders did not LARP Rome, they took the lessons of the last and appoint to their situation… and they never succeeded in making a single American Culture or identity. “Albion’s seed” is a good book on the cultures and the culture wars that the different flavor English. Man created in the new canvas of the US.
“…Sometimes reading them is almost like I get to glimpse into some far away tribe of hostile cannibalistic indigenous people (like the Sentinelese or Korowai or something)…”
I don’t think I am hostile and I don’t generally eat people 😉
I think that my culture is a bit fluid in that I have lived in various places, but the older I get the more I see that the Victorians were very correct in seeing how humans operate. It is the wealth and safety of the modern world that has dulled our senses to the savagery that underlies human competition. Pigs don’t fight when there is a full trough.
Glad my colorful comments amuse, 🙂 , they are a learning tool for me more than anyone else.
re: “But may I ask if you think that w white man can ever truly become Japanese or Zulu??”
Great question.
The Zulu culture is defined by genetic lineage as a foundation so the answer to that one is obvious.
The Japanese question however is not so clearcut. Are you talking about “being Japanese” as in a citizen of the nation state of Japan? Or are you talking about speaking the language and practicing the customs and traditions born of that land? Or are you just talking about outward appearances/genetics? Each of those would have a different answer.
One can be born in Japan and look nothing like a stereotypical Japanese person (they could have a high melanin content in their skin or low, they could be tall or really short) and yet they may be raised speaking the language and embodying all the traditional ways that define modern Japanese Culture.
One could also theoretically emigrate to that country as an adult, embrace the language, cultural traditions, place based worldviews of the region and be accepted by the locals as kin.
One could theoretically be of Japanese heritage (genetically) and be born in Zimbabwe, orphaned there and raised by locals (learning to speak Chewa, and living by Bantu customs).
One might describe one or all of those possible humans above as “Japanese” depending on how you define that label.
re: “I think ethnogenisis takes generations TBH since one must grow up IN a culture to embody its values”
Yes indeed, I agree, though it is also worth keeping in mind that every expression of ethnogenisis began somewhere, and in many cases that process was initiated by a relatively small number of human beings making choices that radically diverged from the dominant cultural practices of the society they were born into (The American Revolution being a good example).
re: “To embody the spirit of a people you must LIVE it from childhood. This is not really IMO a thing you can plan out and make happen inorganicly.”
I disagree, as noted above, examples such as the events that led up to the emergence of the cultural identify of being “American” were forms of ethnogenisis that resulted from very deliberate actions taken with foresight by relatively few people, which planted the seeds for momentum to be gained and those seeds to set down roots and become a permanent culture.
Hi- will post to each part since I’m on a tiny screen.
You allow that Zulu is a genetic “tribe” but do not appear to understand that the same was true of “Saxon” and “Celt” and every other culture that existed in the past. Newcomers COULD join the tribe but they were rarely seen as being truly of it- certainly not within their own life times and often not until their genetics had mixed in over generations.
It’s my understanding that Japan has a large population of Koreans who are not considered Japanese. Jews have retained an identity that coexists with nationality. The very idea of citizenship as you describe it is a modern one based on the begin of the technocratic state and is alien to most of human history.
As to ethnic genesis… 1st there is NO true “American identity “ because the US was settled by various flavors of mutually antagonistic English men and then never allowed to settle long enough for a state wide culture to form- pre Ww2 was the closest they came but waves of immigrants have always disrupted the process. Albion’s seed talks of the linguistic quirk that southern black accents and slang are based on medieval peasants that they were forced to emulate by the planters. Another lol was the Scot’s lady who landed and heard Gaelic spoken and was alarmed to find black men speaking- thinking that everyone went black in the new land.
You can not plan something so complicated and taking generations the way ethnic genesis does, but you are correct it can be planned a little bit the results are out of your hands
(..continued from comment above)
re: “The US gov was modeled upon Greek and Roman history, not Native American ways.”
Perhaps you are right, after all the US government is quite primitive when compared to the complex social technologies that were utilized to form and perpetuate the Haudenosaunee Confederacy.
The Haudenosaunee constitution was called “the Great Law of Peace”. When issues came up before the alliance, the Tododaho would summon the fifty sachems who represented the clans of the Five Nations. Different nations had different numbers of sachems, but the inequality meant little because all decisions had to be unanimous; the Five Nations regarded consensus as a social ideal.
Striking to the contemporary eye, the 117 codicils of the Great Law were concerned as much with establishing the limits on the great council’s powers as on granting them. Its jurisdiction was strictly limited to relations among the nations and outside groups; internal affairs were the province of the individual nations. Although the council negotiated peace treaties, it could not declare war — that was left to the initiative of the leaders of each of Haudenosaunee’ s constituent nations. According to the Great Law, when the council of sachems was deciding upon “an especially important matter or a great emergency,” its members had to “submit the matter to the decision of their people” in a kind of referendum.
In creating such checks on authority, the league was just the most formal expression of a region-wide tradition. The sachems of the integral indigenous groups on the eastern seaboard were absolute monarchs in theory. In practice, wrote colonial leader Roger Williams, “they will not conclude of ought. . .unto which the people are averse.” The league was predicated, in short, on the consent of the governed, without which the entire enterprise would collapse. Compared to the despotic societies that were the norm in Europe and Asia, Haudenosaunee government was a libertarian dream.
As Franklin and many others noted, indigenous life — not only among the Haudenosaunee, but throughout the Northeast — was characterized by a level of personal autonomy unknown in Europe. Franklin’s ancestors may have emigrated from Europe to escape oppressive rules, but colonial societies were still vastly more coercive and class-ridden than indigenous villages. “Every man is free,” the frontiersman Robert Rogers told a disbelieving British audience. In these places, he said, no other person, “white” or “Indian”, sachem or not, “has any right to deprive anyone of his freedom.” As for the Haudenosaunee, colonial administrator Cadwallader Colden declared in 1749, they had “such absolute Notions of Liberty, that they allow of no Kind of Superiority of one over another, and banish all Servitude from their Territories.” (Colden, later became vice governor of New York, was an adoptee of the Mohawks).
I think Franklins ancestors came so they could PRACTICE oppressive rules of their own liking. People came to America to
A) get material lives richer then at home
B) avoid getting persecuted for their religious weirdness
C) practice religious weirdness
The settlers in different areas had very very different ideas as to what freedom WAS… most today think of it terms of the boarderer conception of doing whatever the hell you like.
As to Indian cultures- aside from the fact that they were quite happy to kill each other off in wars before we got here their pre industrial societies did not need much in the way of social organization compared to what came later.
Their freedom and the white settlers freedom had much more to do with lack of ability to impose control by rulers…. One of the reasons that king George had massively LESS tyrannical control then even a 2nd rate job now. Mexico appeals to freedom minded people because of the WEAKNESS of it’s gov, not it’s ideals
(..continued from comment above)
Rogers and Colden admired these Indigenous people of the Eastern Woodlands, but not every European did. “The Savage does not know what it is to obey,” complained the French explorer Nicolas Perrot in the 1670s. Indians “think every one ought to be left to his own Opinion, without being thwarted,” the Jesuit Louis Hennepin wrote twenty years later. The Indians, he grumbled, “believe what they please and no more” — a practice dangerous, in Hennepin’s view, to a well-ordered society. “There is nothing so difficult to control as the tribes of America,” another Jesuit unhappily observed. “All these barbarians have the law of wild asses — they are born, live, and die in a liberty without restraint; they do not know what is meant by bridle and bit.”
Indigenous insistence on personal liberty was accompanied by an equal insistence on social equality. Northeastern Indigenous peoples were appalled by the European propensity to divide themselves into social classes, with those on the lower rungs of the hierarchy compelled to defer to those on the upper. The French adventurer Louis Armand de Lorn d’Arce, Baron of Lahontan, lived in French “Canada” between 1683 and 1694 and frequently visited the Huron. When the baron expatiated upon the superior practices of Europe, the Indians were baffled.
‘When an Indian Child has been brought up among us [Franklin lamented in 1753], taught our language and habituated to our Customs, yet if he goes to see his relations and makes one Indian Ramble with them, there is no persuading him ever to return. [But] when white persons of either sex have been taken prisoners young by the Indians, and lived a while among them, tho’ ransomed by their Friends, and treated with all imaginable tenderness to prevail with them to stay among the English, yet in a Short time they become disgusted with our manner of life. . .and take the first good Opportunity of escaping again into the Woods, when there is no reclaiming them.’
Influenced by their proximity to Indigenous societies — by being around living, breathing role models of human liberty — European colonists adopted their insubordinate attitudes, which “troubled the power elite of France,” the historian Cornelius J. Jaenen observed. Baron d’Arce was an example, despite his noble title; as the passage he italicized suggests, his account highlighted “Indian freedoms” as an incitement toward rebellion.
In the most direct way, Indigenous liberty made indigenous villages into competitors for colonists’ allegiance. Colonial societies could not become too oppressive, because their members — surrounded by examples of free life — always had the option to vote with their feet.
Assuming this is not just a modern retelling of the Nobel savage myth this is clearly based on having a less complex society and little ability to impose control by rule by an authority.
Th “Nobel Savage”, ya I think you are onto something there 🙂 These people that have been unfairly all lumped together, demonized, dismissed, exploited, ignored and fetishized (some of which actually do have some very sophisticated social technologies and extremely advanced horticultural techniques worth learning from) do deserve some kind of “award given for outstanding achievements”. Yes great idea Duck!
In all seriousness though, we have been down this road before man, you hear something you do not like about history or cultures you do not understand (and do not want to learn anything new about) and you throw around terms like “noble savage myth” in a weak attempt to try and undermine and deflect, while never actually addressing the subject matter.
This begins to go into a deep rutted track that you have been spinning your tires in before.
Case and point: https://corbettreport.com/february-open-thread-2023/#comment-146525
If you are in denial (and determined to not learn anything new because it is more comfortable to stagnate) there is nothing I can do about that, but if you actually want to educate yourself about the governance and horticultural systems of the people of the eastern woodlands of Turtle Island that I mentioned above, read the Jesuit Relations.
Those journals were written by people that often hated and looked down on the indigenous peoples of this area, yet if you read the details in their observations, it becomes clear that what they were observing was an ingenious form of farming and their town structure / customs were far ahead of any European statists/monarchies at the time.
It is quite amusing to read for me as someone that is studying living examples of their ancient food forests (there are remnants still producing here in southern Ontario) as these Jesuits and the French military men write in an attempt to be derisive (talking about how “lazily the savages farm, just walking into their park like forests and gathering nuts and berries without doing any work at all” etc). In their ignorance and animosity they reveal who the real savages were (and are).
I wish you all the best but as I said above this interaction is sinking into well worn territory, so I will bid you adieu for now.
(..continued from comment above)
re: “Native culture is gone, because all the people that lived it and grew up where it was applicable are gone.”
Well my friend, I dunno about down there in Duckville, but up there in the Eastern Woodlands, native culture is not “gone” and the people that continued to live by the ways of their grandparents (dodging the RCMP kidnapping squads that tried to drag them off to the government concentration camps aka “residential schools”) may be few and far between, but they exist, and they are teaching the young ones to remember and revive those ways.
I am currently working along side of them to re-build their traditional food production systems (donating my time, skills and seedlings) to co-create a community food forest for them as they move back into embracing food sovereignty. They could do it without my help just fine, but I happen to have seeds and seedlings for some rare and useful trees and applying regenerative soil science along side their traditional methods helps speed up the recovery of the land (so I am happy to chip in as I can).
Thanks for the recommendation for the Albion’s Seed book.
haha okay good to know regarding your dietary preferences 🙂
I would like to learn more re: “the older I get the more I see that the Victorians were very correct in seeing how humans operate.”
What did the Victorians have to say about that?
I do remember how Victorians avoided the sun by hiding inside their annoyingly ostentatiously decorated rooms, and the woman scurried around outside using large parasols and wearing elaborate bonnets, as a way to protect their pale complexion (which was considered a sign of beauty and high social status in their culture). Not a very solid tradition from a health perspective and not very attractive either (IMO).
But please do tell me more about how they were correct.
Ahh yes my comments are a learning tool for me as well, so we share that in common.
Thanks for engaging.
The Indians traditional culture probably did not involve hiding from the cops… nor did it involve many other constraints placed upon them now.
I also doubt that they follow anything resembling the lives of their ancestors- while there will be some continuance of old folk ways they are no more like their ancestors then a villager in the UK today is like his ancestors of the same period.
Sure people can LARP wiyh morris dancing and village festivals, but those are not as significant or felt in the same way as they were in ye olden dayes.
As to Victorians… they saw history as a long and bloody struggle between groups… they also saw people groups as having I ate traits that their culture was suited to… the horrible modern world tries to make everyone the same as the unabomber wrote… def read Albion’s seed though it’s a great read
All the best
Thanks for elaborating on your views.
re: “The Indians traditional culture probably did not involve hiding from the cops”
Firstly, Indians are people from India, and not the focus on this discussion, secondly, you are doing what you have done on multiple occasions in the past when we are discussing indigenous cultures from Turtle Island (which is to make sweeping generalizing statements that lump all of the hundreds of different cultures from that area into one group of “indians” and then you describe their attributes and behaviors as though you are talking about one uniform village of people) that is nonsensical.
I don’t know if you summon up some image of an Apache brave charging into battle from a movie or something when you talk about indigenous peoples from Turtle Island, but I have got news for you, they are not all the same and they behave very differently based on their unique cultural backgrounds.
There were hardcore slave collecting warlords on the Mississippi 600 years ago that clearcut forests and behaved like Romans, they created massive mudslides, floods and crop failures through their hubris and learned the hard way about how exploitative ways of living come back to bite you in the behind.
There were very peaceful peoples that did not believe in violating others, they practiced some degree of self-defense, but did not specialize in killing, so when hegemonic forces arrived, they faced a similar fate to those poor Tibetan people on the border of China that keep getting killed and beaten down.
Then there were those that valued precision of language, diplomacy, scholarly knowledge and wit over physical prowess (though they could also hold their own in a fight).
There were trophy hunting marauders, and pacifist meditators, totem pole carving artists and food forest cultivating farmers, each with their own diverse history and customs that motivated them.
So your generalizing statements about how “indians” would behave towards police are nonsensical based on that alone, then it is also worth considering that we are talking about kids and pre-teens that armed government thugs were roaming around trying to kidnap, so regardless of what some cultural ethics taught (or did not teach) them about standing their ground, when you are getting hunted by psychopathic statist thugs that see you as a disposable animal, you would understandably go into survival mode.
I am not sure why you keep tryna hammer down on how we cannot re-create the exact same way of living as in the past, as I never suggested we should.
Building on the successes of our ancestors, and refusing to continue the repeat their failures, and the failures of our present dominant systems, we can co-create new ways of living that have never existed before on this Earth. With care, persistence, gumption, courage and holistic thinking, we can plant the seeds for these new ways in the next generation and they will carry it forward.
All the best to you as well.
I think we agree that you can’t recreate a dead culture- I agree that we should build upon those that have gone before.
I am sorry if I appetite be suggesting not building a community – that was not my intention at all. My point is that you can’t recreate a bit go back unless the world is suitable for that culture.
As to peaceful people it should be noted that bonobo chimps are often held up as an example of peaceful chimps. However they do not last very long when in competition with regular chimps. The same is true of people, the reason you are able to use them as a historical example is because they were not able to survive as an independent culture when faced with competition.
The same is true of the Amish who have many fine community traits but only exist because they are ALLOWED to. Organized people with hostile internet will always win out against people who are peaceful and/ or disorganized.
I also question the assumption that such people have a moral high ground, imo this is a white guilt self hatred that is currently killing western culture. People are by nature both good and bad – devils and angels if you will, wiyh BOTH traits being natural to human nature and neither able to exist long without being tempered by the other.
I mentioned the cops va the kids as an example of how their current culture is different from the old one.
My decision for 2025 is to concentrate my attention on that which I desire to be manifest in my life and to draw away from the ton of horrendous intense negativity I came across in the last four years. It was a necessary exposure to my mind. I had been aware for years of how nefarious political and corporate activity has been, I wasn’t a complete ignoramus, the cia stirring of war in so many countries, etc., the carelessness of corporations towards everything other than profit, but regarding the medical world I had believed that doctors took an oath to do no harm, and these four years have shown me , together with the learning the history of the Rockerfeller takeover of medicine at the turn of last century that I have been BS’d for most of my life with regards the efficacy of things like vaccines. I’ve been into more natural types of medicine for most of my life, not believing in anti-biotics or adding more chemicals to ones body, but I did believe the vax story. Well, no longer.
So after this four year crash course in so much of what is negative on our planet, all the dirty washing coming out, I have decided I know enough, will keep my beady eye on any other possible nonsense, but will concentrate my attention on solutions and love for life, all life.
I admire and respect that approach.
That is also a path I strive to walk.
There are some ugly things I have to force myself to keep an eye on given we are looking to buy property for our homestead (and the corporations and government up here is looking to poison most of the fresh water with lithium and cobalt mines) but other than that I wanna focus on 95% solutions, collaborating with people doing beautiful and courageous things and helping others find their footing to walk forward in life with some degree of food sovereignty.
One thing that is tough for me is looking out at the landscape here in southern Ontario with eyes and heart wide open. I have found the tiny pockets of intact forest that offer a memory of the majesty that this place once was from horizon to horizon, so I cannot just embrace denial or generational amnesia like so many do here, and carrying that knowing with me hurts, but I feel like it is a form of acknowledgment and bearing witness that honors the land, so I strive to hold my gaze steady and not allow it to make me apathetic or bitter.
When one opens themselves to love the world and all our fellow beings deeply and with their entire being, this is an expansive choice that offers truly soul enriching joy, but also on the other end of the spectrum (which also expands with that choice) the capacity to feel equally powerful heartbreak when one looks at suffering and needless destruction with honesty expands as well. You seem like someone that knows this truth well.
Despite the inevitable pain one feels to look at this world with an open heart, I see that capacity to feel deeply as beneficial to achieving my goals, not detrimental. Sometimes mourning the loss of that which we love calls us to action.
For those of us that deeply care for the living Earth, the ancient forests, the human family, non-human kin and the living waters, so during this lifetime on the Earth looking at the world with eyes wide open is painful for those with an open heart.
I do see the choice to use our gifts of observation and being vulnerable when seeing with the heart open (rather than with only the cold calculating intellectual mind as modern civilization indoctrinates us to) as a means to evoke a resilient form of determination that can carry one through hardships and persist in regenerative efforts.
The author I referenced in my recent Biocultural Refugia presentation with regards to her book “Land Healing” offers some valuable insights into that in her writing on Acknowledgement and Witnessing
(which you can read here: https://archive.org/details/landhealing/IMG_2913.JPG
and here https://archive.org/details/landhealing/IMG_2914.JPG ).
Thanks for sharing about your decision and thank you for caring and thank you for giving your time and energy to solutions.
You describe the feelings one gets when confronted by the damages done, very well.
One thing I want to add, which motivated me to turn more of my attention to my ‘desires’, rather than giving too much more attention to the negative, is the concept of…’Where attention goes, energy flows’, a statement that when I first came across it made immediate sense. What it says is that the reality you are likely to experience, is pretty much dictated by where you direct your attention, so if you concentrate on negative things, that is what you’ll see most of in your reality, etc.; I know that’s putting it very simplistically, but I’ve had first hand experiences many times in my life, one of the most striking was a time when I had only 20 cents in my pocket, a child needing school dinner money (the 20cents covered that) and not a cent more on the horizon, I was without a job and absolutely desperate. That night I remember saying to myself…”Tomorrow everything will be different, better” and I went to sleep on that thought. The following day I went out to look for work, bumped into a friend and, long story short she needed someone to do evening shift at the local sports club. Money paid nightly! This was after weeks of job seeking to no avail. That was a ‘wow’ occasion.
Also putting as much love into ones equation as is possible is a lovely approach and does no harm.💗
Thanks for the thoughtful response.
Your ’Where attention goes, energy flows’ reminds me of something I came across years ago which said “what you fear you empower, and what you love you empower, and what you empower, you attract”.
I agree regarding the power of where we direct our attention, I suppose I strive to keep my attention 95% on manifesting the beautiful things I envision and plant the seeds for on the horizon while using 5 percent of my time to look down and make sure I do not fall into a hole filled with spikes or step on a metaphorical landmine.
Though some might say that even that is not necessary if one truly has faith, for synchronicity and angelic guidance will make sure your feet land where they are supposed to if you truly follow your heart. If that is the case, I suppose I am just not there yet.
Grateful to be able to connect with kindred spirits such as yourself on the path. thanks again for the comment.
January 21, 2025
Trumps executive order today.
Rubio is tasked with removing of the USA from the World Health Organization. Whoppie!
As I was talking with my friend, who is still quiet and drowsy and just beginning to awake to reality.
Tic Toc shut down! why you may ask? He says maybe it’s proves how stupid people really are? They hate everything Chinese in the world while simultaneously demanding the return of their Tik Toc. Do you thank they have cognitive dissonance my friend? No he says, their just stupid. Da. Maybe if they voted harder that progress gal would have not let that happen. Do you suppose pulling out of the WHO will be replaced by putting a local USA replacement health organization ? Build back better?
Again the cure will be worse than the disease. That’s American, that’s MAGA.
As Molly Ivins use to say , ” Noth’n but Good Times Ahead .”
Check out this “transparent” plan for the new AI infrastructure that Trump is so proud of, featuring Larry Ellis and Sam Altman. Glorious I tell you (sarc)
I’d really like to see the q&a session after this presser.
# US Stargate investment
I’m glad that you posted that. I had watched it earlier.
Tuesday January 21, 2025
Trump announces Stargate AI infrastructure project ($500 billion investment)
Softbank throwing a half trillion dollars into the Trump-brown-nosing pitch while teaming up with Oracle and OpenAI.
Their hype about how AI can help the healthcare system is alarming to me.
Kind of like playing god and manipulating natural processes in the body.
For example, they talk about spotting cancer types very early with AI blood tests, and, quickly with AI, developing an mRNA vaccine to target the cancer that a person ‘might’ get.
It goes to show that AI and some people do not have common sense in their program.
Maybe they should teach people, with hrlp of “AI”, to eat less trash, to consume less trash media and to produce less trash by staying outdoors.
HRS, The whole IA infrastructure project is alarming! Taking energy from the human and re-routing it to the AI. All in the name of IT being a more valuable commodity, or better yet “serving humanity” so the AI deserves more because it contributes more…. This goes to dark places very quickly.
This is the scariest development yet. And it’s only day two…
This is a technology that can be leveraged for our purposes.
Please watch this little explanation of the “new” players in the game, and how they all have ties to Gates, Pfizer, Clinton, and the CIA.
This short video is amazingly thorough and very AI-opening.
Five minute video guide to the players on OpenAI
re: “Their hype about how AI can help the healthcare system is alarming to me.”
Yes it all seems like a slippery slope towards some kind of Minority Report situation, where they`ll be screening you for “unpure rebel thoughts” and then prescribing you some The Giver injections to keep you docile.
OpenAI’s Stargate announcement
Also, check out Sora, the latest from
OpenAI, “creating video from text”
Example prompt “Prompt: Historical footage of California during the gold rush.”
History is about to be profoundly re-written.
Isn’t it already? People suspend disbelief to trust low resolution nonsense, lets at least upgrade to HD.
Yes, history has always been edited and curated. I just dread the simulacrum that is unfolding right in front of us.
Free at Last!
Wed January 22, 2025
Trump Pardons Silk Road Founder Ross Ulbricht, Slams “Scum” That Worked To Convict Him
I am glad he is out because he was given a ridiculous sentence but the guy did THINK he was paying to have people killed
Handy summary by James Roguski of the bio-democide, just in time for the Bird Flu mRNA assault.
NOT Safe And NOT Effective | 26 Dec 2024
“This free online resource provides EVIDENCE that the mRNA platform is a biological weapon delivery system and its ongoing and expanded use constitutes a grievous crime against humanity.”
MISES Institute offers free PDF chapter excerpted from Rothbard’s History of Money and Banking.
The Origins of the Federal Reserve
Excerpt rom the MI link: “…the Fed did not originate as a policy response to national need. It wasn’t erected for any of its stated purposes. It was founded by two groups of elites: government officials and large financial and banking interests. Rothbard adds a third critical element: economists hired to give the scheme a scientific patina.”
Reporter Noor Bin Ladin directs Bannon’s viewers to familiarize themselves with Corbett’s video: “The Secrets of Silicon Valley: What Big Tech Doesn’t Want You to Know.” [https://corbettreport.com/siliconvalley/]
Bannon’s War Room – Episode 4214: The Rise Of AI Instead Of DEI
https://rumble.com/v6cdp14-episode-4214-the-rise-of-ai-instead-of-dei.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp (~35:50 mark)
Thanks jo-ann.
I recently did a review of Paul Stamets book Mycelium Running. I had not read the book in over a decade and wow, I was surprised to find so much pro Big-Pharma, Pro-military industrial complex and pro Statist government propaganda in its pages having now looked at it with fresh eyes.
One might say “but Gavin that book was published 20 years ago, he must have learned a lot and changed his perspective on some things since then, give the guy a break” and I was inclined to give him that benefit of the doubt myself (especially considering that I quoted him in my book) however, when I investigated his current stated stance on Big Pharma I found that he is still actively promoting mRNA genetic injections as a good idea even today!
I find this hard to wrap my mind around given his understanding of natural medicine alternatives. I mean he talks about the dangers of GMOs in his book and gave his mom Turkey Tail mushrooms to treat her cancer rather than go with conventional radiation treatment, but then he goes and tells people that they should get mRNA injections (and mitigate the chance of “side effects” by eating his mushroom supplements)!?
What the F*ck.
How many of you that are familiar with his work knew that Paul Stamets is into promoting fraudulent Big Pharma products like the mRNA injections?
Here is a link to my detailed review below (I highlight the big pharma and big brother cheerleading in blue)
Perhaps he hasn’t connected the dots yet. Be mindful of the “purity test” we instinctively apply to others. Hopefully his fans will gently educate him.
Perhaps, but this late in the game.. and this many dead injected people later?
I do see the wisdom in what you say regarding the “purity test”, Catherine Austin Fitts once expressed that to me a different way when I was criticizing Steven Greer on her review of his film (for his promoting “global warming” carboncentric anthropogenic “climate change” narratives and not mentioning geoengineering).
She said something like “I suggest looking at what people are capable of, rather than focusing on what they are not”.
I suppose it was shocking and hit me hard because of my schoolhood friends that were killed by the injections.
I do have his email from when I was talking with him about using his quote in my book, so maybe i`ll try reaching out and providing some evidence of the dangers of the injections, see if he is receptive.
Thanks for the thoughtful response.
Yes, even after five years, there are people who are not aware of the harms, including ALL of my family and friends. They still exist in the MSM world and refuse to read or watch any news that has a misinformation/disinformation warning or has crazy sounding comments accompanying it.
That is a good point. I do not have any friends living in that state of denial but most of my blood family are totally entranced by the corporate/government propaganda (well except for my little bro and my uncle mushroom Mark).
Thanks for the thoughtful comments.
Pretty much the same here. While most of my immediate family did not get jibjabbed, they are also the kind who like to postpone stuff until it’s too late.
But among who did the jibbyjabby they are still enthralled in the narrative, 100%. I don’t what would it take to break them out of it.
This is a well thought speech. He explains woke-ism and collectivism in great detail, also mentioning the world’s declining birthrates, transgenderism, censorship, pedophilia, abortion, education, and mass migration. Calls out elections that have been opposed due to the winner’s opposition to collectivism. Brutal opposition to Agenda 2030.
Special Address by Javier Milei, President of Argentina
Here’s a comfortable attitude to take for the short term about Stargate:
Capturing the Billionaire Nerds & Their A.I.
By John Leake | Courageous Discourse | January 23, 2025
Excerpt: “If I were president, I would far rather have him [Larry Ellison] very close to me than shun him, leaving him completely untethered to direct A.I. schemes from his island lair on Lanai. Snubbing him would be the equivalent of the Roman Senate telling Julius Caesar to relinquish command of his army and return to Rome, which didn’t work out for the Senate.”
Entertaining and informative article that goes from mind control to UFOs and free energy. Lots to threads to follow.
The Sewer Stench of the National Security State
They are hiding the transformation, the real Golden Age.
by Elizabeth Vickson (Welcome to Absurdistan Substack, Jan 04, 2025)
Homeowner’s Insurance Costs have rapidly climbed
In one year, Homeowner’s Insurance costs have risen 9% or 10% over the previous year.
The change since 2019 is out the roof! See page 7 of pdf.
IMAGE – FRED GRAPH – “Percent of change from previous year” Homeowner’s Insurance costs
Nick Gerli shows this graph at the 1:03 minute mark.
Homeowner’s Insurance Costs – FRED
Producer Price Index by Industry: Premiums for Property and Casualty Insurance: Premiums for Homeowner’s Insurance
Friday January 24, 2025 – Reventure Consulting – Nicholas Gerli
State Farm canceling policies. US Housing Market on verge of insurance meltdown
13:35 VIDEO
Nicholas Gerli explains California Homeowner’s Insurance and the mess that government created.
Nick Gerli shows an image at the 41 second mark. See page 9 and 11 of this pdf
At the 4 minute mark, Nick shows page 7.
pdf taken from “October 2024 Mortgage Monitor”
ICE Mortgage Monitor: Average Payment Hits All-Time High; Spiking Insurance Costs Rising at 3X the Rate of Principal, Interest, and Taxes
[ICE itself is a whole other story about a massive corporation.]
In the Northeast, as well as parts of the Midwest and Texas, it’s property taxes, more than insurance, driving variable
(taxes and insurance) costs of an average mortgage payment over 40%.
Not sure if this USA story has already been shared for those interested in water fluoridation:
EPA to appeal federal court ruling against fluoridated drinking water | 01/23/2025
Thank you. Had not seen that
Here is a little more information and context.
The EPA had until Tuesday January 21, 2025 to appeal Judge Edward Chen’s September 24, 2024 80 page ruling where he states it was “proven” “that water fluoridation at the level of 0.7 mg/L” “presents an unreasonable risk of injury to health or the environment”.
As with many Federal agencies during the final days of the Biden Administration, they threw out monies, policies and statements which were only meant to disrupt things for Trump.
The EPA waited until the last moment.
For decades “stall and delay” has been the EPA’s tactic on water fluoridation.
The notice of appeal was filed Friday morning January 17, 2025 on EPA’s behalf by Justice Department attorney Brandon Adkins with the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
That same day Bloomberg Law reported on the EPA’s appeal.
The first sentence of Bloomberg Law‘s news report was: “Notice of appeal not binding on Trump administration.”
The Fluoride fight is still ongoing because the public narrative is still a struggle.
I know.
I’m still constantly trying to change the public narrative…have had successes with some cities, but we have a ways to go.
Daily, since RFK, Jr. first tweeted about Fluoride just days before the election, there has been at least one news story about fluoride.
Everyday, news stories about fluoride.
I’ve been logging many of them.
Most journalists are inept when reporting about fluoride.
In fact, the Judge’s ruling is rarely mentioned.
The ruling is entitled FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW. It is an excellent write-up and gives direction as to what comes next under the law with water fluoridation.
Anyway, The Press is doing a poor job of informing the public.
Of course, the Dental Lobby is straining to keep the poison in the water.
In fact, this week again in the news is a ‘rigged’ Australian fluoridation study that shows fluoride can raise IQ points.
On December 16, 2024, Michael Connett spoke to a Wisconsin town about fluoride.
In the video, he brings up the many “counter-arguments” which we see in the Press and at city Council Meetings by the Dental Lobby.
He corrects the public narrative.
Michael Connett Corrects The Record On The Fluoride Lawsuit
Thank you for providing further information and the video link.
It’s a real challenge to change ingrained perceptions, especially with loud protests by the dental industry. I did some research on the last battle re water fluoridation in my town, which occurred prior to my moving here. The dentists won the fight. More consumers are becoming aware, as more fluoride removal water filters and fluoride-free toothpastes are on the market. Perhaps a nationwide billboard campaign would be effective? I would like to see more on the relationship of fluoride to brittle bones / teeth and arthritis and thyroid. That would get more people’s attention.
Is it really the dental association that is so strong or are there some unseen forces that are yanking on the strings?
It’s like that Mann trial in the kangaroo court (my apologies to kangaroos), that creep is just the front. Who hires a dozen layers at rates starting at 1k per hour?
The Evil American Dental Association (ADA)
Certainly there are industries which have promoted water fluoridation. The aluminum industry, the Manhattan Project, phosphate mining, the sugar and cereal lobby, and more.
The American Dental Association (ADA) has been the most vocal and influencing force in the promotion of water fluoridation. It is a national ARMY of Doctors.
Every town and city is filled with Dentists.
Just imagine if Pro-Tobacco had an army of Doctors that size.
The American Dental Association (ADA) has built and shaped the public NARRATIVE on water fluoridation.
The American Dental Association (ADA) is a mafia organization which demands dues from Dentists. Every Dental Office will have an ADA plaque. Dentists are not poor. The ADA annually takes in massive amounts of money.
Dentists can be excommunicated from the ADA if they don’t tow the party line. Of course, this would hinder the income of the “excommunicated.”
Ethical Dentists often migrate to ADA alternatives. The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) is an international organization of professionals who practice biological dentistry and hygiene.
Dentists advertise — a lot. Publications and other media will certainly pander to this sector, an army of Doctors.
HISTORY – ADA knowingly poisoning Americans – MERCURY
When the American Society of Dental Surgeons was formed in 1840, its members were required to sign a pledge never to use amalgam because of the known toxicity of mercury. Eventually the controversy led to the dissolution of the American Society of Dental Surgeons in 1856.
The American Dental Association was formed to replace the defunct American Society of Dental Surgeons.
By 1895, the American Dental Association was expressing support for the use of amalgam, a position it has held consistently until the present.
…In 1982, while with Harvard Medical School, Dr. Phyllis Mullenix went to work in the toxicology department of the Dental Research Institute (Forsyth). She had developed a non-bias method of studying behavior in rats using computers. The Dental Research Institute asked her to study the toxicity of fluoride.
In 1995 with impeccable peer review, Dr. Phyllis Mullenix published her Fluoride toxicity study.
She found that fluoride accumulated in the brain. Depending upon prenatal or postnatal exposure a variety of behavioral changes occurred, such as hyperactivity / ADHD like symptoms or a “couch potato” dullness could result. In many respects, the fluoride brain damage could be compared to the Herbert Needleman 1979 lead toxicity study….
The Dental Lobby destroyed Dr. Phyllis Mullenix’s career. She was blacklisted. Countless prominent professionals have had their careers wrecked by the Dental Lobby.
I didn’t know about IAOMT. I would have to travel 3 hours to get to one of their doctors, but still, good to know. It can only spread and my teeth are terrible anyway.
The American Dental Association (ADA) interfered with the Fluoride EPA Lawsuit
Attorney Michael Connett discusses FOIA which revealed tampering with the NTP Report for the Lawsuit
7 minute clip CHD –
March 16, 2023 – Salon & Mother Jones – By Dan Ross
Health officials delayed report linking fluoride to brain harm
Dental groups urged HHS officials to alter report they believed threatened water fluoridation
Throughout the Dan Ross article, the former director of the National Toxicology Program, Dr. Linda Birnbaum, is quoted.
We certainly shouldn’t be surprised when both the American Fluoridation Society President sociopath Johnny Johnson and the fraudulent fluoride science designer Dr. Jayanth Kumar were quoted in that Dan Ross article.
May 9, 2023 – The Defender – By Brenda Baletti, PhD
Report on Fluoride and Neurotoxicity Moves Closer to Final Publication
Pro-fluoride lobbyists and regulatory agencies for several years have tried to “weaken, delay, or kill” the National Toxicology Program’s draft report, which concluded high exposure to fluoride can reduce IQ in children.
NASEM, Dental Lobby and others are mentioned. NASEM took millions in bribes from Sackler family (opioid).
Dr. Paul Connett made a verbal comment to the BSC and submitted this scathing report about the interference against valid science. Slide show at bottom.
May 24, 2023 – Michael Connett, Esq reveals a 102 page document containing FOIA and more.
The 102 page pdf document shows how the Dental Lobby intentionally lied and spread false rumors about the Green study trying to discredit it.
The pdf tells the story of high profile Dentist Dr. Jayanth V. Kumar and his unethical, fraudulent scientific study.
Kumar’s stated intention was to publish a scientific study which demonstrated that water fluoridation was safe, and to have this study influence the government’s 6 year compilation of the National Toxicology Program (NTP) Report about fluoride’s effects on the brain and behavior.
The May 24 pdf is damning: Peer reviewers of Kumar’s scientific study were not impressed. Four rounds of peer review rejected Kumar’s manuscript, until it was published in April 2023.
Kumar and his co-authors kept coming up with a conclusion that fluoridated water can lower IQ.
They tried different models of rigging the data in order to show that fluoride is safe. The models didn’t do it. So, they threw out the data. Then they published an unethical, biased, fraudulent study for the NTP report.
Anyone here have any thoughts on how this Trump / Panama situation is gonna unfold?
It makes me think of that book Confessions Of An Economic Hitman and all the authors shady activities in Panama for the world bank etc.
The poor people in Panama, I bet many of them wish they could collapse that canal and get all the dam imperialists and corporations outa there for good.
I would be very surprised if Trump actually does anything about Panama.
I could be wrong, but I can’t really see him invading the place, and the idea that he might is like Musks Roman salute- a bone for the more far out people that like him.
He WOULD probably like to get control of the canal again, but I think he will probably have to use bribes and threats rather than actual force. Honestly it would be nice if he stopped the empire poking other parts of the world and focused on the US real sphere of influence
Thanks for offering your two cents.
“it would be nice if he stopped the empire”
Ya I like the sound of that.
Empires, they are a funny thing, humans keep making them, they make most people miserable, a few wealthy with some fleeting superficial pleasures and then they collapse and cause a whole lot more suffering… I wonder why we keep making them over and over again…
We keep making them because it’s in our nature.
They succeed and grow because they are better at winning conflicts wiyh other groups
They get old and die because people in them become decadent
in the wealth the empire creates
Then it starts again, lol…. Like a merry go round at the carnival only bloodier
an extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority, formerly especially an emperor or empress.
“the Roman Empire”
The existence of empires and the proclivity of said systems of hyper-centralized governance to use mass murder, torture and other forms of coercion to steal land from and occupy the territories of non-empire forming cultures does not negate the ubiquity and significance of non empire forming cultures.
If one disregards and avoids looking at how indigenous people (including your own indigenous ancestors) existed for millennia without forming empires, perhaps one could delude themselves into seeing empire building as “human nature”, however, that would be to avoid taking an honest look at the depravity, hubris, cowardice and failures of our human family, in the interest of convincing ourselves that there is no point in trying as this is just “how it is” and that we have no free will.
I do not accept that. I will not take the easy cop out path of least resistance.
As the towering gangrenous empires built upon fear, violence, hubris, exploitation and self-righteousness buckle under their own weight, imploding and crashing down to the Earth from which they had risen, many of us will be ready to compost the carcasses of empires and plant the seeds for something yet unseen on the face of the Earth to set down roots and flourish.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Two points
1) Empire is necessary when dealing with lots of ethnic groups living inside a single state.
You may not WANT the state to exist, or to be centralized, but that’s what we see because it’s what works…. It’s a social technology.
2) your forgetting your Unabomber here…. When a technology exists it WILL be used because it helps people do their job, and people are short sighted as to the long term consequences as well as lazy.
The fact is that an empire can organize labor and resources better and thus ends up taking over smaller places and accreting itself bigger like a plant being formed….one of the reasons hunter gatherers ended up living on marginal land is because even though the individual may be healthier and stronger and smarter they can compete with the organized resources of state like entities.
That’s why you may compost an empire and a new one grows up like a mushroom to replace it….its a cycle. Like the grasslands went thru a transition state and new growth forest is different and a transition to old growth forest ecosystems
We have a fundamentally different view of what a human being is, the innate characteristics of a human being and the potential of our human family.
Thus, we have reached the end of any potential for constructive discussion on this topic and are just going in variations of circles now.
I thank you again for sharing your views and wish you all the best with the perspectives you have chosen to guide you forward.
Fair enough.
I agree that we have fundamentally different outlooks on human nature, at one time I was an avid Trekkie and shared your Enlightenment outlook of human nature.
Getting the Enlightenment out of one’s worldview is quite hard, I’ve probably not even managed it yet. I guess I can’t embody a worldview I did not grow up with….. lol, so in a sense I too am LARPing.
All the best anyway
You do raise some thoughtful points that I think are worth consideration.
Primarily that cultural context does matter and that people will think and behave differently because of this. I think some may gloss over this simply because they don’t actually interact with anyone outside of Western culture, so they might assume everyone thinks that way and that’s not accurate.
Although I do believe empathy and the desire to form community is ingrained in human beings of various types, part of the “normal” hardware, different cultural experiences influences the expressions of this.
I do think that there are reasons to be frustrated and disgusted by the way many humans behave and say that is human nature. Or alternatively people think because they are good, then everyone must be good. These ideas are based on assumptions in part.
I think JC and perhaps G above are trying to innovate ways of being, or at least build upon the philosophies of agorism voiced by philosophers of the past.
I think there is a place for that and that innovation is possible, even if it is a slow transition. It’s sort of like the industrial revolution in the social sector. I try to keep that in mind, that innovation and change is possible even if there is a cyclical pattern to history.
If any Corbetteers are using MS Office365:
How do I kill my Microsoft Copilot?
Users are paying for its unwanted assistance
According to the author, MS is automatically upgrading (and up-charging) by adding an AI assistant. Article provides way to go back to the “classic” version.
If anyone is using Office they can
1) get Microsoft office old versions free from winworld.com – unless you NEED something from the new version which probably spies on you even without AI
2) get LibreOffice for free. It has a windows version
3) if your still using Windows your running spy ware ANYWAY and ought to check out Linux Mint which looks enough like classic windows that they can find stuff
Switchedtolinux YouTube/odysee channels have videos of him trying out various kinds of Linux and advice on how to switch without too much disruption
Thanks for providing the better options!
libreoffice.org is a decent option. Their “excel” won’t work great for professionals, but for home use it’s decent enough. Compatible with ms office.
openoffice.org is now a slowly developed older brother of libreoffice. Not sure what’s its status.
onlyoffice.com is a completely separate alternative to the above. It’s newer, free, but I’m not sure about its license. I used it and it’s closer to “ms office experience”, so to say. Similar look and feel. I don’t know how well it handles large spred sheets.
Home users, generally I would say, can completely ignore ms office. They can completely ignore windows too, but that’s another can of worms. ms office has become a data collection toolkit.
Until OEMs start selling laptops with some practical linux distro on it, instead of free dos as an alternative to windows, not much will change. They are obviously firmly lodged in ms posterior orifice. For office work, linux is 98% sufficient while being more stable than windows, or spyware ™, as I call it.
New video from me.
Pardoned by Trump and other oddities
Something to monitor in the months ahead. Not sure if EPA is best agency to tackle this review of greenhouse gases, but it’s a start.
rump Targets the 2009 Endangerment Finding: A Bold Move Toward Restoring Regulatory Sanity
Excerpt (emphasis added):
“In a decisive and bold step, President Donald Trump signed an executive order on January 20, 2025, directing the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to reexamine the legality and continuing applicability of the infamous 2009 endangerment finding for greenhouse gases. This directive marks a pivotal moment in the battle against overreaching climate policies that have hamstrung American industry and energy independence for over a decade.
“For those unfamiliar with its significance, the endangerment finding is the linchpin of much of the EPA’s climate-related regulatory authority. Issued during the Obama administration, this finding declared greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide as pollutants that endanger public health and welfare. This seemingly innocuous determination unleashed a cascade of restrictive regulations under the Clean Air Act, targeting everything from power plants to vehicle emissions.
“But here’s the kicker: the scientific, legal, and policy underpinnings of the endangerment finding have never been as solid as its defenders claim. By initiating this review, President Trump has taken the first step toward unraveling the faulty rationale that has fueled countless overzealous climate policies.”
Does anyone have any ideas on what the JFK files will actually be? I kind of doubt they would release anything actually damning, so my guess is that they will be very watered-down, have a lot of info redacted, or largely incomplete. Or could they even just fabricate them completely? Like if the CIA or the Mossad was complicit in the killing, I kind of doubt Trump would release files that exposed their guilt.
Have no doubt, be certain that they will not release anything relevant.
Do you remember when the MASK Narrative changed?
I remember that day.
For months, I would be the ONLY person in the store without a mask. Sometimes, hundreds of people were in the store wearing a mask.
Then, one day the narrative broke.
It might had been an official statement from the Texas governor regarding masks. I dunno.
However, I do remember getting out of my car about to enter Kroger grocery store without a mask.
A lady also was getting out of her car. She turns back to me, and somewhat ‘patriotically’ and ‘defiantly’ says, “Don’t wear a mask. We don’t have to.”
I responded that I had never worn a mask in the store.
It kind of killed her ‘courageous’ moment.
We are seeing that type of shift in public narrative occur right now since Trump won the election.
People are piling on, generally being more vocal.
In a way, this new narrative was ‘suggested’ by people now in the spotlight.
The Amazing Kreskin stated in a 1973 interview,
“Using suggestion, I could never make someone do something he didn’t want to do.
But it’s different in a crowd.
Psychologists don’t know why, but somehow the level of morality is lowered and responsibility is lost.”
In a way, “The Power of Suggestion” and “The Power of Narrative” are interchangeable phrases.
When people are influenced by the narrative, they ‘wear it’. They incorporate a conceptual idea into the framework of their mind, into the framework of their perspective and viewpoint. They wear it.
Does anyone have any ideas on what the JFK files will actually be? I kind of doubt they would release anything actually damning, so my guess is that they will be very watered-down, have a lot of info redacted, or largely incomplete. Or could they even just fabricate them completely? Like if the CIA or the Mossad was complicit in the killing, I kind of doubt they would release files that exposed their guilt.
I’ll be surprised if this is in the JFK files…
Lyndon Baines Johnson LBJ hired hitman Mac Wallace to assassinate JFK
Recovered family “life insurance policy” tape recording of man’s grandfather with Clifton Carter, the former Executive Director of the Democratic National Committee where they disclose it (in case they are also ‘taken out’.)
This Trump quote from Saturday January 25 made me laugh…
Trump Says He ‘Immediately Halted’ Hiring Of New IRS Agents
“They hired—were trying to hire 88,000 new workers to go with you, and we’re in the process of developing a plan to either terminate all of them or maybe we move them to the border.”
“…On day one, I immediately halted the hiring of any new IRS agents.”
“I think we’re going to move them to the border where they are allowed to carry guns.
You know, they’re so strong on guns. But these people are allowed to carry guns. So we will probably move them to the border.”
For all of you rebel gardeners out there, something that pairs nicely in the garden with Amaranth (the original outlaw rebel grain) 🙂
Black Currants (Ribes nigrum) – The Outlaw Berry
The article above explores the many gifts offered by Black Currants the in the context of Food Forest Design. It is Installment #21 of the Stacking Functions in the Garden, Food Forest and Medicine Cabinet series.
For close to a century, growing and importing black currants were banned, illegal and forbidden in many parts of the United States, giving it the name “forbidden fruit.”
It’s difficult to pinpoint a precise date, but many sources cite 1911 as the year when the great blackcurrant ban began. What we do know is that lots of government documents from the 1920s and 30s mention the prohibition and efforts to contain the spread of blister rust, and that scientists were also exploring ways of eradicating the plants.
In New York State, once the center of blackcurrant cultivation in the country, the ban was lifted in 2003 thanks largely to the efforts of one man: Greg Quinn. After liaising with researchers at Cornell University to confirm that the plants could indeed be grown safely, Quinn set about lobbying the state government to overturn the ban, as well as visiting numerous European countries to learn more about their cultivation from local growers.
It was believed to spread a fungus that threatened the White Pine timber industry (that was BS, not based on solid science, also, as I documented in my article on Pines, the timber industry had already destroyed the White Pines of Turtle Island without needing any help from the alleged “timber industry crippling currant bush fungus”).
For additional context here is a Comment Flashback 🙂
“Amaranth (the original outlaw rebel grain)”
The oldest trick in the book, blame it on the bushes.
You had be crack up and laugh out loud with that one man! 🙂
Hey, wait a second, are you hinting at some Moses burning bush implication there?
I was thinking about the notable family, it’s the sort of connections my brain makes in the later hours of the day when it dries up a bit.
ohhhh! I had almost totally forgotten about those clowns, yes that is a good one! 🙂
Calgary Canada
Over the many years, Dr. Robert Dickson has been through hell and back during the Fluoride Fight.
Juliet Guichon is a certified sociopath with psychopathic compulsions to control people.
Monday Jan 27, 2025 – Calgary Herald – By Noah Brennan
Settlement reached more than 5 years after CPSA complaint involving Calgary fluoridation critic
Dr. Robert Dickson faced four charges stemming from a 2019 complaint
A settlement has been reached following a hearing on Monday concerning Dr. Robert Dickson, a retired family physician and vocal critic of water fluoridation in Calgary.
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta (CPSA) addressed a complaint related to Dickson’s public advocacy against fluoridating drinking water, a subject that has sparked fierce debate in the city.
Dickson, who is also the founder of Safe Water Calgary, faced four charges stemming from a 2019 complaint. Among several allegations, the complainants argued that Dickson did not have the educational background nor professional expertise to act as an authority in public health medicine.
In a joint submission, the CPSA accepted that three of the charges would be dropped, with Dickson admitting to impugning the credibility of medical officials who supported the practice.
Dickson’s lawyer, Brynne Harding, clarified that his admission was not an acknowledgment of spreading misinformation about fluoridation. She emphasized that the charges were about how Dickson expressed his views, and that Dickson’s views did not amount to misinformation.
Dickson’s legal counsel claimed the 2019 complaint was brought against Dickson by “political opponents for political purposes” to stop Dickson from participating in city council debates about water fluoridation in 2019.
Dr. Juliet Guichon, a medical bioethicist and president of Calgarians for Kids’ Health, was critical of the outcome of the hearing.
Guichon argued that Dickson’s actions have been harmful to public health, citing increased dental decay in Calgary since fluoride was removed from the water supply in 2011.
Guichon, a vocal advocate for fluoridation, called the decision a “slap on the wrist” and criticized Dickson for spreading what she described as misinformation about fluoridation, which she argued had contributed to the rising dental issues.
“This decision is a terrible disappointment,” Guichon said. “It demonstrates callous indifference to the suffering of children, seniors and other vulnerable people who are suffering today because of this man’s actions.”..
[more]…Fluoride expected back in Calgary’s drinking water by March….
The New Media Landscape is now ‘Officialized’
Tuesday January 28, 2025
White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt holds her first briefing.
“…and in keeping with this revolutionary media approach that President Trump deployed during the campaign, the Trump White House will speak to ALL Media Outlets and personalities — not just the Legacy Media who are seated in this room, because according to recent polling from Gallup: “Americans’ trust in Mass Media has fallen to a record low.”
“Millions of Americans, especially young people, have turned from traditional television outlets and newspapers to consume their news from podcasts, blogs, social media, and other independent outlets.
It’s essential to our team that we share president Trump’s message everywhere, and adapt this White House to the New Media Landscape in 2025.”
“To do this, I am excited to announce the following changes will be made to this historic James S Brady briefing room where Mr. Brady’s Legacy will endure:
This White House believes strongly in the First Amendment. So, it’s why our team will work diligently to restore the Press Passes of the 440 journalists whose passes were wrongly revoked by the previous administration.”
“We’re also opening up this briefing room to New Media voices who produce news related content and whose outlet is not already represented by one of the seats in this room.
We welcome independent journalists, podcasters, social media influencers, and content creators to apply for credentials to cover this White House.
And you can apply now on our new website WhiteHouse.gov/NewMedia.”
“Starting today, this seat in the front of the room which is usually occupied by the Press Secretary staff will be called the New Media seat.
My team will review the applications and give credentials to New Media applicants who meet our criteria and pass United States Secret Service requirements to enter the White House complex.”
So in light of these announcements, our first questions for today’s briefing will go to these new media members….”
[New Jersey drones revealed.]
10:52 – Karoline Leavitt reiterates the New Media Landscape.
A reminder that we need to develop our spiritual strength in order to have a positive effect on the world:
The Will to Live or the Will to Die — Julian Rose
A MUST WATCH presentation that summarizes the harms and remedies of the jabs. The presentation is divided into a series of videos, which are also available on Rumble. this presentation will keep your attention!
‘Kill Shot’: Dr. Mark Trozzi Exposes mRNA Vaccines as a Genetically Engineered Bioweapon and Reveals Groundbreaking Recovery Solutions (Video)
Thanks jo-ann.
I also offered some recovery solutions here:
That is actually going to be the focus of my Mounsey Minute episode on Media Monarchy this month. So tune into MorningMonarchy on the 12th for more on this 🙂
Food As A Weapon vs Food Sovereignty
This video above also touches on Reasons #5, 9, 12, 13 and 18 from my 25 Reasons You Should Start a Garden in 2025 article (which you can read here): https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/25-reasons-you-should-start-a-garden
5. Food Security and emergency preparedness
9. Growing our own food means we are boycotting large industries and institutions that do much harm to the Earth
12. Growing your own food and medicine in a garden sabotages the plans of the megalomaniacal oligarchs that want to control every aspect of our lives
13. Gardening Strengthens, Nourishes and Heals Communities
18. Growing Organic Heirloom Crops At Home Preserves Genetic Diversity
(ps – yes I know Vandana Shiva was in club of rome or whatever, but that does not change the facts she spoke about in the clips)
For folks traveling by air in USA: Good article about recent history of near misses of aircraft and lack of adequate staffing in airline industry. Includes link to 2023 safety report.
Midair D.C. Air collision preceded by months of near misses, safety warnings
Specific challenges to pilots in Washington, DC:
Pilots have long worried about DC’s complex airspace contributing to a catastrophe
I just came across this disturbing passage in a post from someone I had been interacting with about herbalism and ethnobotanical studies a bit on substack recently.
“Transition is the trial, the testing, the journey. Everyone had a transition phase in COVID. Mine didn’t really start until after vaccines became available and I thought we had reached the beginning of the end. After that, dozens of patients I cared for died unnecessarily because they had chosen not to get vaccinated. 𝐈 𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐯𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧’𝐭 𝐝𝐢𝐞…” (source: https://thenettlewitchmd.substack.com/p/my-plea-to-complete-the-rite-of-passage )
I feel compelled to highlight this apparent severe cognitive dissonance as this is someone that people are looking to as some kind of herbalist / modern healer for advice on their health.
I do not seek to demonize her, as we all make errors and stumble in life, however this error she made is something she refuses to correct and make right, thus, it becomes a sort of pathologized Stockholm syndrome and potentially endangers the well being of those taking her medical advice.
I had been re-stacking her posts for a while, but I am not going to anymore as she appears to be a full on cultist.