
Corbett Report Radio 075 – Anarcho-Libertarianism with Walter Block

Tonight we talk to Dr. Walter Block, Professor of Economics at Loyola University and Senior Fellow at the Ludwig von Mises Institute. We discuss positive and negative rights, blackmail, abortion, anarchism, and a host of other contentious issues in this wide-ranging philosophical edition of the broadcast.

Corbett Report Radio 074 – Stopping NATO with Rick Rozoff

Rick Rozoff is the head of Stop NATO International at Stop NATO is an essential information source on all the latest news regarding the moves to the expansion and consolidation of NATO’s military might around the world. Tonight we discuss the upcoming NATO/G8 Summit in Chicago, the structure of NATO itself, and some of the current and future geopolitical hotspots where NATO is making its presence felt.

Corbett Report Radio 073 – The Fight Against Fluoridation with Dr. Paul Connett

Dr. Paul Connett is a retired professor of environmental chemistry and toxicology. He is the Director of the Fluoride Action Network at, which details the documented health effects of water fluoridation, from lowered IQ to increase in bone cancer. Tonight on the program we talk about the fight against fluoridation and how the people in community after community are taking the power back into their own hands and getting the fluoride removed from the water supply.

Corbett Report Radio 072 – Control the Food, Control the People

If it is true, as Kissinger has been alleged to say, that “Who controls the food supply controls the people” then food is a weapon on the geopolitical stage. It can be wielded for depopulation strategies through foreign policy. It can be controlled, limited and manipulated through international treaties. It can be used to eliminate small farmers and force a nation onto industrial farming controlled by Big Agra. But in the same way, it is a weapon each of us can wield by taking food production into our own hands. Join us tonight on Corbett Report Radio as we explore the problems and solutions of the food supply.

Corbett Report Radio 070 – Overcoming Learned Helplessness

In 1965, Martin Seligman conducted a series of experiments showing that dogs could be conditioned into accepting electric shocks, even when they were easily avoidable. This is the essence of learned helplessness, and like so many other findings, it is easily applicable to our own situation. Humans, too, can learn to accept the “shocks” of corrupt governments or economic catastrophes or TSA groping or the NDAA or online censorship…but just as people can learn helplessness, they can learn the exact opposite. Join us tonight on Corbett Report Radio as we explore the solutions to the learned helplessness conundrum.

Corbett Report Radio 069 – Religion and the New World Order

The political puppets of our world are at pains to profess their religious piety…but what God are they serving? Tonight we take a look at some of the bizarre occult practices of our so-called leaders, the conscious steering of the world into a New World Religion by the Rockefellers and others, and how the mystery religion insiders believe that they will achieve their own godhood.

Corbett Report Radio 068 – The Technological Singularity with Marc Ressl

From desktops to smartphones, from records to mp3s, from tv to streaming video, the pace of change in modern life can be bewildering. But is it our imagination or are these changes really accelerating? And what does it mean if they are? Tonight we talk to Marc Ressl of about the technological singularity.


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