
What You Don’t Know About 9/11 Could Fill A DVD…

In 9/11 Trillions and 9/11 War Games, The Corbett Report sheds light on two of the greatest 9/11 mysteries: The simultaneous war games that were taking place that morning and the trillion dollar money trail that leads back to the highest levels of government. Now for the first time you can own both of these feature length documentaries on a single DVD.

Pay Up or the Earth Gets It! – #PropagandaWatch

As predicted, the IPCC has released their hot air report on 1.5C of global warming and the lamestream fake news lying establishment lapdog media is hyping it as the end of the world as we know it…unless you pay the globalists more money to atone for your carbon sins, of course. This week on #PropagandaWatch James breaks down the latest propaganda push for carbon eugenics and what it means for the coming technocratic slave state.

How Bad Global Warming Science Hurts the Environmental Movement

Jim Steele was the Director of the Sierra Nevada Field Campus of San Francisco State University from 1985 to 2009. Having taught courses on plants, natural sciences, bird banding and bird identification, his research into the causes of the declines in local bird populations led him to the understanding that natural climate cycles and landscape changes were causing disruptions of wildlife populations. He went on to author a book, Landscapes & Cycles: An Environmentalist’s Journey to Climate Skepticism, and a website, where he explores how faulty, over-hyped C02-driven climate change fears are misdirecting environmental researchers and activists away from the true cause of environmental disruption.

Did Eugenics Fake Its Own Death? – Questions For Corbett

This time on Questions For Corbett: Did eugenics fake its own death? Why was KAL 85 ordered to squawk a hijack code on 9/11? Will deep fakes make people more skeptical of authority? And can you download Corbett Report videos directly from the website? Join James for the answers to these and other burning questions.

Drones For Taxes, Lion King Gun, Mockingbird Nicaragua – New World Next Week

The fake establishment lapdog corporate crony mockingbird mouthpiece dinosaur media has finally learned that no one pays attention to the fake establishment lapdog corporate crony mockingbird mouthpiece dinosaur media anymore. This is humorous, but also worrying. James Corbett discusses what it feels like now that the Eye of Sauron is gazing directly at The Corbett Report in his latest installment of Financial Survival with Melody Cedarstrom.


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