
I See GREEN Light!

The social engineers will tell you that green lights are blue or there are five lights when there are only four. They want you to repeat their lies. They want to break you down. Don’t let them. Say it with me: That is a GREEN light!

The Truth About Glass-Steagall

We all know the story by now: the repeal of Glass-Steagall in 1999 led to the housing bubble, the subprime meltdown and the global financial crisis…right? What do we really know about Glass-Steagall and how do we know it? Today James peels the layers off another long-standing alt media myth and discovers a surprising and cautionary tale about how the banksters can manipulate us into doing our dirty work for them.

The Weaponization of “Science”

“Science” is being turned into a political weapon. Not the scientific method, but the reified “science” of scientism, exemplified by the politically-motivated March For Science, the politically-biased peer review process, the politically-charged infotainment from political hacks like Bill Nye, and the politically-appointed scientific regulators who always put their corporate interests and political worldview ahead of scientific accuracy.

G. Edward Griffin Debunks the JFK/Fed Myth

If you follow the alt media you’ve probably heard the theory that the bankers were behind the JFK assassination. The theory holds that JFK was trying to end the Fed by creating debt-free, silver-backed money through Executive Order 11110, and the bankers saw this as a threat to their monopoly over the money supply. But this theory is not just wrong, it is completely opposite to reality. Joining us today to set the record straight once and for all is G. Edward Griffin, editor of and author of the seminal book on the Federal Reserve, The Creature From Jekyll Island.

Hidden Corbett Report Gem

A listener has requested that I highlight some of the hidden gems from The Corbett Report archives for the 10th anniversary of the site on June 1st. Since this is an impossible task for me to do myself, I’m calling on you to help me out. What’s your favourite overlooked podcast/interview/video/article from The Corbett Report? Leave your suggestion in the comments below and one lucky Corbett Report member will win a very special prize.

Requiem for the Suicided: Dr. David Kelly

Famed microbiologist and UN weapons inspector Dr. David Kelly became the centre of a dispute between the BBC and the UK government over claims that the government had “sexed up” its dossier on Saddam’s weapons of mass destruction in order to sell the Iraq war to the public. He was found dead on Harrowdown Hill on July 18, 2003. It was ruled a suicide. Today we look at the troubling discrepancies, inconsistencies and questions surrounding that official verdict, and broach the question of what secrets Dr. Kelly may have taken to the grave…


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