
Daniel McAdams on the Koch-Soros Quincy Institute Interventionists

Daniel McAdams joins us today to discuss his recent article, “The Koch-Soros Quincy Project: A Train Wreck of Neocon and ‘Humanitarian’ Interventionists.” We talk about the Quincy Institute, its supporters, and how they are using phony opposition to keep “anti-war” advocates in service of the US empire’s “forever war” agenda.

Dan Dicks Fights the Canadian Media Crackdown

The Canadian government has recently considered a proposal to require all Canadian media to be licensed by the government. The proposal has been rejected for now, but how long can independent media continue to function in the increasingly draconian Canadian police state? Dan Dicks of joins us to discuss the issue.

Contagion – Film, Literature and the New World Order

FROM SEPTEMBER 2014: This month on Film, Literature and the New World Order, Tim Kilkenny of RevelationsRadioNews joins us to discuss the 2011 propaganda film, “Contagion.” We examine “Participant Media,” the media venture of billionaire Jeff Skoll that produces “social action campaigns” for each of its 55 films and seeks to shape public debate in five main target areas, including pandemic disease. In this episode, James and Tim dissect the propaganda techniques and message of the film and point out how the film seeks to shape the opinions of the audience.

Anarchy? – Questions For Rose

Larken and Amanda Rose of The Rose Channel join James in Acapulco to answer some questions from our previous conversation about how to talk to statists.

Ron Paul on Ending The Fed

James Corbett sits down with Ron Paul to discuss the coming end of the Federal Reserve. Dr. Paul reflects on the End The Fed movement, explains the inevitability of the Fed’s demise, and talks about what system may come along to take its place.

See You in Mexico!

I’m off to Mexico to attend Anarchapulco 2020. I’ll be back in a week or so. In the meantime, join the Open Thread to stay up to date on the latest from The Corbett Report community.


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