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Next week, a gaggle of globalists will descend on the UN to rubber stamp the Pact for the Future, a new document from the kleptocrats laying out their goals for global government and universal neofeudal enslavement. What, you didn’t think the UN was an innocent organization devoted to world peace, did you? Well, you certainly won’t after this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast. United Nations delenda est.
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Here’s What’s Next on the Globalist Calendar
Interview 1814 – The UN’s Apex Body with Jacob Nordangård
Our Summit For Our Future – #SolutionsWatch
What is the Summit of the Future?
Latest Pact for the Future revision
Episode 087 – The UN Doesn’t Love You,
UN Peacekeepers raping children in Haiti and Liberia
UN Peacekeepers raping children in Ivory Coast and southern Sudan
UN peackeepers involved in gun running and gold smuggling in the Congo
A UNICEF program discourages breastfeeding in Botswana. Infant deaths ensue.
UN complicity in forced sterilizations of rural poor women in Peru
Polio vaccines delivered as part of a UNICEF program in Nigeria were found to be contaminated with sterilizing agents
Cordell Hull, in his 1939 Advisory Committee on Problems of Foreign Relations, drafted a plan for a global government with an “Executive Council” and a “General Assembly”
Hull created a Division of Special Reserach in 1941 to pursue a “future world order” involving a “world assembly”
Just weeks after Pearl Harbor, Hull set up an Advisory Committee on Postwar Foreign Policy—including not just government officials but the president of the Council on Foreign Relations and the editor of the CFR’s Foreign Affairs magazine—to work on the formation of a world governmental organization to birth the New Post-WWII World Order
SDG Goal 16: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”
Target 16.9: By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration
UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy – Julian Huxley wants UNESCO to make eugenics “thinkable” again
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Three New Pacts to Be Approved at the UN Summit
The Foreboding UN Convention on Cybercrime
Canadian pandemic bill would regulate meat production, develop contract tracing
Japan Prepares Eighth Round of Vaccinations with Self-amplifying mRNA
Thank you for bringing attention to this. I love the “what’s our agenda 2029?” question towards the end.
In other news: will you be doing a video on the Independent Media Alliance? This sounds so hopeful – and in a real way, not an empty way.
The universal word is collective ‘no’.
We can and MUST ALL say ‘no’. NO. NO.
and stand by it
There is NO OTHER word in any or all languages that collectively will stop this madness.
The lost two words, both sounding the same phonetically.
I still think you’re on the wrong path with this James and I still think those supranational entities like the UN, the WHO, etc, are best met with our indifference. Every hour spent analyzing them, reading their treaties, pacts, agreements etc.. is an hour spent away from our families and kids and thus an hour wasted in our short lives on this planet. On the individual level we have no power to oppose them, we can’t exit them or resign our memberships since, as you stated yourself, we’re not members in the first place. Let’s ignore them and fight the battles closer to our home. In that regard, what’s your stance on guns? Best regards, a fellow
Often when people hang out at a website of choice they begin to make assumptions that all visitors embrace the same amount of facts and figures, etc. of this and that. James’ ability to “teach” those newbies who visit here is and has been quite profound with his exploration into so many of the facets of our imprisonment.
Indeed, the bad guys seem quite shielded from any “individual” opposition but that is not the only “answer” to taking them down. Just as THEY have for centuries in their effort to take over the natural evolutionary process of human expansion, it has been done in a collective effort. So similar to the way the white blood cells of our bodies rush to heal wounds so must humans behave to scab over and heal the various nefarious groups and agendas.
The controllers absolutely can not be “ignored” but in agreement with you, I have offered here before and recently the most important things are friends, family, and education of those who don’t understand the dangers. Not a time for Rambo behavior thinking guns are the answer, only the last choice as they have Warthogs and satellite weaponry and more beyond one’s imagination.
Be a teacher yourself in your community and family and allow others to take on whatever path to freedom they are inspired, just inspire them 🙂
I didn’t advise Rambo behaviour, i’m just genuinely interested in James’ stance on guns and self defense and where he would draw the line at which he would resort to defensive force since he rarely (or never?) mentions those subjects.
Out of ALL I offered all you can come up with is some perceived insult?
One of the things that just wears me down is this world of victim think people unable to engage in interesting dialog without getting their feelings hurt.
The comment I replied to by you was so filled with pessimism that I tried to offer some light but alas, you are more comfortable with victim hood I guess.
Did you even take a peek at my link to my essay?
I perceived no insult whatsoever.
Only a statement of interest, and a question to James Corbett.
I also did not perceive “pessimism” in his post. Simply one person’s view point, one person’s material embodiment.
When writing of “solutions”, one might well begin with a clear definition. Water is the Great Dissolver.
Whatever happened to “different strokes for different folks”?
Your solution is wonderful as long as it works for you. Grows corn. Maybe someday it won’t.
In the meanwhile, one excellent dissolver might be a cursory study of how systems describe “differences”. Choose your system. Astrology presents a complete circle of perspectives, a complementary journey.
Rather than oppositional.
There are birds, and there are bison. They employ different senses, different strategies, different “solutions” if you will, and have different “dharmas”, i. e. “life purpose”.
Lighten up and rein in your ego, if you’re so “spiritual” and all.
No single one will have “the” solution. Put two “hero”s together and you’ve got an error.
We’re not all coming with the same gifts, the same backgrounds, the same desires, the same minds, nor the same eyes or ears.
The question was about self-defense. You actually answered it very well. Your response was exceedingly and somewhat illusionary in it’s tone of self-defense.
Watch that Mars in Ardra. Very explosive. Rudra’s storm brings tears.
As if I care what you think.
Another negative clown here on a great website yapping their nonsense.
A healthy human body puts out an overall “negative” charge.
Or are you referring to the new-age “negatives”? I.E. “what I don’t like”.
“It’s good to be king, if just for a while”, but in the year of the angry man, who will be king?
You’re the one whining that “I bet you didn’t even open my link”.
What’s making you so rancid?
You’re mistaken, i didn’t perceive no insult. Anyway, i’m long past the “getting my feelings hurt” stage.
Also, where was my comment filled with pessimism? Is it pessimistic to focus on your family? I’m sorry i don’t understand you.
I’m going to take a peek at your link now.
Hughsername, I appreciate your input. Don’t mind the mess. Step around the pile and keep moving forward lol
I’m interested in James’ thoughts on personal defense also. Being from Chinada, I wonder how he was brought up to think about the scary thundersticks 😂
As with many things, he has certainly changed his ideologies and worldviews based upon realizing things sensibly (in most cases).
Yes, having an alternative path is essential. The only thing worse than the UN is the USA Corporation. Corporations are fictions, they are not living beings of this Earth; however, the USA Unincorporated consists of living people who not only understand this fact but also have a plan to regain peace and freedom as was originally envisioned by the Founding Fathers in the late 1780s. Unfortunately, Lincoln left this in limbo after the Civil War. The people of the United State has now brought back this vision which has now been restored and ratified by all 50 states in 2018. It is well underway, and growing as US Citizens restore their legal standing as State and American Nationals.
— NormieLand Infections —
While I have no desire to tell other people what to do, I will tell others what I do, and why.
It could fill a book, but I will hit some points.
As a human being and part of my code of honor, I feel it is important to disseminate valuable information and to pushback against injustice. I feel it is important to be informed on matters of substance.
I am proud of my pushback and dissemination.
RECENT EXAMPLE: Unleashing Self-replicating Vaccines Upon the World
I proudly tell my son, grandkids, relatives, friends and others about some of my activist actions in the hope that it will inspire them to actively live a non-shallow life, to actively relay matters of substance, to actively pushback against all the crap going on.
Drive up and down the streets of any American neighborhood. Rows and rows of houses. Many of those family households are trapped in the shallowness of NormieLand, uninformed, inattentive and as James Corbett says: ”Incurious Human Beings”.
The shallowness of Normieland actually infects the Truth Community. Or maybe, it is just a lack of courage. Or apathy.
In the Truth Community, when one becomes informed on a matter of substance such as 9/11 Truth, should that person keep the information to himself? Would it help to better conditions if that person shared the revelation?
In my opinion, the honorable action is to disseminate important information.
And the same holds true on pushback against injustice and tyrannical forces. The honorable thing is to pushback.
After many years of on-the-street activism, I have observed many folks in the ‘Truth Community’ who won’t disseminate to new people and who won’t pushback against injustice. They prefer to sing to the choir, keeping their information inside the church doors. It is NormieLand behavior.
Remember the Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy? The Dutch Farmers, German Farmers, Sri Lankan Farmers? The 2024 W.H.O. protests around the world? The many 9/11 Truthers out in the streets of the 2008 era? The ‘End the Fed’ protests?
Dissemination DOES THREATEN the Globalists. The proof is in their efforts to censor information.
Pushback does threaten the Globalists. The Proof is that the media does not cover the demonstrations.
“Silence is complicity” beats the drum. is a quote from “Unleashing Self-replicating Vaccines Upon the World”.
So, I maintain that it is important to stay informed and to spread the message.
I agree with everything you say. Maybe i didn’t express myself well. I’m all for the dissemination of information, that’s why i subscribed to the corbettreport in the first place. I am merely expressing some criticism (which was in no way meant to be destructive) as to which subjects I personally think are more worthy of broadcasting (the ones closer to home). Again personally, I think once you know the UN or the WHO is not your friend, you’re wasting your time if year after year you invest energy in reading and analyzing their pacts and treaties etc… Anyhow, James does as he sees fit, I just believe his talents are put to better use elsewhere than reading UN documents. Voilà, that’s it, i will definitely not unsubscribe over this, i merely voiced my opinion.
Thanks, Hughsername! Now I understand.
That makes a lot of sense to me on so many levels.
There are different types of audiences, and each person has their own interests.
One person may prefer the academia deep dive on a certain topic, while another person may feel that they have sufficient knowledge to grasp that“the UN or the WHO is not your friend.”
There are some deep dive topics which do not strike my interest. The short-form works for me.
Hughsername, I am so very glad that you expressed your opinion and perspective.
And then clarified my misconception.
Thanks friend!
Thank you!
Unrelated, did any of you longtime followers ever organize a real life meeting?
Some Corbett Report Members I know from real life.
But monikers mask identities.
There is no telling how many Corbett Members I know from real life interactions, because I have had hundreds of thousands of interactions with different people during my life in all areas of the country. My jobs, businesses, and activism have put me face-to-face with more people than I could ever number. When I run into people I knew from the 1970’s and they know about 9/11…they often know about Corbett Report.
Over the decades locally, I have been involved in countless activism actions and events on an array of topics: 9/11 Truth, GMO, Vaccinations, Eugenics, JFK, Anti-War, Food, Health, Corruption, etc.
Example: http://911blogger.com/news/2013-12-07/jfk-50th-anniversary-jfk-lancer-north-texans-911-truth
For the past ten years I built the DallasForSaferWater.com website and continue my activism on the Fluoride issue. [A year ago, the website host ownership transition threw a wrench in it.]
Serendipity is the fact of finding interesting or valuable things by chance.
Because of monikers, there is no telling how many Corbett Report members know other members in real life.
Back in the early 1980’s, I went to an educational conference at a tall hotel in downtown Dallas. For years, I had not seen my youngest brother who lived 100 miles away. I took a break and went into the Hotel’s lobby restroom. Standing at the line of urinals, a fella comes up on my left side. It was my brother. His friend’s father flew a chopper and they had landed on the roof for a bathroom break.
In 1972, I had hitchhiked from Podunk Texas to Rapid City, South Dakota to see an old Podunk high school buddy. He and I spent a night up in the hills by a hot spring on military base land. After the morning dip, we see a Military Police jeep coming towards us. When the main MP walks over to us, all three of us were surprised! It was Johnny, our old Texas high school friend.
There are other anecdotes of serendipity.
There is no telling how many Corbett Report members know other members in real life.
Wow, that’s impressive! I have a far more humble resume.
It could be fun to establish a yearly meeting between members from all over the world, every year somewhere else, like now in Bath UK for example. I wont be able to make it this year though but i’d keep it on my radar for coming years.
I often wonder about how to effectively fight people who like to put stupid shit on paper behind closed doors.
Nicely summarized 😉
The beauty of the Corbett report is that you do not neeeed to read through all the links, Corbett having already given you the gist for you to be informed/warned and thereby helped to form your life the way you see fit. The choice is always yours.
I for one really appreciate the bulking out of stuff I knew sort of vaguely and also learning new stuff.
You big headed thinkers are gonna cause shortages of felt in the habidasery industry.
Delenda est ! What? See below.
Actually means ? Reminds me Cato the elder and George dub-ya are a lot alike.
I agree, with Hughsername and I agree with James.
U.N. delenda est and custodire domum suam, or domum ante.
If that don’t make the head larger I don’t know what will.
How too, kill the beast in the wild while simultaneously defending the home/ home front?
300 forts on the frontier, armed citizens at home ? Madness of the asylum. How does it all hold together with such extreme duality? Sumptin gonna change?
We shall be Kings, captains or peons. Free will . What a comedy.
I clearly see why wine and music are so ingrained in daily tribulations. Parenthetically?
Physical or spiritual. ?, choose and indulge the best of your choice. Seems there’s no wrong choice. Guess it’s up to which way does the wind blow?
Good luck.
Precisely the final and most important question which Caesar posed of a possible military high-level candidate:
“Is he lucky?”
The folk wisdom says “happy-go-lucky”.
Luck will not accompany misery, and bolts at the first hint of panic.
“Oh, ye men of little faith”
“Look!! Look Elijah!! Ten thousand enemy troops. ” (great counting)
“Oh, lord, Elias. Look again. ”
“Hunh? Ten thousand angels? ”
Anything can happen.
Welcome! You are now a student in the Corbett University.
This is a post graduate course and you are encouraged to submit in writing your thoughts, gains of insight and analysis of the situation James presents us with.
P.S. this is reality and any theories that you have on this you are encouraged to submit. In response you will be afforded credit for expressing the state of your propaganda and debit of your world view that “crosses that line in the sand, knowledge you possess from early childhood.” Get to writing.
In this analysis I agree that we cannot lose sight of the freedom and individuality we value, and yet the individual fight is difficult without a head full of legalities to stand our ground.
However remember most confrontations will be with grunts following rules, so definitely worth learning some of the correct language of what are our sovereign rights UK, or constitutional rights US. in dealing with policing by agreement, as in UK it is important to use the phrase I do not submit (to your authority), hence I will not comply with your request, ( to accompany me to a police station eg), This means they must arrest you, read you your rights, state the actual charge, -insist on knowing this and record it if possible, so it is not changed. Remain polite, disturbing the peace is itself a grounds to detain… keep explaining why you disagree with their response to your behaviour/freedom etc.
Yes, people don’t understand how important framing things can be. Throughout the history of the animal husbandry of the human race, aggression has been exploited in the human genome, not for logical reasons, but for anything that goes against team ideology. They are people that have successfully been bred to be a weapon to attack anyone that goes outside their tribal notions. But practical sense (I never use the term common sense because that does not imply the existence of logic) dictates that if someone is going to use their perceived strength to attack you simply for some perceived benefit, despite you not wishing to be involved with them, then it is prudent to eliminate the source of their strength. Personally, I have no use for the whole “left”/”right” thing or any of these other nothing-but-ambiguous-verbal-symbology labels that these people use for stuff, but I have no problem holding people to the standards they wish to unilaterally force upon someone else. So, for someone like Chia Raichik (Libs of Tiktok) who is a “proud conservative” and participated in her own “cancel culture”, she’s actually a libtard touting her pronouns. In fact, she and Taylor Lorenz were probably scissoring after that video, that was basically lesbian abstinence, and saying what they were doing should be put into Star Wars. People like AOC are right-wing Trump clones. Jewish Lives Matter, my pronouns are “chosen” and “people”, and so on. You separate people from their strength who want to use that strength as nothing more than a cudgel, which, in this case, is a never-ending barrage detaching them from their teams. I don’t know why people don’t understand this simple logic when everyone talks about destroying the power structure and pulling people out of the brainwashing and so on. Some people just aren’t going to stop with the group think until they feel completely alone. Duh.
Actually, sorry, it’s “Jewish Lives Matter, the pronouns are ‘master’ and ‘race’.”
James, since I did not hear it specifically mentioned in this presentation, I ask if you think that an inclusion of some sort of leadership would be beneficial for forwarding the cause or visions that we come up with and organize around? Is temporary roles of management and administration needed to direct our experiments of new and more beautiful ways of living in relationship as brothers and sisters of One Family?
“some pigs are more equal than others”
I think we can simply affirm the fact that we do not recognize and do not agree with the UN. We do not give them authority against our rights. We can simply say that we do not and will not acknowledge their authority on us. We can start an international letter writing campaign to the UN letting them know that they have no authority over us. I don’t care what the current government in power is saying. I did not vote for this. The UN does not represent me. It is for us to assert our rights. People have abdicated their personal rights. Time for people to assert them.
Some resistance in US…
Yesterday House Republicans gave a press conference about the UN and WHO’s efforts to grab our sovereignty
Was it Political PR Fluff?
Was part of the intention to garner visibility and brownie points with voters?
Election Day is Nov 5th.
On Tuesday September 17, I saw that “Forbes Breaking News” YouTube video when I was reviewing market analysis videos. Then later Thursday’s Highwire played some of the clip.
‘We Cannot Let This Go’: House Republicans Rail Against The UN And World Health Organization
25 minutes
Reps. Bob Good (R-VA) and Ralph Norman (R-SC) led a press briefing about preserving US sovereignty and to organize against the UN and WHO.
I cringed when Norman or someone started mentioning China like it was a boogieman type enemy.
While the video played, I started searching for any type of official House Respresentative document. I went through Rep Bob Good’s government webpage and couldn’t find anything.
In other words, I could not find any official written statement by these House Republicans.
Regardless of the motives behind the Republican group statement, I am all for getting the message out and publicly “Railing Against The UN And World Health Organization.”
Sept 18 – “Texas Scorecard” by Debra McClure via Dallas Express
Texas GOP Takes Bold Stand: Delegation Moves to Rein in WHO’s Power
Almost all of Texas’ Republican congressional delegation recently voted to approve legislation that would protect American autonomy against the influence of the World Health Organization.
H.R. 1425, the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act, passed the U.S. House of Representatives in a vote of 219-199.
With the exception of U.S. Rep. Kay Granger, all of Texas’ Republican congressional delegation voted in favor of the act. Granger did not vote.
“The Biden-Harris Administration should not allow the World Health Organization and United Nations to control our management of pandemic preparation that would surrender our sovereignty,” U.S. Rep. Nathaniel Moran (R-CD1) said after its passage…
…Moran called the possibility of the WHO influencing U.S. pandemic policies “troubling.” He stated that by requiring Senate approval, the bill will prevent the “undermining of American authority and ensures that the U.S. retains the final say in how it responds to pandemics, protecting our national interests and the wellbeing of our citizens.”..
…In May, Gov. Greg Abbott joined 23 Republican governors across the nation in a letter to President Biden opposing the administration’s consideration of the unconstitutional “Pandemic Agreement.”…
I’m still curious as to whether the “un” has a DEW proof method of “un”-incribing all of these…”agreements”.
Pretty much how the money system works, eh? Papers of “agreements”. Aggregating aggrandizing agreements. What a way to go. They get paid good, and have to show something for it, right?
Well, with all of these governmental and ultra-“non”-(lol) governmental organizations up the touche, we can pretty much say we’ve just about scraped out the bottom feeders of humanity. The Titanic is going to be a spaceship, this time.
Meanwhile, how’s everyone’s ecliptic twist-and-shadow dance going?
Ready for Oct. 2?
Trump was born smack during an eclipse. Sun and Moon opposition, full moon, total eclipse. This one falls in his second house of resources, and speech. And eighth house of sudden events; long term debts and litigations; long term illnesses and injuries; and death.
Kennedy was born very close to an eclipse. His dad also.
The power of shadowing and twisting backwards.
Interesting. We’ll see…..anything can happen. It’s shadow play. It’s shadow play. Keep this in mind.
Oh, by the way, where in all these links does it perhaps mention those nifty pager-bombs the Israelis love selling?
Wasn’t in the cybercrime section.
Meanwhile, the white coats continue making a killing by now surgically removing children’s genitals and “parts”. All in the name of “trans”.
“Trans”lation of “Trans” nation : Sterile
One way or another.
Relevant to US and Canadian citizens to defeat the UN
Below is part of a comment written by Rima E Laibow, MD posted on Substack (link: https://wmcresearch.substack.com/p/friday-hope-sulforaphane-remarkable).
“There is a pending piece of legislation before the US Congress, which is now in session, to get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US. It is called the Disengaging Entirely From the UN Debacle Act of 2023 (HR: 6645/S: 3428) [emphasis added] and must be passed before the end of the 118th Congress with enough votes to override the inevitable Oval Office Veto.
“Your readers can visit PreventGenocide2030.org and take the 10 Million Patriot Challenge to prevail upon Congress to pass this legislation with a supermajority so they can override the veto
“PreventGenocide2030.org is rich in information in addition to the 10 Million Patriot Challenge. For example, Canadians can take action against the final adoption of the disastrous C-293 [emphasis added], which operationalizes total UN control over every aspect of Canadian life.
“This bill must be passed before the end of the 118th Congress if we are, in fact, to withdraw from the most comprehensive tyranny ever dreamed of by the mind of man.
“Please help your readers to mobilize themselves and their communities to take the simple, quick actions at PreventGenocide2030.org to pass this legislation and sustain it over the veto it will receival.”
P.S. The site also lists actions to be taken by citizens of Australia and the rest of the world.
James Corbett I love it when you’re in one of these moods XD I’m sorry if this comment comes off lowbrow… LOL but I have got to say this I love it when you’re on one like this! I could see your eyes flash -you could feel the acid vapor in the air fresh off the tongue corresponding to the Globalists you clearly loathe… As we do, in solidarity with you.
I agree – his passion was high and he pulled together all the false narrative of the UN, and what they were up to while millions of lives were being snuffed out in their manufactured wars. I think this video is something to share to start to wake people up to the reality of this world.
Yes indeed I couldn’t have said it better! I wish there was a friendship system on here I am somewhat new to the form but I’ve been following James for about 14 years now I think pretty close to the beginning. I’ve written him a few times and I really love the media monarchy weekly show but I’m having trouble finding it with my schedule now I have a hell of a time having free time to drift around and looking at these things maybe I’ll go search around in a minute. Yes you nailed it the only thing I could add to that is I completely agree! This would be a great one to share to people and I think I’m going to do just that. Yeah when he is extremely passionate about something it shows I mean he cares about a lot of things but you can really see his emotions one friend said he’s still monotone and soon animated and I looked at her and said you haven’t watched him enough he is so impassioned sometimes he can barely suppress it! I always thought this would be hilarious to introduce someone to James Corbett show him or her the video about Elon musk techno huxter or whatever the title is where he pops out in his YouTube cap and he’s got his popcorn that’s GMO and his large high corn syrup drink oh man I laughed so hard and I told my friend I’m like hey we’re going to go break and like this is the video we laughed like an hour instead of James Corbett was here he would be so mad if he😂😂😂😂😂 knew we were doing that lol but please watch the Elon musk technocratic huckster or whatever it is and watch James intro at the beginning it’s freaking hilarious will you imagine someone watching him for the first time thinking that’s James Corbett I can’t even stop laughing thinking about it
RE: Episode 465 – The UN’s [Death] Pact for the [Globalist] Future
The shownotes are impressive!
The shownotes are a great resource whether for dissemination/communication or for one’s own research.
Target 16.9: By 2030, provide legal identity for all….
…A lack of identity documents can lead to denial of access to social support, vaccinations and health care, and education.
Access to employment, financial services and mobile phone services may also be limited, leading to exclusion from the formal economy and poverty….
James, please forgive my temerity, but I feel I must correct you on one point. The UN, is absolutely accountable. As are all globalist organizations. The individuals who comprise the organizations most likely don’t know who they serve, but they do serve their god. Think Screwtape Letters. Sure, the individuals are often bumbling idiots. But they serve diabolically wise overlords.
Psalm 82 describes the ultimate end of these rebellious entities who were appointed by the one true God to shepherd the people and lead them back into a relationship with Him. Instead, they have spent the ages deluding people into believing that they don’t need to rely on the Wisdom of their Creator but instead should place their faith in men and organizations of men.
James, there is a big part of me that revels in the optimism that you and so many other thoughtful and intelligent people express when they share their truthful thoughts and opinions. And actually, I would have to say that I am probably even more optimistic. But obviously not in the same way.
I honestly have no hope that humanity is capable, by own power, of coming together and working together on a large enough scale to defeat the cancer that has metastasized into the global monstrosity that you’re talking about.
But I do have every hope and confidence that God will be true to His Word and He will soon finally finish what He began what seems to us so long ago.
While I absolutely encourage people to adopt “solutions” and work together at whatever level or scale they can do impede and hopefully eliminate globalism whenever possible. I still recognize that the vast majority of people will never stop relying on their heroes and their systems and their science and their gods and themselves. And all of these things have one thing in common. To make absolutely sure that people don’t turn to God.
Astrology, scientism, humanism, eugenics, rabid environmentalism, belief in super intelligent extraterrestrial saviors. All good and encouraged by the gods of this world.
But the idea that God made Himself to be human so that we could relate to Him on some level and that He lived among humans and taught humans and became the one true “Solution” to what ails mankind. That idea is too far out there to be true. Too supernatural.
Its okay to believe that the position and movement of stars and planets will affect your individual life but its silly to believe that you might need a savior.
James, we’re living in a world where the “leader of the free world” wouldn’t be allowed to operate a motor vehicle. Where multitudes of otherwise seemingly normal people become fanatically obsessed with their “hero”. And unless something catastrophic occurs, they will obediently participate in their religious ritual to elevate one of their own flawed fellows to a symbolic position of power in order for their religious system to continue. And this ridiculous game will be played out in every nation.
Jesus is the “solution”
It’s wonderful to hear someone talk about the spiritual reality on this site!
The UN globalist agenda dovetails into the theosophical agenda to reveal their Messiah in 2025. If you search for ‘Alice Bailey 2025’ there are many references to what they have planned for next year. Many will believe this is the 2nd coming of the Messiah, but it will be Satan.
The books Light Bearers of Darkness and The Trail of the Serpent (which are free on Archive.org) describe how they have been preparing us for this day.
Common sense? Logic? Practical sense? Reality? Fantasy?
Mans brain has discovered that one cannot mix oil and water. Ingenious?
No! It’s just plain reality.
The reality is that since man has been brilliant enough to discover and then
bring into existence that which can literally obliterate him as a species, and
then produce enough of it to do the job a thousand times over, or so we are told,
and then in the meantime try and create something, AI, to completely
eliminate any need for him to continue to exist, logic says that the time will come
when there would no flesh be saved alive. That is unless Someone or something
over which he has absolutely no control, intervenes.
Pessimist? Defeatist? Extremist? Realist? Call me what you will. Have at it.
But with all of this brilliance and experience to call upon and he still is unable
or unwilling, or both, to figure out how to exist and continue himself in a state
of harmony and peace, mankind IS now divided and conquered. That’s Reality!
Can I be a sovereign if my rights are NOT absolute, not inalienable, according to the majority who are authoritarians and will force their politics on all? Yes, in principle, in captivity, in all governments. How?
Sovereignty begins in our mind, our values, our politics, and need not be accepted by others to exist. We can live it, with care not to be self-destructive, if we invent opportunities. I know. At 82, I have done it, all my life. It begins with your attitude, your stubbornness, your self-respect, self-worth. No one can take that away. You have to surrender it.
Where is Mr. Globalist? I would like to hear the other side of the argument.
Btw, did James say near the end globaloney or globaloonie? Either way a good moniker anyone can use, profusely.
James Corbett says:
“And if we had a vision… and could articulate what our goals are for 2030 and beyond, and have a plan, an action plan of steps that we can take to reach those goals, at the very least, again, we could be bumbling idiots who can’t tie our shoelaces, but if we stick to it and continue to press and frame every problem to our solution, you know what?
You know what would make this problem better?
Human autonomy.
Me claiming I am an individual sovereign with my own rights.
That’s what will fix this problem of terrorism or whatever. Whatever… globalony problem that they invent…”
…”We need to reclaim our individual sovereignty and our right to freely associate or disassociate from anyone we want based on our principles and our ideals, what we are working towards individually and what we can come together to cooperate on.
And that is our choice.
So we have to find decentralized, grassroots, bottom-up solutions ways to combat this centralized top-down system of control that is being imposed upon us….”
Yes it was a beautiful question to us, to share our ‘ground up’ solutions, which almost certainly mean having our individuality in one hand and the freedom of others in the other hand. So for what its worth… For sure we say No to the oneworld top down imposition, while appreciating how it has finally galvanised a lot more of us to see what is at stake. But… No is not enough, we need surely to articulate our YES, to Life, The Planet, The human family, even in its sleep state, even when they ridicule and deny what seems obvious, even when they crucify, poison, murder by the thousand any questioning of their dominance…. any spreading of truth as any half awake might see it. And if your trust is great enough… you will not and cannot depend on on dozy people for your own individuality to thrive. Perhaps we can expect no better than what we see all around us, perhaps the comfort of top down promises of security will prove too attractive to the many of us, any of us might yet slip back, if our price is met- careful how you deny this is true… This wake up call of James and many others is hard personal work, hard to face we too have the same 1% psycho, buried deep in this ‘individuality’. Yes we need friends and family, and our enemies to mirror us faithfully, when we ‘go off on one…’
One potential solution is a framework for any community or re-built Nation State. One such framework might be Hayek’s Constitution of Liberty.
Thank you, James. This was very timely for me. I have recently somehow gotten back to that “what on Earth can I do, though?” State of mind. I lack a community and I lack resource so I end up feeling so powerless. The reminder to have a plan, for my family at the very least, was just what I needed. I live very close to where the people’s reset is taking place in Bath, and I so want to go – but my role caring for my children and not being able to break from that plus struggling for the ticket price are stopping me – and I am frustrated by that – it is exactly the event I long to be at. I feel I should find a way and am failing! I hope I might find some way to connect with those who have attended, even if I cannot be there.
Thank you for the good work and sanity.
Hi dear James, before I even listen to this podcast, I feel a need to draw your attention to the sprouting up of what are called Transition Towns’; this is in the UK. It’s a marvellous concept started by a guy who practiced the organic gardening process, ‘Permaculture’. I used to be very interested in this movement, the Permaculture one, but recently have found that a great deal of people now involved in this method of growing foods are ever so ‘woke’, which scares me. Maybe I’m being silly? Anyways, I went looking for more info after I came across this novel idea of Transition Towns and found one of the sites advocated installing smart metres in ones home in order to ‘save’ energy(?!). Very unhealthy from every point of view, except the globalists, and to cut many more thoughts short, that got me wondering whether the concept has been hi-jacked, as have so many other good ideas by the powers that shouldn’t be, or am I being silly and even though there are that many wokies involved, they are people after all and persuasion works both ways. What do you think? Is it worth looking into, as the idea seems to be spreading and there seems to be money behind some of the video productions???? Are Transition Towns, just another name for 15 minute cities? Some bits of which are good ideas, as long as there aren’t stupid restrictions; they have to be people friendly, not politics friendly. There is much to be examined.
THEY are like a virus that infects everything!
The UN and the WHO have never proved themselves. The UN has not achieved peace between nations in it’s nearly 80 years of existence; has not united us in peace as it propagandised years and years ago, nor has the WHO ever brought better health to needy nations, on the contrary, they have helped spread the use of toxins on people for the profit of pharma and other such industries and for other nefarious reasons, to the detriment of peoples health; there is now more chronic illness than ever before, so fat lot of use they’ve been, plus both of them cost the taxpayer lots of lolly! Therefor we can very easily deem them unfit for purpose despite their lovely words of assurance, it’s all just blah, blah, blah, trying to fool us into compliance.
Your podcast as per often usual, is both horrifying and informative. The details you summarise save me an awful lot of time, adding to my verbal ammunition. Thank you.
Lucis Trust, in an article titled Toward 2025, explain that “2025 is a Jubilee year in the Christian and Jewish calendar that is also the focus of prophecy. The ageless wisdom suggests that in the 25th year of every century there is a gathering on the subtle planes of all Masters, Saints, Rishis and Enlightened Beings, and over time this is followed by significant changes in humanity.” People who are enlightened may emerge as leaders, uniting ‘world servers’, initiating ‘a renaissance in global culture and civilization’. The world will be ready to reveal ‘a Christ-like figure’!
What they describe as “sublime energies of light and love”, the “energies that flow ceaselessly from ‘above’ . . . energizing the multiple dimensions of planetary life, and nourishing the conscience of humanity”, invoked by visualizing ‘the Triangles network’, is summoning demonic entities that lead to spirit possession and darkness.
In the book Light Bearers of Darkness p. 238, author Christina Stoddard quotes from the Emerald Tablet of Hermes, with her opinion added in square brackets; “What is below is like that which is above, and what is above is similar to that which is below to accomplish the wonders of one thing [manifestation]. Its father is the Sun; its mother is the Moon. It is the cause of all perfection throughout the whole earth [equilibrium]. The power is perfect if it is changed into earth [fixation of the astral light in a material basis]. Separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, acting prudently and with judgment. Ascend with the greatest sagacity from earth to heaven, and then descend again to earth and unite together the things inferior and superior; thus you will possess the light of the whole world, and all obscurity will fly away from you [the ascent of the Kundalini or Serpent Power and the descent of the Lightning Flash. It is the serpent pierced with an arrow, fixation of the astral light in a material body, producing illumination or Illuminism]. This thing has more fortitude than fortitude itself, because it will overcome every subtle thing and penetrate every solid thing. By it the world was formed.”
What they say is prophecy unfolding, like the UN Millennium Development Goals, the 2012 Earth Summit in Rio, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, are their planned attacks on mankind! What evil will they rain down on us to prepare us for the revelation of their New Age Messiah in 2025?
They try to sell us a fiction, a fairy tale and if it don´t work you can sue them in heavan or hell. But private contracts can´t be tried in courts. “No fact or law shall be tried in court” is the oath they all swear. Not even in their own court. I have a piece of land to sell on Mars for those who believe this shit.