
Who Is James Corbett? – QFC #047

In this week’s edition of Questions For Corbett, James answers the most frequently asked questions that he receives: Who are you, where are you from, and why did you start this website?

How to Predict the Future – #PropagandaWatch

I predict that “foreign interference” will replace “the devil made me do it” as the new excuse for everything. But how did I divine this vision? From a crystal ball? Not quite. Find out the secret of how to predict the future in this week’s edition of #PropagandaWatch.

Robots Are Taking Our Fake News Jobs!

You’ve heard that the independent media (i.e. the media that actually challenges the establishment narratives) is full of Russian bots, and you probably know that this is neo-McCarthyist hooey. But did you know that most of the major newswires and online news outlets are already publishing bot-generated content? Well they are. So what does it mean that the establishment fake news is coming from the hand of bots? Find out in this edition of The Corbett Report.


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