Episode 386 – The Church of the Holy State

by | Oct 9, 2020 | Podcasts | 68 comments

The very Reverend Statist Jim Corbett leads the Church of the Holy State (Acapulco congregation) in a Worship Service. In today’s sermon, he exposes the greatest heresy of all: Statheism.

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VIDEO COURTESY: Anarchapulco

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Our leader, who art in the capital,
hallowed by Thy name.
Thy kingdom (or other mutually acceptable form of governance) come.
Thy will be done, in Acapulco as it is in Mexico City.
Give us this day our daily food stamps,
And forgive us our tax arrears, as we forgive the government for putting us into debt.
And lead us not into anarchy, but deliver us from freedom.
For Thine is the democracy, the power and the gory, until the next (s)election.



Amazing State

Amazing state! How sweet the rule
of our wise Congress!
Just pay your tax you stupid fool
and leave the rest to us.

I forsake my sovereignty
and join the party.
I lick boots of authority
and vote my life to thee.

Don’t disrespect the president
Or we’ll jail all of ya!
If you don’t like our government
then move to Somalia.

Ten Principles for the Establishment of the One-Ideology System (North Korea)

“Anarchy” by Richard T. Ely (Harper’s Weekly December 23, 1893)

The Progressive Era by Murray Rothbard

The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose

5 Important Lessons Absolutely No One Will Learn From Iowa


    • I like Terry Pratchett’s take on kingship in one of his his witches Disk world novels… the people preferred an absolute monarch… and if he was not a competent king he absolutely would not be monarch for very long.
      Oh looked up the author to find out about the book and see he wrote Camp of the saints too.

  1. The state will not fade if it looses legitimacy, it will just become more violent. I think it was The Unabomber who said that violent cops are a failure because the best police convince and threaten rather then depend upon their “authorit-tor” stick. If the currant state fails a new one will rise up because violence, murder,rape and theft are how humans behave in the wild.

    People were quite able to inflict genocide and murder and theft on each other BEFORE the formalized state existed,.The ‘state’ (from the tribe to the polis to republic to empire to technocracy) exists in response to human needs and human nature… Its primary reason for existence is to manage VIOLENCE , limiting it internally and making it more effective on outsiders. The proto state can be seen when you see chimps patrolling and killing other chimp groups.

    Humans are not perfectible, and they are not naturally ‘free’- Freedom itself is a tricky word which is why freedom eludes most people…Was Ted Bundy free because he overcame societies morality? Is a drug addict free if society lets him buy drugs?

    Being ‘free’ takes a huge amount of choice, education, training, desire and self control. Most people will ONLY invest in those things because of some ‘religious’ belief in something higher then themselves….be that a theistic or a political religion.
    Something WILL fill the gap left by the decline of formalized religion which is not an accident… by pushing “God” aside the oligarchs make room for themselves as ‘god’ … THEY are the people who truly believe in no higher power then themselves and have walked that path almost to its inevitable conclusion.

    BTW satan is not an anarchist…he was trying to usurp kingship for himself. Any assault of authority by such a being is just to cause an upset with a ‘revolution’ of the world with themselves rotating to be at the top

    • You and Duck make good points. Humans in the name of “the state” commit violence and murder. Individuals commit violence and murder on their own. Both are true. I recall the 1992 riot in Los Angeles, people unleashing violence on each other for no reason, taking out displaced outrage on each other. A person would hate to be caught in the middle of a violent mob without the means to defend oneself.

      Human beings are in fact animals, it’s biology. I’m not insulted by this assessment. Violence has been a constant in our history as far as I know. I don’t believe in state monopoly on violence or that a state reduces violence overall. Perhaps someone has actual data or numbers on this presumption? People have the right to defend themselves without fear of persecution by the state.

      With that said, if the “state” or the paradigm of “laws” and rule-following just vanished, there would probably be a power vacuum. How would people who are incapable of defending themselves survive the violent criminal element that is ever-present in our society? Not just the criminal psychopaths on top/ie the banksters and eugenicists, but the everyday gangsters, rapists, and thugs? The psychopaths on the bottom would try to fill the void of the state/rule of law paradigm. This is my assumption anyway, living here in the US and having lived in the inner city.

      • cu.h.j
        The idea of rule following is going out of our society, which is why the state is growing bigger and more powerful and being worshiped. They push the dissolution of family and community and set us against each other so we need them more 🙁
        I think some where along the way people went to sleep… no one in the middle ages was dumb enough to think the King actually loved but I swear there are tons of people who really think Trump or Hillary actually care if they live or die.

    • Jed
      I did not say the state kept human wildness ‘in check’… I said it regulates it to lessen INNER group killings and increase lethality towards OUT group persons.
      This behavior is seen in the earliest humans and in some primates (see links below).

      You will also notice that the governments most violent towards populations nominally “theirs” were either mostly RUN by outsiders… (heavily Jewish bolsheviks in Russian civil war and the Holodomor) or targeted towards groups who were considered “out” or harmful (as with Armenian Genocide and the Nazi attack on jews)

      As to humans being responsible for THEMSELVES and heir actions I agree totally, you are 100% right…. However, that has nothing to do with what I said about the ‘state’ (in some form) being a fixture of human culture because it grows out of human nature and imbues a huge advantage to its members in committing violence against those outside of it.

      Religion is also another outgrowth of human nature, the desire to conform to a higher authority I only ‘totally’ absent in a psychopath.
      The WORSHIP of government is a disease that the modern world suffers heavily from because people will always defer to the highest power they see… and they no longer believe in a god. This is a deliberate process that you can see such folks as the Rockefellers engineering it just as Kings regulated religion to suit themselves

      Government is fire… what are the chances that we’re going to do without fire as a species because its dangerous?

      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a7XuXi3mqYM Chimp warfare (see esp. 2:40 on canibalism at 3:10)
      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1DMqKVCpAE THIS is a pretty good breakdown of stone age activities… young women missing from mass grave, everyone else dead execution style

      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3eq9RBsc1o Prehistoric European cannibal holocaust..


      • LOL on jousting… reminds me of the Kim Newman story about what ‘Dracula’ was doing in the interim part of the Novel… trying out a ‘horseless carriage’ and becoming the first ‘hit and run’ driver.

      • perdita
        cogito ergo et sum
        The only thing you can TRULY know is that you are thinking… if you are thinking you must exist. You have no way to prove your not in a simulation, however I would posit that it is not a useful position to take since
        a)you are unable to escape if it is all fake and
        b)if its not fake you ought to focus on appropriate actions
        Even if you ARE in a simulation (assuming all simulations advance to the point that they create a simulation inside themselves then outside the nesting dolls of fake realities there must exist a TRUE reality, which presumably contains a creator who cares about how I like my life, real or fake
        Now i need a beer

    • Libertydan
      “..Or, perhaps it is possible to make the Earth like Heaven, which in my mind, would be a place where Evil no longer exits…”

      Trying to make heaven on earth is when you see humans at their most evil… as CS Lewis said the greed and evil of a tyrant has limits but a person who is willing to kill or torture you and TRULY believes its “for your own good” has no limits.

    • “…Making the whole world sign up for voluntaryism might be an idealistic dream but isn’t as far fetched as you might think. We have actually a historical precedent for it. Funnily enough, it happened with religion. It’s called Freedom of religion….”

      Freedom of religion is not the same thing… it was toleration of others beliefs IN SO FAR (and ONLY in so far) as they did not threaten the Government.

      • Erwin
        “..Religious ideologies and political ideologies are very much the same…”

        I’m listening to “revolt of The Elites” right now… the two are very different things in a healthy society.

        The idea that all viewpoints are equally valid is a stupid idea that has helped kill the western world.
        People can tolerate those who go to a different house of worship or pray differently .. but how is it possible for pro life and pro choice people to tolerate each other? Nor is it possible for Pro slavery and anti slavery policies to coexist?

        Society, or those who matter in society, will choose one over the other and repress disent. Christians once made laws abusing homosexuals…now homosexuals make laws to abuse Christians who dont want to bake them wedding cakes.

  2. “If I steal, it is theft. If the state steals, it is taxation.
    If I kill, it is murder. If the state kills, it is warfare.
    If I force someone to work for me involuntarily, it is slavery. If the state does it, it is (conscription?).
    If I confine someone against their will, it is kidnapping. If the state does it, it is incarceration.
    Nothing has changed but the label.”

  3. “..Each one of us can be that evil self…”
    No one wants to know that about themselves..we all want to be the hero who does the right thing. Thats why most of us wont.

    Art of War, Sun Tzu
    If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.
    If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.
    If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.

    • Yes, I am inclined to agree with this. I have seen greed, prejudice, ignorance, willingness to take the easy way out in myself. I have been able to rise above those instincts in the right circumstance to allow my heart and consciousness to guide me in making better choices.

      But those “darker” instincts are there within me. I do have a conscience as do most people, but many don’t, and those people can be dangerous, like Bill Gates and the big players, but also the random Ted Bundy type serial killer.

  4. Loved it, James. My wife did too. We both recognise the power and responsibility in our smallest daily choices…. like supporting independent retailers etc. ….or more generally supporting independence!
    Well done, mate. It was also very amusing too! Rgds Mal (and Josie).

  5. di
    “..and is happy to be part of a hive and that in order to be allowed to join in she would accept a vaccine even if it alters her DNA and allows her to be essentially remote controlled. ..”

    I’m sorry to hear that.
    It does speak to the power of psychological warfare that people think they will ‘love their enslavement’ as Huxley said, but TBH I think such people just feel weak and powerless on the one hand and on the other have not yet had someone horrifically abuse their power over them and so dont fear power. As the Unabomber said in his manefesto the collectivist (what he called ‘left-ish’) people usally dont believe they can exist as a single person
    https://www.bitchute.com/video/sw0vJpsdCMJJ/ the section I was thinking of, you can skip to 2:00 (poster is horrible reader though)
    “Culture of Narcissism’ By C Lasch has similar ideas but is supper slow reading

    • It does speak to the power of psychological warfare and phenomena, like Stockholm syndrome.

      It appears to be very effective to generate compliance. I wonder if using techniques that therapists have used to treat Stockholm syndrome would help to try to wake people up.

  6. I agree that not everyone in government is evil or just wants power. The level of corruption in our government in the US is probably at an all-time high though. This is evidenced by the continued lockdowns in certain states and mask mandates and unwillingness to look at the evidence from scientists and health care providers who are telling them to stop the lockdowns.

    I think people tend to not want to go against prevailing policies, not all but so many that the outliers like Ron Paul and other libertarian thinkers are silenced or ignored.

    I also still vote, especially in local elections where those policies may directly affect me. I think the least amount of government and getting rid of the Federal Reserve in this country would do a lot of good.

  7. I would probably ask her why she wants that. It’s an interesting statement. I remember when I was a kid and was naturally resistant to rules and authority. Even when I was a teen, was very rebellious, but in order to get things done had to go along to a certain degree.

    Maybe she feels lonely to not be a part of a group. That’s also common for young people to want to be in a community. It’s not a bad thing, but taking an experimental drug to join shouldn’t be required.

    This is why I think it’s necessary to build alternative communities. This whole thing though reminds me of the Borg in Star Trek, “We are Borg, you will be assimilated” It’s kind of creepy.

    • Except that membership of the Borg wasn’t voluntary which kind of makes it harder from a psychological point of view to defend yourself against it. IE you would need to kill victims in order to defend yourself.

      However if people voluntarily join the collective I would have no problems defending myself against them.

      Another good reason to pass information out to people about the rising technocracy. They may not join the fight against it but they will be giving their consent to it if they do not!

      • Octium says:
        “Another good reason to pass information out to people about the rising technocracy.

        They may not join the fight against it but they will be giving their consent to it if they do not!”

    • She’s probably rebelling against your “authority”. It’s a normal part of adolescence to rebel against their parents/parent.

      This also may be overwhelming and I would probably do things that didn’t involve discussing these things.

      Then you can pick up later when she seems to feel more grounded. Sometimes things are more abstract in the beginning but once a person starts living it, the reality of the situation is a slap in the face.

      Someday she will probably thank you for telling her the truth.

    • Di
      “…..She says she thinks it’s better to have a society working as one machine and she would be happy to be a cog, and she doesn’t see what’s so great about being individual or special..’

      You have the wrong attitude about this… you should just set her to work doing all the household chores, inform her your spending her college fund and stop paying for gifts and entertainment (esp cell phone data and internet)

      If she complains tell her that she is a cog in the machine.

      Either she will see the worth of freedom OR you get your chores done.

      Girls are even more susceptible to peer pressure then teenage boys

  8. Fortunate indeed. I wonder what travel will be like in the foreseeable future. It might not be too easy to travel as it has been.
    However, a customer who walked into my office yesterday and was surprised by the sign on the door requesting that people not wear masks mentioned that he and his family just returned from Turkey and were not tested, quarantined or hassled in any way. But then this is Florida who seems to have a somewhat sane governor.
    I still don’t go to his church however.

  9. I am speaking only for myself when I say that I don’t disagree with you about human nature. But my objection to government as it is currently practiced is that it takes the potentially evil individuals and bestows upon them the power to use violence force against their fellow citizens.
    If governments were to adopt the NAP as a fundamental principle. Then my opinion of the concept of “government” would likely change.

      • Right. And as long as that government continues to avoid using aggression when I tell them to go screw themselves because I ain’t going anywhere and I don’t care about their rules then all is well.
        If they use aggression to force me to leave. Well then they never adopted the principle in the first place did they.

        • Why would I violate the very principle that I expect them to adhere too? And if I were to violate the NAP by trespassing. They would have every right to protect their property by force.
          Are you unclear on the concept or am I?

  10. James Corbett says:

    “…in my experience as a communicator of voluntaryist ideas
    …As if voting, elections, positions of responsibility and other things that exist under statism could not exist under voluntary associations…

    …We are free individuals freely interacting with those around us, bound by the moral injunction not to initiate force against others or take things from others against their will.

    We are responsible for our actions and their consequences, both positive and negative.

    We are responsible for what we do
    or don’t do
    to help those in our community,
    and to make this world better
    or leave it to rot.

    There is no political messiah that will descend from the heavens to tell us what to do or to protect us from the bad men.

    All we have is our self and our choices.

    We vote every day, not in some meaningless election, but in whom we choose to associate with, what we choose to spend our money on, what we choose to invest our time and energy doing.

    This is the essence of freedom….”


  11. crlf,
    Thanks for this.

    Occasionally I watch Whats Her Face.
    Ya gotta love her humor.

    Plus, I like “Canadian jokes”. (Reference her 2:50 mark)
    It is one of the few categories of jokes left that don’t get censored as Politically Incorrect.
    I guess that’s because Canadians who work in censor control would have to issue a ten paragraph apology for the censorship of a Canadian joke.

  12. “People organized as governmental bodies can be evil”,

    No, people organized as government bodies are always evil!

    That’s not an oversimplification or a black and white statement.

    The thing that separates a government over any other kind of organization is that it assumes to rule over people weather or not individuals agree to be ruled over or not. That is the evil part.

    Even if your involvement in government is no more than voting at elections then that is just as immoral as hiring a hitman to murder an innocent person on your behalf.

    You might argue that most people are not aware of what they are doing and the lack of intent means they are not evil in the same way a mentally retarded person can be absolved of crimes they commit – but that view is still not very complementary of the people.

  13. Interesting sermon. The root meaning of the word heretic is ‘one who is able to choose’. Anarchy if based on Natural Law might be an ideal form for humans on which to order their affairs. It is one thing to dissolve one’s belief in statism only if that superstition is replaced with a belief in the bringing about of a truth that cannot be abridged other than by acting immorally. Or to put it in another way to transgress against another’s inalienable rights which exist at the very boundary of our own rights.Of course the biggest religion is the belief in money created through private interests in those own interests.

  14. Well if you are Greek and live inside a horse, it’s probably best not to tell the Trojans what you think of them until you get an opportunity to open up the gates.

    But that shouldn’t stop you from having through crimes about Trojans.

  15. Thanks James that was fantastic. I immediately searched for, downloaded and read “The most dangerous superstition” and here is the weirdest thing!

    I’m an Aussie residing long term in Jakarta Indonesia. I’ve been a vociferous lcall critic of the ‘mandatory mask’ here being blatantly disobedient, not wearing mine and when I am forced to to get into places to buy food, wear it under my nose and cut obvious holes in it!

    THE MIRACLE THAT HAS OCCURRED, since absorbing the message is this. Today I went out in public with my damn unholy mask ON… Reason, I was thinking more about upsetting to everyone else who is convinced their lives are in danger.

    That is a total hoot to me… the rebel who stops rebelling so not to offend the people around me…. Go Figure??? The book is Fu$&ing right!

  16. His IQ was above average so I hear, but he reported to be “intellectually Un-curious” and mentally lazy
    The hick part is an affectation, kinda like Beto O’Rouke, the Irish “Hispanic” politician of texas or Harris passing herself off as african american when she’s at least as much Indian Indian

    • Thats interesting, thanks
      You ever read the ‘Psychopath test’ by Jon Ronson? (the only person Mr Corbett ever called “smarmy” on air ,to my knowledge, though he never said why..)
      Psychopaths are often very easy to like due to the appearance of accessibility

    • whadda duo ~ W (Dubya) Art und hitler — amazing display
      imagining the opeeing, angela would definitely hv been invited cuz she’s not only adolf’s daughter, herr & junior hv had a long standing thang. keepin it all in the family… barbara & aleister, prescott & poppy… john d & rocky who still has some of adolfs original works… jacob r too, big time art collector, & more… so many more, havent the time to name!! und oh wow, just think of the possible venues… a travellin show, worldwide tour ~ where to start, where to start… at david’s kykuit estate where both hitler & junior used to hang out with the gang ~ just a hip hop step & a jump from the UN, perfect setting, & all works with mystickal aura displayed in the meditation room… oh & i daresay…

      • sir crowleys’s paintings would fit exceptionally well there (it was aleister’s 145th birthday yesterday — same day columbus landed in amerika), & at the vatican… which is altogether apropos for the magickal mystery tour’s final show!! hitler’s first place of refuge after ww2. in the basement #43 monkey got intiated long b4 skull & bones, same goes for #41 which is why he kept droning on & on & on about nwo.

      • no doubt gw’s a criminal & belongs in prison, & im not trying to make excuses for fucked up behavior, but i consider chain of command — order follower & giver, as well as being both — perhaps programmed mkultra style, deliberate DID (dissociative identity disorder) — slave & handler. when he was president, while i figured the religion card was being played when i heard him talk about “god”, it felt to me like he was also talking about a real person… such as in my case my father took the role of “god” ~ lucifer as programmer.

        havent remembered any contact with junior, whereas poppy ~ yep, during the 70’s… incl trip to mexico with hans, i was black helicopter pilot…

      • methinks i shoulda recognized you meant bush sr by what you wrote in your most excellent poem! in all honesty, air flight mission stuff brought flashbacks (as had the previous post as well) & struggled to read… but when i saw “GW” i thought — george walker & focused on him. so when i read your comment “By GW I ment Poppy, W’s the son.” i was like, oh… my mistake?? & then make no mistake programming came up big time — punishment/torture flashback cycle. when things slowed down, i did a “gw bush” search — while it seems not the most common way to refer to junior, quite a number of websites do, & wikipedia’s
        List of nicknames for George W. BushGW – the initials of both his first and middle names

        poppy eulogy — George H.W. Bush, American War Criminal

  17. wylie1
    True… the hickish thing is not objectionable really since in my experience hickish types are generally more polite anyway. I did notice back when I watched TV that on shows like BTVS that anyone acting evil tended to develop a southern accent.
    I put it down to hollyweirdo’s and Texans being natural enemies 😉

  18. Back when George W Bush’s Daddy was President, I worked at a Hotel in Dallas as a Bellman.

    I often would shuttle GW’s Secret Service people to his house for their shift. His house was next door to Mary Kay’s pink house.

    As a Bellman, you carry bags to the room for the guest. Those gun bags were kind of heavy.

    I also shuttled the Secret Service to a “Gentleman’s Club” on occasions. The club gave me a kickback for every person I brought them.

    • Secret Service – They were just ordinary working folks, but with above average intelligence. A few women too. Very polite, affable and ‘approachable’.
      They really didn’t talk shop in front of me all that much.

      When I asked them about George and his family’s demeanor, they did say that the family was friendly and kind.
      The house had a small front yard for the neighborhood of rich homes, but mature trees and bushes. There was a very small guardhouse. During the winter, sometimes Laura Bush would bring out something hot to drink or eat.

      At the Embassy Suites Hotel, we did have carts. Sometimes, they aren’t worth the trouble. I did this gig while trying some entrepreneurial ventures.

      At the same location on 14 acres was the Dallas Dunfey Royal Coach Inn which really looked like a castle. I worked there as a Bellman in 1979 and very early 80’s.
      The Bell Captain (Richard A.) and I became good friends even though he was about 20 years older.

      That castle was torn down. It was replaced by shops and the Embassy Suites Hotel. My friend became the Bell Captain and helped me get the job.
      Great guy with some wild Bellman stories spanning decades. He passed away about 5 years ago. He was a Bellman most all of his life.

  19. Isn’t the solution merely to outlaw measures that prohibit choice? Everything is voluntary. Live and let live.

    That’s the thing with all these discussions. They’re always framed as a search for better alternatives when suitable alternatives are already present. Only the will to implement them is missing.

    • AB
      OutLawing something is by definition restricting someones freedom…true it might be a freedom to do something evil like trick people out of money or commit incest…. what you are talking about is using law to stop others
      You can live with others without SOME kind of agreed on law or morality which necessitates punishment for transgression

  20. huna
    As a casual Trek Fan must say….Gene Roddenberry was kinda…. spooky
    I believe he was mates with L Ron Hubbard
    The Rand Corperation advised on Start Trek, and the show pushed remarkably NWO polices right thru Next Generation (the money free resource based economy being a thing as soon as they could get the audience to accept such a thing)
    Look similar? Gene Roddenberry personally designed it for mail order (acc to wikipedia anyway)

    “….[161] Even a mention of marriage in a script for an early episode of The Next Generation resulted in Roddenberry’s chastising the writers.[131] Nicholas Meyer said that Star Trek had evolved “into sort of a secular parallel to the Catholic Mass”.[162] Roddenberry compared the franchise to his own philosophy by saying: “Understand that Star Trek is more than just my political philosophy, my racial philosophy, my overview on life and the human condition.”[163] He was awarded the 1991 Humanist Arts Award from the American Humanist Association.[164]…”

    It was a pretty good show as a kid, but lookng back I can see how it helped shape a generations thinking.


  21. James does a fair job of explaining a couple of theological interpretations of the Millennium, even though I don’t think he considers himself particularly religious.

    As a Reformed Christian (an evil Calvinist), I found this quite amusing. Based on writings of Murray Rothbard, the Progressive Gospel is very much in the forefront of the transformation of the American State in the 19th century.

    It is my considered opinion that secular Progressivism and the Social Gospel worked hand in hand to bring us the Divine State. I don’t think earlier generations of Christians believed in the divinity of the State as fervently as their more modern brethren do. This was a definite break.

    As James White always says, theology matters.

  22. roddenberry was once a member of The Ancient and Mystical Order Rosæ Crucis (AMORC), also calling itself the Rosicrucian Order, is a Rose-Croix Order which they claim has its origin in the Ancient Egyptian mystery schools.

    The Colour out of Space ? Deep Space Nine
    The “Council of Nine” have been delivering curiously consistent messages through a succession of mediums to influential patrons with names like DuPont, Astor and Bronfman since the early 1950s, and nearly always in the shadow of military intelligence. Until his death in 1995 Puharich made his home in that shadow, researching shamanic pharmacology and electronic mind control.

    Initial contact was made during a sitting of Puharich’s CIA cut-out “Round Table Foundation” on New Year’s Eve, 1952, at precisely 9 p.m., when the entities disclosed themselves through the tranceivership of Dr DG Vinod as the “Nine Principles or Forces.”

    In the early 1970s, Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry was a regular at the sessions of channeller Phylis Schlemmer to whom the Nine had revealed themselves through the manifestation of a spirit guide called “Tom.” … It took 22 years, and Gene Roddenberry, for the Nine to reveal themselves as The Nine, the Great Ennead of ancient Egypt: Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Set and Nepthys. Their message amounts to, We’re back, and now it’s personal. (How much the Nine may have influenced Roddenberry is unknown. His involvement began several years after the original Star Trek series was cancelled, but a character named Vinod pops up in an episode of Deep Space Nine entitled “Paradise.”)

    • Around the one minute mark, James Corbett mentions that the feed cut out as they were filming in Anarchapulco.
      It is nothing nefarious nor censoring.

      This last Anarchapulco 2020 was not without its confusion. Derick Broze had some videos discussing some of the issues that he ran into with Anarchapulco.

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