FLASHBACK: Media Kills (2010)

by | Dec 10, 2022 | Videos | 18 comments

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From 2010: For decades, scientifically-crafted techniques have been employed to shape our ideas and perceptions. Today billions of dollars are spent each year trying to get you to think, act, talk and dress in proscribed ways…and it is as successful as ever. This week on The Corbett Report we try to break out of the box by exposing the government/PR/media nexus for what it is.


Documentation – Episode 148 – Media Kills
Time Reference: 00:23
Description: Find the download for the original audio podcast.
Link To: The Corbett Report
Documentation – The Corbett Report 2010 Data Archive USB
Time Reference: 01:08
Description: Containing over 17 GB of data, this 2010 Data Archive has the audio, video and text files of every Corbett Report production from 2010.
Link To: NewWorldNextWeek.com
Documentation – Mercury is Good for You!
Time Reference: 04:24
Description: Honest! Would the media ever lie?
Link To: YouTube.com
Documentation – Erin Burnett: China Our Best Friend Because They Poison Us
Time Reference: 04:51
Description: CNBC’s neocon Erin Burnett on MSNBC spewing propaganda.
Link To: YouTube.com
Documentation – ABC News Fail
Time Reference: 05:20
Description: ABC fails to talk to Bob McIlvane or Richard Gage at a 9/11 conference, but they sure do have time for the Loose Change boys.
Link To: YouTube.com
Documentation – Right-Wing Hate groups, Militias on the rise
Time Reference: 06:19
Description: Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Scam Center on the rise of “right-wing hate groups.”
Link To: YouTube.com
Documentation – Chris Matthews gets a thrill up his leg
Time Reference: 06:40
Description: What a terrible image…
Link To: YouTube.com
Documentation – The Secrets of the CIA’s Iraq Media War
Time Reference: 06:59
Description: 2003 documentary on how the CIA rewrote their intelligence to build support for the Iraq War
Link To: YouTube.com
Documentation – Manufacturing Consent
Time Reference: 09:37
Description: Even a broken clock is right twice a day, eh, Chomsky?
Link To: YouTube.com
Documentation – Psywar
Time Reference: 14:22
Description: Must see documentary about how governments use PR to shape the public’s thoughts and perceptions.
Link To: Top Documentary Films
Documentation – Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert trash 9/11 Truth
Time Reference: 20:21
Description: Stewart and Colbert sticking up for the political status quo? Imagine my shock.
Link To: Infowars.com
Documentation – Jacques Ellul
Time Reference: 21:41
Description: Biographical and background information on French philosopher Jacques Ellul.
Link To: Wikipedia
Documentation – Alan Watt reads Jacques Ellul
Time Reference: 22:22
Description: From the Sept 19, 2007 episode of Cutting Through the Matrix
Link To: CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com
Documentation – The Media Matrix (DVD)
Time Reference: 31:56
Description: Support The Corbett Report and purchase a copy of The Media Matrix on DVD
Link To: NewWorldNextWeek.com
Documentation – Mass Media: A History (Digital Download)
Time Reference: 32:10
Description: Take James’ 6-hour, 3-part online lecture series on the history (and future) of mass media.
Link To: NewWorldNextWeek.com


  1. Dear James- always pertinent- always relevant- I try to add at least one of your podcast links in every discussion that I take part in as I read through various substacks during the day.
    You are so appreciated. Your take on things brightens my day. As John Trudell said- ‘don’t believe in things- use your mind- your intelligence- I see a day when so many will die- we are in the 11th hour before midnight- but it’s not too late if people will just tune into their own intelligence.'(from his talk about the threat of being human – to leave the illusion of power and who we think we are- vs WHO we are–and again on protecting the earth) I do believe that Allan Watts would congratulate on your ongoing work. Thank you for being in the world- right now- when we need your shining light!

  2. In the early 70’s I was teaching multi-handicapped children in the SF Bay Area. I put together a slide show based on the work of Subliminal Seduction (1973) Wilson Bryan Key and The Hidden Persuaders (1957 Vance Packard and was able to show the slide show to normal local district High School kids.

    It was a lot of work to put together back in the film only days. The slides showed the hidden or secreted images in magazine ads…Olive “breasts” in a Martini glass; the social standings of a group of people…old and black at the back, etc.; Walter Cronkite’s background with SEX written in it; the same for alcohol drinks, and more. Amazing what one can discover when searching ads.

    The kids received it quite well considering it was such a new concept for the times. It was reported to congress but no law was ever passed to stop it. Don’t know if any recent legislation has been either. Perhaps the Bernay’s influence on marketing was just assumed OK??

    Now I am attempting to wake people up to the “cheese” in the trap called SMART phones:
    GET OFF THE PHONE (song) https://www.bitchute.com/video/2QbsxZOkIYjA/

    I also recall in about 71 or so reading a book, think it was called “Shut of your TV” or “Throw out your TV”

    • I think I understand that. Sort of like the “canned” laughter of the sit coms, etc.? Or lighting ciggie lighters at concerts. Old studies of mob behavior reflect that.

      There is really no telling just what level of control is being done when we have no understanding of the weapons being used.

      The key to most all of it, IMO, is staying off electronic devices as much as possible. And not letting yourself get emotionally controlled through the left/right; good/bad paradigms that are used to divert attention from real life.

      As in: “Polls say…”

      If you want, check out my latest video on this madness:

  3. Something I have noticed…

    If someone writes a book most people will instantly give that person some level of authoritative power over their own mind, even if the book is total crap. It like people are conditioned to think “wrote a book…” = brilliant person worth listening to.

    This also applies to people who appear on TV or in other forms of visual media in terms of the appearance of “fame” or preferential status. “Online vlogger” = media personality I must bear some reverence for.

    I remember being a kid and getting my picture in the paper for various sports accomplishments. People whom I only knew by association at school used to walk up to me and say “I saw you in the paper!!” as if they were in the presence of a famous person.

    The media lens is certainly a thing of “magic” and few are able to see it this way.

    James – you are consistently pointing this out and your Media Matrix series does a wonderful job with it.

    Thank you for your efforts.

    • The consequence of the intention of the controllers, a nation of people with low self esteem with no “Royal” family to idolize, turn to celebrity’s.

      Suddenly a sports team is “my” team. On line, people seeking others to be someone for, getting up votes and “friends” becomes the first aid for the loneliness and desperation for “not being someone.”

      CAUGHT IN THE DREAM (song)

      • Hi EJ, I have read, (why not a nice instrumental sound track?), through most of the first video so far and I don’t disagree with you about much except for the way you throw God out with the bath water of religion.
        I understand that most people don’t really see much difference between the two but it is significant in my opinion.

        You seem to believe that because man corrupted the truth to create a religious institution that was used to subjugate people, which I completely agree with btw. Then the next logical step is to conclude that the truth itself doesn’t exist.
        Thats a big leap that I’m not willing to make. Especially when it means that I’m going to have to take the word of the scientific experts as gospel in regards to questions of spirituality. Science has a pretty lousy reputation for moral consistency and accuracy from my experience.
        Do you really maintain that God doesn’t exist? I guess that is what I am asking.

        I’m an anarchist. I don’t believe that anyone (man) has a right to rule me. I don’t trust man. But that doesn’t mean that I don’t believe that there are people who know much more about just about everything than I do and I should learn from them.
        In the same way I don’t believe that anyone (man) has a right to tell me what to believe. Especially when there are so many different opinions and religious experts. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t those people who I can learn from.
        I can’t separate my Christianity from my anarchy. I certainly can’t sacrifice one for the other.

        • Thanks for the reply.

          >>Hi EJ, I have read,>>

          >>(why not a nice instrumental sound track?),>>
          Lack of ability. No skill on my Macs to do it and no previous recorded stuff to put in. I am a song writer not a musician. Sound track music can be very distracting and manipulative. I absolutely HATE them on History channel type documentary’s, etc.

          >>the way you throw God out with the bath water of religion.>>
          Thought my explanation about religions was pretty clear.

          >>I understand that most people don’t really see much difference between the two but it is significant in my opinion.>>
          Your right to do that.

          >>You seem to believe that because man corrupted the truth….”
          Please don’t try and psych out what my beliefs are and why.

          >>Especially when it means that I’m going to have to take the word of the scientific experts as gospel in regards to questions of spirituality.>>
          That is conversational fallacy. I offered nothing in my video about scientists opinions on the existence of god. Perhaps you are addressing past experience and not me?

          >>Science has a pretty lousy reputation for moral consistency and accuracy from my experience.>>
          Bloggers these days have a very questionable reputation, in my experience, of paranoia about science, concentrating on the nonsense and not seeing the brilliance. Indeed the recent “Pandemic” lie has obviously exacerbated that. But water is still wet, winds blow, sun rises, and carbon dating, etc. works great.

          As I have said before, the trap is cognitive bias. People gain a little knowledge or skill and think they are better, more knowledgeable then they really are, the Dunning-Kruger effect. All coming from cut and paste web “learning.”

          >>Do you really maintain that God doesn’t exist? I guess that is what I am asking.>>
          After extensive biblical exploration and deep discussions with religious scholars I’ve never seen any proof offered, just heart felt faith testimony.

          >>I’m an anarchist. I don’t believe that anyone (man) has a right to rule me… and I should learn from them.>>

          I have no ID labels much beyond an explorer of consciousness. I haven’t cared much for humans in a long time. Used to love to sit at sidewalk cafe’s in SF and people watch, and chat with friends about a wide variety of things. But the last 40 years have been a nightmare. A descent into arrogant, self-absorbed nonsense.

          >>I can’t separate my Christianity from my anarchy. I certainly can’t sacrifice one for the other.>>
          Your choice. Not having “beliefs” makes it real easy, no sacrifices for me. Just truth or nonsense. It took many years to reach that confidence and to break the mind control suffering Kipling’s truth with loss of friends, lovers, family.

          “The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. To be your own man is hard business. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. “Rudyard Kipling


          • “Do you really maintain that God doesn’t exist? I guess that is what I am asking.>>
            After extensive biblical exploration and deep discussions with religious scholars I’ve never seen any proof offered, just heart felt faith testimony.”

            Thanks for that evasive answer EJ. It heartens me that you’ve left the door open.

            “Looks like James has put me on the “no fly” list and my comments need to be approved. Too bad.”

            I have difficulty imagining that James would have a list of people that are moderated automatically.

            • Agree about JC moderating people automatically. The only rule he put out was no posts attacking the character of other posters, but that’s the only one. JC seems like a legit anarchist to me, so him moderating certain posters seems unlikely to me.

              • My comment was immediately put into “moderation.” You read it? Nothing to moderate, just another long one that’s all.

                I’ve known James for a dozen years. Even used one of my songs as a segueway song back on his old show.

                So easy for people to defend their heroes and not look at the facts. :-/ SOMETHING or SOMEONE put me in mod purgatory. Period.

              • “SOMETHING or SOMEONE put me in mod purgatory. Period.”

                Calm down EJ. Nobody is calling you a liar. (slightly paranoid maybe. ? But certainly not a liar.)

                There probably is some automatic program that looks for peculiarities in posts. Like maybe weird punctuation or something. Probably the same one that sends my posts into moderation if I include more than one link.

                All I was saying is that it is highly unlikely that James Corbett has a list of naughty people that he singles out for persecution.
                Of course I could be wrong. I have exactly the same amount of evidence that you do for your claim. Zero.
                But I do think that my contention makes more sense based on what we know about James.

            • Your comment “reply” was not hot. I am using this one to get back to you.

              >>Calm down EJ. Nobody is calling you a liar. (slightly paranoid maybe. ? But certainly not a liar.)>>

              Look Smith, you are making an assumption that a couple of comment box replies give you a level of intimacy or right to talk to me like this. It doesn’t. It is a common mistake of people these days and their electronic immediacy of “relationships.”

              >>But I do think that my contention makes more sense based on what we know about James.>>

              I make no assumptions that “we” whomever that reference is about “know” much about James that correlates to any specific common bond. I’ve been familiar with James since about 2007 or so. But I can make no claim about “knowing” much about him, just his radio and web personality.

              That’s that about that…

        • I’ll drop this here on this sub-thread for what it’s worth…

          Micah Salaberrios of “No Permit” music (like the song “Research”)
          discusses Non-Violent Communication.

          See the Rumble video posted by Corbett member jo-ann.
          Start listening at the 51 minute mark.

          I was impressed with his communication style from the get-go.
          At the 51 minute mark he starts to explain Non-Violent Communication

          He brings up some very good points.

          Just one quick take-away of several I had…
          It is probably not very productive in a conversation to wrongly evaluate another person.

          But if anyone disagrees with my personal views, they are absolutely wrong and I will prove it repeatedly and loudly. 😉

  4. It feeds on every dream you’ve had
    And lures you in only to feel bad
    That dull thud you’ve gotten used to
    Is just her way of welcoming you
    It never meant to kill you
    But of course it’s deliberate, too
    Those promises meant nothing
    She just laughs at your chest pounding

    Anxiety, you’ve come to know
    Just relax and try to breath slow
    There’s nothing much you can do
    Just don’t let her see what scares you

    And if you get out of there alive
    Try to find a place to go run and hide
    Where your heart won’t turn black
    Just bring your soul back…ahh-ahh-ahh…


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