Interview 1241 – James Corbett on The Vin Armani Show

by | Jan 5, 2017 | Interviews | 13 comments

Today James appears on The Vin Armani Show to discuss open source intelligence, the neo-neocon push for Cold War 2.0, and how a false dialectic is pushing us toward regional government.


Foreign Policy Initiative – Mission Statement

Meet James Kirchick: Neocon propagandist

Robert Kagan and Other Neocons Are Backing Hillary Clinton

Trump’s Pivot to China

The Great Decoupling: How the West is Engineering its Own Downfall

China and the US: Frenemies with Benefits

Phoney Opposition: The Truth About the BRICS

Kissinger, a longtime Putin confidant, sidles up to Trump

Putin meets ‘old friend’ Kissinger visiting Russia

Michael Krieger on Trump’s Treasury Secretary

Trump Appoints “Death By China” Author Peter Navarro To Head Trade Office, Hints At Trade War With Beijing


  1. Here’s my take on Putin,

    The guy is smart, no doubt about it, and he’s basically cleaning up the Neocons/Zionists mess in Syria, but not because he’s some good guy, nope, he’s as mafia made as Trump is. The fact is that he’s simply looking after Russia’s best interest (nothing wrong with that either), but he’s no (ph)ucking hero.

    Putin simply took advantage of America’s war weariness. If you recall, Obama gave Congress a chance regarding Syria, he said, put it to a vote war-hawks and I’ll authorize the use of force in Syria, but the Republican led Congress, afraid of loosing their seats, chickened out and hung Obama out to dry.

    In addition, where was Putin when America attacked Iraq?
    Where was Putin when America/NATO attacked Libya and murdered Qaddafi?

    And what’s with this Trump/Putin Bromance? And now Wikileaks is getting in on the action…WTF!

  2. Corbett,
    Thanks for bringing up the rebranded Neocons (“The Foreign Policy Intitiative”)(Kagan, his relatives, etc.) and linking them to some of this anti-Russia hype.
    I well remember how the Neocons helped to open the gate of 9/11/2001 and all the turmoil which followed during Bush but also intimately includes the Obama administration and Hillary.

    “Think Tanks” in Washington make me puke.
    Bill Kristol who with Kagan founded PNAC.

    Bill Kristol Twitter (in case someone needs help throwing up)
    His podcasts

  3. Wonderful to see Mr. Corbett’s strengths brought out by a perceptive interviewer doing such a good job covering an issue! NATO commentary aside, Corbett Report landed on the “list” because logic and integrity is always taken as the most serious threat. Corbett needs to devote some headlines to symbology and second suns and lay down some cover.

  4. Do be sure that James wasn’t talking about Russians as people, but Russian ruling globalists. It’s the same people behind the scenes, putting up a puppet show.

    I’d very much like to believe Putin is not a globalist, but belief alone isn’t going to cut it. Let him do something as breathtaking as shutting down the Russian “central bank”, then we can discuss this issue further.

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