Interview 1316 – Eva Bartlett Exposes the Lies on Syria

by | Nov 6, 2017 | Interviews | 33 comments

Today we’re joined by Eva Bartlett of to discuss her reporting from Syria. We talk about the lies, propaganda and outright fabrications that have attempted to paint the terrorist insurgency as a “civil war” led by “moderate rebels,” including the use of children like Omran Daqneesh and Bana Alabed as unwitting icons for the fake narrative. We also discuss recommended sources for real information about what’s happening in Syria.

Eva Bartlett’s website

Eva’s Patreon page

Syria War Diary: Order Returns To Western Cities, Civilians Recount Horrors Of Rebel Rule

Syria War Diary: What Life Is Like Under ‘Moderate’ Rebel Rule

MintPress Meets The Father Of Iconic Aleppo Boy, Who Says Media Lied About His Son

Lionel and James discuss the fake Syrian war footage by Norwegian filmmakers

Mohamad Ali

Khaled Iskef

21st Century Wire

Vanessa Beeley

The Duran

New Eastern Outlook


Sharmine Narwani


  1. I have always had the deepest respect for Eva Bartlett. She has more balls than most of us. I am sure that Corbett has had it on his “to do list” for quite some time to interview Eva Bartlett.

  2. Rage, outraging was the word amidst the interview for me. Gonna watch now an interview Eva K Bartlett gave in Germany this october to Syriana Analysis (she may not have thought of to mention as a recommended source in the moment). Saw it on her patreon page.

    I just saw her favorably featured in a The Jimmy Dore Show clip (and she also criticized Democracy Now there). TJDS is part of TYT – The Young Turks. Just so funny how the world goes. As it’s funny how many people have been seen on RT from the real alternative media.

    I totally agree with
    “She has more balls than most of us.”
    “Eva is a very brave person.”

    • Say what you want about TYT – and they have their negative points including pushing the Russia Russia Russia BS on their main show – but the give the likes of Jimmy Dore, Dylan Ratigan, and Jordan Chariton the freedom to do as they want on their shows.

      Jimmy Dore and Lee Camp (Redacted Tonight on RT) have both done a great job on Syria as well.

      Eva is awesome – she is one of the reasons I have FB still is to get notices from her and others.

      I almost fell off my chair laughing when she said she had some “Russian propagandist to recommend”. So funny and so true about how Western MSM treats anyone who goes against the establishment narrative.

      Thanks James for bringing Eva back on – if you ever get a chance to bring on Vanessa, she is also an outstanding interview and really knows her facts about the fraud known as the White Helmets.

  3. A great conversation and a recap of this ridiculously obvious fraud. How much in your face can these events get? Of course, Syria has fallen out of the media sights in a while now, not much room in the news cycle for every and each of these, currently ongoing, endless wars.

  4. Great job James …what a Jewel of truth to find such a courageous young lady…very well done . Looking forward to checking out more of her work.
    There should be some kind of real prize for people like you and her for the real truth.

  5. So called “Syrian Chemical Weapon” is essentially the FLUORIDE added to drinking water.
    “The disposal of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile has been completed, with the destruction of 75 litres cylinders of hydrogen fluoride by the waste disposal firm Veolia in Texas, US.
    The Syrian government declared their stockpiles of chemical weapons – which included precursors to the nerve gases sarin and VX as well as
    hydrogen fluoride – to the (OPCW), the world’s chemical weapons watchdog.”

    The CDC is forthcoming about the dangers of Hydrogen Fluoride.
    …it can be dissolved in water.
    •When hydrogen fluoride is dissolved in water, it may be called hydrofluoric acid.
    •Hydrogen fluoride can be released when other fluoride-containing compounds such as ammonium fluoride are combined with water….

    Typically in the United States, Hydrofluorosilicic acid (Hexafluorosilicic acid) is intentionally added to drinking water as part of the water fluoridation program.
    Hydrofluorosilicic Acid is a phosphate mining EPA classified hazardous toxic waste. During the reaction of phosphate ore and sulphuric acid, silicon tetrafluoride (SiF4) and Hydrogen Fluoride are formed as byproducts. These gases are usually scrubbed with water, forming Hydrofluorosilicic Acid, H2SiF6 as a waste stream.

    HOWEVER, because of the ionic properties of Fluorine, (as stated above by the CDC Hydrogen Fluoride can be released when other fluoride-containing compounds are combined with water), Hydrofluorosilicic Acid in water becomes Hydrogen Fluoride and a wet form of silica (SiO2″).
    Dr. Paul Connett discusses the “ionic nature” of Fluoride in the following video. Basically, much like salt (sodium chloride) which separates into sodium atoms and chlorine atoms when in water, so does the industrial waste Hydrofluorosilicic Acid separate into Hydrogen Fluoride and silica (sand). Sidenote: Sugar does not “separate” when in water. It stays as a molecule.

    Thus, literally, Chemical Weapons are being added to drinking water.
    More ‘fun facts” at the Dallas Fluoride Activist website
    Find out if Japan fluoridates their water. 😉

  6. Combination of all lies from Western Media, and how Rare real journalism is, Eva Bartlett (and James) is the antidot of the Neverending Lying Media and Pro-Child beheading war criminals

    I just most say thanks for what you have done, like when Omran was snatched for photos for AMC Aleppo, and used.
    When I did se RT find him, it felt good it was Eva Bartlett that visit the family

    (sorry for crappy english, T9 out of order)

  7. Another trail to follow…


    …..from these war torn areas.
    People just disappearing.

    Human trafficking? … here is another facet to the puzzle!

    I just came across this in a presentation that Max Igan gave at a conference. He had a slide showing how much organs were worth on the market. These psychopaths can make $$Millions off of one human being.

    How low can this psychopathic infection go?


    • Regarding the organs selling price: years back there was this guy locally selling his kidney for €50.000 since he needed the currency. His plight was made quite public and he was mentioned in the media quite a few times. While he was kept in the news cycle, he hadn’t managed to sell it.

      That occurence made me question the whole body part demand thing.

      • I’m pretty sure truth stream media mentioned Clinton Foundation in a video related to Haiti and associated with organ harvesting a while ago (2017) (as they were mentioned here with “while everyone was busy[…]” I thought of them). I couldn’t find it though that fast/in which video it might have been, sadly.

        Here are though some guys talking about again Clinton, Haiti, organ harvesting and other stuff (20 min; don’t consider it a highly condensed clip like ‘why big oil’; it’s more talking. ah yeah, and about mayo clinic):
        (and know I am into not 10 minutes that sound highly interesting, same channel, same topic, over 1 hour though:–r_L8A)

        About Eva Bartlett regarding North Korea I am awaiting more evidence. Her saying ‘I looked in the eyes/faces of those people and you generally can say if they are forced’ was not convincing to me; more likely: naive. Like in the fun park video IMHSubjectiveO I would have said at 2-3 answers ‘You more likely Could see their fear’.
        And those Australian guys making the haircut north korea movie she happily interviewed on North Korea made some nice obvious points (like imprisoning worldwide especially USA and haircut in general); but also the haircut was their only really story. And who doesn’t know those stories of militaries forcing their soldiers to cut their hair (and how far would that be to a prop-up as a media campaign by western media as ‘all north-korean have to cut their hair’).
        (I have to admit I listened to Michael Malice on Molyneux on North Korea; seemingly opposing (to Eva Bartlett) story; but maybe (probably?) Not).

  8. Wow. I didn’t watch all of it, only until Sibel said they had both been removed from some board of something. However, Beeley’s tweets look almost as profane as my usual youboob comments. That’s pretty bad. I wish I could say I was shocked, but I don’t think I’m capable of that anymore. Thanks, JimBob from fluorida who sits here wondering if he can trust anything that he doesn’t see for himself anymore. Like I ever did. 🙂

  9. We have a Corbett Report member who once said…

    I just want to add my 2 cents regarding Sibel and NewsBud since I had an unpleasant experiences with Sibel in the past 12 months…
    …Sibel however is a mere human with human shortfalls…
    … I was kicked out of NewsBud a while ago for the following reason. In NewsBud comments section it states “SPEAK YOUR MIND”, when i did, Sibel personally told me to take a hike, as she is only interested in the same thinking people !

    • I don’t even know where to begin on researching this one. Who would write something I would believe? Would I even be allowed a passport to go to Syria? Am I crazy enough to go there? Probably; hmmm… Naw, I’m too broke to be an international jet-setter. Plus, I’d have to leave my porch. Or the little side-walk in front as I live in one of those efficiency apartments converted from a 1943 motel in fluorida. JimBob from fluorida, whose long hair and beard won’t make it easy for him in any encounter with an authority figure; nor will his bolton style diplomatic manner make it a likely success in boarding that plane.

    • I picked this up awhile back from someone’s twitter feed who I follow…

      The Ochelli Effect 10-24-2017 Pearse Redmond

      Friend of the show and fellow radio host Pearse Redmond joins Chuck Ochelli to tell the story of his involvement and exit from Boiling Frogs Post and NewsBud. How Chuck and Pearse were first introduced was a few years ago when Pearse accompanied author and alternative media figure Sibel Edmonds to The Ochelli Effect during a promotional campaign to raise money for the now established Newsbud organization.

      Pearse tells his side of the story about how , when and why he became disenchanted with the organization and it’s head Sibel Edmonds.

      • To UKJC and HRS, many thanks. Now I feel I can go back to being lazy. I am almost done with the Sibel part of the podcast that HRS just linked. When I hear this and think of the journalistic libel of Eva’s tweets, I think that Eva is definitely one bad-ass reporter. Does she have a Patreon account? I am now starting to see her as the kind of woman we should have more of in this world. JimBob from fluorida who wonders why people can’t figure out that life is simply breathing in and then out. Not that hard people!

        • Okay, she’s on Patreon. She even gets 2 bucks from my cheap self. Don’t tell James as I only gave everyone else 1. But she IS a bad ass. It’s not just anybody that voluntarily goes into hell for a living in hopes of beating the devil. As a result of all this thrashing and gnawing of teeth and other overly-dramatic phrases, I now have a huge crush on her. Not the dangerous kind, but it just seems she ain’t your normal ditzy girl. Now watch it all turn out that I’m completely wrong on this. JimBob from fluorida who almost wishes he was over there but then he remembers he didn’t like those kind of conditions when he was younger so he stopped that wish dead in its’ tracks.

      • Yes, thank you very much for that link!
        I think the interviewed person said the most interesting things starting around the 45:00 mark. For me it ringed loudly at about 53:00 „Her case sounds eerily reminiscent of UFO whistleblowers.“
        (Maybe somebody doesn’t want to spend full 1 1/2-2 hours on this and rather listen to the most essential parts. That’s why I wanted to add this here.)

      • You were not talking about having respect for the source material, you were talking about having respect for the man, which I do not.

        I know Assange is an intelligent man with good skills in mathematics. He has had nearly 17 years to download the footage from 9/11 and do the calculations to determine the reality for himself, yet he has not. Instead he comes out with the statement “I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11″

        Such statements are extremely disrespectful for people who have taken risks to expose the lies about 9/11 or even just taken the time to do so.

        Like with Sibel Edmonds over Eva Bartlett, it appears that he does not like anyone taking the lime light away from himself.

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