Interview 1566 – Derrick Broze Announces #ExposeBillGates Day of Action 2

by | Jul 29, 2020 | Interviews | 123 comments

On June 13, 2020, hundreds of thousands of people from around the world participated in the first ever #ExposeBillGates Day of Action. The event was a success with #ExposeBillGates trending all day on Twitter, information about Bill Gates’ agenda being translated in several languages, hundreds of protests and outreach events, and mainstream outlets taking notice. Now, it’s time to do it again.

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The Conscious Resistance

Interview 1552 – Derrick Broze Announces #ExposeBillGates Global Day of Action


Bill Gates’ Web Of Dark Money And Influence

Target Africa: Ideological Neo-Colonialism Of The Twenty-First Century

#ExposeBillGates Day of Action 2, AND Gates Questioned on Vaccines!

#ExposeBillGates 2 International Day of Action August 8, 2020


  1. Thanks to Dan Dicks


    authoritative source, no fakes

    Steps to protect yourself during sex

    Here are some ways to lower the chances of being exposed to COVID-19 during sex with others:

    Ask your partner(s) if they’re feeling unwell or have any symptoms of COVID-19.
    Consider keeping contact information for your partner(s) so that you can reach them if one of you develops symptoms.

    Before and after sex:
    * Wash your body with soap and water.
    * Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
    * Wash sex toys thoroughly per the manufacturer’s instructions. Most, but not all, can be cleaned with mild unscented soap and water. Do not share them with multiple partners.
    * Wear a face covering or mask. Heavy breathing during sex can create more droplets that may transmit COVID-19.
    * Avoid or limit kissing and saliva exchange.
    * Choose sexual positions that limit face-to-face contact.
    * Use barriers, like walls (e.g., glory holes), that allow for sexual contact but prevent close face-to-face contact.

    Using condoms, lubricant, and dental dams may help to further reduce the chances by minimizing contact with saliva, semen, feces, blood and/or internal genitalia/vaginal fluids during sex.

  2. Well, I’ll chime in and write what I have personally done with respect to taking a little action in my little day to day life. I may not overthrow governments (yet!) but it’s something.

    I read Corbett Report and many other alternative independent sites all throughout the day to learn the facts and the science about what is going on. I spend a good deal of time trying to educate myself. I feel like I have been to med school over the past four months.

    I do not wear a mask. That may seem like nothing at all but for those who do not wear a mask – outside or in – we know the consequences. It is no little thing to lose family and friends. To cease shopping at local supermarkets because of their attitude, even when you have explained “it’s a medical reason”. To close your bank account because the the bank manager was intolerant of the mask issue. Then spend two weeks looking for a new bank – find one – lovely people – only to discover after settling in that your debit card is the one that just signed with GAVI and Gates Foundation to establish the Trust Stamp – biometric tracking of vaccine – in West Africa.

    Time to search for a new bank.

    Every day that I go out of my home I know I am in for the covid-glare. Every shop I enter I gird myself for reaction. In the past two days I have been involved in exactly the type of working class civil war that the powers that design are salivating over – fighting about the mask. Situations that leave me speechless.

    I have contributed and joined Children’s Health Defense, an organization with the resources and experience to fight the upcoming vaccine battle. I am going to join Make America Free Again at Pam Poppers site. I am a member of Corbett Report. I contribute to other sites that support the cause.

    I made bumper stickers for my car. I’m making one for the expose Bill Gates Day.

    These are little steps I take in my own life. We may not be out there on the streets yet (in big maskless groups) but I think we are doing OK considering we were so majorly broadsided 4 months ago.

    My heart goes out to people that are wholly against the mask but have to wear one and abide by the insane protocols in order to work. There is not an area in life that is not affected by this take-over.

    I’m even cutting my own hair because my hair stylist requires masks.

    I don’t write all this to blow my own horn, but to support the idea that we can take steps to resist the the draconian (illegal?) measures in whatever way is possible.

    Again, I would suggest people look into Children’s health Defense, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Catherine Austin Fitts, Dr Pam Popper, Offguardian.

    Watch VAXXED and VAXXED II. Proof that getting the word out can and will create momentum – and hopefully – change.

    I have to add that I would not have the wherewithal to take any of these actions if it were not for the independent journalists like James, Derek, many others – AND THE COMMENTERS ON THE SITES. Thank you!

    • “ My heart goes out to people that are wholly against the mask but have to wear one and abide by the insane protocols in order to work. There is not an area in life that is not affected by this take-over.”

      I am with you there. I am so grateful for my wife. She has stood by me as I have taken this trip down the rabbit hole for the last couple decades and now she is donning a mask that she detests wearing to shop because she knows that I cannot submit.
      She is not with me 100 percent on the anarchy thing. But she is with me and God bless her.
      I also have not worn the muzzle yet. I would have certainly have had confrontations by now if I had to do commerce.
      Now some of the stores are backing off of the hard line on masks so I look forward to trying it out.
      And I haven’t had a haircut or have I shaved since this began. But I do that mostly to start conversations.

      You are doing a lot Lovetodust. People like you are the best reason not to lose hope. I would love to have some bumper stickers but I’m not clever enough to make them myself and the budget is tight these days.
      Thanks for the encouraging comments.

    • lovetodust says:
      “It may not overthrow governments (yet!) but it’s something.”

      I love it!!

      You are my kind of person. You are sooo my friend!
      A true friend of humanity.

      I swear… you got guts!
      I’ll back you up any day of the week.

      Thank you so much for this comment, lovetodust.
      It is courageous and inspiring.

    • Your courage is inspirational.
      I have yet to wear a mask and it feels fair uncomfortable here even though the mask is only advisory.
      Bravo Lovetodust, stay cool ?

      • Oh, Steve, Home Remedy and lizzie

        Thank you so much for the kind words!! We all really need them these days.

        I did call the District Manager of Post Office’s here where I live over an incident that happened yesterday, to tell him that he needs to send a memo to all post offices – when someone says they have a medical issue and cannot wear a mask the discussion ends there.

        Most establishments are fine. But human nature being what it is there are some employees who I would go so far as to say do not give you a hard time about the mask because they are concerned for themselves or you. They just like to be bossy-boots.

        I can say this with complete and utter sincerity since I am that person. Or was. I am being swamped with Karma these past months.

        A good friend today called me from the west coast (USA) today about an episode in a supermarket. Same thing – an employee who was out of line after being told of medical condition.

        Anyway, we muddle through.

        Steve, I make my own bumper stickers. Do you have a printer? Know someone who does? I just print out #EXPOSEBILLGATES AUGUST 8″ on white paper. Cut it to fit and I put it on my bumper with clear contact paper. Works great. My other one was “NO MANDATED VACCINES” And they come off easy so you can keep changing them to fit whatever insanity the msm/powersthatbe come up with.

        Thanks again everyone!

    • Thanks, debra.b – I always look for your posts and know you have a big heart, also.

      I hope your grandchild is happy and healthy and you are enjoying his(?) company.

  3. Kingfisher Mint fluoride free is a good one as well. Thanks all for the hilarious comments on the CDC – sex advice and Fact Checker for the elegant communication of deep stuff the other day commenting, J.C in Democracy Down. Made my day.

  4. Colgate-Palmolive owns Tom’s of Maine
    I do not suggest “Tom’s of Maine”.

    I can speak to this toothpaste topic, because I spent 3 years seeing over 100 people per day working in the Vitamin/Supplement department of Sprouts Farmers Market (a small Whole Foods type store). Toothpaste was in my department.
    I do not suggest “Tom’s of Maine” and have talked many, many customers out of buying the Tom’s of Maine brand.

    And I have long been involved with the anti-fluoridation movement (i.e.

    There are other alternative toothbrushing methods or brands. Dentist David Kennedy even has a great video on effective determent to cavities.
    Many alternative brands are “Mom & Pop” places who actually have ethics in their product line. I like supporting the little guy.
    Here are 7 Brands of Toothpaste featured at Fluoride Action Network.

    Colgate Total Toothpaste contains triclosan.
    Triclosan is toxic. Likely, it causes cancer and other health issues, even from absorption through the skin.
    The chemical impacts the environment (e.g. water) because it does not break down well. Sure, it kills bacteria…that is why some soaps and hand disinfectants use triclosan.

    While Colgate has done some good things as a company, I believe that it is more of a PR marketing and positioning promotion than for the betterment of mankind.

    • Deb,
      I well remember your comment about your brother being a buyer for that industry. As you can imagine, it caught my eye.

      Bronners is pretty good! And the soap bottle something to read in the shower…but I can’t make heads-nor-tails of all the script, just the gist.
      I like the company.
      I also have and like Desert Essence soaps.
      Oh Heck…I have a gaul-durn vitamin store in the backroom.

      I really understand about chemical sensitivity.
      And rashes.

      Just so ya know, fluoride can really cause skin issues. Melissa Gallico has written a lot about it.
      Her “Raisin Conspiracy” is interesting. Many products and foods have fluoride in them, especially pesticide foods.
      But so many other chemicals can also cause skin issues.

  5. I don’t disagree but remember these names represent only the overt face of this murderous group of elitists. There are somewhere between 4k and 8k of them. The numbers represent a wide margin because many of the group are considered expendable, pawns that align with them until they are no longer necessary–then bang.

    I doubt you can arrest them all as the most influential of the group are not the ‘face’ of the covid lie. They remain stealth. They have always been stealth.

  6. Preparing #ExposeBillGates Newspaper Promotion & Maskless grocery shopping

    It was a busy day. About noon, I drive up to the gigantic Kroger Grocery store…ya know…the kind that even has clothes, shoes, and furniture.
    I had been procrastinating groceries because it is mandatory throughout Texas to wear masks, but I am tired of eating sauceless organic bean & cheese tortillas every night.

    At the store entrance, there was a large sign which said it is mandatory to wear masks inside. I went inside with no mask on my person.
    I walked towards the first employee I spotted.
    Smiling, I politely asked, “I am exempt from wearing a mask. Do I need to go talk to someone?”
    The young lady replied, “Oh no! We don’t ask anyone about masks if they come in without one.”

    End to end, this is a very large place. Probably 300 people were there. I saw no one without a mask. I was the only person. Surprisingly, I also did not receive any dirty looks…but who can tell what goes on behind the mask? I chatted with folks at different points.
    The two little masked boys helping their Dad shop was fun to see. I was behind them in the checkout. I told their Father, “It is a good thing that you brought some help today.” He smiled through his mask, and agreed that they had been a big help. The boys puffed out their chests as they fought to unload the cart.


    • (…continuing…)

      Back at the car after loading up my groceries, I checked my phone (I never carry it on me). A missed call and a message from an hour ago.
      The message was from a lady at the city newspaper. It was a different lady than the one I spoke to a couple days ago. I was waiting the past few days for the Editor’s “Approval Okay” to run the “Who is Bill Gates?” online ads which link to Corbett’s documentary series.
      The message said only to please call her back.

      This concerned me.
      After all, just yesterday the webhost “Squarespace” deleted the website of “America’s Frontline Doctors”.
      The world has gone ‘super-sensitive nutty’ about what ya say.
      On the drive home and while putting up the groceries, I am trying to plan how I would handle any opposition to the ad placement by the newspaper.

      Finally, I sit down and give the lady a call.
      It was just that another lady was taking over the ad account.
      All systems are “Go”. No problemo.
      However, I do have to put a notice on the ad. They told me that I needed to have the statement, “This is the opinion of the advertiser.” I counter-proposed a re-work of that statement. We’ll see.
      Sometimes, wrestling with the proofs and layouts are a lot of back-n-forth.

      But, overall, doing this kind of newspaper and website advertising stuff is fun.
      Anyone can do it.
      Just pick up the phone or send an email or whatever.

      Here is a link to the backstory of the newspaper promotion…

      • Here is a link to a previous 9/11 Truth Newspaper Campaign both online ads and hardcopy ads.
        There is a company Star Local Media which has 14 newspapers in the Dallas area. You will see their papers in the link, along with other local publications.

        I should mention the following, because it lets ya know how the word does get out.
        Promotion does work.

        Both women who I called for this August 2020 newspaper promotion knew about World Trade Center Building 7.

        Unless you were around during 2008 or so, this may not mean much to you. But we have come a long ways in the InfoWar. The mainstream media did not do it.

        • Here is another ad campaign.
          Unfortunately, the animated Gifs no longer work and so the screenshot looks mushy and extended. But the animation was cool to see and inviting to click on.
          Corbett’s 5 minute 9/11 Conspiracy video and also the 15 minute Ed Asner Ae911truth video were linked.
          Four 9/11 Ads Online in 14 Texas Newspapers for 3 Months

          There were other promotional campaigns.
          But Texans are Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) on bragging rights, so I’ll shut up.

          • Thanks for sharing all your experience Home Remedy. I was telling a friend of mine about you today and the activism you do.

            She is on the West Coast and is going to set up a little table with information about Bill Gates, Vaccines and so forth.

            I am wondering if anyone in the New England area is planning any face to face gathering on August 8. I am not in a position to organize something myself right now but I would be interested in joining others.

            I went shopping at a supermarket in the next town this evening. It’s the only place so far where I do not get grief or attitude about not wearing a mask. Except one shopper actually did a double take when she saw that I wasn’t wearing one.

            And the beat goes on…..

  7. For those of you in the US, August 8th is the libertarian convoy day to promote Jo Jorgensen and to raise awareness concerning debates and mask issues. They claim to have as many as 90 cities participating in the plan to drive through main streets with decorated cars and honking horns. They would certainly rally against mandatory vaccines and the corona corruption. I understand the value of not having any centralized leader or planner, but maybe those in Derrick Broze’s camp could do some local checking and combine efforts, or visa-versa.

    • Vibes,
      That is a fantastic point!

      Riding the coattails of other activism events.

      I can attest.
      This is a great strategy.
      If some other group is holding an event, ride the coattails with the #ExposeBillGates message.

      We did this during the Anti-War movement of the Bush era with 9/11.
      It worked great!
      Even anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan became a 9/11 Truther.
      North Texas group member and Corbett Report member, Joe.s, gave Cindy a binder of 9/11 DVDs. That did it.

      Cindy Sheehan – March to Bush’s Home in Dallas
      (6 minutes)(circa 2009)

      • Oh my gosh, Cindy Sheehan. I remember her from years ago! Protested all by herself sometimes, didn’t she? About her son.

        I loved that she said “we are not just protesting Bush, but Obama”….

        I was sooooo disappointed when Bill Clinton came out with his “Don’t ask, don’t tell” complete utter shite of a solution to gays in the military.(not inviting a discussion on that topic, just making a point), and was further disappointed and disgusted when Obama never closed Guantanamo.

        I pretty much realized then that’s it’s all one big fat non-partisan lie.

        Never voted for a President again.

  8. debra, I had the same feeling going into it. In fact, I thought, Nah can’t do it. But I have been watching a lot of Bobby Kennedy’s videos and have learned so much and really support his efforts so I thought what the heck.

    Well, Bobby wiped the courtroom floor with Mr. Dershowitz but I almost turned the computer OFF when Dershowitz started extolling Robert Kennedy Sr. and how he was “a friend to Isreal” and was “assassinated by – can’t remember what he said because I was HORRIFIED that the showed a photo of Sirhan Sirhan!!!

    I immediately emailed Children’s Health Defense, which I had just joined, about how disappointed I was. How did Bobby let that happen? In fairness, Kennedy did not produce the debate, it was on valuetainment channel so they may be have been responsible for that photo.

    Bobby Kennedy has met with Sirhan Sirhan and from what I understand does not believe Sirhan is responsible for his father’s death. For Dershowitz to even bring it up!!! Talk about grabbing at straws!!

    I wonder if having to debate Bobby Kennedy Jr (and getting your butt handed to you), and debating Del Bigtree (same) is Dershowitz punishment for all the scandals he’s been involved in (Epstein et al)

    I did finish watching the debate and calmed down. It seems to me that Bobby Kennedy is just grateful ANYONE with a name and pedigree will debate him. No one else DARES. Because they don’t want to get their butts handed to them.

    By the way, debra, they are difficult to watch but VAXXED and VAXXED II are unbelievable. I have been talking them up to everyone. They are the movies produced by Del Bigtree based on the story of Polly Tommey and her vaccine injured son and their family. Her story is amazing. It gives great evidence of how you can start a huge movement from a tiny grass roots group.

    She and Bobby Kennedy have a series of hour long videos called Truth. You can watch them on youtube. Fascinating. I have learned so much.

  9. debra, I just watched some videos on Anna Brees’ channel out of UK.

    She is a journalist writing about – what else? – the tyranny of late.

    I tried to link the first video I watched, but can’t, however, if you just type in your search engine: Linda, 70, North Devon you will bring up the youtube video and you can then watch it and sother similar ones.

    Anna suggested that anyone who wants to share their feelings about what’s going on make a video and send it to her.

    Linda is a 70 year old woman who talks about the covid situation and what it’s meant to her. Fascinating. She could have been telling my story.

    I watched some others. Just working class people who do not believe the narrative and of course the consequences the consequences of not going along.

    I just liked actually seeing and hearing people saying what I generally read on sites like Corbett et al.

    They are all in UK so it’s fun listening to the different accents.

  10. Qno

    I agree with your assessment of pharma. I have serious doubts that a “vaccine “ will make it to market. It seems like a bunch of talk to manipulate the market.

    • I also agree with your take on trying to convince people. I work in a hospital so many people just go along even the doctors. But I have spoken to more than one who won’t get the vaccine. That’s what keeps me somewhat optimistic I think a red flag will go off if offered a vaccine that was developed in less than a year. That’s outrageous even for people who are pro vaccine.

      There’s no way to evaluate longer term side effects. It’s just insane. This whole thing is insane. It is mind boggling.

      • “I think a red flag will go off if offered a vaccine that was developed in less than a year.”

        Honest question: what about annual flu vaccines? If people are used to getting these, what’s so odd about a speedy covid one?

        • Well I stopped getting it for 2 reasons. 1. I started getting weird side effects. 2. It was unnecessary. I have only had flu twice. So I wear a mask for flu season (it’s required if staff declines flu shots). For other folks I know 2 nurses who just don’t take it because it’s unnatural and a scam if you actually look at the data.

          The difference with Covid is it’s rapid development, possible new mechanism of action themRNA mechanism and also that like flu it’s a pretty weak virus that seems to affect fragile people primarily. The young who get sick recover. Also it’s unnecessary because of natural herd immunity. They are trying to keep it around with the lockdowns but won’t stop the inevitable end of this pandemic that will likely occur before the vaccine.

          • They may try to develop a Covid vaccine for other Covid related viruses but I think it would be similar to flu vaccines-suggested but not required for most people.

            I have a very hard time believing all the scientists would keep their mouths shut if they try to mandate an experimental drug.

          • All I know about vaccines I’ve learned from here and like sources, so I don’t know if the average msm follower is even aware of the new RNA technology promised in the covid one, let alone understands it. I know I can’t explain it except to say that altering DNA in the face of any threat is insane.

  11. I wish us all good luck on this 2nd day of action.
    Today according to organizers 1.3 million people in Berlin protesting. Some press allegedly said 15.000. It definitely are several hundred thousands.
    Refusal to obey the command to end the demonstration right now.
    Refusal to wear masks and social distance generally too.
    It is happening something.

    strange but maybe Germans get something done


    On these 2 pictures you can see the 2 sides of the stage. Note that the stage is placed in the center of the people. Plus there were tens of thousands of people in major streets who did not even enter the main street of “17.Juni”. A team of the organisators together with lawyers now will start a lawsuit against this incredible fake news of the MSM regarding the numbers.

  13. Things are progressing nicely.

    Today I had to pickup my drivers “license”. I don’t know why I didn’t opt to have it mailed in, in retrospect that was a mistake. Anyhow, there were about a dozen people at the police station. They are all mashed together at the entrance while on the inside they allow about 5 or 6 people at one time. That’s would be an area of about 400 sq m or about 4000 sq feet for half a dozen people while in the front you have 12-15 people together in about 20 square meter area.

    Anyway, the charming police officer wouldn’t let me in without a mask; because everyone is wearing it, because this is an institution, because you need one elsewhere as well… I said I’m avoiding entering any of the places he mentioned but I need to get here to get my license. The withdrawal counter is about 3 meters away from the entrance. He wouldn’t let up, one gentlemen stepped in and offered me a mask. I thanked him and said that I don’t want to wear a mask because of health and moral considerations.

    After that the policeman decided to stop the exchange and told me to wait for the “crowd” to subside. He didn’t have me wait long, maybe 10 minutes. I’m not sure if he just got bored (in which case he could have simply sent me off) or maybe some of what I said got to his brain.

    This insanity won’t stop any time soon.

    • Anecdote above

      mkey, I found this anecdote interesting.
      The set-up there is so very different than the very long lines and hours of waiting at the Texas Dept of Motor Vehicles for a DL. Of course, now, with the “new normal”, I have no clue how they do it with this social distancing stuff.

      What stood out for me in your story, was how a verbal appeal to ‘better senses’ or ‘to make it go right’, actually penetrated in some way.
      While we don’t know for sure what caused the fella to work with ya, just the fact that he did, demonstrates that a glimmer of man’s liberty-minded humanity still exists.

      • Just to put things into perspective: In my region you have up to 200k people total and 8 police stations. Now the “license” is issued for 10 years duration. It used to be 30+ not that long ago. Also, for some reason, they don’t check your eyesight, hearing etc. It’s just an administrative thing, pay something like $25, fill in a form and off you go. You don’t even have to have a picture taken if they have a recent photo in digital format.

        There was some talk about requiring medical exams for license extension, but I think that was put on the back burner due to average economic situation with our pensioners, which is less than stellar.

  14. August 2, 2020
    Derrick Broze was a guest on The Cindy Sheehan Soapbox podcast

    It was a nice podcast which covered a lot of ground.
    I like Cindy Sheehan.
    The Democratic Left used Cindy Sheehan like a flag in promoting their party.
    During the Bush-Obama era, Cindy Sheehan stood by her “anti-war” values.
    The Liberal Left Democratic base at the time was starting to lose their footing, because of Obama’s wars.
    Cindy Sheehan also came out exposing 9/11 and exposing Obama’s wars.
    The Democrats had a hard time with that.

    Bill Gates & Cindy Sheehan & “Time Magazine Person of the Year”
    At the end of the interview, Cindy throws in a little nugget anecdote.

  15. Whoa! That’s a lot of comments and a lot of support for this effort. I sent this to my mother and sister. Surprised by how receptive they have been, as it seems nearly everyone knows something isn’t right. You can’t go to church, but you can go to walmart. So hold services in a walmart. Makes sense, I guess, if you go to church, or walmart. It’s that which challenges the world to call them out to prove they have the weapons that lie hidden behind all of the fear-mongering. Sometimes we are allowed to make the most dastardly comments about “institutions” because ultimately, it’s just words, but oh so useful to THEM to use the effect of fear of their unknown powers and willingness to use them.

    I saw Vox on a cable show reading from their own documents, he said, but it was all so outlandish. I mean, a pandemic? C’mon! They wouldn’t be that obvious. That was back in 2014, and then seemed loony now, prescient.

    So, now the real question is “Wouldn’t they?” and how do we stop them without taking the world and lives apart to do so. Any other outcome looks like or worse than quarantines.

    If money is the life blood of a society, then it should perform as such. To keep the whole alive.

    Who’s money is Bill Gates’s?

    • PS to self. Their ultimate fear is peaceful change. Any result that is as bad as or worse than quarantines and social distancing, would just lead the same suppressors of knowledge to follow their pre-selected covers for leaders. Too fearful to come out of shadows.

  16. UPDATE – August 8th – “Day of Action” – #ExposeBillGates #2

    “Who Is Bill Gates?” by KODOMOSAN
    (4 minute music Video with great graphics!)

    …and on August 8th…

    5 Star Article
    by James Corbett
    Why We Must #ExposeBillGates

    …and on August 8th…

    Correlating with the #ExposeBillGates Day of action is this one hour interview by Spiro with James Corbett.
    Interview 1570 – James Corbett on Derailing the Gates Agenda

    The final 5 minutes of the video should be HIGHLIGHTED!
    James Corbett talks about Membership to the Corbett Report.
    Corbett discusses doing something and “…it can be the snowball that grows….”.

    • Congrats to Broc, good job on slick editing. The pie to the face really brought the video together. Hopefully you’ll see this here because I’d rather cut off my eyelids than sign up for twatter.

  17. This should be noted on this #ExposeBillGates #2 Thread.

    Corbett Report Member “FoxLady” says:
    “…Berlin will return with the double amount of protesters on 29 August 2020.
    This will be international,
    for example the yellow vests movement of France will participate.
    People from Austria and Switzerland will be there,
    from Poland and Czech Republic too they will join us.”

  18. North Texas – #ExposeBillGates #2 – August 8th Saturday

    Well, today I put out just over 100 flyers on cars…
    Flyer IMAGE – Newer version August 8th – Saturday
    “The Media and Government Lie” “” with #ExposeBillGates

    Thursday I was also out with flyers.
    IMAGE – Flyers on line of cars – Older flyer version of Aug 6th

    The Dallas affluent suburb of Plano, Texas has a population of 288,000 and a local delivered & online newspaper.

    In the newspaper, starting on July 30th, I had online “Who is Bill Gates?” ads running for 30,000 impressions. The ads would link to

    This morning when looking through the paper, it looked like the ads played out.
    Newspaper Online Ad IMAGES
    Medium Rectangle IMAGE
    Banner IMAGE


      • The newspaper told me that in order to run the ‘controversial’ ad, they had to put in the phrase: “This is the opinion of the advertiser.”

        I counter-proposed the line which you see.

        When I ran the 9/11 ads, and also when anyone runs a product ad, event ad, political ad, there has never been a requirement for that type of phrase on the ad.
        (e.g “These online shoes are of the manufacturer’s design.”
        “This Gun Show Event at Southfork Ranch embodies the opinion of the advertisers”.
        (There is a Gun Show going on this weekend down the road at Dallas TV show Southfork Ranch. Their ad was running instead of mine.)

        When I was talking with the sales lady (who knew about Building 7), I told her that the art department could use any of Corbett’s images. I mentioned that Bill Gates always seems to wear a sweater, even the other day in July.
        She says: “I think he’s cold blooded.”
        It took me a second to grasp the wit with that come back.

        • I remember you have mentioned that they imposed this requirement on you and now you have used it to your advantage. Maybe you should have demanded extra surface at no coast to meet this arbitrary requirement.

          We’ll probably know we have entered the final phase when marketing companies start applying censorship at the cost of their own interest.

  19. Twitter ‘Action’ Images

    Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation #ExposeBillGates

    Friend of mine outside Gates Foundation today! #ExposeBillGates

    #ExposeBillGates At The Bill And Melinda Gates Foundation (Video)

    I present you a California COVID-19 test facility
    Saturday, August 8, 2020 – #ExposeBillGatesDay Lake Elsinore, CA

    “Several times a week protest” (Video) – Questionable Authority
    #ExposeBillGatesDay #ExposeBillGates @ the Gates Foundation

    Tazz News Tacoma joining me and others at Bill and Melinda’s house. #ExposeBillGatesDay #ExposeBillGates

  20. The Famous Ancient Chinese General Fun Tu and ”The Art of Mischief”

    On August 8th, #ExposeBillGatesDay 2, Spiro went into a Sprouts Farmers Market natural health grocery store. They told him that he needed to wear a mask to shop there. He refused and will boycott Sprouts.
    (one minute)

    A few weeks ago, Corbett Report Member Victoria gave us the skinny about the Sprouts’ Mask mandate.

    Knowing what Victoria said, I made my plans. I only needed a couple items from Sprouts. I arrived at 10:30 am when the store was not busy, and the checkout lines would be short. I went in through the “Exit Only” entrance without a mask, headed straight to the shelves to grab my items and calmly got in the shortest cashier line.
    As she was ringing me up, the young lady says: ”I’m supposed to say something about you not wearing a mask.”
    I responded, ”That’s okay. I’m exempt.” I smiled, not a smug smile, but one of friendliness and respect.

    As I headed for the “Exit Only” door, I waved at a cashier whom I knew. She seemed surprised. Someone was in the store without a mask.

    While sitting in the car, about to pull out, I see a woman shopper with her cart leaving the store through the “Exit Only” door.
    AS SOON as she passed the entrance, her arm thrust up violently and she ripped off her mask in irate disgust. It was unmistakable disgust.

    I plan to shop at Sprouts again. If the management tells me that I need to wear a mask, then I will calmly go out to my car and get one. BUT, I will also return with some very large signs to carry with me while I shop.

    I’m not exactly sure what the signs will say.
    I’m still reading Fun Tu’s ”The Art of Mischief”.

    I’m very familiar with Sprouts and management having worked there for 3 years in the Vitamin Department.
    I want to relay that managers are regular folks like you and me, they just have a “label”. Some are real assholes. Some are great people. I once played a big role in getting a Regional Manager fired (in-charge of all the Texas Sprout stores), and also played THE role in the local health department threatening to immediately close down a store.
    That’s Fun Too.

    • fab mischief HR!!

      inside the 1984 sprouts here, theres a friggin security guard stationed near the “exit only” door.

      im saying goodbye to shopping maskless in the new abnormal grocery store prisons, going curbside pickup ~ only need to once a month.

      theres much that disgusts me about masks, incl advancement of deviant technocrap: Harvard and MIT researchers are developing a face mask that lights up when it detects the coronavirusThe team is designing a face mask to produce a fluorescent signal when a person with the coronavirus breathes, coughs, or sneezes. If the technology proves successful, it could address flaws associated with other screening methods like temperature checks.

      • not really all that surprising — stupid masks…

        Xiaomi granted patent for a smart mask with sensors for real-time data collection

        While Xiaomi is already selling face masks in its home country, the company has now obtained a patent for the new “smart masks” from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

        The patent description reveals that the upcoming smart mask from Xiaomi will come equipped with a computing unit for the processor to calculate all the data that the sensors on the mask collects.

        The collected data will be stored on the mask using the storage module and can also be transferred to other devices, thanks to the connection module. Along with all this, there’s also a built-in battery that powers the standard air filter.

        It will also come with sensors like accelerometers and gyroscopes which will help the mask determine if the user is moving or in a stationary position. Sensors on the Xiaomi smart mask will be recording data such as total wearing time, pollution absorption, breathing volume, breath counts, among others.

        The mask can also be connected to a mobile application which will show all the data in real-time along with giving information about the weather and air quality of users’ city. It seems that the smart mask will also be able to detect potential breathing abnormalities and could also recommend a healthier breathing method.

    • Homey, your sign should say ” 2 of my protectected civil rights are being violated under existing law by this corporate criminal. I am going to bring suit against the individual who is just following corporate policy. There is no corporate policy that can cancel my civil rights.”

      Equal Protection under the law is guaranteed at the Federal, State and City level. Just following orders is no protection for criminal behavior.
      A shit storm is headed Sprouts way.

    • On July 25th, Saturday, two weeks ago, Derrick Broze put out a video #ExposeBillGates Day of Action 2, AND Gates Questioned on Vaccines! which lined up August 8th.
      Previously, he lightly mentioned in other videos that he was planning on doing another ExposeBillGates.

  21. Mischief this coming weekend with SIGNS

    God bless my parents. They never could cure my mischief.

    This past week, I went and bought some groceries. No mask. ALL the other 300 people (more or less) in the store had a mask on.

    Being in a rush to shop, just prior to leaving, I quickly printed out a sign: OBEY and taped it to a piece of cardboard. Grabbed a hammer and some tarpaper nails (a plastic washer at the head).

    After grocery shopping, I pulled into the parking lot by the busiest intersection in the area. Nailed that sign to a telephone pole.
    Thousands of cars go by daily.

    I am excited.
    The weekend is coming. …Mischief.

    This weekend, I will head to a very large shopping center, more than 20 acres.
    I plan to put up this sign along the primary entrance way of the shopping center.
    Bill Gates says We Own You</I

    Here is a photo with a chair in order to gauge size.
    The backdrop is horsetail and peppermint. To the left is Lemon Balm.

    The signs are just prints from the computer, packing-taped to a large cardboard box taken from a shoestore’s recycle trash bin.

    I will be making some other smaller signs with to place nearby.

    Germany’s “Extra-parliamentary Inquiry on COVID-19”

    As I understand it, there are now over 500 Doctors who have signed up in order to expose the Global Scam of Covid-19.

    Evidently, 500,000 weekly hard copy newspaper-broadsheets are distributed in Germany to help expose the fraud.

    Protest in Ireland on Saturday August 22nd

    August 29th Saturday…Protests and activism around the world…
    …Germany…Massachusetts…London International Doctors symposium

    Lizzie gives us a report about Dublin and the great crowd there.

    On the Facebook VIDEO of the Dublin protest, Prof. Dolores Cahill talks about the event in London where Doctors from around the world are meeting on August 29th. (147 minute mark of the video)
    Senator/Dr. Scott Jensen and Dr. Tenpenny will be there among others. The London Doctors event will link with the 500 Doctors in Germany (ExtraParlimentary Inquiry).

    LoveToDust is making her sign for the vaccine protest in Massachusetts on August 29th
    (hope she doesn’t bring the shotgun) 😉

    • August 29th Ottawa, Canada – Freedom Rally

      OTTAWA FREEDOM PROTEST August 29, 2020
      They Crossed the Line , We Draw The Line IMAGES

      We are hosting a massive historic protest. August 29, 2020 from 12:00pm to 6:00pm at the Parliament Hill, Ottawa. Speeches will officially start at 2:00pm. A band will be playing music from 12:00 till 2:00pm.

      Canadians from all over Canada will be attending to defend their rights and freedoms.
      Over 200 thousand people will be expected.

      This is a historic event, don’t miss it!


      A group advocating for the usage of hydroxychloroquine as a treatment option for COVID-19 is organizing a rally next weekend in downtown Bellville.

      The group, called Stop the Maskerade, is planning a freedom rally on the courthouse square next Saturday, August 29th beginning at 11:30 a.m.

      Rob Moltz of Cat Spring, one of the organizers of the rally, said the goal of the gathering is to share information on hydroxychloroquine and why the group believes it can be used as a prophylactic treatment to help prevent the contraction of COVID-19.

      Moltz said the event has no political or monetary affiliation, and expects the gathering to be peaceful.

  24. Activism – Italy
    Legal Liability ‘threats’ to Authoritarians

    Corbett Report Member Colosseum brings up a successful approach in Italy.

    …A team of lawyers in most major Italian cities and groups of concerned parents and teachers…
    …The idea is to “flood” school’s principals with liability declarations whereby the principals will be deemed criminally liable of all psychological and physical damages to the children if they apply the Ministry of Education’s new pile of covid-related regulations.

    The initiative seems to have had such a great success that principals are now putting pressure on the Ministry….

  25. Remember the Berlin Protest around August 1st?
    (Scroll up to comments dated around August 2nd.)

    It was said that perhaps 1.3 million people turned out.

    1 hour 22 mins of the
    Berlin March against the Authoritarian Restrictions
    is condensed to a 5 minute video

    By the way, YouTube Channel “Rubber Ring” has some wonderful cuts on the channel.

    • I never realised there were so many “anti-vaxxers”, “extremists” and “conspiracy theorists” in Germany, and the way they that so many of them have disguised themselves as quite ordinary looking young children, teenagers, parents and grandparents is very sinister.


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