Interview 1654 – James Corbett on The Activation Podcast

by | Aug 3, 2021 | Interviews | 88 comments

via On this episode of The Activation Podcast, Derrick Broze speaks with researcher and journalist James Corbett. Derrick and James talk about James’ personal background, his thoughts on Japan and the Olympics, the psychology of COVID1984, and much more in this empowering conversation!


The Conscious Resistance Network

The Activation Podcast

Derrick Broze Announces #ExposeBillGates Global Day of Action

Broze interviews Corbett in Mexico

The Tokyo Olympics are rigged to fail. Why hasn’t the media noticed?

Derrick’s 2 Part Investigation on Parasite Stress Theory: Part 1 and Part 2

Derrick Broze’s Holistic Self-Assessment online course


  1. Great interview! I really enjoyed this conversation. The “parasite stress” phenomenon is fascinating to me and I think that this should be looked at more carefully because I do think that there is a visceral fear of illness and death that is an evolutionary mechanism of survival, which is being subverted.

    Most people have a fear of the unknown, the fear of getting sick and of death. It’s hard wired. The psychopathic rulers have used unconscious fears to drive this massive psychological warfare operation. If we can understand this and assist others to see it, we may be able to combat some of the Corona hypnosis, which is not the whole war, but an important battle.

    I think that little seeds to friends and family, not overwhelming them with too much information will make people start to question their own understanding of reality or the paradigm that guides them. I have found that asking people what they think in a friendly way, opens people up a little and then I can share something small that makes them think. People can become overwhelmed by information and they start to put up walls as a way to protect themselves from emotional pain or having to re organized who they are.

    Also, some people are paralyzed by the extent of this agenda and don’t know what to do or what to do first. Perhaps some people are more psychologically capable of handling it and can think clearly and act bravely but others are paralyzed. Speaking from experience, this thing has been absolutely life shattering for me. Conspiracies were interesting and I kind of knew the government was corrupt and all that, but that these monsters want to enslave humanity and change us is mind blowing. And once you know and understand, there’s no going back. It’s a painful process, at least this is how it has been for me.

    • cu.h.j,
      I have felt a bit paralyzed myself. Especially in the last few weeks as the covid vaccine mandate and “green pass” propaganda narrative are in full swing. My shattering moment was in 2016 after realizing the truth of 9/11. At that moment I was definitely afraid because I realized that truly monstrous people exist and can and will murder thousands of people in cold blood. Even more shocking was that they were the ones in power and that most people trusted.

      But the rubber met the road during this covid event, and now we are all really feeling the reality of the situation, not just researching it on the internet. One’s inability to act is obviously a response to fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of death. Fear of pain and suffering. Fear of loss of control of our comfortable reality that we once knew. So we need to overcome fear. Not by avoiding it, but by fully accepting it. I think that is the only forward.

      Right now, the human species has the potential to evolve and develop clarity of consciousness on a mass scale never before possible. And it is only possible because such monstrous individuals are making us uncomfortable. They are unintentionally shaking our consciousness loose. This brings me some solace in these times. Something else that brings me solace is the Story of the Chinese Farmer, as shared by Alan Watts.

      Alan Watts ~ The Story of the Chinese Farmer

  2. Quite the imagination you got there counselor. But why do you think that Corbett didn’t mean what he said?

    I also think that James Corbett is talented, intelligent and motivated enough that he would have found a fulfilling way to express his creativity and perhaps could have been even more monetarily “successful” if he had he chosen a different path.
    I am thinking about his upcoming book and all the books that he didn’t have time to write.

    No, I take him at his word. Had he been of your ilk he would not have brought children into the world.
    James Corbett has been reading the writing on the wall for a long time and he isn’t blackpilled.

    • I had to re read your post, and you did say that JC is not pessimistic, which is why people listen to him because pessimism isn’t popular or financially lucrative. I don’t want to get in the middle of a disagreement or take sides, just thought it was curious that you seem to enjoy JC’s material but your posts are mainly pessimistic.

      But would you visit this site if JC was totally pessimistic? What is the point of even getting out of bed, if our future is set in stone?

      I know this agenda seems overwhelmingly oppressive and unstoppable, but the fact that there is so much propaganda and psychological manipulation makes me suspect that they aren’t underestimating us. If they had us cornered, there would be no need for the psyops, right?

      Even the people that have been “vaxxed” aren’t thrilled to find out about “boosters”. I was talking to someone at the dog park that said he would definitely not be takin any more injections and I believe him. I think that here in the US there are some wealthy people (not the elite) who are sick of this stuff and have enough financial power to stop this agenda. I also think that some of the censoring techies reading this, will be starting to wonder if they are on the wrong side. I would suspect this would be the same for many people who actually look at what a small number of people want to do to the rest of us and really don’t want to live this way or to have their kids live this way. The future they are selling is not desirable. I don’t even think the elitists themselves would enjoy it-once you have it all there’s nothing left to desire. It’s boring at that point.

      • “ you did say that JC is not pessimistic”

        Yes he did and I noticed that as well. But by writing,

        “But in reality, had he been among us purist pessimists by temperament, he never would have gained the stupendous following that he has amassed, even assuming all his analysis was equally astute, and all his explanations equally eloquent. James Corbett wouldn’t be “James Corbett” not because he would be doing “something else” (that is, whatever tempts those bleak blackpillers away from their webcam soliloquies)–but because nobody would be watching, and he never could have made a go of full-time internet-content production.”

        he is implying that he thinks that James Corbett might have chosen the path he did not because he was optimistically hoping to help the world but because he knew that if he was to reveal his “true” pessimistic nature he wouldn’t have the following, and thus the funds to do what he did.

        At least thats the way I read it. Because I actually can read. Sometimes I might have a problem with the comprehension part but I can read!

        • Yeah, I see your point there. I don’t think JC is pessimistic because he has a family and does other “normal” things too. No one would have a family if they were “black pilled”.

          I think JC is right to have some degree of optimism because there are so many players involved, competing interests and just a whole lot of things can come out of this.

          I think that unless someone is on death row or some other place, there is always opportunities to change things.

          The plan of total enslavement is so massive, I personally don’t think it’s possible. I also don’t think physical immortality and some of the weird tech is possible either, not in my lifetime anyway, because biology is so complex and there’s so much that’s not known and won’t every be known. Just my opinions though.

          • In an old interview James was asked something to the effect…do you think we/humans will succeed? He said he’s optimistic because of the human spirit. But after the vax we don’t know.

      • “So, the answer to your question might be “no,” but for reasons that are entirely external to Fact Checker, and Fact Checker’s preferences.”

        Referring to yourself in the third person creates distance between “I” and “he.” So if you have an exaggerated view of how great you are, you could be using this distance to make yourself even bigger. Or, if you’ve achieved major success suddenly, using the third person could be a way to adjust to the bigger role that’s been assigned to you. It’s a way to enlarge yourself to fit that role.

        -Elsa Ronningstam, associate clinical professor of psychology at Harvard Medical School and author of Identifying and Understanding the Narcissistic Personality

        “ The third person is how you indicate that the topic is not open for debate. You are speaking about facts that just so happen to include you”

        -Mike Birbiglia, stand-up comedian

      • “No they won’t. They will be laughing, and counting in their head’s all the mind-wiped virgins (they think) they’re going to get after the Great Reset.”

        But these are not the majority of people working in the system, a small percentage of the people want that, not the majority.

        “They’ll cross that bridge when They come to it. It’s going to be a lot easier to think once all these filthy goyim aren’t overrunning Their planet. In any event, the “boredom” you refer to is exactly what They’re feeling now, and what is leading Them to reach for ever more power now. Why would They stop?”

        They are bored because they are trying to achieve something unattainable. One of these is immortality. That’s not going to happen for centuries if ever. Complete control? Is costly and probably impossible too. They can certainly try but they risk wasting the only time they have to just be. The people who are capable of changing their consciousness will do so, because that’s the only thing they can every really control.

        This whole thing is a waste of time, creates hatred and distain and they are probably red pilling people who work for them. Have you watched Bill Gates talk? He was alway creepy. People know he’s creepy and sleazy. Some people are going along with these sleazy people until they see an opportunity to break away. Not all, but I wager a fair number of people want to walk away from this.

        • Fact Checker,

          What do you think they gain from pursuing this? I know you mention the AI a lot, that it’s like a runaway machine at this point. Can’t some of the people just stop going along with this. Suppose some of the hire ups at facebook and twitter just said enough and walked away?

          What if some of these deep state people, the order followers just walked away from this. They might because it’s so evil and devoid of anything productive or creative or positive, it’s a waste. Some people do actually have a conscience. They can stop doing this.

  3. @James & Broc:

    for your 9/11 research, a few resources:

    1. Full transcript of Jamie McIntyre & Judy Woodruff 9/11 Pentagon CNN segment

    2. (As I’m sure you’re aware:) Adam Curtis’ 2016 doc Hypernormalisation discusses the history of the US (i.e. Kissinger) – Middle East relations in the 1950s-1970s (cued)

    3. Last but def not least, the intriguing buffoonery that is the BBC WTC7 before-it-actually-collapsed clip and the BBC’s multi-part response to inquiry and criticism


    BBC’s attempted response:
    and I quote: “4. We no longer have the original tapes of our 9/11 coverage (for reasons of cock-up, not conspiracy). So if someone has got a recording of our output, I’d love to get hold of it. We do have the tapes for our sister channel News 24, but they don’t help clear up the issue one way or another.”

    BBC’s attempted response part 2:
    “I’ve spent most of the week investigating this issue, but this is where we have to end the story. I know there are many out there who won’t believe our version of events, or will raise further questions. But there was no conspiracy in the BBC’s reporting of the events. Nobody told us what to say. There’s no conspiracy involving missing tapes. There’s no story here.”

    BBC response part 3:
    “The mystery of the missing tapes didn’t last that long. One very experienced film librarian kindly agreed to have another look for us one night. There are more than a quarter of a million tapes just in the Fast Store basement at Television Centre. The next morning I got a call to say the tapes had been found. They’d just been put back on the wrong shelf – 2002 rather than 2001. Not so sinister after all.”

    Part 4: different topics

    Especially interesting:

    The anchor who was interviewing Jane Standley was interviewed by We Are Change in 2008 — apparently he didn’t know until that interview that the BBC WTC7 report was before the building actually fell.

    “Hayton responded, pointing out that he was not aware of the situation with WTC 7. “This sounds so significant – I’m just amazed I didn’t know about this… This is completely news to me.”

    “So, is there no official explanation?” Hayton further probed.

    We Are Change continues to explain the delayed NIST report on WTC 7 as well as the response from a BBC editor who claimed 9/11 tapes were “lost” in a ‘cock-up.’

    “I sense that you think there’s a conspiracy here – but you might be right,” Hayton concluded.


    • It surprises me that so many intelligent researchers like James think “no planes” to be a fringe irrational theory. See and I think you should be persuaded.

      “Beer cans don’t go through thick steel and concrete.” (An elderly blue collar gentleman watching the video on TV of a plane going through the WTC like a hot knife through butter.

      • And if you haven’t yet seen the infamous footage of “Pinocchio’s Nose” exiting intact out the back of the WTC building, a glitch of several frames by the CGI team making the video, even shown on the MSM before it was quickly blacked out, you don’t want to miss it. And how about Shanksville, PA? Oh, the “plane” got swallowed up by the soft earth and of course didn’t need to be dug out and retrieved. And where is all the plane debris at the Pentagon? No, it should be readily apparent that we’re dealing with Computer generated Images, explosives, crisis actors and of course the media reading a script, except there are a number of “glitches” there too.

          • No, you don’t know what you are talking about. This depends on the initial source. Just slapping “oh, it’s compression” on this is pure ignorance.

            If what is seen can not be trusted, why ever refer to those videos as proof? To what extent can they be trusted? Should only illogical parts be brushed off as glitches?

            Following the same logic, we can claim that the video showing an aluminim plane penetrating a steel & concrete building is actually a compression artifact.

        • fckchkr, I dont quite follow.

          Do you mean to say that footage of a plane’s nose appearing to have pierced from one side of the building and out the other was a computer graphic glitch?
          an actual camera “(which was actually captured)” took actual footage and in the process of transferring it the image of a nose having passed through two steel structural walls and possibly the core columns (NIST:”The dense array of columns along the building perimeter resisted lateral wind loads, while
          also supporting the gravity loads about equally with the core columns,,”). was that cgi done that morning?

          ((I must preface this with: i’m a builder of steel boats and other endeavors, I have intimate experience with the power of steel and structures built with it. while not specifically having worked at that scale, I’m confident that a standard passenger jet airliner could not have pierced so completely as to have instantly vanished to the interior and even come out another side,, didnt happen.))

          maybe the jets were swapped out (mid-air) for missiles disguised as jet liners; could the missle be projecting a hologram that it had wings for PA and DC,, and the bunker buster did pierce through before exploding? In all 4 cases the wings, tails, engines and blackboxes appeared to be there in the air, but after impact were not there? or only the Wylie coyote cut-out of wings into WT1 showed possible evidence of wings (but that evidence is dubious). the DC and PA stories are easily seen this way, the NY ones had so many people looking that say “jet liners hit the,,), its hard to imagine what it actually was?

          surely the biggest staged trick ever.

          • “….compression artifact, extrapolated from the trajectory of the plane-vector,…”
            “The video encoding program, however, momentarily infers a moving blob that wasn’t actually there. ”


            compression algorithms don’t work this way, anticipating/guessing what will happen, no no.

            JPEG DCT, Discrete Cosine Transform (JPEG Pt2)- Computerphile

          • It’s been some time since watching proposed video and I don’t know whether it goes into motion compression. Still it’s relevant to get an idea how compression works, why you see those little squares.
            I’ve checked your reference and indeed they are using a verb predict. This is totally inappropriate, because predict can only be about unknown future. That is not a case with motion compression (MC), MC is performed on known frames, even if it is about real time MC it is performed on already captured frames, therefore some latency is introduced this way.

    • That’s an interesting account of the BBC “cock-up”. In their case it’s more down than up, but anyhow. I personally never really saw this part of the psyop as a smoking gun as it always seemed to me to be plausible enough to be just an error. I mean, these TV people are not exactly the brightest bunch, are they?

  4. I spend a good part of my day, as i’m sure all of us do, thinking this through. Trying to get a handle on how… how do we survive? My son has taken the vaccine, against my wishes. He’s 25 and has the world ahead of him. It breaks my heart to hear the doom, mainly because I suspect much of it is true. I’ve had a great life. I want that for him and my other boy.
    Let’s face it, they have us living in fear and yet, they can’t be gotten to in any size, shape or form. For the most part, we don’t even have a handle on who ‘they’ are. What do the DIA do when they can’t get to the drug lords? They go after the man on the street pushing it. The pushers in this case are the anchors of the liberal mainstream, or should I say mainstream period. From our small perch, and I don’t have a platform though I wish I did… we have to try and convince people to turn it off. These people should not only be shunned, but they should feel the need to prepare and guard for their lives the way we’re preparing for ours.
    I’m not suggesting violence, but this is a very serious matter. We had brave ancestors who fought for freedom, or at least our history books tell us this (i’m not sure what to believe anymore!) the least we can do is give away a few of our comforts.
    Re 9/11 James have you watched the 2+ hours from 2012 of Dr. Judy Wood? If so what are you thoughts on that?

  5. I spend a good part of my day, as i’m sure all of us do, thinking this through. Trying to get a handle on how… how do we survive? My son has taken the vaccine, against my wishes. He’s 25 and has the world ahead of him. It breaks my heart to hear the doom, mainly because I suspect much of it is true. I’ve had a great life. I want that for him and my other boy.
    Let’s face it, they have us living in fear and yet, they can’t be gotten to in any size, shape or form. For the most part, we don’t even have a handle on who ‘they’ are. What do the DIA do when they can’t get to the drug lords? They go after the man on the street pushing it. The pushers in this case are the anchors of the liberal mainstream, or should I say mainstream period. From our small perch, and I don’t have a platform though I wish I did… we have to try and convince people to turn it off. These people should not only be shunned, but they should feel the need to prepare and guard for their lives the way we’re preparing for ours.
    I’m not suggesting violence, but this is a very serious matter. We had brave ancestors who fought for freedom, or at least our history books tell us this (i’m not sure what to believe anymore!) the least we can do is give away a few of our comforts.
    Re 9/11 James have you watched the 2+ hours from 2012 of Dr. Judy Wood? If so what are you thoughts on that?

  6. This virus ushered in information warfare. I remember Putin talking about this a few years back, also Oliver Stone who interviewed Putin said this was coming and I’ve talked to him quite a bit about it. I believe we are at war right now. A war to save human beings and I’m not the only one. May I suggest reading some of his resent work.

  7. I’d just like to say, Derek you don’t have to justify your move to Mexico. That’s what you wanted to do man, Mexico is awesome! Besides there are some GREAT spots in Mexico that put Houston to shame!

    Glad to hear James is sticking it out in Japan. Would seem weird…”The Corbett Report coming to you from the frigid tar sands of Calgary!” Or am I thinking Edmonton? Oh well! I’d like to think James and his family would find peace from this insanity on a nice plot of land out in rural Japan somewhere, like some kind of Hayao Miyazaki film or something.

    Cheers to you both for being so great at what you guys do!

  8. BUMP
    Material Evidence can not be provided by Alberta & Canadian Authorities

    Oil & Gas Professional, Patrick King says: “I need proof that you have isolated the SARS-CoV-2 virus and therefore the science would give you backing for your Public Health Act.”

  9. Absolutely incorrect. Democracy has been ushered in to replace the monarchies and has proved rather successful due to the claptrap notion of “rule of majority”. In reality, the “majority” does not rule. In reality, “majority” does not have the right to tell the “minority” what to do, They do not have the authority to define what is moral and what is not.

    Now, I’ll have to be honest and say that I have not payed very close attention to what the yellow vests are/were doing. I can appreciate the effort to protest as long as they had, but without understanding what you are protesting against, what’s the point? I have went through a couple of lists of their demands/suggestions and had found myself in a state of ambivalence, somewhere on the thin line between craving for ridicule and unfathomable sorrow over the incredible display of ignorance.

    This is one such list, I’m not sure there even is a THE list, if you have more information in this regard, please edify me. There are quite a lot of items on the list, I’ll comment just a few from the top.

    – Zero homeless : URGENT.

    To wish a problem resolved without caring of the underlying condition or understanding what is happening, is a hallmark of a immature, childish mind. Yes, quite better to just point the finger at a problem and have ma and pa gubment fix it for us.

    Now, I won’t claim there aren’t funds that could EASILY “resolve” this issue by simply throwing said funds at the problem and have it somehow resolve itself. I’ll remind of great commentary by the great George Carlin on this issue: these people are not homeless, they are houseless. A very substantial difference.

    – Income tax more progressive (more slices).

    Please, master, I’m OK with you taking a pound of my flesh every first of the month, as long as you take a bit more from my neighbor. He has more, you see, and should make more of his flesh available than I. Yes, regardless of the fact he’s already giving more in absolute amount, simply by virtue of having more, but I want his cut of the pie to be larger than mine. That would make me a VERY happy slave, my master, thank you.

    People making this type of claims have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. This is complete and utter insanity, children should be taught from the early age that they should learn to rely on their capabilities and that STEALING from their peers is WRONG. One does not get to say how much of the funds legitimately available to another are to be made available to themselves through the jack booted enforcement arm of ma and pa gubment.

  10. Continued.

    – SMIC ( minimum wage for growth) of 1300 euros net.

    Why not make it €10.000? Imagine the wonders that would do for the people of whichever country managed to strike such a deal.

    – Promote small businesses, villages and city centers. (Stop the construction of large commercial areas around big cities that kill small business + free parking in city centers).

    With this one I really do not know where to start. How could a gubment legitimately do this? Only if public owned land was not sold to big business, but again, how can gubment legitimately own land? It can not, it never could and never will, it can only ever defraud the people out of their legitimate possession.

    – Large Insulation Plan for housing. (to make ecological savings for households).

    Basically, those who have thought ahead and invested in insulation for their house (be it during construction or retrofitting) get to pay for the insulation of houses inhabited by those who have not made any such arrangements. Now, does this really sound like something a mature, aware individual should be demanding/putting forward? If we want insulation, I guess we’ll simply have to work for it.

    – That BIG (Macdo, Google, Amazon, Crossroads …) pay BIG and that small (artisans, TPE,PME– SME and Microenterprises) pay small.

    There’s bound to be quite a lot of repetition on these lists because they all rely on the same, flawed and failed socialist concepts. For this one, the reader may refer to no 2 on this list, it’s basically the same issue and exactly the same underlying problem as with 1, 2, 3 and 5.

    People want to make a claim against something they do not, can not and never will rightfully possess and they wish to transfer this nonexistent right to gubment’s enforcement arm which will somehow magically have the right to rob, maim and kill individuals whom the “majority” feel have inordinately more and should therefore pick up the tab.

    This is complete and utter insanity, what it is. And yet not even 1 in 10.000 will ever begin to understand this, especially not in Europe. We have been so greatly deluded for countless generations, our heads are so deep in our rear ends that your average European looks more like a donut than a human being. It’s revolting, what it is. Seems the vast majority of Europeans who had some common sense set sails for the new continent and geared up to wipe out the Indians and live their dream.

    • I can’t say I would bother with someone in the general population, a chance to catch one’s attention here is far greater. It absolutely mind numbing how many people do not understand this and how meticulously we have been conditioned. This mind programming runs almost as deep as the underlying limbic brain function.

  11. It absolutely is not a realistic objective by any means. People are as mindless, as uneducated and as uninspired as they have ever been, even more so, after a year of this mind shattering garbage.

    The most positive outlook in the short/mid term is that some of the pressure will let up to allow normalcy bias to kick back in while leaving the newly set boundaries right where they are.

    When referring back to the American revolutionaries, we need to understand that only some 3% of the population took an active role in the revolution, while having active support from about a third of the remaining population. The rest were either impartial or opposed to the effort against the British. The problem is, back then they didn’t go far enough, so the state of liberty didn’t last long enough to spread around the globe. If that could have even happened at any point in time.

    • I do not think the situation is hopeless, the change can certainly be achieved, but doing the work is very hard. The majority won’t even accept to start the journey toward conscience. We need to bring forward the information and cut through the signal.

  12. Where could we go to avoid the covid horrors, mass security and Big Brother’s watchful eye? For the tough ones, join the Zapatistas or the FARC. For the green thumbs, find a very isolated piece of land. For the hunters, move into a cabin in the woods. If you don’t have any of these skills nor the money to buy land with cash (mortgages will require vaccination soon, even if the purchase took place before vaccines become mandatory), try to get creative.

    Seriously, the options are few and far between. I agree.

    I know, however, how the tracking of dissenters started a very long time ago. I was called paranoid by my trackers. The social credit score has been, as you said, planned ages ago. Anyone who has someone in the military or working for agencies like NASA or the NSA and who showed signs of becoming activists ended up being the lab rats for their shiny new tracking equipment. Oh yeah, and if you were diagnosed with a mental illness like schizophrenia, you’re fine. You’re not sick. You were lied to. I suffer from PTSD because of this but am not currently allowed to get proper treatment for it since I am still under absolute total surveillance – the very type everyone will suffer through eventually – right now, as we speak. Surely someone knows I am typing this message to you. But, I now know why all of this happened to me : we’re all going to be tracked like this. I am a test subject.

    The whole thing about not being allowed to buy or sell has followed me for over a decade already. I even ended up incapable of withdrawing money from ATMs while in foreign countries with way more than enough funds in my account. People who don’t know me, that I’ve never seen, know my name and certain aspects of my life. Those tracking me have done things like try to make me afraid of being hit by a car (by asking someone to wait, in a very obvious manner, on a corner, and hit the gas as soon as I started crossing the street) in order to make me want driverless vehicles. I mean, when your partner actually points out the vehicle to you right before crossing and makes an exaggerated fuss about the driver being crazy, you start to wonder what is up. He then managed to get the Greenpeace volunteer group we were participating in to create a petition to be given to the mayor because cars are dangerous. Greenpeace? They don’t do that, so why would they accept? Yet, they did. When it came to doing real Greenpeace activism, though, the activity would get canceled at the last minute.

    I could name loads more examples like this one, but I’ll keep it short. I am sure I don’t have to tell you how this sort of plan does not go live without testing it thoroughly first. And, who better to test it on then those who could try to stop it when it became apparent what they were up to?

    [SNIP – Please keep comments to 500 words or less. Longer comments can be split into multiple posts. -JC]

  13. James and Derrick,
    Another inspiring and empowering interview! Also, I am enjoying the Activation podcast so far as I’ve listened.

    This ties back to James’ article “The scandemic was so last year”. Yes, the covid-narrative is still being pushed and the fear mongering is still prevalent. But Our focus should be around informing people of what is coming, like James says. Rather than debate about variants, tests, and vaccines, We should help people understand where this is headed…
    Datafying of everything, Internet of Bodies, track and trace, permission to socialize, machine-biology-interfaces, transhumanism, carbon markets, biosecurity, cashless economy, and consolidation of control.
    Ask people what of these things they would allow, support or are comfortable with.

    Sure, you might be considered crazy, (people don’t really want to hear that their freedoms are being taken) but as they see it unfold, they will have been forewarned, and may THEN be willing to join the resistance.
    Scatter the seeds. Encourage critical thinking and discernment. Empower your fellow human beings to question big pharma, govt, globalists and “authority”. Give them a chance to consider where they “draw their line in the sand”. There are still people to be awakened!

  14. I wonder if the proportion of theists among the truthers is higher than among the sheep(?)
    Well, I believe in God and the day of judgement, but I have to admit that many God believers aren’t truthers and don’t make any effort to resist the evil. They may say/think something like: God/the Gods will handle it for us..let’s pray 10 times Our Father/Hail Mary or al-Fatiha or … — and that’s it.
    But anyway I find it remarkable that the subject of belief is so forgotten.
    The ruling elites achieved their goal in this point.

  15. I agree that 9/11 can never be dismissed… everything they do is built on narrative from earlier events. To me… we need to never let that go… IF we can pull the rug in any way… the house of cards in it’s totality will ultimately fall.

  16. Valhalla Awaits, HomeRemedySupply, Steve, Torus,
    don’t celebrate prematurely!

    Unfortunately there have been waves of misinformation dispensed
    over the internet during this plandemic.

    Patrick King, the gentleman from Alberta who believes he was instrumental in getting his province to throw out virtually all of its Covid mandates is sadly misinformed.

    He totally misinterpreted the court’s decision for his case!

    And the remarkable thing is that countless Alt-News outlets have been equally careless in the reporting of what took place.
    I’m particularly disappointed in Stew Peters, as he failed to check the facts in this case and was totally sold by Patrick King’s story.

    Please have a look at this video where Ezra Levant of Rebel News comes close to nailing what actually took place.

    • He’s pointing out some obvious issues with this report and offering some interesting legalese points of view. However, this guy takes for granted “covid” exists, so that will kind of skew his point of view.

      Also, as an ex lawyer he would not recommend “home lawyering”. Now, if there is one thing I have learned about lawyers, they are team players and they like their little brotherhood offering quite a bit of power by occluding knowledge and dissuading people to get educated and take up their own cases. It’s basically a gaggle of robbers, for all intents and purposes.

      Granted, I might be a bit biased against these thieving, lying bastards.

      • You are correct that Levant does take for granted that Covid exists.
        However that has nothing to do with the black and white (pregnant/not pregnant) details outlined in the court decision for King’s case.

        Kudos to King for attempting to go after Dr. Hinshaw (CMOH) on Covid!
        However he’s not the sharpest knife in the drawer and couldn’t even understand the ruling handed out by the court for his case. 🙁

        King attempted to subpoena Dr. Hinshaw to testify in court:
        “requires the CMOH to bring “all white papers describing the isolation of the COvid-19 aka SARS-CoV-2 virus in human beings, directly from a sample taken from a diseased patient”, because “these white papers would have been integral in the crafting of the statutes made under the “Public Health Act” here in Alberta.”

        The court responded with “The CMOH Has No Material Evidence” and

        8. Mr. King has no evidence showing that the evidence sought from the CMOH is likely to be material to the Provincial Court proceeding contrary to ss. 698 and 699 of the Criminal Code. As such, the Justice of the Peace did not have the jurisdiction to issue the subpoena, and it should be quashed on this basis.

        IOW, since King could/did not provide evidence as to WHY the evidence he sought would be likely to be material to the Provincial Court proceeding contrary to ss. 698 and 699 of the Criminal Code, his case was thrown out.

        King was happy his $1,200 fine was dismissed. He mistakenly believes that in addition to the dismissal of his fine, he is responsible for the upcoming removal of most Covid measures in Alberta!

        In reality he had nothing to do with it. The province was already well into a staged plan to relax/remove most of its Covid measures.

        What is truly remarkable is the number of Alt-news media outlets who are running with King’s version of this story, without taking the time to check the facts!

        It’s mind-boggling really.

        • He doesn’t seem to understand the legalese, but nowhere does he state that he forced Alberta to do whatever. At the end he says “now Alberta pulled the pin”, but in my opinion he’s referring to what was already happening in Alberta (or starting to happen, probably another nothing burger in its own right).

          This is matter of opinion as nowhere he states what you are asserting. All the misdirection here is to be attributed to whoever posted that video to rumble, be it Peters or any of his cohorts. They either wanted to have a clickbait title (a very successful ploy) or were jumping the gun. My money is on the former.

          Looking further into the issue, some of the relevant documents can be found here:

          It is obvious that King didn’t follow through on all the legalese garbage and wasn’t in the right jurisdiction. We are also not seeing all the documents.

          There is a transcript for the May 4th trial, based on which I would say there is certainly a case to be made, pursuant of the testimony given by the officer about how he issued a public health act fine for speaking in public. I was expecting King to seal the deal on that point, but his attention seemed to dwindle and wane at exactly the wrong moment.

          There was a trial continuation on May 18th, two weeks later, but we don’t have a transcript for that.

          There is the application from July 19th, from which the screenshots in the video are taken and which is so obviously ill represented in the video. But this does not necessarily mean that what King was talking about is in sync with what we are being shown in the video.

          There was a trial continuation on July 21st, for which we don’t have the transcript. So, basically, we don’t have any way to verify what was exactly going on. Hopefully, someone will have more information than Peters makes available.

          • Basically, King’s fine was dropped.

            King believes he was somehow instrumental in Alberta’s relaxing of its Covid mandates.

            King was able to convince Peters of this and Peters ran with it.

            Alberta had already been well on its way to relaxing its Covid mandates before King’s court appearance.

            King thinks he’s a big someone in all of this, when in reality he is still a nobody.

            • Just a followup to the above.
              I have now spent several hours researching this ‘nothing burger’ out of curiosity. 🙂

              All of my last statements above are correct, except for the first. His fine does not appear to have been dropped.

              A little upstream I had mentioned a video by Ezra Levant and that he had come “close to nailing what actually took place”.

              He has now done a followup video on this case and does nail it this time! 🙂

              If anyone is curious about this matter I highly recommend watching the following video:


              To sum up the case in a nutshell:

              1. King got a ticket on Dec 5, 2020 for speaking in a public gathering of more than 10 people, contravening Alberta’s Public Health Act 73(1).

              2. King went to court to fight the ticket on May 4, 2021.
              He was intending to question the CMOH Dr. Hinshaw about isolating the SARS-Cov2 virus, but didn’t know how to go about it.

              3. He eventually had a subpoena issued to Dr. Hinshaw for her to appear in court Jul 21, 2021, but the subpoena was flawed for several reasons and the court recommended it be quashed because of this.

              4. In a document issued by the court it states:
              “The CMOH Has No Material Evidence”.
              King MISTAKENLY interpreted this to mean Dr. Hinshaw has no evidence to prove the SARS-Cov2 virus was isolated.

              He keeps trumpeting this as his victory and feels it contributed to Alberta relaxing almost all of its Covid mandates in the last month. Further he recommends that everyone around the world should follow his example to take down their local Covid mandates!

            • “..he is still a nobody.“

              I’m not sure how one defines a nobody, but did you watch the interview he did with Dan Dicks? In it he clearly states that his only victory was in the court of public opinion.
              Perhaps Mr Peters is the one to blame for the hype.

            • Fawlty, not only have you brought nothing new to the table, you are expanding on inconsistencies and completely incorrect assertions.

              1- CMOH order 38, part 2, section 15 reads

              All persons are prohibited from attending a private social gathering at an outdoor private place or public place where 11 or more persons are in attendance at the private social gathering.

              THIS HAS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH SPEAKING IN PUBLIC. The “officer” in question stated that the “accused” was indeed arrested for speaking in public. But that has nothing to do with the cited “order”. I really don’t know why would you spend time and effort to spread this nonsense. Hopefully you are not eager to prove this guy a mouthbreather sufficiently to completely ignore facts.

              I would say that “officer”‘s testimony is sufficient to drop the ticket because the “order” was improperly applied, by admission. Also, the “order” prohibits attending a “private social gathering”. These people were on a street, as heavily documented by video evidence. Absolutely NOTHING private about it.

              To summarize: the guy was arrested for public speaking in a public gathering. In public. If this does not make your blood boil, what is it going to take?

              That I should, from the other goddamn part of the world, instruct you on “laws” and “orders” that are completely foreign to me and not in my mother tongue, I find to be beyond obscene.

              2- correct, but also nothing new. This was covered by King in detail.

              3- ditto

              4- King claims that he asked in court whether they had any actual evidence and they said no. Documentation for this is forthcoming, apparently. King understands he was in the wrong jurisdiction with his subpoena so I will give him the benefit of the doubt until we see the documents.

            • Continued:

              But again, this was already cowered by King several times, there is no new information presented.

              King stated several times that he did not win. He does infer from the timing of these issues that the other thing resulted from his thing and currently there isn’t any way, as far as I’m aware, to prove or disprove the causation.

              Further he recommends that everyone around the world should follow his example to take down their local Covid mandates!

              You are basically pulling this out of your ass. The guy is referring to the case in general, while we only have access to bits and pieces of it. Looks like you just want this guy to look bad, I find the bias to be mind blowing.

              I won’t even spend time to point out all the issues with the article you linked, a cursory overview shows they either can’t read or are intentionally trying to pull a fast one on their audience. To think I even donated to these people for those pastors who were arrested. Fool me once, shame on you blah blah.

            • “..he is still a nobody.“

              I’m not sure how one defines a nobody, but did you watch the interview he did with Dan Dicks? In it he clearly states that his only victory was in the court of public opinion.
              Perhaps Mr Peters is the one to blame for the hype.”

              Yes I did watch the Dan Dicks interview.

              Let me be clear on my position here.

              Patrick King and Stew Peters and Ezra Levant and myself are on the SAME TEAM!

              We ALL believe the plandemic is a load of crap.

              I am all for doing almost anything possible to stop the worldwide tyranny that is continuing to this day.

              King saw an opportunity. He made a noble effort to use his personal case as a vehicle to stop the Covid mandates in Alberta.

              However due to his naivety (general and specifically legal) he ended up shooting himself in the foot with his case.

              He believes to this day (as shown in the Dicks interview) that he personally got Dr. Hinshaw the CMOH to admit she has no evidence that the Covid virus exists!

              Couple this belief, with Stew Peters video going viral, and he translates that as a victory in the court of public opinion!

              Well if he can consider this a victory in the court of public opinion, then 9/11 (the official version) was also a victory in the court of public opinion.

              The public was not given the facts of 9/11 when it happened and so were hood-winked. They gave a thumbs up to the official 9/11 narrative.

              Similarly the public was not given the facts about King’s case in Stew Peter’s interview and so were similarly hood-winked.

              Mr. Peters is certainly to blame for the hype and this story.
              Had he taken just 20 minutes to research the facts of King’s case he would not have gone ape over it.

              Stew Peters in the original King interview:

              “I mean this is amazing stuff and it’s so simple when you think about it. You have essentially taught the world exactly what they need to do to liberate themselves!”

              Mr. Peters usually puts out quality work, but on this one he really dropped the ball.

            • mkey, I agree with you 100% that King’s ticket should have been dropped immediately because of the reasons you list above.

              But you are missing the boat totally!

              King himself did not want his ticket dropped for these reasons (not that he was bright enough to know about them).

              He wanted BLOOD from the CMOH !!! He was going after her, trying to get her to admit the virus wasn’t isolated!

              That’s what this case was always about for King! Not a technicality that he was or wasn’t engaged in public speaking on Dec 5, 2020!

            • “Technicality”? You are really grasping for straws. Have you read the transcript? The guy is a goddamn statist.

              Write away and assert all you want, but there is still insufficient information to proceed. Most of these revelations of yours have already been made 100% obvious by King.

            • “Technicality”? You are really grasping for straws. Have you read the transcript? The guy is a goddamn statist.

              Yes I have read the transcript.

              What does being a statist got to do with the price of bat soup at a buffet for special guests on the 10th floor of a Guangzhou China hotel on a Sunday afternoon?

              Write away and assert all you want, but there is still insufficient information to proceed. Most of these revelations of yours have already been made 100% obvious by King.

              There is more than sufficient information to determine that King, though well-intentioned, is grossly misinformed, has misled and continues to mislead the masses.

            • *** How to Lift ALL Covid Mandates in your State/Province/Country: for DUMMIES! ***

              Step 1: Commit an offence under the Public Health Act in your area specifically pertaining to a measure implemented by the CMOH that results in your receiving a ticket from a police authority.

              Step 2: Plead NOT GUILTY in your first court appearance.

              Step 3: Do NOT hire a lawyer to defend you at your trial. Do NOT prepare properly for your trial. Do NOT issue a subpoena for the CMOH to attend the trial. Do NOT provide written notice in advance of the trial that you will argue your rights under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms have been breached.

              Step 4: Ask the court to forgive you for not preparing properly for the trial and request a continuation of the trial so that you may subpoena the CMOH.

              Step 5: Submit your exhibit to the court (requesting the CMOH provide proof SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated) SEVERAL DAYS AFTER your State/Province/Country has already announced their detailed 3-Stage Plan to Lift ALL Covid Mandates.

              Step 6: Misinterpret the court’s ‘Originating Application’ paragraph header stating the “CMOH Has No Material Evidence” to mean the CMOH has no evidence that SARS-CoV-2 has been isolated, when in fact it means ‘the CMOH does not have, and the respondent does not seek from the CMOH, any evidence about the ticket issued to them’. Be sure to REPEAT this misinterpretation in every interview you do with the Alt-News media.

              Continue reading the ‘Originating Application’ to learn ‘there can be no constitutional challenge to the Act, or orders issued by the CMOH under the Act, due to lack of proper notice to the Attorney General and the Minister of Justice and Solicitor General.’

              Step 7: Attend the trial continuation. Listen carefully to why the court has quashed your request to subpoena the CMOH and listen to the fine you are ordered to pay for losing your case.

              Step 8: Claim in all future interviews that you played a major role in your State/Province/Country’s lifting of ALL its Covid Mandates!

          • “It depends on the type of notoriety. In my view I think this would have worked better with the more accurate account of what happened in court. King being asked to provide more evidence as to why his request for proof of Sars-Cov-2 is important or relevant to his case would have sparked outrage. Most would think that is very important because what is the point of these fines and mandates if there is no novel virus.”

            BINGO! 🙂

            But the sneaky courts did not allow King to provide more evidence as to why his request for proof of Sars-Cov-2 is important or relevant to his case.

            They simply added this comment to the court documents, as they requested the case be quashed.

  17. I’m not sure what to make of this one.

    Germany’s largest newspaper BILD apologizes for harming society over its coverage of the covid-19 pandemic during the past 18 months

    Millionen Kindern in diesem Land, für die wir als Gesellschaft alle miteinander verantwortlich sind, möchte ich sagen, was unsere Bundesregierung und unsere Kanzlerin bisher nicht wagen zu sagen: Wir bitten Euch um Verzeihung. Wir bitten Euch um Verzeihung für anderthalb Jahre einer Politik, die Euch zu Opfern gemacht hat.

    Zu Opfern von Gewalt, Vernachlässigung, Isolation, seelischer Einsamkeit. Für eine Politik und eine mediale Berichterstattung, die Euch bis heute wie Gift das Gefühl einflößt, Ihr wäret eine tödliche Gefahr für unsere Gesellschaft.

    Das seid ihr nicht, lasst Euch das nicht einreden. Wir haben Euch zu schützen, nicht ihr uns”, gesteht BILD-Chefredakteur Julian Reichelt.


    Millions of children in this country, for whom we as a society are all responsible together, I would like to say what our federal government and our chancellor have not yet dared to say: We ask you to forgive us. We ask your forgiveness for a year and a half of policies that have made you victims.

    Victims of violence, neglect, isolation, emotional loneliness. For a policy and media coverage that to this day instills in you, like poison, the feeling that you are a mortal danger to our society.

    You are not, do not let yourselves be persuaded of that. We have to protect you, not you us,” admits BILD editor-in-chief Julian Reichelt.

    • I’m not sure about the intention of BILD (from SPRINGER-Verlag). It was always the worst propaganda machinery: for every NATO war, for every lie. The boss of SPRINGER. Matthias Döpfner, calls himself a zionist “ich bin ein nichtjüdischer Zionist” (also on youtube).

      So, I really doubt that BILD has changed. More likely is that they see so many people don’t listen to the mainstream they decided to give them some sugar. Who knows.

    • To me this is just further “noise”. Pseudo-critical propaganda targeting those statists who worry over their children giving them the illusion of feeling understood and heard. A further way to passevy this group, giving them the hope(ium) in form of the father figure who is speaking for them and demanding “incompetent political actors” to protect the children NOW. In his 5min+ apology (maybe sincere because he seems to have kids of his own..but i doubt it). This is just my impression, i could be wrong.

      Here is an outtake of an Interview he gave in september 2020

      Klartext vom Chef der “Bild”-Zeitung! Julian Reichelt erklärte heute gegenüber dem Postillon, dass – sollte eines seiner eigenen Kinder jemals alle Geschwister verlieren – er es absolut gutheißen würde, wenn Chats des überlebenden Kindes in einer großen Tageszeitung veröffentlicht würden.”Als Chefredakteur einer großen Zeitung denke ich natürlich viel darüber nach, wie wir über solche Tragödien berichten sollen”, so Reichelt. “Aber ich komme jedes Mal wieder zu dem Schluss: am besten möglichst reißerisch, intensiv und ohne falsche Rücksicht auf die Gefühle der Angehörigen. Wenn auf der Autobahn ein Unfall passiert, dann will man ja auch extra langsam dran vorbeifahren und jedes Detail sehen.”Denn genau dasselbe würde sich Reichelt auch wünschen, sollte selbst einmal ein Kind von ihm alle Geschwister verlieren. “Dann müssten auf jeden Fall wie jetzt in Solingen ein paar Dutzend Reporter ausschwärmen und versuchen, alles darüber rauszufinden. Wie fühlt sich ein 11-Jähriger, wenn die eigene Mutter mutmaßlich seine fünf Geschwister ermordet hat? Stehen vor der Haustür noch die Schuhe der toten Kinder? Gibt es Fotos auf Facebook, die man klauen kann? Was sagen x-beliebige Anwohner zu dem Vorfall?”


      Straight talk from the head of the “Bild” newspaper! Julian Reichelt told Postillon today that – should one of his own children ever lose all of their siblings – he would absolutely approve of chats of the surviving child being published in a major daily newspaper.”As editor-in-chief of a major newspaper, of course I think a lot about how we should cover tragedies like this,” Reichelt said. “But every time I come back to the conclusion: it’s best to be as lurid as possible, as intense as possible and without false consideration for the feelings of the relatives. After all, when an accident happens on the highway, you want to drive past it extra slowly and see every detail.” Because that’s exactly what Reichelt would want if one of his children were to lose all of his siblings. “Then, in any case, like now in Solingen, a few dozen reporters would have to fan out and try to find out everything about it. How does an 11-year-old feel when his own mother has presumably murdered his five siblings? Are the dead children’s shoes still standing outside the front door? Are there photos on Facebook that can be stolen? What do x number of residents have to say about the incident?”

      • while my prior comment is awaitig moderation i wanted to ad a thought which is not originally mine and surely has been stated and discussed before in this rich comment-archive
        Regarding these conflicting news outlets, i think they are installed as part of this new controlled demolition. Such outlets serve the purpose of manufacturing the desired ordo ab chaos tactic by confusing and gaslighting the masses in this psychological warfare.

        • Ayyub, yes important to point that out, thank you. The fake interview is so exaggereted and sartirical that we the common people born with empathy can laugh about it, yet they are actually reveiling the truth and their method. An interesting coincidence to me is that in this fake article by postillon it`s about Reichlet exploiting children without any bounderies for sales figure and now we have this story of him apologizing to the kids..exploitation in desguise? Serving a more sinister purpose? Don`t know, but at the very least it`s odd

    • Related:
      Wednesday August 4th – Zero Hedge
      Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Summit News,
      Editor-In-Chief Of Europe’s Top Newspaper Apologizes For Fear-Driven COVID Coverage

      The editor-in-chief of Germany’s top newspaper Bild has apologized for the news outlet’s fear-driven coverage of COVID, specifically to children who were told “that they were going to murder their grandma.”

      In a speech delivered to camera, Julian Reichelt said sorry for Bild’s coverage which was “like poison” and “made you feel like you were a mortal danger to society.”

      Reichelt directed his main sentiment towards children who have been terrorized by fearmongering media coverage which has caused child depression and suicides to soar across the world.

      “To the millions of children in this country for whom our society is responsible, I want to express here what neither our government nor our Chancellor dares to tell you. We ask you to forgive us,”
      he said.
      “Forgive us for this policy which, for a year and a half, has made you victims of violence, neglect, isolation, and loneliness.”

      “We persuaded our children that they were going to murder their grandma if they dared to be what they are, children. Or if they met their friends. None of this has been scientifically proven.”
      “When a state steals the rights of a child, it must prove that by doing so it protects him against concrete and imminent danger. This proof has never been provided. It has been replaced by propaganda presenting the child as a vector of the pandemic.”

      Reichelt noted how moderate voices who attempted to offer calmer perspectives on the pandemic “were never invited to the expert table” and urged viewers “don’t believe this lie,” when encountering alarmist proclamations from the government.

      The journalist called on authorities to open schools and sports halls instead of polling stations, warning that those who imposed brutal lockdown measures, “will have on their conscience and will leave in the history books, a multitude of innocent souls.”

      Bild has a daily circulation of 1.24 million copies and is the best-selling newspaper in Europe, adding even more weight to this story.
      As we highlighted yesterday, Germans protesting against plans to impose domestic vaccine passports were brutalized by police during demonstrations that took place in Berlin…

      …As we previously highlighted, Germany’s domestic spy agency is monitoring anti-lockdown protesters, claiming they are potentially involved in a plot to subvert the country.

  18. While I understand the matter needs to be broken down in detail, from experience I know people do not commit to reading. It is difficult to get through to them with “long” text. Hell, it’s difficult to get through to them in any way.

  19. James Corbett – The Writer, The STORY Teller

    At the 6:50 minute mark, James Corbett says:
    ”Really, my passion for a very long time, was literature and writing. Definitely, from the time I was 10 years old, I wanted to be a writer. And I knew it.”

    Many of us consider Corbett to be a writer. He knows how to tell a story.
    And his stories can be much more than non-fiction, but can carry levity and fictionalized renditions. For some great humor, which is measured in meters, read James Corbett’s: ”Interview With A Coma Victim”

    Corbett emphasizes the power of THE STORY repeatedly.
    [See various examples where Corbett discusses “The Story”.]

    “…Certainly, for all of recorded human history, STORY has been the way to most effectively shape the consciousness of the people.”
    “…ticket to freedom that will somehow in the minds of the general hoi palloi be that: “Oh! Okay, now we have the thing that will save us.” and it’s not going to be rational and it’s not going to make sense, but we need that whatever that is….”

    — A Story’s Character —
    It is my contention, that many of the stories which gain traction in a society or group, involve a “character”.
    A person does not have far to look to see this “character” aspect in the media or books or films or propaganda or scandals or blogs or forums. Very often we will find that the story revolves around a person who does or says something.
    We all know that there are “Bill Gates stories”, but even on the Corbett Report Threads we will often see certain characters repeatedly mentioned and their statements. It could be a truth pundit or an evil weasel Fauci. A character in a story.

    I think that this “character” aspect to telling “The Story” is worth noting.
    We certainly see it in propaganda or sensationalized news or celebrity TV shows or Disney’s Cinderella.
    Perhaps, people tend to migrate to a “character story”. Perhaps, “characters” help people to identify with the theme.
    At any rate, I see “characters” in many, many stories.

  20. The STORY of 9/11 Truth

    Around the 37 minute mark, James Corbett says:
    “…about the very, very important issue of 9/11. Again, not just as a single day, but as a much, much broader PsyOp that has been perpetrated. That can teach us what we are living through right now…
    …there are some incredibly important lessons…
    …also there is a meta-narrative there: About what happened to 9/11 Truth. And why 9/11 Truth failed, at least in the sense that justice has not been brought for 9/11 yet…
    …that is a failure for what 9/11 Truth really could have achieved and should have achieved, and seemed like there was momentum toward achieving.
    How did that get derailed?
    And what can that teach us right now?…
    …and how are people going to get segmented and territorialized and “No, you don’t believe this theory. Therefore you’re a shill! Eauh!” – It’s starting to head in the same direction.”

    Oh gosh! Corbett nailed it. This is so important! And James Corbett is just the guy to lay it out. He was there. Daily, he kept up with the latest. He saw the details and backstory and characters involved. He saw the evolution. He saw the forums. He saw the infiltration and the bickering. He watched as the street actions faded while the online “pundited reporting” became more prolific and arguing accelerated. Activism waned. The grass roots exhilaration of 9/11 Truth eventually gave up the ghost.

  21. Excellent interview.

    Most people are happy to go along with this, including the blackmail, division and coercion. Particularly the influential professional classes.

    I suspect that if you showed the average doctor a true representation of post great reset society, he would be delighted to live there. Just like he was in 1933 Germany. The mark of the beast will be hi tech convenience heaven.

  22. “Can you identify any instance of mass consciousness shift ever having occurred?”

    Yes, it happened long ago, transition from hunter-gatherers to farmers, city builders. After that nothing fundamentally changed with humanity, just cosmetics.

  23. What can be done in this chaotic times?

    CJ Hopkins wrote a piece stating facts don’t matter, damn right.
    That is because we are up against a Religion. Covidians, statists, scientism, authority believers, none of this really covers totality. But actually it’s not necessary to find a name. Believers don’t have a god, a deity, still it’s fully fledged Religion.

    How to “fight” religion with facts and logic, no fucking way, it’s obvious.
    Blasphemous thought: what about confronting religion with religion, with our religion that is expressed through our lives and actions??

    After all, science, facts, logic cannot explain all human Life/Existence, that should be beyond reasonable doubt. There is actually always some religion, some belief, some philosophy present in our lives. According to Whitehead, philosophy is about critique and speculation, the latter is kind of similar to belief.
    It’s a pity, philosophy today is mostly about critique.

  24. James, I have to say am I am increasingly perplexed by your apparent lack of awareness of what goes on around you in Japan (unless of course you just don’t want other people knowing what you have planned): all throughout Japan there are groups of people working to prepare themselves for just the sort of situation you ad Derrick discuss. In fact, in your very own prefecture, I know of – and have visited – a group of permaculturists working towards building a self-sufficient community of no-mask, no-vaccine activists. Perhaps you need to focus a little less on what goes on on the other side of the planet and look around you: there really is no need for you to even contemplate moving to another country…

  25. “Maybe moving to rural Japan, then into the back mountain areas, could delay one’s oppression for a few years.” That’s exactly what I’ve done. I’m in Nagano: should you ever be in the area, swing by…

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