Let Them Eat Ice Cream! – #PropagandaWatch

by | Apr 22, 2020 | Propaganda Watch, Videos | 68 comments

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Marie Antoinette didn’t actually say “Let them eat cake” but you won’t believe who is saying “Let them eat ice cream.” Join James for this edition of #PropagandaWatch as he explores the latest fad among the celebrities and political puppets: Shaming poor people!

Pelosi shows off her ice cream stockpile

Nancy Pelosi brags about stockpile of $13 per pint ice cream in $24,000 fridge as Americans line food banks

Thousands wait in line at San Antonio food bank

Patton shaming protesters

Madonna slammed for bizarre naked coronavirus video


    • On that note, I wonder if there’s anyone keeping a detailed log of all of the daily happenings while this plan-demic plays out.
      Because, although it’s often claimed that ‘the Internet is forever’ the reality of the matter is that stuff disappears from the Internet all the time and some of that disappearing stuff is undoubtedly going to be key pieces of the puzzle that we’ll wish we had when we are, at a later date, trying to figure out the who, what, when, where, why and how.

      • ” keeping a detailed log “
        Good point AnimalsArentFood.

        This is one reason why I like to include
        “EXCERPTS” or
        quotes or
        descriptions or
        summaries of an article or video.

        If the source link goes away, we have a record.
        Sometimes, that record can help us find other sources.

        Another reason…
        It is also appropriate comment behavior to have enough courtesy to other readers to give them some kind of overview of a link.

        Everyone has different tastes.
        Some folks thrive on “gross injustices or sensational startling out-of-the-main news”, while other prefer more information based stories.
        Descriptions of a link help the reader choose whether they are interested.

      • I don’t mean this as a reproach, but alas, as I learned in business school, hope is not a strategy. What we need is a plan and a strategy. Does anyone have any ideas?

        • Yes – boycott their system and their dictates on all fronts.

          Yield to overcome them – withdraw from all of their control levers and machinations.

          First step for most – boycott the cell phone – and if you can’t do that then how are we to do anything in regards to this. Because that would be one of the easiest in light of what we are faced with.

          But ultimately the boycott is where the power lies. Also people are going to have to get their heads around the fact that if they try and force themselves on you with what ever – then they left us with no other option but to strike back at them.

          Don’t tread on me needs to be understood as the last resort on an individual and group level. But in no way should we incite violence, patience in this regards must always be employed.


          • Thank you for the link, Noahsark. It was interesting to learn about the Gadsden flag.
            When I was living in China I could get my salary ONLY by bank transfer into my Chinese bank account and in order to open up a Chinese bank account one MUST have a smart phone. In other words, no smart phone, no pay. So although your suggestion to boycott mobile phones sounds nice in theory putting it in practice in real life is something else. Since I am not living as self-sufficient yeoman in the 18th century. I am looking for strategies on how to deal with things as they are and probably will be rather than as they should be.

            • You are welcome for the link…

              Well that is how they use the technology to corral the people like cattle in the direction the manipulators want them to go.

              The immediate future will be two camps possibly. Those who have been corralled into the new world order – enslaved and chipped; and those who are not who had to learn to become self-sufficient and find creative ways to live outside of it.

              There are hard days ahead and the choices everyone makes matters.

              If it is no smart phone, no pay – tell them no labor from you. That is if you want to… find other work.

              I myself would rather starve in the streets them serve them in any way, shape or form. But when one door is closed – many more are open – and life wouldn’t treat me so to where I would have to starve in the streets – but if need be I am willing because I am not selling my soul to this system under the threat or what ever they have to offer in pain and suffering.

              In fact I rather die than live in the new world they are building!

              In fact with the way things are looking I most likely will be “dead” in the next few years with the way things are looking – because I am not going along with this bullshit; I am only 45 years old and in good health. When the time comes I am going fight them…

  1. Tucker: If there’s one thing Gov. Whitmer doesn’t like, it’s civil disobedience

    Regarding recent protests in Lansing, MI-
    Governor Whitmer of Michigan:
    “People are flying the confederate flag and untold numbers who gassed up on the way here, or grabbed a bite on the way home.” [They bought food to feed themselves!! And bought fuel that their cars need to operate! GASP!! And they expressed themselves? Who do they think they are??? They should lay down and take my tyrannical orders!]

    “We know that this rally endangered people. This kind of activity will put more people at risk and sadly it could prolong the amount of time we have to be in this posture.”

    Rep. Debbie Dingell of Michigan:
    “What happened yesterday was inexcusable. People did not have masks. They didn’t have gloves. They did not distance themselves. They had Confederate flags, swastikas. They blocked an ambulance trying to get to a hospital.”

    “There were people bare-handed, handing candy to children. [Human brings touching each other?!? GASP!! Oh the horror!] What they did was to help spread this disease around the state more, most likely — not contribute to the mitigation. And it just made me sad.” [Oh, you can’t feed your family because we have shut down business and have you locked up in your home, and you dare to complain about it??? Oh, you irresponsible, ungrateful peon. Think of the children!]

    • Wow. Heroes eh? Who exactly decides what professions are heroic and which ones are not? Funny.

      As I see it, what her actions and these recent events boil down to, and the question we should be pondering is: where does any elected official get the authority to decide what we can or cannot buy, where we can or cannot travel, how we can or cannot recreate, how we can or cannot expresses ourselves, etc.? This is downright disrespectful and insulting to our very humanity.

    • Thanks so much scpat.
      I always appreciate your posts, and also the descriptions of them.

      Tucker Carlson
      While I am not a fan of FOX or Tucker, I do appreciate some of the news which comes from that part of the universe.

      Applicable to this “Ice Cream of the Elite” Thread
      is this short video by Tucker Carlson on the government bailout money going to rich Universities, where the heads of those Universities make millions a year in salary and the University already has immense funds in their endowments.
      Rich colleges get bailed out while American people suffer

      (3 minutes)

      • You bet, and I can say the same thing about you and your comments here.

        Thanks for sharing this. This issue of funds not going where they are truly needed reminded me of an interview with free market economist David Friedman. He talked about “market corruption” and how that can be seen in tariffs. Most people suffer and only certain corporations and industries benefit greatly. How I understood it was that there is a market within a market in politics that operates by free market principles. Only that particular “political free market” environment does not benefit the common man, it benefits corporations, universities, (globalists, I would add), etc. that fund politicians to get re-elected so they can benefit from their policies once in office. I think the thing that confuses/gaslights people is that politicians will say they are all for the people yet their actions are stimulated by what really benefits them, that being money from corporations and other players in this type of free market who have their own interests separate from the common man.

        Queued Interview:

        • “The Case for Anarcho-Capitalism. David Friedman & Keith Knight.”

          I am listening now.
          What a rigged game these politicians and special interests play.

          Hope you are doing okay up there in northern California.
          Things are so nutty right now.
          The rule-makers are having a field day.

  2. ‘..Pelosi is literally a “representative” of the people…’

    In a lot of ways she IS representative of them- LOL.
    People really do want to spend unearned money and get away without consequences for their awful behavior…. she is just better able to live the ‘crime life’ then the rest of us.

  3. The people who lost touch with reality are the masses of people who need to line up for food handouts… the world is not changing as much as its going back to normal reality rather then the magic world where we could spend more then our income and not learn any life skills (like storing food in the house and cooking it…)

    No savings? No dried beans or rice at home? No cans?

    Poor choices and lacking skills will soon have intimidate consequences when they cant be pawned off on society or shoved into the future.

    The kind of people who used to come to the food bank – often with nice phones and nice cars- have been farmed by a system that feeds off their misery and uses them as a zombie army to push ever growing expansions of power. After that they have no future.

  4. Isn’t there a thing about Warren Buffett always being shown eating ice cream in his public appearances because it makes him seem more kindly and relatable? Maybe Nancy Pelosi is trying to win the public’s favor using the same tactic?

    One has to wonder if some PR firm did tests to determine that (sort of how Hill and Knowlton came up with the “they took babies out of incubators” line to help push the 1990 Gulf War).

    Watch Bill Gates and Warren Buffett sell ice cream in Omaha

    Billionaire Warren Buffett’s Secret Ice Cream Fix

  5. Has anyone seen the story about Mayor De Blasio being reported to his own covid snitch hotline? he’s been taped walking at a park miles from his home with his wife while he yells at everyone else to stay inside and avoid sunshine and fresh air, the essential components of human life. I’ll attach excerpts and the article URL for all to see.

    — The mayor explained that it is “easier than ever” to tell on those who are breaking the rules.

    But according to the New York Post, de Blasio’s “snitch number” was inundated with “penis photos” and “Hitler memes” amid a wave of prank messages. —


    — One notable legitimate complaint, however, was when someone reported Mayor de Blasio to the 311 number for violating his own social distancing orders.

    De Blasio and his wife, Chirlane McCray, were spotted earlier this month taking a stroll through a park that is roughly 12 miles from his home — despite the mayor’s insistence that New Yorkers should stay inside amid the pandemic.

    Citing a report from the Daily Mail on de Blasio’s reaction to being called a hypocrite, one Twitter user told the mayor, “Thanks, Bill. I just reported you,” with a screenshot of her message to the 311 number saying, “Mayor bill isn’t adhering to lockdown rules.” —

  6. Fact check, please.
    $13 a pint!?!
    She must get a special deal. I thought I heard her bragging about how you can get this delivered. Refrigerated truck? Special rates for special people?

  7. I read a prediction weeks ago that Joe Biden will be gently (?) pushed aside and the savior of New York (the Governor, not his brother) will become the democrat nominee.

    God, it’s so obvious.

  8. Keen insight Libertydan!

    There needs to be a separation of corporation and state.

    In fact it has so much to do with them tricking everyone into excepting the corporate law which is the law of the high seas and pirates.

    The law of the land is the common law – I remember there being a court case I came across from the 1800’s where the judge lamented how the legal system was getting changed by the moving of admiralty law onto the land.

    ALot of this happened after the stock market crash where america declared bankruptcy or something of the sort and social security started and the people where sold to the hidden hand – a step on the way – then everything began to get legislated away – the right to travel became a privaledge when people started getting licenses to drive – always with safety as the plea. “These rights make you all unsafe and we are here to save you from yourselves.” – thinks some elite fool with shit for brains

    They are running the same plan pretty much and now the public fire sale is on and all of the bidders at this private auction are stealing everything – the biggest banker heist of all history is taking place right now

    Over all this is a 4 prong attack – Economic – Psychological – physical on our bodies and health with the medical mafia – and 4th using the technology to heard the people into the technocracy through transformation into transhumanism – the new man.

    Truth Stream Media’s new video called
    The Characteristics of an Initiation Ritual
    is worth watching…


    This is the time for the people to wake up – we are at the parting of ways – where the wheat and chaff are separated.

  9. Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary | Directed by Jeff Gibbs

    Have no doubt, climate change is real and to many people on the world.
    Maybe, environmentalists in bed with capitalists will now become mainstream.
    Still, don’t expect to much, it’s limited hangout, green movement didn’t lost all saints and The guardian points out like this:
    “Although it should be said that, for all his radical bravado, Gibbs does not dare criticise Thunberg.”


    Is documentary coming out right now, I mean for free on gootube with promotion of msm in support…..is this just another coincidence?????

    I think they are stealing from us just another narrative. They will dilute it, mix some other rubbish and after that, if one would try to use this narrative it will be: yeaa, that’s from that fat director.

    Well, I really can’t get one thing: The guy shows capitalists in bed with greens. Who is running the show? Normie answer: rich and politicians.
    How the hell you can come to conclusion that we, The People, are guilty for mess on the planet.
    It’s like you find a guy with bloody knife and a corpse and your conclusion would be: it has to be somebody else.

  10. It is going to take a hell of alot more then just elections to fix this.

    Read at least the first few chapters of Joe Plummer’s Book Tragedy and Hope 101

    Maybe what you talk about would have been possible starting many years ago – but we are in the end game now, man! They have the upper hand and that exist in the fact that they have themselves concealed as they do; with their hands on all kinds of switches – psychologically or otherwise.

    You say…
    Voting less hard or not at all will solve it.”

    That isn’t propaganda – voting is a rigged game and it you think that you are going to get in there at this late hour and change things on that level, when the tenticles of this thing run deep – I really question if you understand the nature of this conspiracy, and the levels at which this thing operates at – to think that voting and getting this so called “person of good will” as some savior or a group of them – it is ludicrous at this late hour.

    It really comes down to people – saying NO to the system and meaning it – simple – boycott the new world order and all of its dictates and so forth. If those in government at this point want to do what is right and repent from their wicked ways or wake from their sleep, then great. May they do some good…

    Fundamentally – it comes to down to people being awake and aware as to what is going on. With out that – who the hell are you going to get to elect these so called patriot politicians if people are sleeping…?

    Read Joe Plummer’s book – because to cure this new world order disease you have understand it and all of its machinations – otherwise you will only be hacking at branches instead of the root.

    Plummer’s book is written with keen insight as to how these wicked men operate.

  11. Ya know…
    I am embarrassed to say…

    I am divorced now, but…

    But my wife would spend high dollars for some of this crap…then give it away or trash it and buy another.
    I’m talking a new washing machine over $1,000 which she kept less than a month.
    Or a $2500 refrigerator which she kept less than six months, then gave away after she got another.
    New car every year.
    She had over $5,000 worth of name brand purses in her closet. Then, one day, she started giving them all away and started over with her purse collection.
    Buying stuff, especially top of the line expensive stuff, was like a drug fix for her. But, in order to justify buying stuff, she first had to get rid of some stuff.

    I never could think with that.

    • If you think about her statement “Other people in our family prefer different kinds,” it’s clear she is referring to another fridge. She spent $24K on ice cream storage and still didn’t get it right…

  12. dear universal crap-age,
    If it IS so easy to get  masses to obey, so obvious to be a herd, then perhaps that is a clue about how easy it can be to avoid extinction? can we work with that? recompose, using antidote inverses? There is a timing factor (think drumming): set the pulse in advance of suppositions, friendly easily digestible, but quick-smart (marshal arts?) ,,a standard of rolling out fastest. Weaponizable directed energy phase arrays are getting manically deployed, could it be a meatphor for a model that protects creation?, in a style that pre-empts the pre-empt, so the dominators will have no ground and have never seen it coming. 

    apologies for the bumpy syntax, I’m just in the brainstorm phase of this, writing while watching the attack, beginning to come over the last ridgeline.

    I was at a fiv-jee protest/blockade yesterday. The most frustrating aspect of the stupidity factor (just fucking standing around/ in the way/human shield with zero dialog), was the fact that I could find no-one, including the police, telstra technicians, and  protestors I asked, who could voice concisely, any factual based knowledge about why it was a threat to have the transmitters installed. the installation was blocked yesterday, hooray, an all night watch was kept, which continues today. We seem to have hit pause. It had been voted NO by the local council, and yesterday, installers arrived because some  statehouser pushed their pencil (too hard), which dominoed  life-threatening nonsense, Whoever said “butterfly’s can muster hurricanes” was right. 

    I managed to get, almost “normal”, conversation going with 4 police and one Telstra worker. (always one on one). It would of been extremely helpful to have a dummies guide to how the systems being installed can be weaponised. has anybody seen such copy? there is a big need to get concise info into the public hands.

     I ‘m not saying humans will last for billions of years, but when we finally have served natures yen or slant, lets at least finish with having shined our brightest.  Perhaps we have already? can you imagine topping Shakespearian English, or Charlie Parker’s riffs, or pyramid precision,,, I got told that the plant kingdom’s shift to an enlightened  state was marked by the advent of flowers. Have we humans flowered yet? The reaching of mortal perfection was called siddha back in the day (buddha’s day), so where are the siddahs now?; From a big timeline perspective, hundreds of thousands of years of cycles of rise and falls, we may have glimpsed these last embers of a fading fire, michael jordons leaps, fela kuti’s polyrhythmic fire, MLKjr’s sermons (just the first 3 that popped into mind, but hmm? all three are afro).

    fiv-Jee cliff notes anybody?

  13. Please cut and paste this quote as far and as wide as you could hope to. I have been doing just that, and isn’t it just a wee bit strange how my comment seems to be ignored or permanently stuck on ‘waiting for moderation’, on sites like https://thevaccinereaction.org/2020/02/who-reveals-underlying-concerns-over-the-safety-of-vaccines/?unapproved=56774&moderation-hash=c3971dbb2c76efcc9862a66a8c13f189#comment-56774

    The quote:
    “The world today has 6.8 billion people, That’s headed up to about 9 billion. if we do a really great job on vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 to 15 percent.” -Bill Gates, TED2010 Feb 2010

    I want to shout:

    Stick that comment up your MSM arse and call me a conspiracy theorist, you blinkered, indoctrinated dullard. While you’re at it, wake the fuck up and stop being so spineless. You ARE being deceived. This IS a coup. This IS your chance. Your children WILL judge you.

    • Too bad the will to actually take action is missing. Not just here. Action begins in the mind. What happens in your mind determines your physical actions and goals. 99.9% of the people are too cowardly and lazy to think for themselves. Without them the powers that cower would have no power. They are the true enemies of freedom. And those too cowardly to look at where this is heading are just as guilty. Freedom ain’t free. It requires a fearless attitude and a refusal to submit to anyone. It also requires people who prepare. By the time it becomes obvious, it’s too late.

      And to duck, I’m calling you a liar. Not only did you lie, you twisted what truths you did utter. All to come up with your childish ignorant analysis. I also call you the enemy of freedom. You are a statist. Which means you endorse mass murder, slavery, and tyranny. I also call you a fool for listening to Corbett and not realizing what a disgusting death cult statism is. And to think you claimed the moral high ground. No, you just want YOUR mass murdering psychopaths in charge. I wanted to discuss preparing to survive the death cult you worship. But your twisted slave mind turned it into a call for violence. As if recognizing violence is advocating for it. In short, you make me sick.

  14. A German celebrity posts on Facebook that all people, who protests against the restriction of fundamental rights, just do it to get their convenient old life back. For their own convenience, they sacrifice the old and weak, therefore they are fascists.

    She plays on the keyboard of German trauma. Her words (translated from German):

    “The hypocritical phrase that the (weak) group needs to be “specially protected” really means: “Lock them up so we can finally continue our comfortable lives unhindered.”

    The eradication of the weak is a genuinely fascist thought, even if you leave this work to the virus. So we are very quickly at “unworthy life” and the selection which precedes the medical triage. What a contemptible (and despicable) image of man is revealed.”

    The fact that nursing homes in our system are “Not System-relevant” therefore they do not have a good change to get protective masks, seems not to bother her. Her salary is save, as all Germans have to pay every month a fixed fee to finance the state sponsered TV programme (No matter if you have a TV or not).

  15. I was wondering how the PR consultants would spin this one and to my amazement, here it is:


    Saint Nancy is helping the small ice-cram manufacturers. I suppose she is also helping the refrigerator manufacturers and the cashmere pullover manufacturers as well.

    The media and their hangers-on really are, as Gerald Celente calls them, presstitutes.

  16. But I just upgraded to windows 10!!

    I am going to look into Linux, though. This situation, and what could be it’s horrific consequences, have given me the final push.

    Althoughhhhh.. and I don’t mean to sound facetious – is it going to make the least bit of difference if we all leave microsoft en masse? Bill is gone, isn’t he? He already has his billions (which I theorize are not all “his” billions) so what does he care?

    I wonder if Mr. Gates is and has been a front for the cabal/Powersthatshouldn’tbe/militaryindustrialintelligencecomplex who provide him with the millions and billions to donate here and there.

    Perhaps I’ve gone way too far out in conspiracy land, but there is something about Gates, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Musk that just doesn’t ring true to me – in terms of the official narrative.

    But I will still look into Linux.

    • Lovetodust, You can still use windows 10 and linux at the same time by creating a dual boot system, where you have your windows os and linux on the same hard drive.

      I like using separate hard drives for different os and then when you boot up your computer a screen will come up asking for which operating system you want to load up.

      Linux mint has an installer that makes creating a dual boot system easy.


      There are 3 different versions – cinnamon has all of the desktop bells and whistles and XFCE is the light weight version.

      So you can use windows and then learn linux mint, which is so user friendly, and after you feel confident with linux then just dump windows or keep it for what ever programs that you still use.

      The other thing is that linux mint is completely upgradable through the operating system – so it is set up to upgrade just like windows does.

      Also there is a windows virtual environment called Wine – which isn’t perfect at this point but it can run alot of windows programs right in linux.

      My point is there is no need to wait to switch with a dual boot system.

      Here is link with instructions on setting up a dual boot system

      And if you have any questions there is always someone at the forums you can ask or on the ICR Chat where someone will answer you right away, most likely.


      If you ask me Linux is part of the liberation when it comes to the tech side of things.

      It takes some bit of learning to do certain things but if you are willing to read up on it, all of the answers are there in the respective documentation.

  17. a sick urge to openly mock the sheeple?

    Politicians revealing that they`ll be staying home and playing bunny madness during easter. And they praise people who have done so too.


    “insulting” being the flavoured icecream of choice here

    Totally ignoring real life problems espacially for people living on the fringe of society. F.e. on one of the charity works HP they ask for donations to at least keep up their work to provide cooked food for „take away“. (translated)

    The extraordinary situation of the Corona crisis and the associated rules of conduct are a major problem for many people on the fringe of society: How can you stay at home if you have no home at all? How can one eat, without money or if it is not possible for other reasons?

    Ah and Hygiene you say? Well the restrooms are closed btw.

    So i was in particularly proud for Daddy-State`s pat on the back


    Keep up the good work..in exposing this garbage for what it is

  18. if all the effort to expose the myriad lies of 9/11 still hasn’t yielded justice, and today’s kerfuffle certainly has all the same stench. Clearly a new survival strategy is called for. In the day by day, truth, mostly seems to win. But these top perpetrators (or some overwhelming negative charge) have/has humanity in a hair ball,,,

    one vision has forces at play far greater than any truthers capacity to see, (in other words have faith and spread the love). Another way could be more better stepping up (in front of the tank / tianamen).
    Or running (like Forest).
    Or getting a whole lot earthier (like the remaining indigenous)

    Ive been trying those and more, but the tide is simply coming in. Grab some flotsum or getsum as you like, and at least keep ones head above water,, is all I got.

    I expect brilliant innovation from the sharp pain, though It would be good if we could pre-empt the addiction to catharsis through suffering. its already been done. Euripides and Shakespeare did a noble enough job of jotting that dynamic down. and so but here and now, seeing humanity as one being, whether we’re on track or off chops, getting the heaviest consumptive elements to drop anchor is good instinct good intuition good medicine, though enabling us to continue feeding on screens, eclipses the whole ascetic point: couldn’t be more matrix.

    Fight for life and learn to love it. Thanks James, for this place, where like minds help each other parse this flea fart out.

    I still think a dummies guide to the potential weaponization of fivjee would help a lot of fence sitters. please share specific/pertinent links/knowledge (not easy to find because the topic is “classified”).

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