Interview 1763 – Nudge, Nudge, Wink, Wink – #NewWorldNextWeek

by | Nov 11, 2022 | Interviews, Videos | 30 comments

Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

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Story #1: UN Demands $2 Trillion A Year From Rich Countries For ‘Climate Justice’

PDF: “Finance for Climate Action – Scaling Up Investment for Climate and Development”

What Is Sustainable Development?

Figueres: First Time the World Economy Is Transformed Intentionally

AOC’s Chief of Change: Saikat Chakrabarti Isn’t Just Running Her Office. He’s Guiding a Movement.

Greta Finally Gets It! Greta Thunberg – UN Climate Summit COP27 Is a ‘Scam’

Whitney Webb Exposes How Green Finance is Monopolizing the Planet

Welcome to the New Economy

The (Second) Most Important Bank You’ve Never Heard Of

Story #2: UK “Nudge Unit” Recommends Banks Track Carbon Footprint of Transactions, Reward “Sustainable Behaviors”

Should Banks Encourage Green Behaviours?

‘A State of Fear’ by LAURA DODSWORTH

It Begins: Canadian Gov Rolls Out Points To Reward Good Citizens

You Are Being Gamed (Feat. “The Most Disturbing Presentation Ever”)

Google’s The Selfish Ledger

State of Fear

Video: Ordering Pizza In the Future

Story #3: Destructive Ruling Against LBRY “Sets Dangerous Precedent” for Crypto In The US

PDF: Securities and Exchange Commission v. LBRY, Inc.

SEC: Government Destroyed Documents Regarding Pre-9/11 Put Options

9/11 Trillions – 9/11 War Games (DVD)

Corbett Report 2010 Data Archive (USB Flash Drive)

The New World Next Week Store

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  1. Rumble, Bitchute, Rokfin, Odysee and the mp4 download link say “404 – PAGE NOT FOUND” when I click on them. Did you really piss off some well equipped oligarchs with this week’s episode? 🙂 or is my computer/connection just being glitchy?

      • Thanks Kati,

        I think in this case it must have been that their original file upload was corrupted or got scrambled in editing because I managed to download an mp4 file from almost immediately after I put the comment above but the video is all scrambled. Then the links disappeared for a bit and a message came up saying “links will be available soon” or something similar, and then the links reappeared a while later with intact streaming and download links.

        Patience is indeed a valuable skill to hone (something I intend to write about on my substack in the future actually) in this case I had just assumed since the links were visible and able to be clicked on that the file had already been uploaded.

      • In my opinion, Zero Hedge primarily focuses on the fiscal markets and geopolitical/social conditions related to them.
        In recent weeks, there have been the Fed and midterms, and some volatile market moves and weird swings to the upside with a euphoric ‘Christmas Rally’, and all kinds of stuff.

        However, Zero Hedge often features certain journalists and news feeds. If one of those people ran a story on LBRY, then we might see it appear at Zero Hedge.
        Those journalists would be who to pitch the LBRY story.

  2. #NewWorldNextWeek is a highlight of my week.
    I always look forward to the Thursday night viewing.
    It reminds me of the olden days when the family would gather around the TV-tube on a given weekly night to watch their favorite show.

    • It is that type of a feeling, I guess we still have that craving for the occasional scheduled programming.

      Homie, have you maybe heard about Texas Victoria Dr. Joe? There is this guy who was prosecuted recently because of his apparently revolutionary and above ground stem cell research in Victoria Texas. I’ve heard about this fellow on the Rule of Law show. Randy Kelton seems quite irked by this action from the courts against the doctor. Search engines are not very friendly when it comes to providing details on such offstream matters.

      Randy seems to be of the idea that Victoria just wanted to ransack the doctor’s belongings, but I am more of the idea that they just want this guy to go away or deep under. This stem cell research seems to be very unfriendly to the big harma profit margins (and other nefarious goals of theirs) and reminds me of the relatively recent GcMAF developments.

      I ran into this website and it seems like this might be that guy, but this Dr. Joe seems to be situated in Georgia.

      Searching for the Dr. Joe moniker is not a very sure way to identify someone. But this fellow does seem to deliver a spiel that passes the bullshit filter with flying colors.

      • I did some cursory searches and visited “the Rule of Law show” and Randy Kelton.
        I couldn’t find anything about Victoria, Texas relating to stem cells.

        I am a proponent of stem cell therapy. It can have miraculous, regenerative results.
        But it is very expensive. The Doctors in that game can make some good money.

        I am all for people making money, and I am all for those who promote healthy aspects.
        However, sometimes I have misgivings on some of these folks who hang out a shingle (to start one’s own business) in promoting healthy regimens.
        Too many times I have seen some of these “health practioners” focus more on the dollar, than on providing a fair-exchange valuable product or service.
        Some of these health promoters severely over-charge, or they apply marketing gimmicks to capitalize on that market audience.
        Their “caring” motivations are questionable.

        In fact, with some of the ‘new faces on the scene’ which have arisen since 2020…I have a cocked eye on their sincerity & motivation.

        • I know what you mean, but this guy does seem to fit that category. His regiment is basically don’t eat garbage and stay healthy.

          The rule or law radio site leaves quite a bit to be desired. Dr Joe was a guest on the 22-07-15 4 hour episode, he had a few segments, one during the first two hours and then later in the second 2 hour part, nearer the end.

          I might extract these segments and post them elsewhere.

          • I listened to the first one at the logosradionetwork. Some of those Texans are really hard to listen to. 😉
            But I was doing chores, and the podcast helped me to stay on task because it was so bad with the Texas small talk and advertisements.

            However, later I listened to your nicely done edit of the second audio.
            You did a great job of clipping out the fluff.

            Joseph DiRusso, aka Dr. Joe, really does give a balanced approach to health. I was impressed on how he emphasized the fundamentals of natural diet and lifestyle.
            On the first podcast, I thought of Santa Klause when he delved into the nose, Chinese medicine and high blood pressure.

            What really peaked my interest was the floated concept of a Open Source Questionaire which would draw on a host of different but integrated health modalitites in helping diagnose situations which people find themselves in.
            It reminded me of the HyperHealth Pro software which once was available, where conditions, topics, supplements and the science studies were interlinked.

            On another positive note…the last podcast helped to reinvigorate me. Sometimes, I will fall into bad habits of no exercise, beer, ice cream, chips and crap food. This kind of stuff helps to reverse course.

            • I’ll grant you that there’s quite a lot of commercials in that show. Too bad they don’t cut it out for the download version.

              Randy does seems to be into these questionnaires, he’s working on one for the legal matters as well. While the latter is more procedural and as Randy puts it closed as people made up these laws, in the health knowledge there are certainly many gaps.

  3. RE: Story #1 By Tsvetana Paraskova – Nov 11, 2022, Friday
    UN Launches Satellite System To Track Methane Emissions

    The United Nations is launching a satellite-based system to detect and track global methane emissions as part of efforts to reduce emissions of methane, which is a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide.

    During the COP27 climate summit in Egypt’s Sharm El Sheikh, the UN Environment Programme announced on Friday it would launch the Methane Alert and Response System (MARS), a data-to-action platform that is expected to allow UNEP to corroborate emissions reported by companies and characterize changes over time. MARS will be implemented with partners including the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the UNEP-hosted Climate and Clean Air Coalition, UNEP said in a statement.

    MARS will be the first publicly available global system and it will use high-tech satellite data to identify major emission events, notify relevant stakeholders, and support and track mitigation progress.

    “Beginning with very large point sources from the energy sector, MARS will integrate data from the rapidly expanding system of methane-detecting satellites to include lower-emitting area sources and more frequent detection,” UNEP said.

    Methane, the second-most abundant anthropogenic greenhouse gas, accounts for around 20 percent of global emissions and is more than 25 times as potent as carbon dioxide (CO2) at trapping heat in the atmosphere, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)….

  4. After reading the SEC judgement, LBRY sounds like it was in the wrong, according to the statutes.

    Furthermore, the CEO Jeremy Kauffman publicly saying this after the case is ridiculous:

    “The most fucked up part of this whole situation is that even after five years of fighting and a court ruling, we still honestly do not know how to legally launch a public blockchain in the US,” LBRY tweeted. “Does anyone?”

    —-> You create a set number, never create more, and give them all out for free. If they develop value, well great, and if you [LBRY] acquire them, you need to have a transactional history.

    You’re right, this doesn’t profit LBRY at all. Having to pay the cost of creating the infrastructure, and then buying them on the open market, but that was exactly the SEC’s point in their ruling it was a security. LBRY had a huge part in the issuing of “LBC” and it performed/behaved just like a security.

    Wanna get high?

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