Interview 1940 – Beware The Ides Of March! (NWNW #585)

by | Mar 21, 2025 | Interviews, Videos | 46 comments

Welcome to the New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:

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Story #1: Israel Restarts Large-Scale Bombing of Gaza, Over 400 Killed

Trump, Putin Agree on ‘Energy and Infrastructure Ceasefire’ In Ukraine

US Launches Another Round of Airstrikes Across Yemen

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Trump Threatens Yemen’s Houthis With ‘Total Annihilation’

Tulsi Gabbard Reverses Her Strong Opposition to ‘Genocidal’ Yemen War

The Case Against Mahmoud Khalil: How the Israel Lobby Fueled a Campus Crackdown

The Curious Case of Mahmoud Khalil

When Dissent Becomes a Crime: The War on Political Speech Begins

Beware the Ides of March – Are Trump and Netanyahu, Acting in Tandem, Committing Political Suicide?

Story #2: Is Trump Set to Impose a New Travel Ban?

REPORT: Far Left NPR Journalist Danielle Kurtzleben Revealed as the Woman Who Hit President Trump in Face with a Boom Mic — Laura Loomer Breaks the Story

Countries Considered for Trump’s Potential New Travel Ban

Trump Travel Ban

Episode 453 – Don’t Worry! The Border Problem Is About to Be Solved!

Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States

American Baseball Season Gets Underway! In Tokyo…

“Having Opening Day in Japan is a slap in the face to baseball fans.”

Story #3: Amazon Forest Felled to Build Road for Climate Summit

Email Signatures Are Harming the Planet, Could Cost People Their Lives – It’s Time to Stop Using Them

Donald Trump ‘Paving Over’ White House Rose Garden

Judge Sanctions Penn Professor Michael Mann for ‘Bad-Faith Trial Misconduct’ In Defamation Suit

SPECIAL EPISODE: Mann’s Infrivolity to Man

Nichecasting – #SolutionsWatch

“Human reactions to rape culture and queer performativity at urban dog parks in Portland, Oregon”

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  1. For James in New Mexico. Try putting crushed dried hot peppers into the Prairie Dog holes. I did that for a Vole invasion in my yard in Colorado and it worked. Darned rodents!

      • I bet a hose pipe taped to a motor cycle or car exhaust and shoved down the burrows entrance would gas the critters pretty good.

        I just looked up how they do ventilation in their burrows and co is ABOUT the same weight as air so it should circulate at about the same rate…. I bet 30 min of exhaust gas woukd clear out a burrow pretty well wiyh minimum mess.

        Better then using bait which can get in the food chain… I have had good luck with plaster of Paris mixed with flour and sugar on rats but I don’t know if wild prairie dogs would eat that and you need to feed for a bit to get them used to the welfare check before you use the kill mix

        • Duck!
          You idiot. I was going to ask where does the killing of life end, but you are such an idiot I’m going to make it easy for you out of respect for CQ. Look at what you wrote and tell me where did the killing of life begin? It begins with you.
          I’m on a killing life indiscriminately rant today. You were just an easy target. Straighten up. There are alternatives to killing, maming wild life. There i feel better. Thanks.

          • lol dude…. 😉 Their giant rats that are going to mess up his well and ruin his house foundation. He has to protect his family doesn’t he???

            If you think cute rats are more important then Mr Pilatos wife and kids home then you have a skewed perspective brought about by not seeing enough real nature “red in tooth and claw”.

            my idea for gassing them LIMITS damage to wild life since the CO will not even linger all that long in the burrow thanks to the vent system…. Better then toxic bait by a long shot.

            Nature is full of killing and dying.

            “…..I’m on a killing life indiscriminately rant tod…..”

            Are you by chance a vegan?

            You may want to get some supliments of B vitamins before you go crazy if so.

            If you’re NOT a vegan then are you ok with the screams of piggies in the abattoir just because you don’t have to hear them as you fry that bacon? pigs are as smart as dogs BTW.

            If you do eat meat then you know the answer to your question- the killing starts when you want to eat it and goes on thru when it’s a pest…. It goes on until we are full or the vermin is gone.

            Thus it has been since the fall and shall continue to be until the end.

            I really think that not understanding that simple truth is why so many people think like prey.

            “….There i feel better. Thank….”

            Your welcome 🙂

            • Duck,
              Strongly disagree with the end. That is not a truth. It’s an excuse.
              Do you take your neighbors food and indeterminately kill him if he objects? You are a thief taking life. A foul creature destroying life indiscriminately . With your proposal of tooth and claw do you not kill him cause he has a foundation, a wife, a well? Destroying the fabric of life has consequences. We live in a bubble in a vacuum. Have we gone crazy by consulting the wolf, the bird the snake in our living. Use your head for something other than a hat rack.
              Re-read what I wrote. There are alternatives and killing the fabric of life around you is crazy . Crazy is enjoyment in killing, killer. You make the decisions you live with the consequences and the outcomes. You, me, all of us will come to know the truth someday. Are the people in Gaza no better than prairie dogs. It’s the killing, indiscriminate killing, I’m apposed to. Like a hose down a hole, kill baby, kill everything living and to hell with everything downstream . Is that your position? Or will you tighten that up a bit and kill with discretion? Killing is the point . It’s a dead end Duck. ☠️

              • “…Have we gone crazy by consulting the wolf, the bird the snake in our living…”

                At a guess, if you chat with animals YES you have gone crazy.

                2nd if you think HUMANS (in Gaza) are equally as important as Prarie Dogs you have also gone crazy

                3rd are you tell me that you will let RATS run around your house because you won’t kill them?? I’d say that is also on the crazy spectrum.

                4th you did not tell me if your a vegan or if you eat meat….like I said PIGS ARE AS SMART AS DOGS

                So next time your eating a nice slice of bacon think of this video of a pig using talk buttons to communicate.


                I’d argue that you just make yourself not think about those animals screaming in the abattoir before they become your sandwich or your shoes or your jacket.

                You kill them but you pay people to do it so you don’t have to see…. Personally I think that’s cowardly and hypocritical.

                5th “….Crazy is enjoyment in killin….”

                I guess your projecting or something because
                I have never enjoyed killing.
                But I am also not so limp wristed that I can’t do it…. The only reason your worthless hide is around is because your ancestors killed the predators that ate them, killed the food that fed the kids, and killed the guys who came to murder your proto-grandpa and take his stuff.

                Seriously you’re getting bent out of shape because I suggest gassing giant rats??? Lololol. Why do you identify with the prey???? Are you a woman BTW? That would explain a lot

              • Oh Duck .
                I”ll speak abstractly. Maybe you will wonder why killing is your go first thought.
                Indiscriminate killing , blind killing. Killing for pleasure. Pull the trigger and have no idea there will be a bullet flying somewhere is what you’re saying is acceptable? Apples and I’m clearly saying oranges.
                You seem to have your killing joy without any ethical or moral dilemmas . Kill first, don’t think about anything but the death of the thing no matter how much collateral damage is unleashed .
                I have a neighbor who kills all snakes. No thinking put towards consequences just first kill, kill kill. Poison, guns, shovels is what you go to. Kill is what I’m talking about not how or with what . Stop the kill everything first idea and think for a minute. Let the snakes kill the dogs. Let the snakes that work with or for the people. Why would you kill the good black snakes. Let them have an egg or two if they kill all the copperheads, or rats . Your first thoughts are to kill. Break that superior thought of being God over nature and you and all your gut bacteria can talk with the good in nature. You got a lot to learn.🦆 Other ways are available with similar outcomes. Killing life is not our true nature. Greed is not our true nature.

              • It’s NOT indescriminate killing- it’s very specific and should disperse so snakes and other critters won’t die when they go down into the tunnels.

                Prairie dogs breed faster than bunnies….if he traps everyone except a pregnant female the problem will be back in a year.

                You did not tell me if your a vegan or if you are OK with eating animals as long as you don’t have to see them die or if you refuse to set rat traps


                Duck, this is closer to what I’m trying to communicate with you.
                I eat plant base whole foods , meat and fat are poison but I indulge on rare occasions.

                Camille reads Jewish Eugenics by John Glad. It has more to do with what I’m communicating then the talking pig video. Ethics, morality and spirituality are missing when the first proposal is to , maybe I’m wrong but you gleefully suggest running a hose from a tailpipe down a hole to gas the critters pretty good . What else would be killed in this way of killing or is it just inconsequential?
                Thats where Camille comes in. It’s not nice to fool Gods creation..karma,payback,wrath by the only thing in the universe who owns wrath can use it or indulge in it. You ever talk to a dog? Is that crazy? Why not a wolf or bird or snake? You have contradictions.

              • “… What else would be killed in this way of killing or is it just inconsequential?…”

                What else lives in Prarie dog burrows?

                And YES it’s inconsequential…vermin are vermin…..however cute they look their just big rats damaging a human property.

              • Duck ,

                You are not going to be able to sell the idea of wrongful life but to a handful of misfits bent on destroying and wholesale killing of the fabric of life or forcing the balance of nature by killing wrongful life. That’s idiotic. No such thing as wrongful life. Life’s to fragile.
                Did you get the relevance of Jewish Eugenics and wrongful life? As I stated killing is immoral and I don’t think Pilato would kill if there were a dozen ways of moving them out peacefully. Let the snakes do the job. Bribe the wildlife with food and move them across the highway into the vacant area. Get a badass cat. Squirt bobcat piss all around . You don’t have to kill. Here’s the point, the dessert looks vacant but it’s full of life . You don’t decide who’s vermin and who’s not. What in God’s name makes you what to kill nature so much? Hate, greed, sadistic psychopathy, fear, insecurity, megalomania? What? Change or you will be labeled an abomination and a vermin. See what a dead end it is to kill indiscriminately?. Do you kick your chickens for fun? Would you burn down the forest upon finding a tick? Think, you can be a gorilla and not have to kill everything into submission. You need another beer? Otherwise I’m off to talk to that trespassing mouse in the pantry. He’s got to go and he knows it.

              • Duck.
                Let’s turn this into a survey. Who’s for killing, who’s for the hard path of convincing?

                Nobody is going to touch this.

              • “….Let’s turn this into a survey….”

                You may if you wish….but plenty of people voted for plenty big things that were stupid.

                You don’t think I actually care what other think do you? People who think peer pressure matters are the kind who end up living in cities where the homeless druggies poop everywhere because “it’s mean to stop them”.

            • Duck,
              You are a regular Diogenes. Creative in your disdain of life. I better understand now your killing first mentality.
              I’m saying that’s brilliant. Wrong but possibly brilliant..relating to killing, a non violent, violent way. Just shit yourself, like Diogenes did, like the Chimps at the zoo did in The Tulsa Zoo. Grab handfuls and fling it on the crowds of voyeurs. They ran as though there were being shot at.. .Maybe that’s the response that’s needed to reply to the Germans and the IDF, Story#1 dateline 7, 8, 9. .Case Against Mahmoud Khalil…. Maybe it’s Cor’Betts science of language. Writers are notorious for social experiments. You are free to not give a flinging shit and I defend you in doing so . We won’t get a survey, folks are worn out by thinking of killing or convincing.
              Freedom of speech is sacred, and you use it like Diogenes.

              Did you ever listen to Glad? The Zionists felt much the same way against the Russian Jews. Seems the Zionist practiced Eugenics more than the Germans. And the Russians flung cha-cha like the crazed Chimps at the zoo.

              • “….You are a regular Diogenes….”

                I am indeed quite cynical…. 😉

                lol dude turd throwing chimps? I get that you’re all soft and nice and don’t like killing stuff- I just don’t feel the same way.

                No need to get upset, I am sure that one day you will convert ALMOST everyone to your POV (where upon those who don’t mind will kill the pacifists and inherit the earth) 😉 lol lol

                Mr Pilato is free to choose his own ways to remove pests, as are you, as am I.

                Gas sounds like a quick and effective way to do the job. I am not MAKING anyone do it…my Einzaztgruppen are NOT heading for his place to deliver a final solution to the Rodent Problem 😉

                Trapping sounds like it’s a partial solution that will fail (high reproductive rate).

                Spraying repellent may or may not work but is moderately effective.

                But in general smile. Be happy. You won’t make yourself happy imagining me shirtless and laughing as I bathe myself in the blood of Innocent rodents.

                Now I must rub my belly so it fills up… extra points if you get the reference:)

    • Thomas Sheridan, our very good friend and one time JEP guest, has been using a term for when the man is taking the peepee – he says “they’re burlesquing us” – it’s our favourite term for it.

      Thank you for the gift of sanity from Sligo.

  2. Lot of interesting opinions and info here:
    About Trump’s relationship with Zionists and Sabatian Frankists, etc.
    Not sure of its validity but definitely not holding back on vet-able stuff.
    Henry is a Jew who hates the the Z’s and Israelis in general for their evil ways.

    “We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”
    (“Jewish” Banker Paul Warburg, 2/17/50 as he testified before the U.S. Senate)
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    “I know who caused the war (World War I) – the Jewish bankers! I have the evidence here. Facts!”
    – Henry Ford
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    “Our goal is to gradually absorb the wealth of the world.”
    – Cecil Rhodes, a Freemason.
    – – – – – – – – – – – – –
    IT’S ALL THERE (song)

    • ejdoyle,

      There should be no question that the Zionists are evil and Trump is in bed with them, however I don’t think I buy the Manson connections.

      Anyway, from my point of view, Zionism = Insanity. These People (and I use the word loosely) are working to create Armageddon so that they can raise from the ashes and control the world. Indeed, they are out to destroy the world and the rest of us who are in it. The only reason they are allowed to exist is because they are able to sell lies and deception to Smart Phone Zombies. At what point does it become self-defense to take aggressive action against them?

  3. I think that Zionist control of communications here in the States has reached an all time high. The Michigan Libertarian Party is being run into the ground by Smart Phone Manipulated Morons that don’t even seem to know that they are being manipulated, much less who they are being manipulated by. One of the LP Congressional Candidates (the one that got the highest percentage of the vote and did zero campaigning on her own) was re-personed by unknowns that reportedly spent $250k running Internet Adds without her knowing it. Also, I talked to a member who was showing me the bruises on his wrist where he was hand-cuffed and taken to jail after posting something on Facebook about October 7th that the Zionists didn’t like. He was quick to tell me that he had nothing against Israel at which time I was asked to leave by the Michigan LP Secretary.
    Yep, Manipulated Morons have taken control of the Michigan Libertarian Party and they don’t even seem to know that they are being manipulated. Smart Phone Zombies are everywhere.

    I wonder how many of these Climate Change idiots have sold their soul to the Devil, or are they just being manipulated like German solders under Hitler. Nut-head-yahoo could be worse than Hitler.

    • “….Nut-head-yahoo could be worse than Hitler….”

      Not that I am a Hitler fan but if you realize that he is VERY much worse then Hitler since at least Hitler has a long term upside of not letting Bolsheviks take over ALL of Europe like they planned. (See Ice breaker by Victor Suruov)

      The Palestinian thing just has downsides all around.

    • From the page
      “……Christian Zionism, fueled by the Scofield Bible and televangelist propaganda, ….”

      THIS is the real issue.

      It’s pretty unimportant to if it if not Christians should support Israel of today where isralites lived in Bible times….. the fact is that the Bible flat out calls Jews enemies of all mankind because they did not accept the messiah when He came.

      The Schofield Bible was funded by Jews to fool ignorant Americans into thinking Jews of today (who follow a religion created after the destruction of the Temple by Babylonian rabi’s) have anything to do with the Jews of Bible times.

      Stone choir did a while lecture on the subject for those that can sit thru it

  4. Very illuminating stuff guys, thanks for the updates on the mess in the states..

    Here in Ontario our local politicians are screaming at everyone telling them not to go to the states and telling us that the US is full of fascists (while those same politicians were 100% down with fascist scamdemic measures and mandates) divide and conquer psyops abound..

    I just heard from some friends in Brazil that I had sent seeds to help with their community garden (that are trying to live in harmony with the rain forest) and the government is tryna force them out in the name of “progress” (they are citing “environmental reasons” as well, but its a power grab by apathetic profiteers).

    So this is me offering a prayer for the rainforest as well as her reverent inhabitants and protectors in Brazil.

    May the ancient rooted beings that serve as the lungs of our planet receive ten thousand protecting angels to be an instrument of God’s will, mitigating the damage where possible and guiding the beings that are able to survive to safety. May those two legged beings that dwell in the rainforests reverently also be protected and guided to find safe harbor and their sanctuary be maintained if it is the will of Creator.

    So it is, and so it shall be.

  5. JEP, man you hit the head on the nail with the thing about how statist regimes and fascistic compliance/capitulation psyops (like the scamdemic) are a means to get people invested to the point where they feel like they can no longer turn back to integrity, honesty and transparent accountability anymore.

    They find ways to get that blood on your hands and then ask you “what is a little bit more blood? Your hands are already dripping. We’ll make it worth your while and you`ll be on the winning team”

    It is like the mob getting people to do a little favor for them and then holding it over the person to keep them in the fold.

    Very effective, and especially so with the scamdemic and those wonderful mystery genetic slurry (yes slurry not flurry) injections they got people to line up to receive from strangers in reassuring costumes.

    For people to “come clean” (as Catherine Austin Fitts says ) after they have not only engaged in fascistic mob mentality and hating on family, neighbors and strangers for not getting the mystery clot shots (often publicly) but also given the fact they would have to acknowledge that they rolled the dice with their own health and lives… that takes a lot of courage.

    I know a few that have taken that leap, I admire them for it despite their previous nasty behavior and poor choices, but they are a tiny minority in my circles. Most just wanna pretend their fascistic behavior never happened, play it down, play down the myocarditis in kids as “rare” and avoid talking about it (requiring a look in the mirror). There is also a tiny minority of die hard covidian cultists that are still face diaper wearing and taking their 11th booster or what ever and talking smack about the “anti-vaxxers”, but most just avoid it. So ya James, you called it man, that is a potent psyop indeed, the most potent kind of blackmail.

    I dunno what catch phrase to describe it as sussinctly, but it deserves to go in the hall of fame with your other astute and apt saying “They steal the real and sell you the fake”.

      • @Lulu

        Thanks, I think JC’s “in for a penny in for a pound” is very apt as well (and that phrase appears to have been around since the late 1600s).

        I also think we need to create a more specific and succinct phrase or description for this modernized weaponization of the “in for a penny in for a pound” psychological trend.

        There are several variables that exist today that have not until relatively recently in human history that need to be fleshed out and illuminated in the context of this psyop method in the context of modernity. Variables in both state propaganda systems and technology which allow for the nudging of people to become stuck in that feedback loop of being both indoctrinated to feel loyalty towards and also implicated in the nefarious actions carried out by institutions, so they get stuck in a sort of multi-generational Stockholm syndrome. In modern times (with an increasingly literate population that likes to think of themselves as “civilized” and “advanced”) the means for constructing narratives that induct people into these mind traps are increasingly complex.

        As James has highlighted in much of his work about “sustainable development” and “green” government/NGO rhetoric, a large component of this psyop aims to use greenwashing to pacify, induct and render compliant the demographics that are inclined to care about the integrity of the biosphere. Though, at the same time, those same mind trap architects draw up schematics for different specialized mind snare traps that target the demographics on the other side of the spectrum (whom are ecologically illiterate and/or more inclined to apathy and exploitative views towards the non-human natural world).

        With the advent of mass digital surveillance, Datamining, AI algorithms and social engineering as well as behavior modification technologies (masquerading as impartial “search engines” or social media, such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, TicTok etc) custom tailored mind traps can be engineered for each demographic to target them separately within the digital echo chambers they spend many hours of their day on smart phones. The algorithms are now becoming so sophisticated that I would argue that echo chambers designed and specialized for hijacking the emotions of, infantilizing and programming individuals is now also possible.

        Not sure what to call it exactly, but i’ll be writing an essay on it this year for sure.

        It involves first the fabrication of superficial sociocultural identities (“forged sociocultural identities” if you will) and then the process of inserting that sociocultural identity construct into the mind and conditioning people to relate to it positivity with emotions.

        As John Taylor Gatto explored in his book “Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling” the advent of modern state mandated (or strongly encouraged) public education systems plays a significant role in inculcating people into the statist forged sociocultural identity.

      • @Lulu

        Lastly, i`ll leave a few links to some threads on my Substack page where we can observe the striking results of people internalizing the forged superficial sociocultural identities related to religious affiliation/institutions.

        Here is one guy below that after reading my post asking why the Vatican (Roman Catholic church) is encouraging people to idolize a man that was documented to be involved in human trafficking men, women and children he asserted:

        “Since you are obviously a left-winger one must assume you may be lying.. .. You lust to find crimes of your political enemies, meanwhile your gang murdered 100 million last century.”

        The immediate knee jerk reaction of the man to try and identify what political (and perhaps what organized religion) “team” I am on, assign me one, and then engage in “my team is less evil than your team” narratives exemplifies how powerful the psyop technique I describe in the comments above can be in hijacking people’s minds and rendering them as nothing more than remote controlled divided and mentally conquered obedient tax chattel/consumers (or “NPCs” if you want to use the popular vernacular of the kids).

        As I explored in my recent article on Saint Patrick, the vestiges of the elite class in the crumbling Roman empire were responsible for drafting the original blueprint and beginning to construct the particular “forged sociocultural identity” that the man who goes by the screen name “RECrowley” (linked above) has been indoctrinated to internalize and define himself as.

        What I find particularly telling about that interaction, is how through his being trained to identify himself as part of a “gang” (his word not mine) that swears fealty to supporting the actions and declarations of a hyper-centralized (globally distributed) institution (which he perceives to be divinely ordained) he is, essentially, already under the rule of a sort of dogmatic global governance system.

        Unwilling or unable to question the past, present or potential future actions of the institution he has been raised to idolize, respect and place above reproach.. in a state of perpetual servitude to support the edicts of those humans at the top of that institution, always seeking to identify the perceived “enemies” of that institution and engage in adversarial interactions with them.. always averting his eyes from the atrocities engaged in by members of that institution he swears fealty to while desperately looking for worse atrocities engaged in by people outside that institution (in a futile effort to see his overlords as “the lesser of two evils” by comparison).

        It is very powerful mind control indeed, and the same dynamics I describe above about weaponized religious sociocultural identities are also wielded with deadly precision atheist statist propagandists.

      • @Lulu

        Here in the comment section of this post linked below you will find several even more extreme examples of the ethical and psychological costs of how “in for a penny in for a pound” can impact individuals with regards to weaponized, forged and superficial sociocultural identities related to religious affiliation/institutions.

        While there are many I could provide as examples, there are three individuals in that comment section whom appear to be deeply enthralled, entranced and psychologically hijacked by the same psyop dynamics I described in relation to “RECrowley” above.

        1. “Frank bruno”

        2. “Steve Cunningham”

        3. “Judson Carroll”

        Steve Cunningham in particular, offers a vivid glimpse into how the unquestioning dogmatic group think dynamic is weaponized through his statements like:

        “You bring up us killing children. I’m sure you are talking about the Canadian thing that was a hoax.. ..why don’t you seek truth and truthfully admit that Canadian story is factually a hoax.”

        When he refers to the “Canadian thing” he is dismissing as a hoax, he is talking about how the Canadian government (RCMP) worked in concert with certain religious institutions and their clergy (priests and nuns) to create the “Residential Schools” (the situation where tens of thousands of indigenous children were kidnapped from their families by government law enforcement agents and then incarcerated in concertation camps, euphemistically called “schools”, where the goal was ostensibly forced cultural assimilation, but the results were thousands of children were starved, tortured, raped, murdered and buried in mass unmarked graves).

        In the case of the Canadian concentration camps for indigenous kids, individuals (clergy) from the Roman Catholic Oblates Order of Mary Immaculate and the Church Missionary Society of the Anglican Church, aka the Church of England were involved in the torture and murder side of the equation.

        The fact that this Steve fellow would overtly declare it is all a hoax (effectively giving all those individuals working for the government and describing themselves as subscribing to said religious institutions a free pass for those actions in his mind) despite the overwhelming evidence of children’s bones, tens of thousands of survivors telling their stories nation wide and the despite the fact that people at the top of the religious institution he subscribes to have come out and apologized (stating plainly that genocide took place in those “schools”) is a testament to how powerful and dangerous the mind warping capabilities of this psyop method can be.

        Head shrinkers might describe this in the context of “cognitive distortions”. These “distortions” (inculcated into the minds of millions) are like holographic prisons for their minds. They become self-imposed Matrices, where prisoners defend their captors and attack those who would help liberate them.

      • @Lulu

        Another important factor worth highlighting with Steve Cunningham and his statement above is his use of the term “us”.

        He states “You bring up us killing children.” as though I had accused every single person on the planet that identifies as Catholic as being children murderers. I obviously did nothing of the sort, but the fact he speaks in that way (almost like a “Borg” drone would speak on the Startrek series) as a sort of collective hive where there is no individual free will, responsibility or culpability, only the all encompassing “us”, is very telling.

        In his speaking in that unified group-think (zero free will) fashion, he denies his own agency and the agency of every other human that describes themselves as Catholic. Binding the entire group as a single entity in his mind, and either judging it as wholly “good” or “bad”. Like a democrat looking at his fellow political party members as a unified example of all that is good and true or someone on the other side of the artificially constructed left/right superficial sociopolitical identity in the same way.

        These people relinquish their God given capacity to use discernment to assess the merit and ethics of each individual and each action one it’s own, instead attempting to fit anyone they come across in their life into some artificially constructed sociocultural identity that fits into their distorted and polarized view of the world in big generalized “good” and “bad” groups.

      • @Lulu

        Then that Judson fellow, I listed above is especially interesting to look at.

        He describes himself as a master herbalist. I have read one of his books and much of this ethnobotanical information pertaining to herbs native to “North America” is directly derived from TEK (indigenous medicinal knowledge). As you will see if you read his comments he feels entitled to steal ancient herbal medicinal knowledge from indigenous wisdom keepers (while also calling them savages and saying they should either convert to being Catholic or just fade away and disappear as the “vague remnants of paganism”).

        I referred to this guy as “the Hernán Cortés of Herbalism”, as, in a similar way to the Conquistadors, he appears to be someone that wants to exploit the treasures of indigenous cultures (in this case herbal knowledge of medicine plants, which he plunders and extracts to then put in his books) as opposed to the Gold that Hernán Cortés and his buddies were after.

        He wants to stripmine indigenous cultures of herbal knowledge like Elon Musk wants to stripmine the forests and mountains in the US for lithium, indifferent to the ecosystems they extract from, thinking themselves above and better than that which they seek to exploit.

        Judson, like Hernán Cortés, wants to take treasures from indigenous people, claim them as his own, while looking down on those cultures in contempt.

        I actually took a permaculture class with that guy, and he was equally as exploitative and entitled in the group discussion in that class. Several people told him that his generalizing statements about specific races, cultures and religions were irrational and bigoted in the class, but unlike on substack where he spouted off a bunch of nonsense and then blocked me so I cannot respond, in the class he could not censor people, so he instead just ran away and stayed out of group discussions.

        It is worth highlighting that the implanted sociopolitical identity (“in for a penny in for a pound”) psyop is two fold in people like Judson, as he is both a proud statist and feels he subscribes to “the one true religion”. This adds a sort of synergistic re-enforcement to his cognitive distortions, exceptionalism disorders and superiority complex where I would say there is a 99.98% chance he would never concede that the institutions he places above reproach have ever done anything wrong or are doing anything wrong now.

        Such is the power of these advanced psyops.

        Okay i`ll stop there as I think I have already written most of that essay I said I was gonna write some time this year above!


  6. I’m so glad we successfully fought off the possibility of brain chips and biometric technocracy so we could have the possibility of brain chips and biometric technocracy.

    • Mkey, glade this caught your attention. You will be asked to explain what you mean if it s not to much to ask

      I thought of you and how the anti corruption mass protests in Greece and Serbia are being reported on in your, as you have said, failed state?

      • These events are not very well covered, but I also don’t watch da news. I take an occasional whiff of the so called news portals. I also follow a few local channels that bring people da news, a sort of amateur NWNW.

        I still remember all the colored revolution stuff from not that long ago, and this thing in Serbia seems to be at least an order of degree larger in magnitude. If that is indeed the case, it would seem to indicate that people have had enough. The question is, however, do they know what they had enough of?

  7. American Baseball Season Gets Underway! In Tokyo… (Tuesday March 18)

    Some astounding stats…
    Tokyo Dome, a 55,000-seat indoor stadium — Because Japan has basically adopted the Dodgers as its team, tickets for the Tokyo Series sold out fast, with many of the seats costing more than what some fans paid for flights from Los Angeles.

    For those who don’ know…
    Shohei Ohtani signed a record 10-year, $700 million contract with the Dodgers in 2023 and is the reigning National League (MVP) “Most Valuable Player.”
    (e.g. “the first player to hit 50 or more homers and steal 50 or more bases in a single season in Major League history…”)

    Just days before Trump was selected on Tuesday November 5, 2024…

    The 120th Major League Baseball World Series concluded on Wednesday Oct. 30, 2024.
    The Los Angeles Dodgers beat the New York Yankees 7-6 in Game 5 on Wednesday to win the World Series four games to one.
    Rowdy crowds took to the streets in Los Angeles after the Dodgers won the World Series, setting a city bus on fire, breaking into stores and….

    During that Presidential selection week’s NWNW #571…
    James Evan Pilato asks Corbett,
    “James, the other thing I was going to ask you before I initially threw it back to you was, did our election get more coverage than Shohei Ohtani winning the World Series recently?”

    BACKSTORY (with cool tidbits)
    Shohei Ohtani and his “hot” dog Decoy

  8. The number of in-person attendees at recent Climate Copouts has grown rapidly – COP25 2019 in Madrid 26,000, COP26 2021 in Glasgow (after the Scamdemic break) 38,000, to a peak of almost 100,000 in Dubai in 2023 (better weather or superior “entertainment”?). According to my trusty assistant: “These numbers highlight the increasing global engagement in climate discussions.” or, my translation: “These numbers highlight the increasing business opportunities afforded by the climate scam.” It’s lucky that the COP30 Brazilian gig is only expecting 50,000 otherwise they would have to demolish even more rainforest. Note that the organisers of COP30 and the Brazilian authorities have now denied that there is any direct connection between the conference and the building of the new highway saying that the BBC article misrepresents the facts or some such. What an amazing coincidence that a new highway pops up just in time for the conference then. So why can’t they run the Copout as a completely virtual event? Imagine how many gazillions of tonnes of plant food that would save! My trusty assistant again: Networking and collaboration blah blah, negotiation dynamics blah blah, logistical difficulties blah blah and: “Symbolism and Momentum: Physical gatherings emphasize the gravity of climate issues. They can inspire activism, media coverage, and public engagement on a global scale in ways virtual formats sometimes struggle to achieve.” So they have to be seen to be buzzing about together to make it look as though it’s something important. Shame then that the vast majority of the population aren’t interested any more. How many more Copouts before they finally, er, cop out?

  9. I did not know if you were aware of this. Using Presearch search engine, typing often shows no link. If I type will get the website. I love your book. I suggest that you make a link just to respond to the Reportage. I was wowed by the first chapter. Even though I am a little older than you, I went through the same mental process of realizing we are ants on a string. Thank You.

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