I, Sandwich

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Interview 1694 – Declare Your Independence from Mass Formation Psychosis

Interview 1694 – Declare Your Independence from Mass Formation Psychosis

James joins Ernest Hancock for his regular weekly appearance on the Declare Your Independence radio show. This week James and Ernie discuss the growth of anarchism, the Canadian trucker convoy, the DOJO chip and Musk’s FSD takeover, the mass formation “psychosis” phenomenon and the destruction of our cultural heroes, the Pentagon’s missing trillions and the steps toward a coming great power war.

Jacob Hornberger on Our Crisis-Filled Lives (video)

Jacob Hornberger of The Future of Freedom Foundation joins us to discuss his recent article on “Crisis-Filled Lives.” In this conversation, Hornberger notes the various crises that have come to define our precarious existence in the maws of the welfare-warfare state and what we can do to reverse the Crisis and Leviathan effect.

Acceptance of and Commitment To Freedom – #SolutionsWatch (video)

Iain Davis of In-This-Together joins us once again, this time to discuss his latest article, “Acceptance of and Commitment to Freedom.” In this conversation, James and Iain move from an examination of the feelings of hope and despair that have been instilled in the population by the would-be social engineers to a conversation about how we can use behavioural psychology to reassert our power and regain our sovereignty.

Acceptance of and Commitment To Freedom – #SolutionsWatch

Acceptance of and Commitment To Freedom – #SolutionsWatch

Iain Davis of In-This-Together joins us once again, this time to discuss his latest article, “Acceptance of and Commitment to Freedom.” In this conversation, James and Iain move from an examination of the feelings of hope and despair that have been instilled in the population by the would-be social engineers to a conversation about how we can use behavioural psychology to reassert our power and regain our sovereignty.


Longest Bull Run in History!!! What Could Go Wrong???

Let's party like it's 1999! No, better yet, let's party like it's 2018! What? Haven't you heard the news? The US stock market bull run of 2009-2018 has just surpassed the dotcom bubble era (1990-2000) to become the longest bull market in American history. It was March...

The Secret Battle for Africa

In October 2017 United States African Command confirmed that three Green Berets had been killed and two more had been wounded when their patrol was ambushed in Niger. Reaction to this news from the non-Corbett Report audience was: "What? There's a United States...

Square One: US Negotiating Peace With Taliban

It's not often that you see an MSM headline that tells an entire story, complete with a plot and sub-plot, but when you do it's usually in a tabloid. Such is the case with this whopper from The Daily Fail: America is talking to the Taliban in a bid to end 17 years of...

The Case Against Kissinger

Heinz Alfred "Henry" Kissinger may not be the devil himself, but he sure acts like his emissary. Seemingly everywhere there is death, destruction, carnage, criminality and cover up, you can bet old man Kissinger won't be far behind. Which is why the Nobel Institute's...

Next EU Domino Falls as Italy Rejects Renzi

by James Corbett TheInternationalForecaster.com December 6, 2016 The scene is becoming familiar, even if the actors change from stage to stage: A political establishment is overturned by a wave of populist anger. Markets panic and a sell-off looks imminent. And...

Why Economists Are Always Wrong

Quick. When I say the word "economist," what comes to mind? Fearless truth-teller? Sage wise man? Someone whose deep understanding of the complex web of billions upon billions of daily interactions in the sphere of human activity enables them to predict the outcome of...