October Open Thread

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New World Next Year 2022 (video)

This week on the New World Next Year: It’s that time of year when James and James suit up for the year end. This year, as usual, they each pick a story of the year, predict a trend for next year, and take a moment to reflect on the meaning of it all. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, everybody!

Interview 1681 – James Corbett Redpills Lions of Liberty

Interview 1681 – James Corbett Redpills Lions of Liberty

In this edition of the redpill series, James joins Marc Clair of the Lions of Liberty podcast for a journey down the rabbit hole. Join us for a lively discussion on how James views the unfolding of the COVID regime and why he was able to so accurately call where this was going as far back as February 2020. James unpacks just who the players are that benefit from the encroaching medical tyranny, why public faces like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwaub are nothing more than the Public Relations arm of The Great Reset, the removal of his very large YouTube channel, and so much more!


Japan’s Stealth Army

Last month, while everyone was distracted by other events, the Japanese government did something rather remarkable: They activated a marine unit. Specifically, the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force activated a 1,500-man unit known as the Amphibious Rapid Deployment...

Holiday Open Thread

As you may or may not know, I'm on vacation. But as you also may or may not know, the world has not stopped turning. So what burning issues are on your mind? What do I need to take a look at when I get back from my holiday? Corbett Report members are encouraged to log...

All Your Data Are Belong to Them

It's shocking, shocking, I tell you! Apparently, and I'm just learning this from some breaking news headlines so bear with me, but apparently Facebook has not been on the up and up when it comes to protecting its users' privacy. Incredible, I know. I mean, these are...

Only 9/11 Truth Can Smash The 9/11 Lies

by James Corbett corbettreport.com September 11, 2016 15 years. 15 long years, unfolding with the inevitability of a horror film. The PATRIOT Act. The Department of Homeland Security. The NSA panopticon. The militarization of Police State USA. The occupation of...

Taxation is Theft: EU Edition

by James Corbett TheInternationalForecaster.com August 30, 2016 Word to the wise: When you play a rigged game in a mobster-run casino, don't expect to walk away with all your winnings. But you already knew that, didn't you? Regardless of whether he knew it or not,...

Weekend Open Thread – 08/28/2016

Corbett Report members VoiceOfArabi and archives2001 and bob_fergus recently raised the idea of a weekly or monthly thread for directed conversation on a specific topic. In the interest of keeping the discussion as open as possible, let's try a weekend open thread....

How Monsanto Silences Dissent (Update!)

Monsanto is one of the most hated companies on the planet. ...Unless you ask FORTUNE Magazine, that is. In that case, it's apparently one of the world's most admired companies. But if you actually ask real human beings then it ranks right behind BP and Bank of America...