The Strange Story of Peter Thiel – Part Two: Buying Politicians is Easy

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Interview 1871 – Burn, Hollywood, Burn! with Irina Slav

Today energy market analyst and fiction writer Irina Slav joins us to discuss her recent article, "Burn, Hollywood, Burn!" We discuss the shady, well-funded groups that are working to insert climate propaganda into more and more Hollywood programming and how the...

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Interview 1681 – James Corbett Redpills Lions of Liberty

Interview 1681 – James Corbett Redpills Lions of Liberty

In this edition of the redpill series, James joins Marc Clair of the Lions of Liberty podcast for a journey down the rabbit hole. Join us for a lively discussion on how James views the unfolding of the COVID regime and why he was able to so accurately call where this was going as far back as February 2020. James unpacks just who the players are that benefit from the encroaching medical tyranny, why public faces like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwaub are nothing more than the Public Relations arm of The Great Reset, the removal of his very large YouTube channel, and so much more!

James and Ernie Launch Freedom’s Phoenix Newspaper

via James appears for his regular weekly appearance on Declare Your Independence with Ernest Hancock. This week James and Ernie launch the new Freedom’s Phoenix newspaper and talk about the significance of the printed word.


Defusing China’s “Nuclear Option” Myth

Tariffs, counter-tariffs and headlines about trade wars are flowing like wine as the long-anticipated Trump campaign against China is finally shaping up. Given that futures are tumbling, the US trade deficit has just hit a decade low, and, oh yeah, we haven't seen...

Meet Xi Jinping, President For Life

As you might have heard by now, Chinese President Xi Jinping has just appointed himself God Emperor For Life. Or, in Chinese Communist Party-ese: "The term of office of the State Council is the same as that of the National People’s Congress." For those keeping track...

It Is Later Than You Think…

I imagine we have all daydreamed of an intrepid archaeologist of some future generation uncovering the relics and debris of our own civilization, puzzling over the function of a lifeless iPad or broken TV. Or, more likely, a mysteriously un-degraded McDonald's...

Dear Government, Deliver Us From Freedom

by James Corbett August 10, 2016 Freedom. Terrible, terrible freedom. It's almost like people are naturally inclined to seek it out. And if you're not careful, it can pop up anywhere. Take this "Peer-to-peer economy" that the plebs are...

Relax, Everyone! Al Qaeda Are the Good Guys Again

CNN aired a 3 minute segment earlier this week that can only be described as jaw-dropping. Watch it for yourself. Go on, watch it. It's almost too unbelievable to take in what you're watching. CNN is giving air time to an Al Qaeda spokesman to talk about how they've...

The Crisis of Science (is worse than you think)

You may have heard of "the crisis of science" recently. The idea that there is something massively wrong with the way science is being conducted these days is not a fringe anti-science idea anymore. It's being discussed in lamestream milquetoast publications like The...